Presentation on the topic of life in the Paleozoic era. Presentation on the topic "Paleozoic era". Changes in the plant world

The Paleozoic era is a major period in the history of the development of the earth, following the Archean or Azoic era, and preceding the Mesozoic era. Deposits of the Paleozoic era make up the Paleozoic group of layers, the totality of which reaches 30,000 m in some areas. thickness is almost 10 times greater than the thickness of Mesozoic deposits, which indicates, of course, its very significant duration. Its beginning is considered to be the appearance of organisms equipped with skeletons, shells, and shells: moreover, protective devices appear in many groups of organisms at once.

The Paleozoic includes 6 geological systems: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. The Paleozoic era is characterized by 2 main epochs of folding: Calydonian (Great Britain, the Scandinavian Peninsula, Spitsbergen, Kazakhstan, etc.) and Hercynian (Central Europe, the Urals, Appalachians).

The third period of the Paleozoic era of geological history. Began 435 million years ago, duration 30 million years. It is divided into 2 departments. The largest landmass in the Silurian system is the continent of Gondwana. The beginning of the Silurian period was characterized by global marine transgression, and the end was the completion of the Caledonian folding. Sea lily Birkenia

Devonian The fourth period of the Paleozoic era of geological history. It began 400 million years ago and lasted about 55 million years. It is divided into 3 sections and 7 tiers. The beginning of the period was characterized by the retreat of the sea and the accumulation of thick continental (red-colored) sediments. The main minerals are oil and gas, rock and potassium salts, cuprous sandstones. Argyriaspis Coelacanth

The Carboniferous Period is the fifth period of the Paleozoic era of geological history. The Carboniferous period began 345 million years ago; duration 65 million years. Divided into 3 or 2 sections. During the Carboniferous period, intense tectonic movements occurred - the Hercynian folding. Deposits of peat and coal were formed on the coastal plains. Dragonfly

The Permian period is the last period of the Paleozoic era. Began 280 million years ago, duration 45 million years. The Permian period was identified in 1841 by the English geologist R. Murchison in the Urals and the Russian Plain (in the territory of the Perm province, hence the name). It is divided into lower and upper sections. There is no generally accepted scheme for dividing into tiers. It is characterized by intense tectonic movements associated with the last phases of the Hercynian folding and extensive regressions of the sea. The sediments of the Permian system contain coals, oil and gas, rock and potassium salts, cuprous sandstones, and phosphorites. Dinosaur Cakkops

Checking homework

Option 2

Arrange the events that occurred in the Archean and Proterozoic in the sequence corresponding to the order of their occurrence

A) the emergence of photosynthesis

B) the emergence of prokaryotes

B) the appearance of multicellular algae

D) the appearance of free oxygen

D) the appearance of arthropods

E) the appearance of mollusks

G) appearance of annelids

Option 1

Match the listed events

desired era, place the results in the table:

A) the emergence of eukaryotes

B) the appearance of coelenterates

C) the appearance of blue-green and unicellular algae

D) the emergence of multicellularity

D) the occurrence of photosynthesis


  • Paleozoic - general information
  • Cambrian system
  • Devonian system

Geography and climate

Animal world

Vegetable world

Geography and climate

Animal world

Vegetable world

  • Carboniferous system
  • Ordovician system

Geography and climate

Animal world

Vegetable world

Geography and climate

Animal world

Vegetable world

  • Permian system
  • Silurian system

Geography and climate

Animal world

Vegetable world

Geography and climate

Animal world

Vegetable world


Paleozoic - ancient era

life began 570

million years ago

and lasted for about

320 million years.

  • The Cambrian period began 570±20 million years ago, lasting 80 million. During the Cambrian period, skeletal organisms appeared for the first time in geological history.

  • This period began with an astonishing evolutionary explosion, during which representatives of most of the main groups of animals known to modern science first appeared on Earth. Towards the end of the period, glaciation began, leading to a drop in sea level.

  • In a grand evolutionary explosion, most modern animal phyla arose, including microscopic foraminifera, sponges, starfish, sea urchins, crinoids, and various worms. In the tropics, archaeocyaths. built huge reef structures. The first hard-bodied animals appeared; trilobites and brachiopods dominated the seas. The first chordates appeared. Later, cephalopods and primitive fish appeared.











  • Represented by primitive seaweeds.

