Determination of the environment in a chemistry solution. Determining the nature of the solution environment of acids and alkalis using indicators. Qualitative reactions to ions in solution (chloride, sulfate, carbonate ions, ammonium ion). Obtaining gaseous substances. in an alkaline environment

Chemical properties of oxides: basic, amphoteric, acidic

Oxides are complex substances consisting of two chemical elements, one of which is oxygen with an oxidation state ($-2$).

The general formula of oxides is: $E_(m)O_n$, where $m$ is the number of atoms of the element $E$, and $n$ is the number of oxygen atoms. Oxides can be hard(sand $SiO_2$, varieties of quartz), liquid(hydrogen oxide $H_2O$), gaseous(carbon oxides: carbon dioxide $CO_2$ and carbon dioxide $CO$ gases). Based on their chemical properties, oxides are divided into salt-forming and non-salt-forming.

Non-salt-forming These are oxides that do not react with alkalis or acids and do not form salts. There are few of them, they contain non-metals.

Salt-forming These are oxides that react with acids or bases to form salt and water.

Among the salt-forming oxides there are oxides basic, acidic, amphoteric.

Basic oxides- these are oxides that correspond to bases. For example: $CaO$ corresponds to $Ca(OH)_2, Na_2O to NaOH$.

Typical reactions of basic oxides:

1. Basic oxide + acid → salt + water (exchange reaction):


2. Basic oxide + acidic oxide → salt (compound reaction):


3. Basic oxide + water → alkali (compound reaction):


Acidic oxides- these are oxides that correspond to acids. These are non-metal oxides:

N2O5 corresponds to $HNO_3, SO_3 - H_2SO_4, CO_2 - H_2CO_3, P_2O_5 - H_3PO_4$, as well as metal oxides with high oxidation states: $(Cr)↖(+6)O_3$ corresponds to $H_2CrO_4, (Mn_2)↖(+7 )O_7 — HMnO_4$.

Typical acid oxide reactions:

1. Acid oxide + base → salt + water (exchange reaction):


2. Acidic oxide + basic oxide → salt (compound reaction):


3. Acid oxide + water → acid (compound reaction):


This reaction is possible only if the acid oxide is soluble in water.

Amphoteric are called oxides, which, depending on conditions, exhibit basic or acidic properties. These are $ZnO, Al_2O_3, Cr_2O_3, V_2O_5$. Amphoteric oxides do not directly combine with water.

Typical reactions of amphoteric oxides:

1. Amphoteric oxide + acid → salt + water (exchange reaction):


2. Amphoteric oxide + base → salt + water or complex compound:

$Al_2O_3+2NaOH+3H_2O(=2Na,)↙(\text"sodium tetrahydroxoaluminate")$

$Al_2O_3+2NaOH=(2NaAlO_2)↙(\text"sodium aluminate")+H_2O$.

In task 18 of the OGE in chemistry, we demonstrate knowledge of indicators and pH, as well as qualitative reactions to ions in solution.

Theory for task No. 18 OGE in chemistry


An indicator is a chemical substance that changes color depending on the pH of the environment.

The most well-known indicators are phenolphthalein, methyl orange, litmus and the universal indicator. Their colors depending on the environment in the picture below:

And here are the colors of the indicators in more detail with real-life examples:

We've dealt with indicators; let's move on to qualitative reactions to ions.

Qualitative reactions to ions

Qualitative reactions to cations and anions are presented in the table below.

How to correctly cope with task 18 in the OGE test in chemistry?

To do this, you need to select a qualitative reaction to one of the options provided and make sure that this reagent does not react with the second substance.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 18 OGE in chemistry

First version of the task

Establish a correspondence between two substances and a reagent that can be used to distinguish between these substances.


A) Na2CO3 and Na2SiO3

B) K2CO3 and Li2CO3

B) Na2SO4 and NaOH


1) CuCl2

4) K3PO4

Let's consider each case.

