Ammonium sulfate plus barium chloride. Level of reactions: Ammonium chloride solution with silver nitrate solution (in molecular and ionic forms). How to eliminate the interfering influence of a large number of chloride ions when determining ammonium ion in water

How to eliminate the interfering influence of a large number of chloride ions when determining ammonium ion in water?

Silver nitrate?

Ammonium chloride Sodium chloride 0.9% Latin name Sodium chloride 0.9% Pharmacological groups Excipients, reagents and intermediates. ... Silver nitrate Silver nitrate - . Klerimed Klerimed.

What does TRILON have to do with chloride ions?

Ammonium salts can be detected using: sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, barium chloride, silver nitrate?

Barium chloride

Write molecular equations for reactions. 5. Which of the following substances will copper chloride II silver nitrate, sodium chloride, iron, phosphoric acid, potassium hydroxide react with?

Using sodium hydroxide, because ammonia is released - a gas with a pungent odor.

Ammonium sulfate and barium chloride, ammonium chloride and silver nitrate in molec and ionic forms need to be written please help


Of all the oxidizing solutions considered, the solution of silver nitrate and copper nitrate turned out to be universal. ... Recipe 2 light brown color. - Sodium chloride 100 - Ammonium nitrate 100 - Copper nitrate 10.

Molecular total ionic abbreviated ionic equations for the reaction between barium nitrate and ammonium sulfate

Help me write the chemical name of THESE SALTS and what class they belong to

Unless I forgot chemistry (not sure about classes)
1- sodium bicarbonate (acid salt)
2- sodium carbonate (medium)
3- calcium carbonate (medium)
4- potassium carbonate (medium)
5- I don’t know what to call it, but the class is like double salts
6- mercuric chloride (medium)
7- no idea at all
8- ammonium nitrate,
9-silver nitrate
10 - I don’t know either

Using a titrated solution of silver nitrate, the titer of ammonium thiocyanate is determined in the following way. ... The principle of Mohr's method is based on the precipitation of chlorides with silver nitrate in the presence of potassium chromate K2Cl4.

5) Dolomite carbonate class (medium)
10) Potassium alum. I don't know the class.

What reagent is used to determine ammonium ion? Potassium sulfate, or silver nitrate, or potassium hydroxide, or barium chloride?

Silver nitrate.
As a result of the reaction, a dark precipitate of silver nitrate should form

What gases can be obtained by having at your disposal the following substances: sodium chloride, sulfuric acid, ammonium nitrate, water, ammonium nitrite, hydrochloric acid, potassium permanganate, sodium hydroxide, aluminum carbite...

Compose the equation for ion exchange reactions of ammonium chloride with silver nitrate and potassium hydroxide. Write the ionic equations.

NH4Cl + AgNO3 = NH4NO3 + AgCl
NH4+ + Cl- + Ag+ + NO3- = NH4+ + NO3- + AgCl
Cl- + Ag+ = AgCl

Since ammonium nitrate contains chloride ions, when interacting with the added solution of silver nitrate, a white precipitate will form, similar in appearance to a soap solution, that is, a precipitate of silver chloride will form.

How to get NH4NO3 from NH4Cl

Ammonium nitrate Iron nitrate Sodium nitrate Silver nitrate Sodium nitrite Hydrogen peroxide Calcium permanganate Mercury p.31. Aluminum hydroxide bromide sulfide chloride Ammonia gaseous liquid solution Ammonium nitrate oxalate...

How to prove using a reaction that ammonium chloride contains NH4+ and Cl- ions?

You can add water and you get hydrochloric acid and ammonia / there will be a pungent smell /.

Standardization of ammonium thiocyanate solution with silver nitrate. ... Chlorides, bromides, iodides are detected using a solution of silver nitrate as a reagent, and silver ion is detected by reaction with chlorides.

What mass of silver chloride will be obtained by reacting 10.7 g of ammonium chloride with silver nitrate?

