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Scandal in silks Loretta Chase

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Title: Scandal in Silks

About the book “A Scandal in the Silks” by Loretta Chase

Loretta Chase is a fairly well-known contemporary American writer in narrow circles who works in the “romance novel” genre. Her works are very popular among fans of light romantic stories. Her book “A Scandal in Silks” should be read by those who do not demand novelty of form and style from literary works, but rather prefer simple-minded novels about violent emotions and feelings.

Loretta Chase was born in 1949 and at the beginning of her literary career she worked part-time writing scripts for regular advertising videos. It was during the filming of one of them that she met her future husband, who worked as a director.

Her husband got her interested in writing fiction, and after a year of studying the works of famous and beloved writers, Loretta realized that she wanted to take up writing seriously.

The novel “A Scandal in the Silks” is a very sentimental and funny story that attracts attention, primarily because it creates in the reader the illusion of involvement in the lives of the main characters. The writer has several notable style features that she uses in many of her works.

At the center of the story of this book is the well-known milliner Sophie throughout London. She is a very sweet and attractive girl who is ready to make any sacrifice for the prosperity of her enterprise. Sophie will stop at nothing when it comes to her passion and financial well-being. In her life, she was used to coping with all difficulties alone.

One day, Sophie agrees to help Count Lomor find his missing sister. She has no idea what this decision might lead to. The Count is very handsome, but Sophie doesn’t pay any attention to it at first. After all, she had long forbidden herself to fall in love. Will the mysterious count be able to win the beauty's heart? Loretta Chase in her book “A Scandal in Silks” will answer not only this, but also many other questions that interest readers.

This work has two storylines that sometimes intersect. Overall, the book has several positive aspects related to the development of the story of the main characters, who experience a wide range of different emotions.

The novel “A Scandal in Silks” is a must-read for those who are accustomed to using fiction to distract themselves from the problems of everyday reality. The plot of the book is quite dynamic and, even despite some plot missteps and inaccuracies, should appeal to all fans of the historical romance novel genre.

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Scandal in silks

Dressmakers – 2


From the diaries of Sophia Noirot:

“An outfit is a weapon. It should blind his eyes, raise his temperature... and empty his wallet.”

Blue-eyed innocence in appearance and a shark in her soul, milliner Sophia Noirot is able to sell sand even to Bedouins. But selling beautiful outfits from Noirot to aristocrats is much more difficult, especially because after a recent family scandal, one of the trendsetters of London society has become her enemy. It took all of Sophie's skill and will to turn the scandal to her advantage. So she had neither the patience nor the endurance to endure such a reckless rake-giant as the Earl of Longmore. The handsome fool could not keep more than one thought in his head, and at that moment the thought was how to quickly undress Sofia.

But when Longmore’s sister, Noirot’s richest and most beloved client, refuses the milliner’s services, Sophie realizes that she can no longer allow the Count’s advances. In pursuit of a man who is madly tempting her, she discovers that desire has never overwhelmed her with such force...


“Note his ferocious fighting-cock appearance; coal-black gypsy curls and an aristocratic (don’t say arrogant) appearance. It is impossible not to notice him, regardless of whether he is smiling at a lovely lady or frowning at an annoying creditor.”

Court Journal...

"Sketches of Everyday Life", 1835


Sluts know how to throw a party! On Wednesday evenings, after dancing and playing cards with the cream of society at Almack's, the more rebellious natures of London society flocked to a completely different gathering, namely, to the house of Carlotta O'Neill, where they had tables with roulette and other gambling games (as well as more piquant entertainment with ladies of the demimonde who played the roles of ladies-in-waiting of the current queen of London courtesans).

Quite naturally, Harry Fairfax, Earl of Longmore, was also present.

Carlotta's house was certainly not the place where Harry's father, the Marquis of Warford, would have wanted his twenty-seven-year-old son and heir, but Lord Longmore had long ago decided that obedience to a parent was the quickest and easiest way to deadly boredom.

