Hillary Clinton. Biography. Photo. Personal life. Bill and Hillary Clinton: open relationships and tears of the former first lady Autobiography Clinton

Archival photos of a young Clinton and her husband will shed light on the lives of the two politicians at the beginning of their careers.

Before they became President and First Lady of the United States, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton were two hopeless romantics devoted to the principles of liberalism.

Bill Clinton, 18, poses for a photo celebrating his graduation from Hot Springs High School in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Hippie Bill and Hillary, as law students, on the Yale University campus. The couple spent their first date at an art museum. After viewing an exhibition dedicated to Mark Rothko, they sat next to the Henry Moore sculpture, where Bill laid his head on its shoulder for the first time.

Hillary said that as soon as they exchanged glances, a strong attraction formed between them. Indeed, in the photo the couple looks in love. Bill looked like a charming young man, and the future Mrs. Clinton in her youth in the photo looks like an ordinary girl.

On that fateful day they met in the library, Hillary made the first move, telling Bill: “If you keep looking at me, then I’ll look at you back, so I think we’d better get to know each other. I'm Hillary."

On October 11, 1975 they got married. Throughout their relationship, Bill and Hillary have maintained that their intellectual fascination with each other is what keeps them together.

Hillary actively supported her future husband during the election campaign in Arkansas. Perhaps, thanks to the toughness of his wife, Clinton achieved his goal by taking the post of governor.

Chelsea Clinton, the couple's only child, was born during her father's first term as governor of Arkansas. It was named after the Chelsea area in London, where Bill and Hillary vacationed in 1978.

Hillary says that after hearing a cover of Joni Mitchell's "Chelsea Morning" in 1969, Bill said, "If we ever have a daughter, her name should be Chelsea."

Hillary once admitted that Bill was the first person who was not afraid of her strict mind, assertiveness and toughness. Perhaps Hillary Clinton in her youth in the photo looked like a simple girl, but her extraordinary intellectual abilities scared off many men.

Even after things went south for the president, Hillary stood by her husband and said, “He is still the most interesting, intelligent, and full of life person I have ever met.”

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947, Chicago) is an American politician, US Senator from New York (2001-2009). Member of the US Democratic Party. First Lady of the United States in 1993-2001 during the time of the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton.

Hillary Rodham Clinton was born Hillary Diane Rodham on October 26, 1947 in Chicago. In 1965 she graduated from high school in Park Ridge, Illinois. At Wellesley College, in parallel with her studies, she was actively involved in social activities. In 1969, she received her bachelor's degree and entered Yale Law School.

At the university she met her future husband, Bill Clinton. In 1972, she took part in the election campaign of Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern. In 1973 she received her Doctor of Law degree.

She worked for the Children's Defense Fund and on the staff of the House Judiciary Committee. Then she moved to Arkansas, where Bill Clinton began his political career. They got married in 1975. Since 1975, Hillary has taught at the University of Arkansas School of Law and since 1976 has worked at the Rose Law Firm.

In 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed Hillary to the board of the Legal Services Corporation. That same year, Bill Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas. In 1980, the Clintons had a daughter, Chelsea.

As first lady of the state for twelve years (1979-1981 and 1983-1993), Clinton was actively involved in public affairs, particularly in the areas of education, health care and children's rights.

Having become the first lady of the United States after Clinton's victory in the 1992 presidential election, Hillary, at the request of her husband, headed the task force on health care reform in 1993.

The reform plans and Clinton's appointment itself were subject to significant criticism from Republicans and representatives of the medical industry, and a year later Hillary was forced to resign from her position. Subsequently, her focus remained on the problems of women and children, including in developing countries.

In 1994, the first lady became one of the main defendants in the trial of the Whitewater company, which, with the participation of the Clintons, conducted real estate transactions in Arkansas in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1998, a major scandal broke out around Bill Clinton's relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, which almost ended in the president's impeachment.

Hillary supported her husband and did not want to leave him - as critics believe, pursuing her own political goals.