  • The second period of the Paleozoic era of the geological history of the Earth.
  • The beginning of the Ordovician period was 490±15 million years ago, duration was 65 million years.
  • In the early and early middle Ordovician there was a maximum expansion of marine spaces.

  • Large land masses concentrated closer to the equator. Throughout the period, landmasses moved further and further south. Old Cambrian ice sheets melted and sea levels rose. Most of the land was concentrated in warm latitudes. At the end of the period, a new glaciation began.

  • A sharp increase in the number of filter-feeding animals, including bryozoans (sea mats), crinoids, brachiopods, bivalves and graptolites, whose heyday occurred precisely in the Ordovician.
  • Archaeocyaths had already become extinct, but the reef-building baton was picked up from them by stromatoporoids and the first corals. The number of nautiloids and jawless armored fishes has increased.











sea ​​buds

  • There were different types of algae. In the Late Ordovician, the first true land plants appeared.

  • Began 435 million years ago, duration 30 million years.
  • It is divided into 2 departments.
  • The largest landmass in the Silurian system is the continent of Gondwana.
  • The beginning of the Silurian period was characterized by global marine transgression, the end - by the completion of the Caledonian folding.

  • Gondwana moved towards the South Pole. The Iapetus Ocean was shrinking in size, and the landmasses forming North America and Greenland were moving closer together ; having collided, they formed Laurasia. A period of violent volcanic activity and intense mountain building.

  • Nautiloids, brachiopods, trilobites and echinoderms thrive in the seas. The first jawed acanthod fish appeared. Scorpions, centipedes and possibly eurypterids began

get out onto land. The formation of the main classes of invertebrate organisms appeared

first primitive vertebrates

(jawless and fish).





four-rayed corals


sea ​​lily







  • Plants inhabited the banks of reservoirs. Predominance of primitive psilophid plants.

  • The fourth period of the Paleozoic era of geological history. It began 400 million years ago and lasted about 55 million years.
  • It is divided into 3 sections and 7 tiers.
  • The main minerals are oil and gas, rock and potassium salts, cuprous sandstones.

  • Europe, North America and Greenland collided with each other, forming the huge supercontinent Laurasia. Huge masses of sedimentary rocks were pushed out from the ocean floor, forming huge mountain systems in eastern North America and western Europe.;
  • The climate is continental, arid. The middle of the Devonian period is the era of immersions; increase in marine transgressions, intensification of volcanic activity.

  • Rapid evolution of fish, including sharks and rays, lobe-finned and ray-finned fish.
  • The land was invaded by a variety of arthropods, including ticks, spiders and primitive wingless insects.
  • The first amphibians also appeared in the Late Devonian.










  • The plants managed to move away from the water's edge and soon vast areas of land were covered with dense primeval forests.
  • The number of diverse vascular plants has increased.
  • Spore-bearing lycophytes (moss mosses) and horsetails appeared, some of them developed into real trees 38 m high.

  • The fifth period of the Paleozoic era of geological history.
  • The Carboniferous period began 345 million years ago; duration 65 million years.
  • Divided into 3 or 2 sections.

  • Two huge supercontinents: Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south - were moving closer to each other.
  • In the Early Carboniferous, shallow coastal seas and swamps spread over vast areas, and an almost tropical climate established.
  • Huge forests with lush vegetation significantly increased the oxygen content in the atmosphere.

  • Ammonites appeared in the seas, and the number of brachiopods increased. Rugosas, graptolites, trilobites, as well as some bryozoans, crinoids and molluscs became extinct.
  • It was the age of amphibians, as well as insects - grasshoppers, cockroaches, silverfish, termites, beetles and giant dragonflies.
  • The first reptiles appeared.











  • River deltas and the banks of vast swamps are overgrown with dense forests of giant club mosses, horsetails, tree ferns and seed plants up to 45 m high.
  • The undecomposed remains of this vegetation eventually turned into coal.

  • The last period of the Paleozoic era. Began 280 million years ago, duration 45 million years.
  • The Permian period was identified in 1841 by the English geologist R. Murchison in the Urals and the Russian Plain (in the territory of the Perm province, hence the name).
  • It is divided into lower and upper sections. There is no generally accepted scheme for dividing into tiers.

