Time in Italian is a clock. Days of the week, months, time in Italian How to say time in Italian

“Quanti anni hai?”

“Le donne sono come il vino: più invecchiano più migliorano!” - “Women are like fine wine: they only get better with age.” Is not it?

As a rule, we do not ask about a woman’s age. But we can ask men about age as much as we want.

We are accustomed to perceiving a question about a woman’s age as “una domanda scortese” - “an impolite question.”

But be that as it may, today we will learn how to ask about the age of the interlocutor and tell him about ours.

We will also learn to ask what day it is today.

Accordingly, for this we will need “numbers” and “days of the week”, and you will finally be able to tell us on what days you do “italiano”.

Shall we begin?

Days of the week

"I giorni della settimana"

"Lunedì" - Monday
"Martedì" - Tuesday
"Mercoledì" - Wednesday
"Giovedì" - Thursday
"Venerdi" - Friday
"S a bato" - Saturday
"Dom e nica" - Sunday
  1. Please note that the stress on all days of the week, except Saturday and Sunday, is graphic, on the last syllable. In the word “Saturday” - “sabato” - the stress falls on the first vowel “a”, in the word “Sunday” “domenica” - the stress falls on the second vowel “e”.
  2. All days of the week except "Sunday" - "domenica" - masculine. Only "domenica" - female. Accordingly, with all days of the week, except Sunday, we will use the definite article “il”, and with Sunday - “la”.
  3. Days of the week are used without a preposition. We say: “I’m going to a disco on Friday,” but Italians simply say: “Venerdì vado in discoteca.”
  4. Very important point, which you should definitely remember. Days of the week are used without article, if action one-time. And if you put before the day of the week definite article - it means that action is repeated, repeated, constant.

For example:
Lunedì vado in palestra. – I’m going to the gym on Monday; (implies Monday, which will be)

Il Lunedì, il Mercoledì, e il Venerdì vado in palestra – on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I go to the gym. (that is, by using the days of the week with the definite article, we emphasize in such a way that the action is repeated, it is repeated, it occurs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.)

Ogni lunedì – every Monday.

We can also, instead of the definite article, in order to show that the action is multiple, use the adjective “ ogni" - "every"

igiorni festival– weekends (holidays).

i giorni feriali- weekdays.

Today - oggi

Now - adesso, ora
Tomorrow - domani
day after tomorrow - dopodomani
yesterday - ieri
day before yesterday - l'altroieri
every day - ogni giorno
early - presto
late - tardi
often - spesso
Always - sempre
never - mai
il giorno- day
la settimana- a week
il mese- month
l'anno- year
il fine settimana- weekend

To ask what day it is today, we say:
Che giorno è oggi? - What day is today?

Oggi and Lunedì. - Today is Monday.

When we want to wish someone a good Monday or a good weekend, we say:
Buon Lunedì! -Happy Monday!

Buon fine settimana! - Good weekend!
Buon Martedì! -Happy Tuesday!

"Weekend" in Italian singular, literally “il fine settimana” - “end of the week.”

Ogni giorno sono in fretta. — Every day I’m in a hurry.

Lights up ho la lezione d'italiano. — Every Monday I have Italian.
È tardi,ma ho fame. — It’s late now, but I want to eat.
È ancora presto, ma ho sonno. “It’s still early, but I want to sleep.”
Che giorno è oggi?– oggi è Venerdì ed io sono libera. - What day is today? – Today is Friday, I’m free.
Non mangio mai la carne. – I never eat meat.
Learning to use new words and expressions in speech

A little practice:

Our friendAlessiocame to Rome and here are his plans:

  1. Lunedì Alessio assaggia la vera pizza romana.
  2. On Monday, Alessio tries authentic Roman pizza.

  3. Martedì Alessio incontra Lorenzo.
  4. On Tuesday he meets Lorenzo.

  5. Mercoledì Alessio visita il Colosseo.
  6. On Wednesday, Alessio visits the Colosseum.

  7. Giovedì Alessio è libero.
  8. Alessio is free on Thursday.

  9. Venerdì Alessio mangia a casa di Lorenzo.
  10. On Friday, Alessio eats at Lorenzo's house.

  11. Sabato Alessio vede il Pantheon.
  12. On Saturday Alessio will see the Pantheon.

  13. Domenica Alessio parte per la Spagna.
  14. Alessio leaves for Spain on Sunday.

And here is a page from Alessandra’s diary: her “Roman notes”:

Roma, 28 Giugno
Rome, June 28

Caro diario,
sono solo le nove e mezzo di mattina ma ho gà caldo!
Oggi and lunedì etra sei giorni torno a Chicago.
Uffa! In Italy il lunedì i musei sono chiusi e io ho ancora tante cose da vedere!
Ecco il programma per la settimana:
Oggi alle 10.30 Antonella e io facciamo un giro in centro.
Dopodomani andiamo in Via Condotti a fare shopping.
Venerdìè il compleanno di Lorenzo. Alle 20.30 appuntamento in pizzeria.
Sabatoè l'ultimo giorno a Roma.
Una settimana non basta davvero! Così, sabato vado alla Fontana di Trevi e butto tre monete nella fontana-sicuramente torno a Roma un'altra volta!

Dear Diary,

It's only half past ten in the morning, but I'm already hot.
Today is Monday and in 6 days I am returning to Chicago.
Ugh! In Italy, museums are closed on Mondays, and I still have a lot to see!
Here is the program for the week:
Today at 10:30 Antonella and I will walk to the center.
The day after tomorrow we go to Condotti street to do some shopping.
Friday is Lorenzo's birthday. At 20:30 - meeting at the pizzeria.
Saturday is the last day in Rome.
One week, however, is not enough! So on Saturday I will go to the Fountain di Trevi and throw three coins into the fountain - definitely I will return to Rome another time!

The story of one obsessive guy “un tipo noioso”, or one intractable girl “una ragazza difficile”!