Na2CO3 and Na2SiO3

  1. the reaction with copper chloride does not occur in both cases, since copper carbonate and silicate decompose in an aqueous solution
  2. with hydrochloric acid, in the case of sodium carbonate, gas is released, and in the case of silicate, a precipitate forms - this is qualitative reaction to silicates
  3. with phosphate there are also no qualitative reactions to sodium

K2CO3 and Li2CO3

  1. These substances do not react with copper chloride (in fact, a precipitate of copper hydroxide precipitates, but this reaction cannot distinguish the two reagents)
  2. Both react with hydrochloric acid to release carbon dioxide.
  3. These substances do not react with magnesium oxide, and magnesium oxide does not enter into ion exchange reactions
  4. with phosphate lithium precipitates as phosphate , but no potassium

We have one last option left - copper chloride. Indeed, copper hydroxide precipitates with sodium hydroxide, but the reaction does not occur with sulfate.

Lesson topic: Creative tasks in GIA variants

Lesson location: general lesson in 9th grade (in preparation for the State Examination in Chemistry).

Lesson duration: (60 min.).

Lesson content:

The lesson is structurally divided into 3 parts, corresponding to the questions in the GIA options.

    Obtaining gaseous substances. Qualitative reactions to gaseous substances (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, ammonia) (A 14).

    Determining the nature of the solution environment of acids and alkalis using indicators. Qualitative reactions to ions in solution (chloride, sulfate, carbonate ions, ammonium ion) (A 14).

    Chemical properties of simple substances. Chemical properties of complex substances. Qualitative reactions to ions in solution (chloride, sulfate, carbonate ions, ammonium ion). Obtaining gaseous substances. Qualitative reactions to gaseous substances (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide) (C 3).

During the lesson, the teacher uses a multimedia presentation: “Creative tasks in GIA variants”, “Safety precautions in chemistry lessons”, “Creative tasks in GIA variants” for the 3rd part of the lesson.

The purpose of the lesson: Prepare 9th grade students for the State Examination in Chemistry on specific issues.Purpose of the work: to consolidate knowledge about the properties of inorganic compounds of different classes, about qualitative reactions to ions.Deepen students' knowledge of chemistry and develop interest in the subject.

Lesson Objectives :

- Deepen, systematize and consolidate,students' knowledge of methods of production, collection and properties of various gases;

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and establish cause and effect relationships;

Introduce you to the methodology for completing tasks of GIA variants on this topic;

Develop skills and abilities to work with chemical reagents and chemical equipment;

Promote the development of skills to apply knowledge in specific situations;

Broaden the horizons of students, increase motivation for learning, socialization of students through independent activities;

Help students gain real experience in solving non-standard tasks;

Develop educational and communication skills;

To promote the development in children of the skills to exercise self-esteem and control their activities;

Help students prepare for entry into secondary education.

Objectives for students:

    Get acquainted with performing creative tasks in GIA variants (A-14, C3);

    Learn to solve non-standard creative problems;

    Exercise control and self-control of your activities.

(Students read out).

Lesson type:

    Lesson on improving knowledge, skills and abilities (lesson on the formation of skills and abilities, targeted application of those learned in the GIA variants)

    lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge;


Forms of work:

Frontal, group, individual, collective.

Methods and means of teaching:independent work of students, which they did at home, in class,individual work, group work, laboratory experience, work at the board, using ICT, handouts and abstract world objects.

Lesson effectiveness:

During the lesson, the teacher created conditions for active student activity, including creative activity.

Equipment: balloons, soap bubbles, individual cards, task cards, practical work assignments, homework cards, reflection sheet, “How did I learn the material?” test,computer, projector, screen,presentations. Tables: solubility, color of indicators, determination of ions. Tables at the blackboard.

Reagents: sodium carbonate, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate, hydrochloric acid, silver nitrate, barium chloride, calcium carbonate, water, ammonium chloride. Indicators: methyl orange, phenolphthalein, litmus).

Test "Our mood"

( Before the lesson, students are invited to take squares of any color that the children want to take):

Red – energetic (ready to work).

Yellow is the color of joy and good mood.

Blue is the color of calm and balance.

Green is bored, but I hope that this mood will change.

Brown – isolation.

Black is gloomy.

Lesson motto: Words of Goethe: “It is not enough to know, you must also apply.

It’s not enough to want, you have to do it.”

During the classes:


    Founder of the theory of Electrolytic dissociation (Arrhenius).

    The process of disintegration of an electrolyte into ions is called? (ED).

    What substances are called electrolytes? (Substances whose aqueous solutions or melts conduct electric current).

    Positively charged ions are called (cations).

    Negatively charged ions are called (anions).