He was not at all like his father and mother; Harry inherited not only the appearance of his great-uncle Lord Nicholas Fairfax - black hair, black eyes, tall height and considerable physical strength, that is, everything that is usually attributed to pirates - but also the talent for DOING WHAT THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO. And that is why Lord Longmore ended up with Carlotta. Shrouded in a thick cloud of perfume, the hostess almost immediately stuck to him. And unfortunately, she deafened me with her chirping.

“But you know them closely...” she repeated. “And you must tell us what she is like, this new Duchess of Clevedon.”

“Brunette,” said the count, who was watching the roulette wheel. - Very cute. She says she's English, but acts like she's French.

“But dear, we could learn all this from “Spectacle.”


© Loretta Chekani, 2012

© Translation. T. A. Pertseva, 2013

© Russian edition AST Publishers, 2016

From the diaries of Sophia Noirot:

“An outfit is a weapon. It should blind his eyes, raise his temperature... and empty his wallet.”

Blue-eyed innocence in appearance and a shark in her soul, milliner Sophia Noirot is able to sell sand even to Bedouins. But selling beautiful outfits from Noirot to aristocrats is much more difficult, especially because after a recent family scandal, one of the trendsetters of London society has become her enemy. It took all of Sophie's skill and will to turn the scandal to her advantage. So she had neither the patience nor the endurance to endure such a reckless giant of a rake as the Earl of Longmore. The handsome fool could not keep more than one thought in his head, and at that moment the thought was how to quickly undress Sofia.

But when Longmore’s sister, Noirot’s richest and most beloved client, refuses the milliner’s services, Sophie realizes that she can no longer allow the Count’s advances. In pursuit of a man who is madly tempting her, she discovers that desire has never overwhelmed her with such force...

“Note his ferocious fighting-cock appearance; coal-black gypsy curls and an aristocratic (don't say arrogant) appearance. It is impossible not to notice him, regardless of whether he is smiling at a lovely lady or frowning at an annoying creditor.”

"Court Journal"

"Sketches of Everyday Life", 1835


Sluts know how to throw a party! On Wednesday evenings, after dancing and playing cards with the cream of society at Almack's, the more rebellious natures of London society flocked to a completely different gathering, namely, to the house of Carlotta O'Neill, where they had tables with roulette and other gambling games (as well as more piquant entertainment with ladies of the demimonde who played the roles of ladies-in-waiting of the current queen of London courtesans).

Quite naturally, Harry Fairfax, Earl of Longmore, was also present.

Carlotta's house was certainly not the place where Harry's father, the Marquis of Warford, would have wanted his twenty-seven-year-old son and heir, but Lord Longmore had long ago decided that obedience to a parent was the quickest and easiest way to deadly boredom.

He was not at all like his father and mother; Harry inherited not only the appearance of his great-uncle Lord Nicholas Fairfax - black hair, black eyes, tall height and considerable physical strength, that is, everything that is usually attributed to pirates - but also the talent for DOING WHAT THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO. And that is why Lord Longmore ended up with Carlotta. Shrouded in a thick cloud of perfume, the hostess almost immediately stuck to him. And unfortunately, she deafened me with her chirping.

“But you know them closely...” she repeated. “And you must tell us what she is like, this new Duchess of Clevedon.”

“Brunette,” said the count, who was watching the roulette wheel. - Very cute. She says she's English, but acts like she's French.

“But dear, we could learn all this from “Spectacle.”

Foxy's Morning Spectacular was the most scandalous London newspaper, which the principled Marquess of Warford called disgusting nonsense, but still read this newspaper, like everyone else - from London whores and pimps to the royal family. Harry knew very well that everything that was published in the press about the Duke of Clevedon's new wife was told by the lady's fair-haired sister, Miss Sophia Noirot, a famous milliner by day and Tom Fox's chief spy in the evenings.