- Ciao, Simonetta! Quanto tempo!
- Hello, Simonetta! How many years!
- Eh sì, Mario! Ciao!
- Oh yes, Mario! Hello!
- Come stay?
- How are you?
- Tutto bene! E tu?
- Everything is fine! And you?
- Senti, Simonetta, dobbiamo parlare. Perché non prendiamo un caffè? Lunedì mattina, per sempio?
- Listen, Simonetta, we need to talk. Why don't we have a cup of coffee? On Monday morning, for example?
- Impossible, Mario! Lunedì ho da fare.
- Impossible, Mario! I have work to do on Monday.
— Allora, Martedì?
- Then, on Tuesday?
- No! Martedì è il compleanno di una mia amica. Sono occupata.
- No! Tuesday is the birthday of one of my friends. I'm busy.
— Ma almeno Mercoledì sei libera?
- But are you free on Wednesday?
- Mercoledì no, il mercoledì ho la lezione di cinese.
— No on Wednesday, I have a Chinese lesson on Wednesdays.
- Ma va, parli il cinese?
- Yah! Do you speak Chinese?
- Sì, un po’, perché?
- Yes, a little, but what?
— Giovedì?
- On Thursday?
- Va bene....Ah, no! Senti, il giovedì facciamo shopping con Antonella!
- Okay... but no! Listen, Antonella and I go shopping on Thursdays!
- Che sfortuna!
- What a failure!
— Anche venerdì sei occupata?
- And you’re busy on Friday ?
- Sì, il venerdì sono in palestra!
- Yes, on Fridays I go to the gym!
-ma va! Tutto il giorno?! E sabato, prendiamo un caffè sabato?
- Yah! All day? Shall we have a cup of coffee on Saturday?
- Ma no, Mario! Sabato proprio no! Ho un appuntamento.
- No, Mario! Definitely not on Saturday! I have a meeting.
- Già! capito!
- Clear! It's clear!
— Domenica? O domenica o mai!
- On Sunday? Either on Sunday or never!
- Domenica assolutamente no! Domenica ho solo voglia di riposare, non ho voglia di parlare di cose serie.
- Definitely not on Sunday! On Sunday I only want to relax, I have no desire to talk about serious things.
Numbers from "0" to "100"

I NUMERI DA "0" A "100"

0 — zero
1 — uno
2 — due
3 — tre
4 — quattro
5 — cinque
6 — sei
7 — sette
8 — otto
9 — nove
10 — dieci

11 — undici
12 — dodici
13 — tredici
14 — quattordici
15 — quindici
16 — sedici
17 — diciassette
18 — diciotto
19 — diciannove
20 — venti

Important two points that you must remember:

  1. when we add “1” or “8” to all tens, starting with “20,” then we remove the final vowel from this ten. For example: “28” – venti + otto = “ventotto”. We removed the vowel “i” from the word “venti”. “31” – trenta + uno = “trentuno”. In all other cases, we simply add the necessary numbers to the tens.
  2. Please note how we write “23” - “ventitré”. This word has a graphic stress on the last syllable. It is written exactly in this direction - from the lower left corner up. In all numbers, starting from 20, which contain the number “3”: 23, 33, 43, 53, etc., such a graphic stress must be written and, accordingly, the emphasis falls on the last syllable: “trentatré”, “quarantatré”, “cinquantatré”, “sessantatré” ecc.


21 – venti + uno = ventuno
22 – venti + due = ventidue
23 – venti + tre = ventitré
24 – venti + quattro = ventiquattro
25 – venti + cinque = venticinque
26 – venti + sei = ventisei
27 – venti + sette = ventisette
28 – venti + otto = ventotto
29 – venti + nove = ventinove

30 – trenta
40 — quaranta
50 — cinquanta
60 — sessionanta
70 — settanta
80 — ottanta
90 – novanta
100 — cento

  1. All numbers in Italian, in verbal form are written together.
  2. Cardinal numbers, as a rule, come before a noun and are used mainly without an article.
  3. The numeral “uno” - “1” will behave like an indefinite article, that is, change its form depending on the gender of the noun. All other numerals from 1 to 100 do not change their form. "Un albero" - one tree, "una ragazza" - one girl, "uno sbaglio" - one mistake, "una pizza" - one pizza.

Che giorno è oggi? Venerdì 13?
What day is today? Friday the 13th?

Are you afraid already? Don't be afraid, friends.

In Italy, the number “13” is not associated with bad luck, but the number “17”...

In Italy, the number “17” is considered unlucky.

One explanation for this lies in the graves of the ancient Romans, on which there were inscriptions: “VIXI,” which translated means “I lived,” that is, “I no longer live and my life is over.”

And if we write the number 17 in Roman numerals, we get: “XVII”.

Having modified, “XVII” turns into “VIXI”, into the same Latin verb “lived”, i.e. "life has come to an end."

E tu sei superstizioso?
Are you superstitious?

essere superstizioso- be superstitious

Antonio, sei superstizioso?- Antonio, are you superstitious?
la sfortuna = la sfiga- failure, bad luck
portare fortuna- brings good luck
portare sfortuna- bring bad luck
“My years are my wealth”... Talking about age

Kristi and Antonella after a long and very tiring sightseeing:

Kristi: Che fame che ho! Mangiamo qualcosa?
How hungry I am! Let's eat something?
Antonella: Va bene! C'è una buona pizzeria vicino a Piazza Navona.
Fine! There is a good pizzeria here near Piazza Navona. Let's go to!
Kristi: Ma che caldo oggi! Ordiniamo una Coca-cola, va bene?
It's so hot today! Let's order a Coca-Cola, okay?
Antonella: Sì, certo, ma io ordino anche l’acqua minerale. Dopo tutti i
monumenti di stamattina ho sete. Sei stanca, Kristi?
Yes, of course, but I will also order mineral water. After all these monuments in the morning I'm thirsty. Are you tired, Christy?
Kristi: Un po’. E tu?
A little. And you?
Antonella: Sì, anch'io. Non sono in form!
Yes, me too. I'm out of shape!
Kristi: Ma scherzi!
Are you kidding!
Antonella: Sono così stanca…. E ho solo ventidue anni! Ma, Kristi, tu parli molto bene
litaliano! Brava!
I'm so tired... And I'm only 22 years old! Oh Christy, you speak Italian very well! Well done!
Kristi: Grazie!
Thank you!

Pay attention to the highlighted phrase: “ E ho solo ventidue anni».

To talk about age in Italian, we will use the already familiar verb “to have” - “avere” and question word: “quanto” - “how much”?

"quanto" + "anni" = "quanti anni"- the interrogative word “quanto”, when it comes with a noun, agrees with it in gender and number. Since the word “anni” is masculine and plural, we get: “quanti anni”. And if we ask how many chairs: “chair” in Italian is feminine – “sedia”, in plural- “sedie” and we get: “quante sedie”.

Capito? It's clear?

Let's return to our age:

Quanti anni hai? - how old are you? (literally: how old are you?)

Quanti anni ha? - how old are you? (how old are you?)