    When alkalis dissociate, ions are formed (hydroxide ions).

    List the conditions for the occurrence of ion exchange reactions (ion exchange reactions go to completion in three cases: 1. As a result of the reaction, a precipitate is formed; 2. a slightly dissociating substance or water; 3. a gaseous substance is formed) (student answers).

    When acids dissociate, ions (hydrogen ions) are formed.

    First part of the lesson.

Obtaining gaseous substances. Qualitative reactions to gaseous substances (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, ammonia)

Need to know:

    Physical and chemical properties of gases (hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ammonia).

    Gas collection methods.

    Name and operation of devices for producing gases

    The main methods of obtaining gases in industry and laboratories

    Gas identification ( qualitative reactions) .

1. Variety of gases. Distribute the gases you know into groups (individual work - students complete the task on separate pieces of paper, the answers are recorded on the screen, mutual testing is organized, and students are graded).

Formulas of gaseous substances are printed on sheets of paper and placed on the board in advance:

O 2 ,CO,H 2 ,NO 2 , CO 2 , N 2 , N.H. 3 , H 2 S, CI 2 , HCI.

1) gases – simple substances;

2) gases - oxides;

3) colored gases;

4) gases with a characteristic odor;

Answer: 1) Simple substances: N 2 , O 2 , H 2 ,Cl 2 .

2) Oxides: CO, CO 2 ,NO 2 .

3) Colored gases: Cl 2 ,NO 2 .

4) Gases with a characteristic odor: Cl 2 ,NO 2 , N.H. 3 , H 2 S, HCl.

2. Determine what gas fills the ball. To do this: Calculate the air density of the gases given to you.

Balloons of different colors are suspended on the board, located at different heights. Within 5 minutes, students must determine which gas, from those whose formulas are listed below, fills each ball: NH 3 , CO 2 , N 2 , ABOUT 2 .

We create groups. Each group receives its own gas (a ball of a different color, corresponding to the color of the cylinders in which liquefied gas is transported. For example, oxygen: the ball is blue), the properties of which the group will determine. Group 1 - N 2 , 2nd group - O 2 , 3rd group - CO 2 , 4th group - NH 3 . Students also give the answer: why are the balls located at different heights?

3. Experience : Why do air bubbles fly down? (Water gun). The children give the answer.

Work in groups:

4. Name the physical properties of the gases given to you. Briefly. (Work in groups).


Hydrogen –

Ammonia –

Carbon dioxide -

5.Answer the question: What methods of collecting gases do you know? Let's look at the slide:

Devices for collecting gases.

2) What gases can be collecteddevice in Figure 1 and 2?

Which are lighter than air 1, heavier - 2.

3) What gases can be collected with the device in Figure 3?

Gases that are insoluble in water.

4) What device number will you use to collect?

Group 1 - hydrogen? 2- oxygen?

ABOUT We are working on this issue according to the State Inspectorate’s instructions:

A) ammonia B) oxygen

C) carbon dioxide D) hydrogen sulfide

The production of which gas is shown in the figure?

A) ammonia B) oxygen

C) carbon dioxide D) hydrogen

6 . We will work out laboratory and industrial methods for producing gases on GIA issues: (according to the handout, table 1.)

TO what kind of gas do they get?

A) ammonia B) oxygen

C) carbon dioxide D) hydrogen

What gas do you get?

A) ammonia

B) oxygen

B) carbon dioxide

D) hydrogen

What gas do you get?

A) ammonia

B) oxygen

B) carbon dioxide

D) hydrogen

What gas do you get?

A) ammonia B) oxygen C) carbon dioxide D) hydrogen

What gas do you get?

A) ammonia B) oxygen

B) carbon dioxide D) hydrogen

7 .How to distinguish gases from each other?

What gas is being determined?

A) ammonia B) oxygen

C) carbon dioxide D) hydrogen

What gas are the balloons filled with?

A) hydrogen sulfide B) oxygen

C) carbon dioxide D) hydrogen

What gas is being transferred?

A) ammonia B) oxygen

C) carbon dioxide D) hydrogen

A distinctive feature of tasks A14 2012 were questions on drawings.

Thus, in the GIA assignments there are the following questions about drawings:

What gas is being collected? (Collecting methods)

What gas do you get? (Methods of obtaining)

What gas is being determined? (Identification)


2.Second part of the lesson.