  • Gondwanaland and Laurasia gradually became closer. Asia collided with Europe, throwing up the Ural mountain range. India "ran over" into Asia - and the Himalayas arose. The Appalachians grew up in North America. The giant supercontinent Pangea was formed.
  • The earth warmed up and the ice gradually melted. Laurasia became very hot and dry, and vast deserts spread across it.

  • Bivalve mollusks evolved rapidly. Ammonites were found in abundance in the seas. Amphibians dominated in fresh water bodies. Aquatic reptiles also appeared, including mesosaurs.
  • During the great extinction, over 50% of animal families disappeared. On land, reptiles took over amphibians.















  • Forests of large seed ferns, Glossopteris, have spread across the southern landmass.
  • The first conifers appeared, quickly populating inland areas and highlands.
  • Among terrestrial plants, arthropodous ferns and gymnosperms predominated.

  • Palaeozoic (Greek “palaios” - ancient, “zoe” - life) – era of ancient life
  • Its age is 570 million years.
  • Divided into 6 periods (Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian)
  • The plant world developed from algae to the first seed plants (seed ferns)
  • The fauna developed from primitive marine skullless chordates to terrestrial reptiles.
  • In the Silurian period, the first inhabitants of land appeared - psilophyte plants and invertebrate arachnids. These were the first animals to breathe atmospheric oxygen.

Homework: Fill the table

Paleozoic era period

Basic aromorphoses

Animal world


Plant world






The Paleozoic began 542 million years ago and lasted about
290 million years. Consists of Cambrian, Ordovician,
Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian periods.
The era began with the Cambrian taxonomic explosion
diversity of living organisms, but ended
[SPOILER!] the Permian mass extinction.

1. Cambrian period

Cambrian - the first period of the Paleozoic
era. Began 541 million years ago
ended 485 million years ago.
From plants of the Cambrian period
calcareous algae are known.
By releasing free oxygen, they
significantly changed the composition
Cambrian atmosphere.
Cambrian – time of origin and
heyday of trilobites. All famous
representatives of the trilobite class
were marine animals.
Red limestone

2. Ordovician period

Ordovician - second period
Paleozoic era. Started 485 million
years ago, ended 443 million years ago.
Blue-green algae continued to develop. Lush
calcareous ones reach development
green and red algae.
Green algae
Jawless fish-like creatures appeared.
Warm-water seas were inhabited by corals and
other coelenterates. Were widely
Molluscs are common. In the Ordovician
Cancer scorpions were widespread,
trilobites, bryozoans, sponges and horseshoe crabs.
Cancerscorpio | Horseshoe crab

3. Silurian period

Silurian period third period
Paleozoic Beginning of the Silurian
period - 443 million years ago, and the end -
419 million years ago.
At the end of the Silurian appears on land
another group of plants -
Acanthodes are one of the first fish. Also
jawed fish appear -
bone-shelled and unshelled.
The rise of graptolites. In the Late Silurian
cartilaginous ray-finned birds appear

4. Devonian period

Devonian - the fourth period of the Paleozoic
era. Began 419 million years ago, ended
358 million years ago.
Lycopods appeared on land,
horsetails, ferns and
gymnosperms. Soil has appeared
The first land-based
vertebrates. One of the first
amphibians had many
fishy signs. Spiders appeared
ticks, insects. Appeared
the first ammonites. Trilobites
are starting to die out.
Green smintur

5. Carboniferous period

Carboniferous - the fifth period of the Paleozoic
era. Began 358 million years ago, ended
298 million years ago.
Further distribution in the Carboniferous
sigillaria, calamites, various
horsetails, seed horsetails,
There is a great variety
amphibians. Primitive
reptile forms. They fluttered among the trees
giant flying cockroaches, dragonflies and
mayflies. In rotting vegetation
Arthropleura feasted. In the undergrowth
There were also various spiders and
distant ancestors of ticks.
Sigillaria | Kalamit

6. Permian period

Perm is the last period of the Paleozoic era.
Began 298 million years ago, ended 252
million years ago.
Flora is characterized by a decrease
number of sigillaria and cordaites,
emergence of new groups of gymnosperms
plants. They grow in swamps and bays
calamites, tree-like and herbaceous
ferns. Conifers and
Of the insects in the Permian, there were beetles.
Caddisflies and scorpions appear.
herbaceous fern
The Permian period ended with the Permian-Triassic extinction event
species, the largest of all that the Earth has ever known.
About 90% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial species have disappeared.