AgNO3 + NH4Cl = AgCl + NH4NO3
53.5 ----143.5
x = 28.7 g
28.7: 143.5 = 0.2 mol

Standard solutions of silver nitrate, prepared from commercial preparations containing a certain amount of impurities, are established using chemically pure sodium chloride. ... 37. Determination of ammonium nitrogen in ammonium salts.

How to distinguish ammonium sulfate ammonium chloride ammonium nitrate

The last one smells =)))

Description. Barium chloride under standard conditions is colorless orthorhombic crystals. ... BO2 2 Barium Nitrate Ba NO3 2 Barium Nitride Ba3N2 Barium Nitrite Ba NO2 2 Barium Oxalate BaC2O4 Barium Oxide BaO Peroxide...

Unified State Examination in chemistry, trivial names of substances.

And to the question where??? look at the Chemical Encyclopedic Dictionary - everything is there

Ammonium chloride ammonium chloride, mouth. technical name - ammonia NH4Cl salt, white crystalline, slightly hygroscopic... This method consists of direct titration of chlorides and bromides with a solution of silver nitrate in the presence of...

Three numbered glasses without labels contain solutions of sodium chloride, ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate...

Mix everything, mix thoroughly, add water. sodium chloride will dissolve, ammonium chloride will float, ammonium nitrate. will precipitate.

A solution of silver nitrate corresponds to 0.009 796 g of ammonium bromide. a solution of silver phosphate, which corresponds to no less than 99% ammonium bromide and no more than 1 p ammonium chloride.

Please take the chemistry test.

1) Magnesium dissolves easily in
3) HCl solution
2) It will interact with each of the substances: H2O, Fe2O3, NaOH
3) With each of the substances whose formulas will interact: NaOH, Mg, CaO
4) copper(II) oxide
4) Iron(III) oxide does not interact with
2) water
5) Reacts with sodium hydroxide solution
1) P2O5
6) Determine the formula of the unknown substance in the reaction scheme: H2SO4 + .> MgSO4 + H2O 3) Mg(OH)2
7) Among the substances: CaCO3, Ba(NO3)2, CuSO4 - reacts with hydrochloric acid (s)
3) only CaCO3
8) It reacts with both calcium hydroxide and silver nitrate
2) ammonium chloride

What is ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate. This is a fertilizer containing 34-35% nitrogen. ... ...pure nitric acid, 1 2 silver nitrate in crystals, and the objects must be covered with etching...

How to clean silver items?

It works well - with tooth powder!

Labels Silver nitrate for cauterization of blood vessels, silver nitrate salt, silver nitrate plus sodium chloride. ... CH3 2CHCH2CH2ONO2 Methyl nitrate CH3ONO2 Actinium III nitrate Ac NO3 3 Aluminum nitrate Al NO3 3 Ammonium nitrate...

Ili voskom.ili zubnoi pastoi


It depends on what. For blackening, you can use toothpaste.

Decorations - the cheapest toothpaste and brush

Brush with tooth powder or plain white toothpaste.

Translation into Russian ammonium chloride. agrovoc. ... iv salts, such as ammonium chloride, potassium chlorate, potassium carbonate, sodium carbonate, perborate, silver nitrate. ... The approach to ammonium nitrate is special due to the fact that...

Before you start cleaning your silver item, you must first wash it in warm, soapy water. Then coat with a mixture of ammonia and chalk. After the mixture has dried, the item must be rinsed very thoroughly with water and wiped with a dry cloth. Very oxidized silver is cleaned with a solution of 1/4 part sodium sulfate and 3/4 parts water. To ensure that silver spoons, forks and knives always shine, after use they should be immediately immersed in boiling water with a small amount of soda. Dark stains from egg yolks can be easily removed with ash. Spoons, knives, forks and other items made of cupronickel and silver can be cleaned with toothpaste and then wiped with a soft cloth.

"Take a bowl, line it with foil (so that not only the bottom, but also the walls are covered), put salt (1 tbsp in a small bowl), silverware and pour boiling water over it. Before your eyes, the silver will be cleaned. So that this happens evenly , you can stop him."
I checked it myself, it works great.