Accordingly, in the answer we also use the verb “avere” - “to have”

Io + ho + «any number" + anni
Io ho ventisei anni, e tu? – I’m 26 years old, and you?

minorenne- minor

Lesson assignments

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Italian.

  1. Is this girl underage? - Yes, she is only 15.
  2. How old are you, Signora Francesca? – 52. – You are very beautiful, and still young!
  3. On Tuesdays I have 3 lessons, and on Thursdays - only two. - Lucky!
  4. Every Tuesday I eat steak.
  5. Every Wednesday I buy a bag. How many bags!
  6. When will you finish work? - after 10 minutes. Shall we eat something then? - Certainly.
  7. how old are these children? - they are still small. Mario is 15 years old and Francesca is 10.
  8. I'm busy today, let's watch a movie another time? Fine?
  9. I'm thirsty, I'll take one Coca-Cola and two bottles of water.
  10. Will you only take one croissant? - Yes, because I'm on a diet.

Exercise 2. Write the following numerals in words:



Important! For easy entry into the topic and removing the psychological barrier. Watch the video tutorial!

​How to understand conjugation times Italian verbs. In the previous lesson we dealt with . In this lesson we will understand the rules for using tenses in Italian.
Italian has 8 tenses, 4 simple and 4 complex tenses. Simple tense differs from complex tense in that it is used without auxiliary verbs, avere And essere. Complex tenses are used with auxiliary verbs avere And essere, which change to take the form of a conjugation
simple tense + unchanged verb past tense forms.

Looks like that:

presente ho + mangiato = passato prossimo
imperfetto avevo + mangiato = trapassato prossimo
passato remoto ebbi + mangiato = trapassato remoto
futuro semplice avrò + mangiato = futuro anteriore

simple times; difficult times;
presente è + arrivato/-a = passato prossimo
imperfetto ero + arrivato/-a = trapassato prossimo
passato remoto fui + arrivato/-a = trapassato remoto
futuro semplice sarò + arrivato/-a = futuro anteriore

Times in Italian are called;

  1. presente- present tense,
  2. passatoprossimo- past, completed, near tense,
  3. imperfetto- past, incomplete tense,
  4. trapassato prossimo- prepast tense,
  5. passato remoto - past tense, distant,
  6. trapassato remoto - past tense preceding the distant past tense,
  7. futuro semplice - Future tense,
  8. futuro anteriore - future tense preceding the simple future tense.
1. Presente, - present time, corresponds to the present moment, an action that is happening now. Used without auxiliary verbs avere And essere.

For example:


iomangio sano e anche tu dovresti. ( I eat healthy food, and I advise you.)
tu mangi le costolette d'agnello. ( You are eating lamb chops.)
lui/leimangia mai qui? ( He never here eating ?)
noi mangiamo soltanto gatti. ( We eat only cats.
voi mangiate male e vivete male. ( you eat bad, and you live bad.)
loro mangiano voi cantate. ( They are eating , you sing.)

2. Passatoprossimo, - completed past tense. Not distant (a minute ago, a week, a month, a year ago.)

For example:

io ho mangiato solo uno o due dolcetti. ( I ate one, maybe two cakes.)
tu hai mangiato pizza a pranzo, vero? ( You ate pizza for lunch, right?)
lui/lei ha mangiato i funghi. ( He/she ate mushrooms.)
noi abbiamo mangiato in airport. ( M we ate in an Aeroport.)
voi avete mangiato le mele. ( Youate apples.)
loro hanno mangiato troppo. ( They ate too much.)

3. Imperfetto, - incomplete past tense. Not completed action.

For example:

io mangiavo tanta carne. (I ate a lot of meat.)
tu mangiavi mentre io lavavo i piatti. ( Did you eat while I was washing the dishes.)
lui/lei mangiava solo sardine e beveva solo acqua. ( O n ate just sardines and drank only water.)
noi mangiavamo solo verdure. ( Weate only vegetables.)
voi mangiavate la torta Napoleon? ( You ate Napoleon cake?)
loro mangiavano in ristoranti di alto livello. (They ate in nice restaurants.)

4. Trapassatoprossimo- pre-past tense. An action that happened before the action, in the past tense. Using verb conjugation in this tense, you can talk about your childhood.
Auxiliary, avere or essere in imperfetto + participio passato.
Look closely at the formation of time Trapassatoprossimo. Auxiliary avere or essere Imperfetto is added to a verb already transformed into Passatoprossimo= Trapassatoprossimo.

For example:

io avevo mangiato Qualcosa la notte scorsa. ( I something at night ate .)
tu avevi mangiato l"insalata di patate per caso? ( Did you eat that potato salad?)
lui/lei aveva mangiato e bevuto tanto. ( He she a lot of ate and drank.)
noi avevamo mangiato insieme tutti i giorni! ( We ate together all the time.)
voi avevate mangiato bellissimo piatto! ( Youate excellent dish.)
loro avevano mangiato anche durante la gravidanza. ( They ate even during pregnancy.)

5. Passatoremoto- the past tense, distant, is practically not used in colloquial speech. Characteristic is the emphasis on the last vowel in the 1st and 3rd person singular. h. Used in printed materials, mainly in fairy tales.

For example:

io dormii bene come mai prima d "allora. ( I never did not sleep better.)
tu prendesti le mie mele. (You took my apples.)
lui/ lei andò in spiaggia.. ( He/She went to the beach.)
noi dormimmo cantando le sirene . (We fell asleep to the sound of sirens.)
voi dormiste a mezzanotte. ( Youfell asleep at midnight.)
loro dormirono sul divano. ( Theyfell asleep on the couch.)

6. Trapassato remoto- past tense preceding the distant past tense. Difficult times. Formed - auxiliary avere or essere already converted during conjugation Rassatoremoto+ Passatoprossimo= Trapassato remoto.
Attention! The examples below are taken out of context and do not carry the semantic load corresponding to this time. This example is only for the general picture of conjugation in Trapassato remoto. For a complete understanding of the conjugation Trapassato remoto, do Exercise No. 2, located below the explanation of all times presented on this page.

io fui catturato e venduto a un circo russo. ( I was caught and sold to the Russian circus.)
tu fosti trovato ci lasciò 18 dollars. ( You have been found with 18 bucks left for you!)
lui/lei fu andato lui rimase là in piedi. ( He/She, left/gone, he remained standing.)
Noi fummo fortunati. ( Us lucky.)
voi foste andati a price fuori. ( You went have dinner.)
loro furono Mandati alla ricerca. ( They were sent to search.)