Determining the nature of the solution environment of acids and alkalis using indicators.

Qualitative reactions to ions in solution (chloride, sulfate, carbonate ions, ammonium ion.

Safety Rules (presentation).

1. Laboratory experience.

Safety precautions in chemistry lessons (Multimedia presentation)

In groups, identify the substances given to you.

Group 1

HCI), alkalis (NaOH) and water (H 2 O). Using the given substances (methyl orange), determine which test tube contains each substance.

Group 2

Group 3

Appendix 1.2 (for group 1-3)

Practical work No. 1

Lesson objectives:

Equipment: board, chalk, table “Determining the nature of the solution of acids and alkalis using indicators”, “Table of solubility of acids, bases, salts in water”, a stand with test tubes, an alcohol lamp, matches, a holder for test tubes.

Reagents: solutions: sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, water, indicator - methyl orange.

Group 1

Three test tubes under numbers contain solutions: acids (HCI), alkalis (NaOH) and water (H 2 O). Using the given indicator substances (methyl orange, phenolphthalein, litmus), determine which test tube contains each substance.

Instructions for use.

Assignment: three numbered test tubes (1, 2, 3) contain the following substances: acids (HCI), alkalis (NaOH) and water (H 2 O).

Using characteristic reactions, recognize which test tube contains these substances.

Perform experiments 1, 2, 3.

Pour 2 - 3 ml of solution into test tube No. 1 and add 1 - 2 drops of a solution of methyl orange indicator, litmus, phenolphthalein, how did the color of the solution change?

Pour a solution of methyl orange indicator, litmus, phenolphthalein into test tube No. 2.

What are you observing?

Pour a solution of methyl orange indicator, litmus, phenolphthalein into test tube No. 3.

What are you observing?

3. Fill out the table.

Make the necessary notes in your notebook, voice the conclusion (one student from the group speaks). See handouts appendix 1.2.

Color change

in an acidic environment

Color change in alkaline environment

Practical work No. 1

Topic: Qualitative reactions to ions.

Purpose of the work: using characteristic reactions to recognize inorganic substances.

Improve skills in conducting chemical experiments;

In a practical way, confirm the conditions for carrying out ion exchange reactions.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: with the help of a chemical experiment, consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the section “Theory of electrolytic dissociation” (characteristic reactions to inorganic substances).

Developmental: promote the development of thinking (analyze, compare, highlight the main thing, establish cause-and-effect relationships), the development of cognitive interests.

Educational: promote the formation of personality qualities (responsibility, collectivism, initiative).

Type of lesson: application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice.

Type of lesson: practical work.

Teaching methods: analytical, comparative, generalizing, classification.

Group 2

Three test tubes with numbers contain solutions: sodium carbonate, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. Using the given substances (hydrochloric acid, silver nitrate, barium chloride), determine which test tube contains each substance.

Instructions for use.

To perform this experiment, divide the contents of each numbered test tube into three samples.


    1. Table for recording work completion in the form:

2. Perform experiments 1, 2, 3.

What are you observing?

What are you observing?

What are you observing?

Write the reaction equation in molecular, full ionic, and reduced ionic forms.

3. Fill out the table.

4. Draw a general conclusion. Write down the results of the experimental part of the work in the report table. When preparing a report, use §§ 2,3,4.

Make the necessary notes

Practical work No. 1

Topic: Qualitative reactions to ions.

Purpose of the work: using characteristic reactions to recognize inorganic substances.

Improve skills in conducting chemical experiments;

In a practical way, confirm the conditions for carrying out ion exchange reactions.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: with the help of a chemical experiment, consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the section: “Theory of electrolytic dissociation” (characteristic reactions to inorganic substances).

Developmental: promote the development of thinking (analyze, compare, highlight the main thing, establish cause-and-effect relationships), the development of cognitive interests.

Educational: promote the formation of personality qualities (responsibility, collectivism, initiative).

Type of lesson: application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice.

Type of lesson: practical work.

Teaching methods: analytical, comparative, generalizing, classification.

Equipment: board, chalk, table of solubility of acids, bases, salts in water, rack with test tubes, alcohol lamp, matches, test tube holder.

Reagents: solutions: hydrochloric acid, water, indicator - silver nitrate, calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate and sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, ammonium chloride.