Chemistry assignment (Three test tubes without labels contain solids...)

1 Barium nitrate proves ammonium sulfate; the reaction results in precipitates of barium sulfate.
2 Silver nitrate prove ammonium chloride as a result of the reaction a precipitate of silver chloride is obtained.

Other ammonium salts that do not contain iron are prepared similarly to ammonium chloride, taking into account the solubility of this salt in water. ... Silver nitrate. Silver nitrate. GOST 1277-75.


What is this...

Ammonium nitrate ammonium nitrate ammonium nitrate nitrate... Lapis pencil is sold in pharmacies, is a mixture of silver nitrate... 30%. Composition 3 Silver chloride I silver chloride silver chloride AgCl.

What is back titration

In direct titration methods, the analyte reacts directly with the titrant. To carry out analysis using this method, one working solution is sufficient.
Back titration methods (or, as they are also called, residue titration methods) use two titrated working solutions: a main and an auxiliary solution. For example, back titration of chloride ion in acidic solutions is widely known. First, a known excess of a titrated solution of silver nitrate (the main working solution) is added to the analyzed chloride solution. In this case, the formation reaction of slightly soluble silver chloride occurs: Ag+ + Cl- → AgCl. The excess amount of AgNO3 that has not reacted is titrated with a solution of ammonium thiocyanate (auxiliary working solution): Ag+ + SCN- → AgSCN. The chloride content can be calculated because the total amount of substance (mol) introduced into the solution and the amount of AgNO3 that did not react with the chloride are known.

Home Chemistry ammonium sulfate sodium hydroxide lead nitrate 2 iron chloride 3 sodium silicate hydrochloric acid silver nitrate chloride.

Bravo! As they say, there is nothing to add!

Help me solve two chemistry problems! please

What to ask your relatives for your 13th birthday?

Set - Young chemist "Large chemical laboratory.
This set includes all the experiments that are included in the small sets.
2490 rub.
Chemical elements and items included in the kit:
cobalt chloride
copper sulfate
sodium sulfate
potassium iodide
bromocresol purple
ferric chloride
methyl violet
potassium permanganate
10% hydrochloric acid solution
calcium hydroxide
phenolphthalein solution
10% nitric acid solution
sodium phosphate
calcium chloride
sodium hydroxide solution
10% aqueous ammonia solution
aluminum-oxalic acid
silver nitrate solution
nickel sulfate
ammonium dichromate
graphite rods
Light-emitting diode
electricity generator
Petri dish
test tubes
putty knife
dry fuel
test tube holder
evaporation cup
test tube with stopper with hole
L-shaped tube
filter paper
universal indicator paper
nichrome wire
stand for test tubes
copper wire

4. What reagent is used to determine and by what criteria is the presence of ammonium cations in a mixture determined? ... 8. How can you distinguish the white precipitate of silver chloride from the white precipitate of mercury chloride I?

Ask for a Minecraft license or play games for five nights with Freddy.

Lord, what are you asking???
Here is the list of a 13-year-old boy:
From mom - tablet
From dad - Moped
From Aunt, Uncle - video console
From Grandma, Grandpa - New gaming computer

You're great, develop your talent). Think carefully, search the Internet. I was interested in history, and always asked me to buy textbooks for the 10th grade.

In this case, I advise you to ask for the 4M scientific and educational set “Amazing Crystals”: ​​

help me please

I don't understand hee hee

Ammonium chloride, sulfate, ammonium carbonate, silver nitrate, barium chloride, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, litmus. paper, chemical glassware for conducting experiments. March 21, 2012

As was said, the ammonium cation NH 4 plays the role of a metal cation and forms salts with acidic residues: NH 4 NO 3 - ammonium nitrate, or ammonium nitrate, (NH 4) 2 SO 4 - ammonium sulfate, etc.

All ammonium salts are crystalline solids, highly soluble in water. In a number of properties they are similar to alkali metal salts, and primarily to potassium salts, since the radii of the K + and NH + 4 ions are approximately equal.