7. Futurosample- future tense, used with verbs in the present tense indicating the future tense. In the event that it refers to a precisely planned action in the future. In the case of an uncertain future action, not exactly planned in the future, takes the following verb form;

io prenderò i suoi soldi. ( I I'll take it your money.)
tu prenderai quel cellulare gratis. ( you'll take free phone.)
lui/leiandrà con lui. ( She will go with him.)
noiandremo a nord. ( We will go on North.
voi chiamerete qualcuno prima di andare. ( You will call to someone before you go.)
loro telefoneranno Appena sono qui fuori. ( They they'll call when they are outside.)

8. Futuroanteriore- future complex time of action of what happened before the future. Formed - auxiliary verb avere or essere already converted during conjugation into Futurosample+ Passatoprossimo= Futuroanteriore .

io avrò Chiamato un centinaio di persone prima di trovare il suo sito. ( I I'll call , 100 people before I find your site.)
tu avrai chiamato il sindaco prima di andare via. ( You will call mayor before you go.)
lui/ lei avrà mangiato troppe porcherie dopo scuola. He/she will eat a lot of unwashed food after school.)
Noi avremo una storia, un giorno... (We will have a love story, one day.)
voi sarete andati molto d "accordo. (You will get along well together.)
loro saranno andati da qualche parte senza avvertirmi. (Apparently They somewhere will run away without telling me.)

Exercise No. 1.
Level A2.

Riscrivi le frasi e inserisci i verbi nella giusta forma di coniugazione. Presente. Passato prossimo. Imperfetto.
Present, past, and incomplete past tense.

1. Pres.________solo patatine al formaggio. (I only eat pies with cheese.)
2. Imp. ______________, e questo ti faceva stare male. (You ate and you didn’t feel well.)
3. Imp. _______________ solo verdure coltivate nel monastero. (We only ate vegetables grown in the monastery.)
4. Pres.__________ solo gelatina e yogurt! (I only eat jello and yogurt.)
5. Imp. Anch"_________ al volante. (I also ate while driving.)
6. Pres. _______________ per vivere, non viviamo per mangiare. (We eat to live, not live to eat.)
7. Imp. Alcuni di ______________ in ristoranti di alto livello e imparavano a cucinare bene. (Some of us ate in good restaurants and learned how to cook well.)
8. Imp. ________________la pizza. (I ate pizza.)
9. Imp. Mentre _____________ la pizza? (While you were eating pizza?)
10. Imp. Quando le cose andavano male, ___________ porridge. (When things got tough, we ate porridge for breakfast.)
11. Imp. ________________ la pancetta ad ogni pasto. (He ate too much bacon.)
12. Imp. ________________ assieme, giocavamo assieme a pallacanestro. (We ate together and played basketball.)
13. Pres. Tanto _______________ sempre in cucina. (You always eat in the kitchen anyway.)
14.Pas. Hai detto che ________________ la pizza, com"era... (You said you ate pizza, what is it like...)
15. Imp. Non _______________ pane fresco da mesi. (I haven't eaten fresh bread for a month.)
16.Pas. Perché _____________ un pacchetto di mandorle salate. (Because I ate a bag of salted almonds.)
17. Imp. Lei e suo marito non solo vivevate,______________, dormivate insieme. (You and your husband not only lived, ate, and slept together.)
18. Imp. _______________ dal palmo della mia mano. (They ate from my hand.)

Exercise No. 2.
Level B1.

Riscrivi le frasi e inserisci i verbi nella giusta forma di coniugazione. Trapassato prossimo. Passato remoto. Trapassato remoto. Imperfetto.
Rewrite the sentences and insert the verbs in the correct conjugation form.

1. Tra. Pros. Mi ricordai che io, proprio io, non ______________. (I was reminded that I actually haven’t eaten for a long time.)
2. Tra. Pros. La chiamava così quando___________. (She called her that when I was little.
3. Tra. Rem. ________l"unico a rientrare quel giorno. (I was the only one who returned.)
4. Tra. Pros. Non ______________ nulla per tutto il giorno, ma io... (I haven’t eaten anything all day, but, you know...)
5. Tra. Pros. Stavo lavorando sugli appunti, era tardi, non _______________. (I worked late on my notes and didn't have time to eat...)
6.Rem. Una volta suonarono alla porta e ___________ giù ad aprire. (One day the doorbell rang and she went to answer it.)
7. Tra.Rem. Dopo che se ne ____________, per un"intera settimana papà non disse una parola. (For the entire week after her departure, her father did not say a word.)
8. Imp. Me la preparavi quando_____________. (You cooked it when I was little.
9. Tra. Pros. A otto anni ______________ tanto borsc da bastarmi per tutta la vita. By the age of eight, I had eaten borscht for the rest of my life.)
10. Fut.Sem. No, ma tu... ________ un pesce, un piccolo pesce... (No, you... you caught it, a little fish.)
11.Rem. Così _______ al college senza sapere come fare il bucato. (And so I went to college without knowing how to do laundry.)
12.Rem. E tra le ceneri della fuga frettolosa di Pablo... ______ davvero molto fortunato. (And so, in the ashes of Pablo's hasty escape, I was damn lucky.)
13.Rem. Ma ero morto dalla stanchezza e ______ fino al mattino dopo. (I fell from fatigue and slept until the morning.)
14.Rem. Quando________ a casa, tu, mamma, prendesti il ​​sacchetto, ma non mi chiedesti mai nulla dell "occhio nero. (When I came home, you took the groceries from me, Mom, but didn’t ask where I got the black eye.)
15.Rem. Mio nonno mi raccontava storie paurose quando_________. (My great-grandfather told me many of these horror stories when I was little.)
16. Imp. ____________ pochissimo la vigilia e il giorno di Natale. (I didn’t even eat much on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.)
17. Imp. La riunione fu il 3 novembre, ______ trasferito in dicembre. (The meeting took place on November 3, I moved in December.)
18. Tra.Rem. Hai detto che _________ molto a pranzo quel giorno. (You stated that you already had a big lunch that day.)
19. Tra.Pros. E quando ________ dal re in cerca di aiuto... lui le voltò le spalle. (When she went to the king for help, he kicked her out.)
20.Rem. ____________fortunati quando riuscimmo a trovare un rifugio. (We were lucky when we eventually found shelter.)
21. Tra.Pros. Pensavo fosse per qualcosa che ____________ . (I thought maybe I ate something wrong.)
22.Rem. Ricorda che anche tu ________ sposa. (Remember, you were a bride too.)