Group 3

Three numbered test tubes contain solids: calcium carbonate, ammonium chloride and sodium chloride. Using the given substances (hydrochloric acid, silver nitrate, sodium hydroxide), determine which test tube contains each substance.

Instructions for use.

To perform this experiment, divide the contents of each numbered test tube into three samples.


1. A table for recording the completion of work in the form:

2. Perform experiments 1, 2, 3.

Pour the silver nitrate solution into test tube No. 1.

What are you observing?

Write the reaction equation in molecular, full ionic, and reduced ionic forms.

Pour a solution of hydrochloric acid into test tube No. 2.

What are you observing?

Write the reaction equation in molecular, full ionic, and reduced ionic forms.

Pour sodium hydroxide solution into test tube No. 3.

What are you observing?

Write the reaction equation in molecular, full ionic, and reduced ionic forms.

3. Fill out the table.

4. Draw a general conclusion. Write down the results of the experimental part of the work in the report table. When preparing a report, use §§ 2,3,4.

Make the necessary notesin the notebook, the conclusion is voiced. (One student from the group speaks). See handouts appendix 1.2.

3. Third part of the lesson

Chemical properties of simple substances. Chemical properties of complex substances.

Qualitative reactions to ions in solution (chloride, sulfate, carbonate ions, ammonium ion).

Obtaining gaseous substances.

Qualitative reactions to gaseous substances (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, ammonia)

Creative tasks, task C 3, the tasks are difficult.

3. Each group is asked to solve one combined problem. The group decides together. The solution is written down on the board.

3.1 : Pavel Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain” mentions a beautiful ornamental stone - malachite, from which vases, boxes, and jewelry are made. Chemical formula of malachite (CuOH) 2 CO 3 . During the thermal decomposition of malachite, three complex substances are formed: one black solid and two gaseous. When one of the resulting gaseous substances is passed through lime water, it becomes cloudy due to the formation of sediment.

Write down the chemical formula and name of the resulting precipitate. Write two molecular equations for the reactions that were carried out.

Answer:t 0

(CuOH) 2 CO 3 → 2CuO + CO 2 +H 2 O


CO 2 +Ca(OH) 2 →CaCO 3 ↓+H 2 O

This reaction is used to detect carbon monoxide (IV).

3.2: Substance X 1 obtained by reacting aluminum with yellow powder. When water acts on X 1 a poisonous gas with the smell of rotten eggs is released. This gas burns to form substance X 2 with a pungent odor. Define X 1 their 2. Write the equations for the reactions occurring. Indicate the molar mass of substance X 2.


2Al +3S → Al 2 S 3

Al 2 S 3 + 6 N 2 ABOUT→ 3H 2 S + 2Al(OH) 3

2 H 2 S + 3 O 2 → 2 SO 2 + 2H 2 ABOUT

Al 2 S 3 - X 1 , SO 2 - X 2 M (SO 2 ) = 64 g/mol

All experiments with hydrogen sulfide are carried out in a fume hood!

3.3: To determine the qualitative composition of a substance, students were given a metal salt, 1 kg of which in 1854 cost 270 times more than silver, and in the middleXXcentury has already been widely used for the manufacture of light metal structures. After dissolving the crystals of the given salt in water, the students poured the resulting clear solution into two test tubes.

A few drops of sodium hydroxide solution were added to one of them, and a gel-like white precipitate formed. A few drops of barium chloride solution were added to another test tube containing a salt solution, which formed a white, milk-like precipitate.

Write down the chemical formula and name of the salt given. Create two equations for the reactions that were carried out in the process of recognizing it.


Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 +6NaOH→3Na 2 SO 4 +2Al(OH) 3 gel-likewhitesediment

Al 2 ( SO 4 ) 3 + 3 BaCl 2 → 3 BaSO 4 ↓+ 2 AlCl 3

white, milky sediment

Summing up the lesson. Reflection. Grading.

Evaluative-reflective block

Let's analyze your work in groups. The floor is given to the leader of each group.

What questions did we cover in class today?

Which of these questions did you find most difficult?

Test Appendix 3

How did I learn the material?

Homework (the assignment is printed for each student)

Task No. 1.