Ammonium salts are obtained by reacting ammonia or its aqueous solution with acids.

They have all the properties of salts due to the presence of acidic residues. For example, ammonium chloride or sulfate reacts with silver nitrate or barium chloride, respectively, forming characteristic precipitates. Ammonium carbonate reacts with acids because the reaction produces carbon dioxide.

In addition, the ammonium ion causes another property common to all ammonium salts: its salts react with alkalis when heated to release ammonia (Fig. 133), for example:

or in ionic form:

Rice. 133.
Qualitative reaction to ammonium ion

This reaction is a qualitative reaction to ammonium salts, since the ammonia formed is easy to detect (in what ways can this be done?).

Laboratory experiment No. 31
Recognition of ammonium salts

The third group of properties of ammonium salts is their ability to decompose when heated, releasing ammonia gas, for example:

This reaction also produces gaseous hydrogen chloride, which evaporates along with ammonia, and upon cooling combines with it again, forming a salt, i.e., when heated in a test tube, dry ammonium chloride sublimes, but on the cold walls of the upper part of the test tube it again settles in in the form of white crystals of NH 4 Cl (Fig. 134).

Rice. 134.
Sublimation of ammonium chloride

The main applications of ammonium salts were shown earlier (see Fig. 132).

Here we draw your attention to the fact that almost all ammonium salts are used as nitrogen fertilizers. As you know, plants are able to absorb nitrogen only in bound form, that is, in the form of NH + 4 or NO - 3 ions. The remarkable Russian agrochemist D.N. Pryanishnikov found that if a plant has a choice, it prefers the ammonium cation to the nitrate anion, so the use of ammonium salts as nitrogen fertilizers is especially effective. A very valuable nitrogen fertilizer is ammonium nitrate NH 4 NO 3.

Let us note other areas of application of some ammonium salts.

Ammonium chloride NH 4 Cl is used for soldering, as it cleans the metal surface of the oxide film and solder adheres well to it.

Ammonium bicarbonate NH 4 HCO 3 and ammonium carbonate (NH 4) 2 CO 3 are used in the manufacture of confectionery products, since these compounds easily decompose when heated and form gases that loosen the dough and make it fluffy:

Ammonium nitrate NH 4 NO 3 mixed with aluminum and coal powders is used as an explosive - ammonal, which is widely used in mining.

New words and concepts

  1. Ammonium salts.
  2. Properties of ammonium salts due to ammonium ion, acidic residues. Decomposition of ammonium salts.
  3. Qualitative reaction to ammonium ion.
  4. Ammonium chloride, nitrate, carbonate and their applications.

Tasks for independent work

>> Chemistry: Ammonium salts

As was said, the ammonium cation NH4+ plays the role of a metal cation and it forms salts with acidic residues: NH4NO3 - ammonium nitrate, or ammonium nitrate, (NH4)2SO4 - ammonium sulfate, etc.

All ammonium salts are crystalline solids, highly soluble in water. In a number of properties they are similar to alkali metal salts, and primarily to potassium salts, since the radii of the K+ and NH+ ions are approximately equal.

Ammonium salts are obtained by reacting ammonia or its aqueous solution with acids.

They have all the properties of salts due to the presence of acidic residues. For example, ammonium chloride or sulfate reacts with silver nitrate or barium chloride, respectively, forming characteristic precipitates. Ammonium carbonate reacts with acids because the reaction produces carbon dioxide.

In addition, the ammonium ion provides another property common to all ammonium salts: its salts react with alkalis when heated to release ammonia.

This reaction is a qualitative reaction to ammonium salts, since the ammonia formed is easily detected (how exactly?).

The third group of properties of ammonium salts is their ability to decompose when heated, releasing ammonia gas, for example:

NH4Сl = NH3 + HCl

This reaction also produces gaseous hydrogen chloride, which evaporates along with ammonia, and upon cooling combines with it again, forming a salt, i.e., when heated in a test tube, dry ammonium chloride sublimes, but white crystals appear on the upper cold walls of the test tube again NН4Сl (Fig. 32).