Exercise No. 3.
Level B2.

Riscrivi le frasi e inserisci i verbi nella giusta forma di coniugazione. Trapassato remoto. Futuro sample. Futuro anteriore.
Rewrite the sentences and insert the verbs in the correct conjugation form.

1.Rem. _________ mandati lì pur ripulire tutto, come se non fosse accaduto mai nulla. (We were sent there to make it as if all this had never happened.)
2. Fut.Ant. Devo restare qui dopo che ve ne _________? (Should I stay here after you leave?)
3. Fut.Semp. _________ qualche vestito, degli asciugamani... (I'll take clothes and toiletries.)

4. Fut.Ant. Ho paura di chiudere gli occhi, paura che quando li aprirò, ve ne _________. (I'm afraid to close my eyes. I'm afraid that I'll close them and you'll disappear.)
5. Fut.Ant. Non dopo che ____________ i servizi sociali. (Not until I call social services.
6. Tra.Rem. Credevo che ____________ al cinema! (I thought you guys went to the movies!)
7. Tra.Pros. I gufi mi __________ le braccia. (The owls ate my hands.)
8. Tra.Rem. A _____________ consegnate sette trombe. (And seven trumpets were given to them.)
9. Fut.Ant. Dopo che ___________ tutti i genitori dei ragazzi che non sono amici di Lilly. (After I call all the children’s parents, even those who are not Lilly’s friends.)
10. Rem Quella notte ________ nella casa costruita da mío padre. (That night I fell asleep in the house my father built.)
11. Tra.Pros. Io sarò felice quando tu e i tuoi ve ne _________. (And I will be glad when you get out of here.)
12.Rem. La sua anima mangiò con _______ con lei... ed era talmente piena di desiderio per lei che... Tornò dal suo padrone riportandolo in vita. (His spirit ate with her, slept with her, and missed her so much... that it flew back to its owner and brought him back to life.)
13. Fut.Semp. Quando__________, entrero nella cabina di sinistra. (Having heard the bell, I will go into the left booth.)
14. Tra.Rem. Lo ____________ un migliaio di volte nei tre giorni prima del mio intervento. (I called him a thousand times, all three days before the operation.)

15. Tra.Pros. Meglio che lo trovino dopo che __________. (It's better they find him after you disappear.)

To get the correct answers, click on the Italian flag icon at the top of the page on the right.

Sincerely, your tutor Irina Gulevich.
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In Italian, tenses are pronounced in the plural and the feminine plural article is used. le.

What time is it now? What time is it? Che ora è ? Che ore sono?
Six o'clock. Sono le sei

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Hello! It’s a cold but sunny Saturday outside my window, it’s time to do something serious but pleasant :) We recently studied the numerals of the Italian language, so now we can safely learn to tell the time!

How to ask what time is it in Italian? To do this we use the following phrase:

- Che ore sono?(literally, what time is it now?)

- Sono le...

The word “ora” (hour) is feminine, which means that the feminine article la is used with it, and in the plural - le.

Only for the times 1:00 and 13:00 the singular construction is used (it is now one o'clock in the afternoon).

So, click on the picture and see how to tell the time on the clock:

Now regarding the partial hours:

To indicate half an hour there is a word "mezza" - half.

That is, if the clock shows 15:30 we say - sono le tre e mezza.

To indicate quarter of an hour there is a word "quarto" - quarter.

If the clock shows 15:15 we say - sono le tre e un quarto. (pay attention to the article un - it is needed to clarify that this is one quarter.

To indicate any other time, the usual numbers are used:

12:20 - sono le dodici e venti

18:35 - sono le sei e trentacinque

20:10 - sono le venti e dieci

There are also designs similar to Russian "fifteen to twelve", the word used for this is "meno" - less (without):

11:45 - sono le dodici meno un quarto

14:50 - sono le tre meno dieci

16:40 - sono le cinque meno venti

Just like in Russian, 15:00 you can say like "fifteen" or "three o'clock". If you want to clarify which three hours you mean, you can add:

sono le tre di pomeriggio - three o'clock in the afternoon

sono le otto di sera - eight o'clock in the evening

sono le cinque di mattino - five o'clock in the morning

To say "at three o'clock" use a preposition "A":

alle tre di pomeriggio - at three o'clock in the afternoon

alle tre e mezza - at half past three

alle quattro meno venti - at twenty minutes to four

To indicate time interval, we use the following scheme:

dalle due alle tre - from two to three

dalle sette e mezza alle dieci - from seven thirty to ten

dalle otto di mattino alle tre di pomeriggio - from eight in the morning to three in the afternoon

In general, you see, everything is like in Russian, nothing complicated :)

“Happy hours don’t watch”...

In Italian, this phrase sounds: “il tempo vola quando ci si diverte!”, which literally translates: “time flies when you’re having fun.”

But be that as it may, you need to know how to ask what time it is in Italian.

This is what we will do today.

Learning to ask about time

Today we will look at how to ask: “ what time is it now"?

We will learn to answer this question if suddenly we are asked “un italiano simpatico” o “un’italiana simpatica”.

    There are two ways to ask what time it is in Italian: singular and plural. The meaning as such does not change.

But note that all hours are in the plural, except for the hour of day and night, therefore, our answer will be mainly in the plural, so it is more common to ask the question in the plural.

For this question we need a verb that is already familiar to us: “to be” - “ essere»:

“Che ora è?” - what time is it now?

“Che ore sono?” - whichhour? How much time?

So what does this diagram mean?
We have all hours in the plural, except for one in the afternoon and one in the morning.
This means that we will put the verb in the plural: “ sono le"+ the hours we need

- Che ore sono?- What time is it now?

Only in order to say the hour of the day and the hour of the night, we will use a singular verb and, accordingly, we will also have a singular article:

È luna. – hour of the day and hour of the night

Italians often use the concept: "noon" and "midnight".
So these two concepts will also be used with a singular verb, and the article will not be used!

Che ore sono? - What time is it now?

È mezzogiorno. – noon (12 hoursday)

È mezzanotte. – midnight (12 hoursnights)

Verb + article + hours + conjunction " e» + number of minutes
That is, first we say what time it is, as we discussed above, and then we add the conjunction « e» - « and" and the required number of minutes.
For example:
Sono le dieci e dieci. It's ten o'clock and 10 minutes now.

« mezzo" - half

The indefinite article with a quarter is required.