To carry out the experiments, the researchers were given a substance that was yellow crystals insoluble in water. This substance is known to be used in making matches and vulcanizing rubber. As a result of the interaction of the released substance with concentrated sulfuric acid when heated, gaseous oxide and water are formed. And when the resulting oxide is passed through a solution of barium hydroxide, a white precipitate forms, which dissolves with further passage of the gas.

Write down the chemical formula and name the salt obtained as a result of the second experiment. Write two molecular reaction equations that correspond to the experiments the students conducted while exploring salt.

t 0

S+2H 2 SO 4 = 3SO 2 + 2H 2 O

SO 2 +Ba(OH) 2 = BaSO 4 ↓ + 2H 2 O

Barium sulfate

(At the end of the lesson, students who want to change the square to a square of a different color are asked to do so. Test "Our mood").

Annex 1.

Table. Ion determination

Reaction result

H +


Color change


Cl -

White sediment

WITHu 2+

OH -

S 2-

Blue sediment

Black sediment

Coloring the flame blue-green

Fe 2+

OH -

Greenish sediment that turns brown over time

Fe 3+

OH -

Brown sediment

Zn 2+

OH -

S 2-

White precipitate, if in excessOH - dissolves

White sediment

Al 3+

OH -

A white, jelly-like precipitate that, when in excessOH - dissolves

N.H. 4 +

OH -

Ammonia smell

Ba 2+

SO 4 2-

White sediment

Coloring the flame yellow-green

Ca 2+

CO 3 2-

White sediment

Coloring the flame brick red

Na +

Flame color yellow

K +

Flame color is purple (through cobalt glass)

Cl -

Ag +

White sediment

H 2 SO 4 *

Release of colorless gas with a pungent odor (HCl)

Br -

Ag +

H 2 SO 4 *

Yellowish sediment

SelectionSO 2 AndBr 2 (brown color)

I -

Ag +

H 2 SO 4 +

Yellow precipitate

SelectionH 2 SAndI 2 (purple)

SO 3 2-

H +

SelectionSO 2 - a gas with a pungent odor that bleaches a solution of fuchsin and violet ink

CO 3 2-

H +

Emission of odorless gas causing cloudiness in lime water

CH 3 COO -

H 2 SO 4

Smell of acetic acid

NO 3 -

H 2 SO 4 (conc.) andCu

Brown gas release

SO 4 2-

Ba 2+

White sediment

P.O. 4 3-

Ag +

Yellow precipitate

OH -


Changing the color of indicators

Appendix 2.

Practical work No. 1

Topic: Qualitative reactions to ions.

Purpose of the work: using characteristic reactions to recognize inorganic substances.

Improve skills in conducting chemical experiments;

In a practical way, confirm the conditions for carrying out ion exchange reactions.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: with the help of a chemical experiment, consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the section “Theory of electrolytic dissociation” (characteristic reactions to inorganic substances).

Developmental: promote the development of thinking (analyze, compare, highlight the main thing, establish cause-and-effect relationships), the development of cognitive interests.

Educational: promote the formation of personality qualities (responsibility, collectivism, initiative).

Type of lesson: application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice.

Type of lesson: practical work.

Teaching methods: analytical, comparative, generalizing, classification.

Equipment: board, chalk, table of solubility of acids, bases, salts in water, rack with test tubes, alcohol lamp, matches, test tube holder.

Reagents: sodium carbonate, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate, hydrochloric acid, silver nitrate, barium chloride.

Group 2

Three test tubes with numbers contain solutions: sodium carbonate, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. Using the given substances (hydrochloric acid, silver nitrate, barium chloride), determine which test tube contains each substance.

Instructions for use.

To perform this experiment, divide the contents of each numbered test tube into three samples.


    1. Table for recording work completion in the form:

2. Perform experiments 1, 2, 3.

Pour barium chloride solution into test tube No. 1.

What are you observing?

Write the reaction equation in molecular, full ionic, and abbreviated ionic forms.

Pour a solution of hydrochloric acid into test tube No. 2.

What are you observing?

Write the reaction equation in molecular, full ionic, and reduced ionic forms.

Pour the silver nitrate solution into test tube No. 3.

What are you observing?

Write the reaction equation in molecular, full ionic, and reduced ionic forms.

3. Fill out the table.

4. Draw a general conclusion. Write down the results of the experimental part of the work in the report table. When preparing a report, use §§ 2,3,4.