The main areas of application of ammonium salts were shown earlier, in Figure 31. Here we draw your attention to the fact that almost all ammonium salts are used as nitrogen fertilizers. As you know, plants are able to absorb nitrogen only in bound form, that is, in the form of NH4 or N03 ions. The remarkable Russian agrochemist D.N. Pryanishnikov found that if a plant has a choice, it prefers the ammonium cation to the nitrate anion, so the use of ammonium salts as nitrogen fertilizers is especially effective. A very valuable nitrogen fertilizer is ammonium nitrate NH4NO3.

Let us note other areas of application of some ammonium salts.

Ammonium chloride NH4Cl is used for soldering, as it cleans the metal surface of the oxide film and solder adheres well to it.

Ammonium bicarbonate NH4NC03 and ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3 are used in confectionery, as they easily decompose when heated and form gases that loosen the dough and make it fluffy, for example:

NH4HC03 = NH3 + H20 + CO2

Ammonium nitrate NН4NO3 mixed with aluminum and coal powders is used as an explosive - ammonal, which is widely used in mining.

1. Ammonium salts.

2. Properties of ammonium salts due to ammonium ion, acidic residues. Decomposition of ammonium salts.

3. Qualitative reaction to ammonium ion.

4. Ammonium chloride, nitrate, carbonate and their applications.

Write the reaction equations (in molecular and ionic forms) between the following pairs of substances: a) ammonium sulfate and barium chloride; b) ammonium chloride and silver nitrate.

Write reaction equations characterizing the properties of ammonium carbonate: interaction with acid, alkali, salt and decomposition reaction. Write the first three equations also in ionic form.

With polybasic acids, ammonia forms not only intermediate, but also acidic salts. Write the formulas of the acid salts that it can give when reacting with phosphoric acid. Name them and write the dissociation equations for these salts.

Draw up molecular and, where possible, ionic reaction equations that can be used to carry out the following transitions:

N2 -> NH3 -> (NH4)2 HPO4 -> NH4Cl -> NH4NO3

Determine the amount of substance, volume and mass of ammonia required to produce 250 kg of ammonium sulfate used as fertilizer.

Lesson content lesson notes supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, diagrams, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles tricks for the curious cribs textbooks basic and additional dictionary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in a textbook, elements of innovation in the lesson, replacing outdated knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for the year; methodological recommendations; discussion program Integrated Lessons

1) Cu + FeCl2= 2) Mg + FeCl2= 3) Zn + MgBr2= 4) Fe + KBr=
2. Does it react with a solution of phosphoric acid?

1) S 2) CaO 3) H2 4) NaCl

3.Sodium silicate solution reacts with?

1) iron oxide (2) 2) potassium nitrate 3) carbon monoxide (2) 4) hydrochloric acid

4. Are the following statements about safety rules for working in a chemical laboratory correct?

A) It is necessary to wear gloves when working with sodium chloride solution.
B) Oxygen in the laboratory is obtained in a fume hood.

5. Which of the following reactions is used to produce hydrogen in the laboratory?

1) decomposition of hydrogen chloride 2) decomposition of ammonia 3) interaction of potassium with water 4) interaction of zinc with dilute sulfuric acid

6. Copper (2) chloride is formed as a result of the interaction of cedia (2) oxide with:

1) hydrochloric acid 2) sodium chloride solution 3) ammonium chloride solution 4) chlorine

7. A solution of barium hydroxide reacts with each of two substances:
1) MgO and SO2 2) KCl(solution) and H2S 3) CO2 and H2O 4) FeCl3(solution) and HCl (solution)

8. Between what substances does a chemical reaction take place:

1) barium chloride and zinc sulfate 2) calcium carbonate and sodium nitrate 3) magnesium silicate and potassium phosphate 4) iron sulfate (2) and lead sulfide