"Sono le cinque e mezzo.» – Half past five.

"Half" can be said using the words: " mezzo", but also " mezza».

But, attention!
« Mezza" - also means half past twelve (half past one) = Mezzogiorno e mezzo, or mezzanotte e mezzo
È quasi la mezza – almost half past midnight

In Italian we will use the word: " meno».
Starting from the minutes that come after half-time, we can safely say what time it is using the expression “meno».
To do this, we call the next hour + “meno” + the number of minutes that are missing before this hour.

Verb + article + next hour + “ meno» + number of minutes that are missing until the next hour

«È l'una meno dieci." - Ten to one.

A che ora? – at what time? – there can only be a single number here
A che ora? + verb.

- A che ora mangi? – what time do you eat?

To answer this question we will also use preposition "a", but since we use hours with an article, we have a combined form of preposition + article:
- Alluna. - at one o'clock in the afternoon or at one o'clock in the morning

With all other clocks the form will be used: " alle».
Alle otto di sera guardo la TV. – at eight o’clock in the evening I watch TV.

And only in expressions: “ at midnight" And " at noon", the article is removed and only pretext « a»:

A mezzanotte, sono stanco. – at midnight I’m tired. (at 12 o'clock at night)

Il treno arriva alle quindici e quindici. – the train arrives at 15:15.

Sono le venti e cinquantacinque. – It’s 20:55 now.

In ordinary conversation they will say: “alle tre e un quarto”, “alle nove meno cinque”.

Also to clarify we are talking about the hour of the day or night, the following time indicators come to the rescue:

di mattina – morning

di pomeriggio - day

di sera – evenings

di notte - nights

Ho lezione alle otto di mattina e alle tre di pomeriggio. – I have a lesson at 8 o’clock in the morning and at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

« dalle…. alle» - « With By»

dalle cinque di sera alle quattro di mattina - With five evenings before four morning

dalle tre e mezzo alle nove - from half past four to nine

dalle dieci alle dodici sono in palestra – from ten to twelve I’m in the gym

Ho un appuntamento con Sergio alle quattro in punto - at me meeting With Sergio smooth V four

“a mezzogiorno in punto” - exactly at noon (exactly at 12 noon)

A che ora ha la pausa pranzo? - What time do you have a lunch break?

Quando comincia a lavorare? – What hours do you start working?

Quando finisce di lavorare? – What time do you finish work?

A mezzanotte Lei già dorme? - Are you already asleep at midnight?

Di solito in Russia a che ora aprono e chiudono i negozi? – What time do shops usually open and close in Russia?

A che ora Comincia la pausa pranzo di solito? – What time does the break usually start?

Di sera guarda la TV o legge un libro? A che ora Finisce di guardare la TV? – In the evening, do you watch TV or read a book? What time do you finish watching TV?

A small digression, but Molto importante:
Pay attention to the phrases: “you start doing something”, “you finish doing something”.
"cominciare a fare qualcosa"- start doing something

"finire di fare qualcosa"- finish doing something

After the verbs “to begin” and “to finish” there is a preposition.

In the Italian language there are a lot of verbs that, before another verb in the infinitive, require after themselves, the so-called “preposition-link”. After which verb, which preposition to use, you must remember.

We'll look at this a little later and take a closer look. At this stage, remember that after the verb « cominciarea»;

After the verb "finish"before another verb in the infinitive there will be a preposition "di».

For example:
Cominciare a mangare – start eating

Quando cominciamo a mangiare? – when will we start eating?

We put the verb “to begin” in the person and number about which we're talking about+ preposition + infinitive of another verb. The verb “to eat” remains in the infinitive.

Cominciare a lavorare – to start working

Perché non cominci subito a lavorare? – why don't you start working now?

Finire di lavorare – stop working

A che ora finisci di lavorare? – What time do you finish work?

Finire di mangiare – finish eating

Tra cinque minuti finisco di mangiare. I'll eat in five minutes. (I'll finish eating )

Irregular verb "fare"

“Ma ci sei o ci fai?” - “Are you a fool, or are you pretending?!” or Useful and necessary verb: “fare” - “to do.”

We know that in addition to regular verbs in Italian, there are irregular ones.

Friends, the verb “fare” - irregular verb. It will have different forms, it will not decline according to the rules that we have learned for I, II, and III conjugations.

This verb is used in many expressions, including stable ones. Let's look at the most necessary ones for us at this stage.
fare il bagno- to take a bath

fare la doccia- take a shower

fare colazione- have breakfast

fare la spesa- shop (about products)

fare una passeggiata- take a walk (walk)

fare tardi- to be late (not to be in time, to be late)

fare presto- (By) hurry , (to) hurry up

abbiamo sempre l’abitudine di fare un po’ tard i – at us habit constantly a little bit be late

Che cosa fai? - What are you doing?

Faccio una traduzione- I am translating

Facciamo una passeggiata- lets go for a walk

Cosa fai sabato?– what are you doing on Saturday?

Cosa fai di bello- What are you doing? what good are you doing?

Io non faccio niente- I do nothing

This verb is used when we are interested in where our interlocutor works: “who do you work for”?

Cosa fai? - What do you do for a living?

Che lavoro fai? - What do you do for a living?

In the answer we can use the verb: “ fare", but we can also answer using the verb: " essere»:

Faccio il marinaio- I am a sailor.

Sono interprete, insegnante– I am a translator, teacher

Il mio fidanzato fa l'avvocato- my boyfriend is a lawyer.

Faccio il medico.- I am a doctor.

Io faccio la ragioniere.- I am an accountant.

Fai il cuoco? Ma che bravo! - are you a cook? What a fine fellow!

    Mario, cosa fai?– Non faccio niente di interessante.

Mario, what are you doing? - Nothing interesting.

What are these doing? beautiful girls? - they are busy, working.

What does Lorenzo do? – Lorenzo - translator

Who usually does this work? (performs)

Today we will take a long walk. (let's take a long walk)

And finally, everyone favorite expression :
« il dolce far niente", which means "pleasant doing nothing", "the sweetness of doing nothing" - such a characteristic highlight of the Italians, their way of life

Lesson assignments

Exercise 1. Put the verb " fare» into the required form:

  1. Mia sorella (fare) colazione al bar.
  2. Noi (fare) un lavoro interessante.
  3. Tu che cosa (fare) a Mosca?
  4. Che cosa (fare) Felice? – Lui (fare) il politico.
  5. Chi (fare) l'interprete?
  6. Luca (fare) l'avvocato? – No, (fare) l’attore

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following dialogue:

Exercise 3.“Che ore sono?” - "What time is it now?" Write the time in words:

  1. 8.10
  2. 3.30
  3. 1.15
  4. 4.40
  5. 11.25

Exercise 4. La routine del professor Daniele. The usual life of Professor Daniel.
You need to make up sentences and indicate at what time and what our professor is doing.