In the Paleozoic, the main groups of the organic world are formed
Organisms with hard skeletons appear in the Cambrian
At the end of the Permian, the last trilobites and many ancient fish died out
In the middle of the Paleozoic, life comes to land
The plant world has stepped from seaweed through herbaceous
shrubby stunted vegetation to huge forest

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Presentation slides

Slide 1

Slide 2

The Paleozoic era is a major period in the history of the development of the earth, following the Archean or Azoic era, and preceding the Mesozoic era. Deposits of the Paleozoic era make up the Paleozoic group of layers, the totality of which reaches 30,000 m in some areas. thickness is almost 10 times greater than the thickness of Mesozoic deposits, which indicates, of course, its very significant duration. Its beginning is considered to be the appearance of organisms equipped with skeletons, shells, and shells: moreover, protective devices appear in many groups of organisms at once.

Slide 3

Early Paleozoic

The Paleozoic era, the era of ancient life, began 570 million years ago and lasted about 320 million years.

Slide 4

Geological systems of the Paleozoic

The Paleozoic includes 6 geological systems: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. The Paleozoic era is characterized by 2 main epochs of folding: Calydonian (Great Britain, the Scandinavian Peninsula, Spitsbergen, Kazakhstan, etc.) and Hercynian (Central Europe, the Urals, Appalachians).

Slide 5

The Cambrian period began 570±20 million years ago, lasting 80 million. During the Cambrian period, skeletal organisms appeared for the first time in geological history.

Archaeocyata Billingsell

Slide 6

The Ordovician period is the second period of the Paleozoic era. The beginning of the Ordovician period was 490±15 million years ago, duration was 65 million years.

In the early and early middle Ordovician, the maximum expansion of marine spaces occurred.

Ordovician Molluscs Platilihas

Slide 7

The third period of the Paleozoic era of geological history. Began 435 million years ago, duration 30 million years. It is divided into 2 departments. The largest landmass in the Silurian system is the continent of Gondwana. The beginning of the Silurian period was characterized by global marine transgression, the end - by the completion of the Caledonian folding.

Sea lily Birkenia Silure

Slide 8

The fourth period of the Paleozoic era of geological history. It began 400 million years ago and lasted about 55 million years. It is divided into 3 sections and 7 tiers. The beginning of the period was characterized by the retreat of the sea and the accumulation of thick continental (red-colored) sediments. The main minerals are oil and gas, rock and potassium salts, cuprous sandstones.

Argyriaspis Coelacanth

Slide 9

The Carboniferous Period is the fifth period of the Paleozoic era of geological history. The Carboniferous period began 345 million years ago; duration 65 million years. Divided into 3 or 2 sections. During the Carboniferous period, intense tectonic movements occurred - the Hercynian folding. Deposits of peat and coal were formed on the coastal plains.


Carboniferous period

Slide 10

The Permian period is the last period of the Paleozoic era. Began 280 million years ago, duration 45 million years. The Permian period was identified in 1841 by the English geologist R. Murchison in the Urals and the Russian Plain (in the territory of the Perm province, hence the name). It is divided into lower and upper sections. There is no generally accepted scheme for dividing into tiers. It is characterized by intense tectonic movements associated with the last phases of the Hercynian folding and extensive regressions of the sea. The sediments of the Permian system contain coals, oil and gas, rock and potassium salts, cuprous sandstones, and phosphorites.

Dinosaur Cakkops

Slide 11

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • Contents: Paleozoic - general information
    Cambrian system
    Vegetable world
    Ordovician system
    Vegetable world
    Silurian system
    Devonian system
    Vegetable world
    Vegetable world
    Permian system
    Vegetable world
    Vegetable world


    Paleozoic - ancient era
    life began 570
    million years ago
    and lasted for about
    320 million years.



    The Cambrian period began 570±20
    million years ago, duration 80 million V
    Cambrian period for the first time in
    geological history appeared
    skeletal organisms.


    This period began
    amazingly powerful evolutionary
    explosion, during which on Earth
    representatives appeared for the first time
    most major groups of animals,
    known to modern science. Closer to
    At the end of the period, glaciation began
    leading to a drop in sea level.