Make the necessary notes in the notebook, the conclusion is voiced. (One student from the group speaks).

Appendix 3


How did I learn the material?

1. Received solid knowledge, mastered all the material 9-10 points

2. Partially mastered the material 7-8 points

3. I didn’t understand much, I still need to work 4-6 points

4. What grade would you give yourself for participating in groups? (Give yourself this rating here).

A lesson conducted using a notebook for practical work by I.I. Novoshinsky, N.S. Novoshinskaya for the textbook Chemistry 8th grade at the municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 11” in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, by chemistry teacher O.A. Olkina in 8th grade (on parallel ).

Purpose of the lesson: Formation, consolidation and control of students’ skills in determining the reaction of a solution environment using various indicators, including natural ones, using a notebook for practical work by I.I. Novoshinsky, N.S. Novoshinskaya for the textbook Chemistry 8th grade.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Educational. Reinforce the following concepts: indicators, medium reaction (types), pH, filtrate, filtration based on performing practical work tasks. Test students’ knowledge that reflects the relationship “solution of a substance (formula) – pH value (numerical value) – reaction of the medium.” Tell students about ways to reduce the acidity of soils in the Arkhangelsk region.
  2. Developmental. To promote the development of logical thinking of students based on the analysis of results obtained during practical work, their generalization, as well as the ability to draw conclusions. Confirm the rule: practice proves or disproves theory. To continue the formation of the aesthetic qualities of the personality of students based on the diverse range of solutions presented, as well as to support the children’s interest in the subject “Chemistry” being studied.
  3. Educating. Continue to develop students’ skills in performing practical work tasks, adhering to occupational health and safety rules, including correctly performing filtering and heating processes.

Practical work No. 6 “Determination of pH of the environment.”

Goal for students: Learn to determine the reaction of the environment of solutions of various objects (acids, alkalis, salts, soil solution, some solutions and juices), as well as study plant objects as natural indicators.

Equipment and reagents: rack with test tubes, stopper, glass rod, rack with ring, filter paper, scissors, chemical funnel, glasses, porcelain mortar and pestle, fine grater, clean sand, universal indicator paper, test solution, soil, boiled water, fruits, berries and other plant material, solution of sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid, sodium chloride.

During the classes

Guys! We have already become acquainted with such concepts as the reaction of the medium of aqueous solutions, as well as indicators.

What types of reactions in aqueous solutions do you know?

  • neutral, alkaline and acidic.

What are indicators?

  • substances that can be used to determine the reaction of the environment.

What indicators do you know?

  • in solutions: phenolphthalein, litmus, methyl orange.
  • dry: universal indicator paper, litmus paper, methyl orange paper

How can you determine the reaction of aqueous solutions?

  • wet and dry.

What is the pH of the environment?

  • pH value of hydrogen ions in solution (pH=– log)

Let's remember which scientist introduced the concept of pH?

  • Danish chemist Sorensen.

Well done!!! Now open the notebook for practical work on p. 21 and read task No. 1.

Task No. 1. Determine the pH of the solution using a universal indicator.

Let's remember the rules when working with acids and alkalis!

Complete the experiment from task No. 1.

Draw a conclusion. Thus, if a solution has pH = 7 the environment is neutral, at pH< 7 среда кислотная, при pH >7 alkaline environment.

Task No. 2. Obtain a soil solution and determine its pH using a universal indicator.

Read the task on pp. 21-p. 22, complete the task according to plan, enter the results in the table.

Let's remember the safety rules when working with heating devices (alcohol stove).

What is filtering?

  • the process of separating a mixture, which is based on the different throughput of the porous material - the filtrate in relation to the particles that make up the mixture.

What is filtrate?

  • it is a clear solution obtained after filtration.

Present the results in table form.

What is the reaction of the soil solution environment?

  • Sour

What needs to be done to improve soil quality in our region?

  • CaCO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2 = Ca(HCO 3) 2

Application of fertilizers that have an alkaline reaction environment: ground limestone and other carbonate minerals: chalk, dolomite. In the Pinezhsky district of the Arkhangelsk region there are deposits of such a mineral as limestone near karst caves, so it is accessible.

Draw a conclusion. The reaction of the resulting soil solution is pH = 4, slightly acidic, therefore, liming is necessary to improve the quality of the soil.