Example : mangia qualcosa (7.15)
Il professor Daniele mangia qualcosa alle sette e un quarto /alle sette e quindici.

  1. guarda il telegiornale (7.00)
  2. arriva all'università (8.35)
  3. inizia ( comincia) la lezione (9.05)
  4. incontra gli studenti (10.30)
  5. mangia alla mensa ( Vdining room) (12.00)
  6. telefona a sua moglie ( wife) (2.15)
    Mia sorella fa colazione al bar.

“Happy hours don’t watch”...

In Italian, this phrase sounds: “il tempo vola quando ci si diverte!”, which literally translates: “time flies when you’re having fun.”

But be that as it may, you need to know how to ask what time it is in Italian.

This is what we will do today.

Learning to ask about time

Today we will look at how to ask: “ what time is it now"?

We will learn to answer this question if suddenly we are asked “un italiano simpatico” o “un’italiana simpatica”.

  1. There are two ways to ask what time it is in Italian: singular and plural. The meaning as such does not change.
  2. But note that all hours are in the plural, except for the hour of day and night, therefore, our answer will be mainly in the plural, so it is more common to ask the question in the plural.

    For this question we need a verb that is already familiar to us: “to be” - “ essere»:

    “Che ora è?” - what time is it now?

    “Che ore sono?” —whichhour? How much time?

  3. To answer this question we will also use the verb:"be" " essere» + feminine definite article “le” (plural) or “l’” singular + numbers
  4. So what does this diagram mean?
    We have all hours in the plural, except for one in the afternoon and one in the morning.
    This means that we will put the verb in the plural: “ sono le"+ the hours we need

    - Che ore sono?- What time is it now?

    - Sono lenove- Nine o'clock

    Only in order to say the hour of the day and the hour of the night, we will use a singular verb and, accordingly, we will also have a singular article:

    È luna. – hour of the day and hour of the night

    Why do we have feminine articles?
    Because the word: “clock” in Italian is feminine – “ leore" One hour – “l’ora”.

    Italians often use the concept: "noon" and "midnight".
    So these two concepts will also be used with a singular verb, and the article will not be used!

    Che ore sono? - What time is it now?

    È mezzogiorno. –noon (12 hoursday)

    È mezzanotte. –midnight (12 hoursnights)

  5. WITH for hours figured it out, let's move on To minutes. To tell how many minutes we will use the following construction:
  6. Verb + article + hours + conjunction " e» + number of minutes
    That is, first we say what time it is, as we discussed above, and then we add the conjunction« e» — « and" and the required number of minutes.
    For example:
    Sono le dieci e dieci. It's ten o'clock and 10 minutes now.

    Sono le nove e venti. – Nine hours and 20 minutes.
    Sono le sei e cinque. – Six hours and 5 minutes.
  7. To say "half" and "quarter" we will use the following expressions:
  8. « mezzo" - half

    « unquarto"- quarter

    The indefinite article with a quarter is required!!!

    "Sono le cinque e mezzo.» – Half past five.

    "Sono le cinque e un quarto." – Fifteen minutes past six.

    "Half" can be said using the words: " mezzo", but also "mezza».

    But, attention!
    « Mezza" - also means half past twelve (half past one) = Mezzogiorno e mezzo, or mezzanotte e mezzo
    È quasi la mezza – almost half past midnight

  9. To convey the Russian temporary concept “..without”: “twenty eight minutes before”, etc.
  10. In Italian we will use the word: " meno».
    Starting from the minutes that come after half-time, we can safely say what time it is using the expression “meno».
    To do this, we call the next hour + “meno” + the number of minutes that are missing before this hour.

    Verb + article + next hour + “ meno» + number of minutes that are missing until the next hour

    «È l'una meno dieci." - Ten to one.

    "Sono le due meno venti." - Twenty to two.
    «È mezzogiorno meno un quarto" - Fifteen minutes to 12, quarter to 12.
  11. To ask or say what time something will happen, we need the preposition “a».
  12. A che ora? – at what time? – there can only be a single number here
    A che ora? + verb.

    - A che ora mangi? – what time do you eat?

    - A che ora finisci il lavoro? – what time do you finish work?
    - A che ora apri la banca? – what time do you open the bank?

    To answer this question we will also use preposition "a", but since we use hours with an article, we have a combined form of preposition + article:
    - Alluna. - at one o'clock in the afternoon or at one o'clock in the morning

    With all other clocks the form will be used: " alle».
    Alle otto di sera guardo la TV. – at eight o’clock in the evening I watch TV.

    Arrivo alla lezione alle nove. – I arrive for class at 9.

    And only in expressions: “ at midnight" And " at noon", the article is removed and only pretext« a»:

    A mezzanotte, sono stanco. – at midnight I’m tired. (at 12 o'clock at night)

    A mezzogiono ho fame - at noon I want to eat. (at 12 a.m)
  13. 24 hourly calculating the time of day, 24 hour format used in Italian when talking about train schedule, television, and other business schedules. Instead of saying: “one and a half”, when announcing the arrival or departure of a train, they will say: “13:30”
  14. Il treno arriva alle quindici e quindici. – the train arrives at 15:15.

    Sono le venti e cinquantacinque. – It’s 20:55 now.

    In ordinary conversation they will say: “alle tre e un quarto”, “alle nove meno cinque”.

  15. Also to clarify we are talking about the hour of the day or night, the following time indicators come to the rescue:
  16. di mattina –morning

    di pomeriggio -day

    di sera –evenings

    di notte -nights

    Ho lezione alle otto di mattina e alle tre di pomeriggio. – I have a lesson at 8 o’clock in the morning and at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

    Guardo la TV alle otto di sera. – I watch TV at 8 pm.
  17. To indicate time interval: “from ... to”, we will use the following construction:
  18. « dalle…. alle» — « WithBy»

    dalle cinque di sera alle quattro di mattina - With five evenings before four morning

    dalle tre e mezzo alle nove - from half past four to nine

    dalle dieci alle dodici sono in palestra – from ten to twelve I’m in the gym

  19. If you are a “puntuale” person, then the following expression will be useful for you: "exactly" - "in punto»
  20. Ho un appuntamento con Sergio alle quattro in punto - at me meeting With Sergio smooth V four

    “alle tre in punto” - at exactly three o’clock

    “a mezzogiorno in punto” - exactly at noon (exactly at 12 noon)

A che ora ha la pausa pranzo? - What time do you have a lunch break?