    Vegetable world:

    Represented by primitive

    Ordovician system:

    Second period of the Paleozoic era
    geological history of the Earth.
    Beginning of the Ordovician period 490±15 million.
    years ago, duration 65 million.
    In the early and early middle Ordovician -
    maximum expansion of sea


    Large land masses concentrated
    closer to the equator. Throughout the period
    land masses moved further and further
    further south. Old ice sheets
    Cambrian melted, and sea level
    increased. Most of the sushi was
    concentrated in warm latitudes. At the end
    period, a new glaciation began.

    Vegetable world:

    There were various types
    seaweed In the Late Ordovician
    the first real land-based animals appeared


    Began 435 million years ago,
    duration 30 million years.
    It is divided into 2 departments.
    Largest landmass in
    Silurian system - continent
    Beginning of the Silurian period
    characterized by global maritime
    transgression, end - completion
    Caledonian folding.


    Gondwana moved towards the South Pole.
    The Iapetus Ocean was decreasing in size, and
    land masses forming the Northern
    America and Greenland were getting closer;
    having collided, they formed
    Laurasia. Period of violent volcanic
    activity and intensive
    mountain building.

    Vegetable world:

    In the Silurian period (440 million years ago) in the zone of ebbs and flows from green
    plants, the first terrestrial higher plants appear - psilophytes (naked
    plants). The appearance of integumentary, mechanical, and conductive tissues were the
    aromorphoses, which helped the plants to enter the air.
    Psilophytes do not yet have roots; they absorb water and mineral salts from
    using rhizoids. Scales on the stem of psilophytes increased the surface

    Devonian system:

    Fourth period of the Paleozoic era
    geological history. Began 400 million years
    ago, lasted about 55 million years.
    It is divided into 3 sections and 7 tiers.
    The main minerals are oil and
    gas, rock and potassium salts, cuprous


    The climate is continental, arid. Middle
    Devonian period - the era of immersions;
    increase in marine transgressions, activation
    volcanic activity.

    Vegetable world:

    In the Devonian, pteridophytes appear -
    herbaceous and tree-like horsetails, mosses,
    ferns. The appearance of roots and leaves
    provided sufficient air and
    varied mineral nutrition
    Ferns reproduce
    single-celled spores, in damp places from
    they develop shoots that form
    sex cells. Needed for fertilization
    water, an adult plant develops from the zygote.

    Coal system:

    Fifth period of the Paleozoic era
    geological history.
    The Carboniferous period began
    345 million years ago; duration 65
    million years.
    Divided into 3 or 2 sections.


    In the Early Carboniferous over vast
    small spaces are spread out
    coastal seas and swamps, and established
    almost tropical climate.
    Huge forests with lush vegetation
    significantly increased
    oxygen content
    in the atmosphere.

    Vegetable world:

    The Carboniferous has a warm and humid tropical climate. Ferns
    reach gigantic sizes - up to 40 m in height. Carboniferous forests subsequently
    led to the formation of huge deposits of coal.
    Two important aromorphoses occur in the Carboniferous, as a result of which higher
    seed plants:
    Firstly, pollination occurs with the help of wind, when pollen with male reproductive organs
    cells through the air enter plant organs containing female reproductive cells, water
    no longer needed for fertilization.
    Secondly, after fertilization, seeds are formed. These plants were seed

    Permian system:

    The last period of the Paleozoic era.
    Began 280 million years ago,
    duration 45 million years.
    The Permian period was highlighted in 1841 by English
    geologist R. Murchison in the Urals and Russian
    plain (in the territory of the Perm province,
    hence the name).
    Divided into lower and upper
    departments. Generally accepted scheme of dismemberment
    there are no tiers.


    The earth warmed up and
    ice gradually
    melted. In Laurasia
    it got very hot
    and dry on her
    vast deserts spread.

    Vegetable world:

    On the southern land masses
    forests of large
    Glossopteris seed ferns.
    The first conifers appeared, quickly
    populated inland areas
    and highlands.
    Among land plants


    Paleozoic era (Greek “palaios” - ancient, “zoe”
    - life) – era of ancient life
    Its age is 570 million years.
    Divided into 6 periods (Cambrian, Ordovician,
    Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian)
    The plant world evolved from algae to
    the first seed plants
    In the Silurian period the first
    land inhabitants - psilophytic plants and
    invertebrate animals arachnids. This
    were the first animals to breathe atmospheric

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