9. Are the following judgments about the purpose of equipment in a chemical laboratory correct?

A. Crucible tongs are used to hold the test tube while heating.

B. Using a thermometer, measure the density of the solution.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

10. The presence of hydrogen ions in a solution of hydrochloric acid can be proven by:
1) change in the color of phenolphthalein to crimson 2) change in the color of litmus to blue 3) release of hydrogen when adding zinc 4) release of oxygen when heated

11. Physical phenomena include:
1) souring of milk 2) sugaring of jam 3) burning of a candle 4) burning of food

12. The largest number of ammonium ions is formed upon complete dissociation of 1 mol:

1) ammonium sulfate 2) ammonium sulfide 3) ammonium nitrate 4) ammonium phosphate

13. Oxygen does NOT react with:

1) carbon monoxide (4) 2) hydrogen sulfide 3) phosphorus oxide (3) 4) ammonia

14. Each of two substances reacts with a solution of calcium hydroxide:

1) CO2 and CuCl2 2) CuO and HCl 3) HNO3 and NaCl 4) Al(OH)3 and KNO3

15. Carbon monoxide (4) interacts with:

1)KNO3 2)P2O5 3) Ca(OH)2 4)HCl

16.Are the following judgments about pure substances and mixtures true?
A. Mineral water is a pure substance

B. Perfume is a mixture of substances.
1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect
17. Both aluminum and sulfur oxide (4) react with:

1) hydrochloric acid 2) sodium hydroxide 3) oxygen 4) barium nitrate 5) carbon dioxide


1) a weak electrolyte is: a) sodium hydroxide b) hydrochloric acid c) distilled water d) sodium chloride solution 2) between what substances

Is it possible for an ion exchange reaction to release gas? a) H2SO4 and CA3 (PO4) 2 b) AL2 (SO4) and BACL2 B) Na2CO3 and HCL d) HNO3 and KOH 3) The sum of all coefficients in the ponon and reduced ionic equations of the reaction between copper chloride (2) and silver nitrate respectively EQUAL: a) 10 ; 3 b) 10; 6 c) 12; 3 d)12 ; 6 4) calcium carbonate can be obtained by an ion exchange reaction through the interaction of a) sodium carbonate and calcium hydroxide b) calcium sulfate with carbonic acid c) calcium chloride with carbon dioxide d) calcium with carbon monoxide (4)

write the equations for the reactions of a) nitrogen with lithium (indicate the oxidation states of the elements and indicate the oxidizing agent and reducing agent) b) producing ammonia from

ammonium salts c) a solution of ammonium chloride with a solution of silver nitrate (in molecular and ionic forms)

PHOSPHORUS AND ITS COMPOUNDS 1. Write the reaction equations for the interaction of: a) phosphorus with oxygen b) phosphine (PH3) with

hydrogen chloride

c) a solution of phosphoric acid with potassium hydroxide (in molecular and ionic forms)

2. How do you prove that red and white phosphorus are two allotropes of the same element?

3 . Three numbered test tubes contain solutions of phosphoric and hydrochloric acids and sodium phosphate. How can they be recognized experimentally? Write the corresponding reaction equations

4. Write the interaction reaction equations:

a) phosphorus with chlorine

b) phosphorus with magnesium

c) a solution of sodium phosphate with a solution of silver nitrate (in molecular and ionic forms)

5. Explain why phosphorus is distributed in nature only in the form of compounds, while nitrogen, which is in the same group with it, is mainly in free form?

6. Write the reaction equations that can be used to carry out the following transformations:


HELP WITH THE TEST! PLEASE! The reaction between ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide occurs because: a) a precipitate forms b) ammonia gas is released

c) salt is formed d) the reaction does not occur Ammonia burns in oxygen in the presence of a catalyst to form: a) nitrogen b) nitrogen oxide (||) c) nitrogen oxide (|||) d) nitric acid The degree of oxidation of nitrogen in the ammonia molecule: a)0 b)+3 c)-3 d)+5 Ammonia is...: a) a solution of ammonia in water b) a solution of ammonia in alcohol c) ammonium chloride d) table salt

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