Quando comincia a lavorare? – What hours do you start working?

Quando finisce di lavorare? – What time do you finish work?

A mezzanotte Lei già dorme? -Are you already asleep at midnight?

Di solito in Russia a che ora aprono e chiudono i negozi? – What time do shops usually open and close in Russia?

A che ora Comincia la pausa pranzo di solito? – What time does the break usually start?

Di sera guarda la TV o legge un libro? A che ora Finisce di guardare la TV? – In the evening, do you watch TV or read a book? What time do you finish watching TV?

A small digression, but Molto importante:
Pay attention to the phrases: “you start doing something”, “you finish doing something”.
"cominciare a fare qualcosa"- start doing something

"finire di fare qualcosa"- finish doing something

After the verbs “to begin” and “to finish” there is a preposition.

In the Italian language there are a lot of verbs that, before another verb in the infinitive, require after themselves, the so-called “preposition-link”. After which verb, which preposition to use, you must remember.

We'll look at this a little later and take a closer look. At this stage, remember that after the verb « cominciarea»;

After the verb "finish"before another verb in the infinitive there will be a preposition "di».

For example:
Cominciare a mangare – start eating

Quando cominciamo a mangiare? – when will we start eating?

We put the verb “to begin” in the person and number in question + a preposition + the infinitive of another verb. The verb “to eat” remains in the infinitive.

Cominciare a lavorare – to start working

Perché non cominci subito a lavorare? – why don't you start working now?

Finire di lavorare – stop working

A che ora finisci di lavorare? – What time do you finish work?

Finire di mangiare – finish eating

Tra cinque minuti finisco di mangiare. I'll eat in five minutes. (I'll finish eating )

Irregular verb "fare"

“Ma ci sei o ci fai?” - “Are you a fool, or are you pretending?!” or A useful and necessary verb: “fare” - “to do.”

We know that in addition to regular verbs in Italian, there are irregular ones.

Friends, the verb “fare” is an irregular verb. It will have different forms, it will not decline according to the rules that we have learned for I, II, and III conjugations.

Io — faccio- “I do”
Tu - fai- "you are doing"
Lui, lei, Lei - fa– “he does, she does, you do”
Noi – facciamo- "we do"
Voi – fate- "You doing"
Loro fanno- "they make"

This verb is used in many expressions, including stable ones. Let's look at the most necessary ones for us at this stage.
fare il bagno- to take a bath

fare la doccia- take a shower

fare colazione- have breakfast

fare la spesa- shopping (about products)

fare una passeggiata- take a walk (walk)

fare tardi- to be late (not to be in time, to be late)

fare presto- (By) hurry , (to) hurry up

abbiamo sempre l’abitudine di fare un po’ tard i –at us habit constantly a little bit be late

Che cosa fai? - What are you doing?

Faccio una traduzione- I am translating

Facciamo una passeggiata- lets go for a walk

Cosa fai sabato?– what are you doing on Saturday?

Cosa fai di bello- What are you doing? what good are you doing?

Io non faccio niente- I do nothing

This verb is used when we are interested in where our interlocutor works: “who do you work for”?

Cosa fai? - What do you do for a living?

Che lavoro fai? - What do you do for a living?

In the answer we can use the verb: “ fare", but we can also answer using the verb: " essere»:

Faccio il marinaio- I am a sailor.

Sono interprete, insegnante– I am a translator, teacher

Il mio fidanzato fa l'avvocato- my boyfriend is a lawyer.

Faccio il medico.- I am a doctor.

Io faccio la ragioniere.- I am an accountant.

Fai il cuoco? Ma che bravo! - are you a cook? What a fine fellow!

More examples:

  1. Mario, cosa fai?– Non faccio niente di interessante.
  2. Mario, what are you doing? - Nothing interesting.

  3. Che cosa fanno queste belle ragazze? - sono occupate, lavorano.
  4. What are these beautiful girls doing? - they are busy, working.

  5. Oggi noi facciamo una lunga passeggiata.
  6. Today we will take a long walk. (let's take a long walk)

And finally, everyone’s favorite expression:
« il dolce far niente", which means "pleasant doing nothing", "the sweetness of doing nothing" - such a characteristic highlight of the Italians, their way of life

Lesson assignments

Exercise 1. Put the verb " fare» into the required form:

  1. Mia sorella (fare) colazione al bar.
  2. Noi (fare) un lavoro interessante.
  3. Tu che cosa (fare) a Mosca?
  4. Che cosa (fare) Felice? – Lui (fare) il politico.
  5. Chi (fare) l'interprete?
  6. Luca (fare) l'avvocato? – No, (fare) l’attore

Exercise 2.

- Ciao, Anna! Cosa fai di bello?
- Niente. Guardo la televisione.
— Sei impegnata stasera?
- No, stasera sono libera.
- Facciamo una passeggiata insieme?
- Volentieri! E poi mangiamo una pizza! Va bene?
- Va benissimo! Brava!

Exercise 3.“Che ore sono?” - "What time is it now?" Write the time in words:

  1. 8.10
  2. 3.30
  3. 1.15
  4. 4.40
  5. 11.25

Exercise 4. La routine del professor Daniele. The usual life of Professor Daniel.
You need to make up sentences and indicate at what time and what our professor is doing.

Example : mangia qualcosa (7.15)
Il professor Daniele mangia qualcosa alle sette e un quarto /alle sette e quindici.

  1. guarda il telegiornale (7.00)
  2. arriva all'università (8.35)
  3. inizia ( comincia) la lezione (9.05)
  4. incontra gli studenti (10.30)
  5. mangia alla mensa ( V dining room) (12.00)
  6. telefona a sua moglie ( wife) (2.15)

Exercise 1. Put the verb " fare» into the required form:

  1. Mia sorella fa colazione al bar.
  2. Luca fa l'avvocato? – No, fa l’attore

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following dialogue:
- Hello Anna! What are you doing so cute?
- Nothing. Watching TV.
—Are you busy tonight?
- No, I'm free tonight.
- Shall we take a walk together?
- With pleasure! And then we'll eat pizza! Is it coming?
- Great! Well done!

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