I wonder where she is now? He didn't see Sophia at Almack's; milliners, especially those with French blood in their veins, had as much a chance of getting into Almack's as he, Harry, could suddenly become invisible. However, Sophia Noirot had not only her own methods of turning invisible, but also the art of appearing where she wanted, even in the guise of a maid. It was in this way that she managed to supply Fox’s sheet with scandalous information.

Then the roulette wheel froze, and one of the players cursed. And the croupier girl moved a mountain of chips towards Longmore. He grabbed the chips and handed them to Carlotta.

– Your winnings? – she asked. – Do you want me to keep it for you?

- Not really, darling! - The Count laughed. - But keep it intact. Buy yourself some jewelry or... whatever you want.

The hostess's plucked eyebrows rose and Harry laughed again. Just a minute ago, he assumed the same thing as Carlotta - he thought that he and she would soon hide in her bedroom. In fact, it was believed that she was supported by Lord Corry, but he, although quite wealthy, was still not so energetic as to entertain Carlotta as she wished.

Longmore, who was constantly dependent on winnings and money allocated by his parents, had both ingenuity and endurance, so that he fully met Carlotta’s expectations, but now he suddenly realized... or rather, even felt that he was already tired of this woman.

Shortly after the above-described scene with the chips, Longmore left, taking with him two of Carlotta's friends and two girlfriends. They found a hackney carriage and, after a short argument, went to a gambling house (with a very bad reputation), near St. James's Street - there they could count on a good fight.

When the count got bored with the conversation in the carriage, he looked out the window. A minute later he saw a shabbily dressed woman walking quickly along the sidewalk with a shabby basket in her hand. Both from her gait and her clothes it immediately became clear that she was not a prostitute at all, of which there were a great many in London, but a young servant, hurrying to work at such an early hour. Moreover, she walked very quickly, walked without looking around. A dark figure suddenly slipped out of the alley, grabbed her basket and threw the unfortunate woman onto the sidewalk.

Longmore immediately jumped out of his seat, opened the door and jumped out of the carriage at full speed, not listening to the squeals and screams of his companions. True, he stumbled, but immediately regained his balance and rushed in pursuit of the thief. He, who turned out to be very agile, weaved and rushed from side to side; during the day he would easily have lost sight of any pursuer, but the hour was early, and Longmore did not lose sight of him.

The Count flew after the thief in blind rage; when he jumped into the narrow yard, Longmore didn’t even think about a possible ambush - it simply didn’t occur to him.

Then the thief ran up to a door, and it opened slightly - obviously, the inhabitants of the house were waiting for him with loot. But the count still managed to get to the scoundrel - grabbing him by the collar, he pulled him away from the door. The door immediately slammed shut and Longmore slammed the thief into the nearest wall. He instantly slid to the ground, dropping the basket. And, oddly enough, he remained motionless. “Most likely he’s faking it,” the count decided and said:

- Dirty coward. Attack a defenseless woman...

He picked up the basket and looked around the yard. “If you’re lucky, the thief’s accomplices will rush to his aid, and then perhaps they’ll be able to fight,” thought the count.

No, no luck. The courtyard was quiet and deserted, although Longmore felt that he was being watched. He went out to Piccadilly without any incident and almost immediately found the girl. She pressed herself against the shop window and cried quietly.

“No need to howl,” Harry grumbled. - Here is your precious property. “He fished out several coins from his pocket and thrust them into the girl’s hand along with the basket. Then he asked: “But what made you rush along the sidewalk, not paying attention to anything?”

Woe to anyone who allows himself to be deceived by the angelic appearance and youth of the famous London milliner Sophie Noirot - under the mask of innocence hides a businesswoman with an iron grip, ready for any tricks if only her business is successful. To achieve her goal, Sophie will stop at nothing - even the need to go with Count Lomor in search of his runaway sister. And really, how can this handsome oaf with bad manners find anyone alone?

Sophie forbade herself to even think about tender feelings. However, oddly enough, the longer the search for the fugitive lasts, the more attractive the titled savage seems to her - and sometimes sympathy is not far from true love...

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