Task No. 3. Determine the pH of some solutions and juices using a universal indicator.

Read the task on p. 22, complete the task according to the algorithm, enter the results in the table.

Juice source

Juice source


Silicate glue

Fresh cabbage

Table vinegar


Baking soda solution


Fresh beets

Boiled beets

Draw a conclusion. Thus, different natural objects have different pH values: pH 1–7 – acidic environment (lemon, cranberry, orange, tomato, beetroot, kiwi, apple, banana, tea, potato, sauerkraut, coffee, silicate glue).

pH 7–14 alkaline medium (fresh cabbage, baking soda solution).

pH = 7 neutral environment (persimmon, cucumber, milk).

Task No. 4. Research plant indicators.

What plant objects can act as indicators?

  • berries: juices, flower petals: extracts, juices of vegetables: roots, leaves.
  • substances that can change the color of a solution in different environments.

Read the task on p. 23 and complete it according to plan.

Present the results in a table.

Plant material (natural indicators)

Natural indicator solution color

Acidic environment

Natural color of the solution (neutral environment)

Alkaline environment

Cranberry (juice)


Strawberry (juice)



Blueberry (juice)



Blackcurrant (juice)



Draw a conclusion. Thus, depending on the pH of the environment, natural indicators: cranberries (juice), strawberries (juice), blueberries (juice), black currants (juice) acquire the following colors: in an acidic environment - red and orange, in a neutral environment - red, peach – pink and violet colors, in an alkaline environment from pink through blue-violet to violet.

Consequently, the intensity of the color of a natural indicator can be judged by the reaction of the medium of a particular solution.

When finished, tidy up your work area.

Guys! Today was a very unusual lesson! Did you like?! Can the information learned in this lesson be used in everyday life?

Now complete the task given in your practice notebooks.

Control task. Distribute the substances whose formulas are given below into groups depending on the pH of their solutions: HCl, H 2 O, H 2 SO 4, Ca (OH) 2, NaCl, NaOH, KNO 3, H 3 PO 4, KOH.

pH 17 – environment (acidic), have solutions (HCl, H 3 PO 4, H 2 SO 4).

pH 714 environment (alkaline), have solutions (Ca(OH) 2, KOH, NaOH).

pH = 7 environment (neutral), have solutions (NaCl, H 2 O, KNO 3).

Evaluation for work_______________

Depending on which H + or OH - ions are in excess in an aqueous solution, the following types (characters) of solution media are distinguished:

1) sour

2) alkaline

3) neutral

At acidic nature of the environment the solution contains an excess of hydrogen cations H +, and the concentration of hydroxide ions is close to zero.

At alkaline environment there is an excess of hydroxide ions OH - in the solution, and the concentration of H + cations is close to zero.

At neutral environment solution, the concentrations of H + and OH - ions are equal to each other and practically equal to zero (0.0000001 mol/l).

There are some organic substances whose color changes depending on the nature of the environment. This phenomenon is widely used in chemistry. Some of the most common indicators are litmus, phenolphthalein and methyl orange (methyl orange). The color of these substances depending on the nature of the environment is presented in the following table:

indicator color
in a neutral environment
in an acidic environment
in an alkaline environment
litmus violet red


phenolphthalein colorless colorless crimson

methyl orange

(methyl orange)




As you can see, a specific property of phenolphthalein is that this indicator does not allow one to distinguish between neutral and acidic environments - in both environments it is not colored in any way. This property is undoubtedly a disadvantage, however, phenolphthalein is widely used due to its exceptional sensitivity to even a slight excess of OH - ions.

Obviously, using indicators you can distinguish acids, alkalis and distilled water from each other. However, it should be remembered that acidic, alkaline and neutral environments can be observed not only in solutions of acids, alkalis and distilled water. The solution environment can also be different in salt solutions depending on their relationship to hydrolysis.

For example, a solution of sodium sulfite can be distinguished from a solution of sodium sulfate using phenolphthalein. Sodium sulfite is a salt formed by a strong base and a weak acid, so its solutions will have an alkaline reaction. Phenolphthalein will turn crimson in its solution. Sodium sulfate is formed by a strong base and a strong acid, i.e. does not undergo hydrolysis, and its aqueous solutions will have a neutral reaction. In the case of sodium sulfate solution, phenolphthalein will remain colorless.

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