In 2000, Clinton ran as a Democratic candidate for the Senate from New York State. Initially, she was supposed to be opposed by New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. When he dropped out of the race due to illness, Clinton defeated Republican Rick Lazio in the November 7, 2000 election.

As observers noted, Clinton's political agenda was disapproved of by both Republicans and some Democrats (particularly because of her support for President George W. Bush and his administration's plans to use military force against Iraq). However, Hillary Clinton was considered one of the most promising candidates to participate in the 2008 presidential election as a Democratic candidate.

On November 7, 2006, Clinton was re-elected to the Senate, defeating Republican John Spencer. Observers regarded the success of the former first lady as a new milestone on the path to the presidential elections. Clinton officially announced her intention to participate in the presidential race on January 20, 2007.

Her main rival in the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination was Senator Barack Obama.

According to many, Hillary Clinton was the most influential mistress of the White House in the history of the United States. She is an ambitious woman, well aware of her competence and her importance. Hillary's friends emphasize her ambition and her energetic sense of purpose: "She knows what she wants and how to get it."

She is considered more intelligent, calm and careful in her choice of words compared to her husband. Those who know her better appreciate her wit and sense of humor. She can amazingly imitate other people. Hillary Clinton is also financially independent.

In 1990, her annual income was $190,000, in 1993 - already $250,000, her husband's gubernatorial income was $35,000 a year. As the president's wife, she served as a member of the board of directors of Wal-Mart from 1986-1992. She manages the money in the family. She has shares in a number of Wal-Mart stores, the Liz Cliborn confectionery company and other enterprises.

In 2000, Clinton was elected senator in New York State. Having confidently won re-election to the Senate in November 2006, Hillary Clinton has long been considered one of the favorites of the 2008 presidential campaign.

After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, he proposed that Hillary Clinton take over as US Secretary of State. On November 21, Hillary Clinton agreed to take this post, which Barack Obama officially announced on December 1.

On December 10, Congress passed a special law to reduce the salary of the Secretary of State so that (in accordance with the so-called Senator Saxby rule) a sitting senator could become Secretary of State. The law was signed by George W. Bush on December 19. At the same time, Senator Hillary Clinton was deprived of all salary increases effective January 1, 2007.

Hearings on Hillary Clinton's nomination for Secretary of State began in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on January 13, 2009. Two days later, the committee approved her candidacy (by a majority of 16 to 1).

Following Barack Obama's inauguration on January 20, the Senate delayed action on Hillary Clinton's nomination. The decision was made by the full Senate on January 21 and approved by a majority of 94 votes to 2. On the same day, Hillary Clinton took the oath of office and resigned as a senator from the state of New York. The new Secretary of State arrived at the State Department on January 22.

On Hillary Clinton's first day in office, January 22, 2009, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden visited the State Department, in whose presence the Secretary of State announced the appointment of new special envoys. Former Democratic senator George Mitchell has been appointed special envoy for Middle East peace, and Richard Holbrooke, a former US ambassador to the UN in the Bill Clinton administration, has been appointed ambassador to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is one of the most powerful female politicians in the world. Since 1968 he has been a supporter of the US Democratic Party. From 1993 to 2001, she served as the country's First Lady as the wife of Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States. From 2009 to 2013, she served as Secretary of State in the White House. She was Donald Trump's main rival in the election of the 45th President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton's childhood and youth

Hillary Clinton was born into a conservative family that belonged to the United Baptist Church of Chicago. The girl's father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, was the owner of a fabric supply company, and her mother, Dorothy Emma Howell, was a housewife. Hillary was the first child in a family that soon expanded to include boys Hugh and Tony. In 1950, after the birth of their youngest child, Hugh, the Rodham-Howell family moved from Chicago to suburban Park Ridge.

Hillary Clinton Family Photo Archive

As a child, Hillary did not dream of becoming a politician. She dreamed of space flight and even wrote a letter to NASA, talking about how much she wanted to become the first woman in space. NASA's response letter said: “We do not accept women.”

Excellent grades, active participation in the religious and social life of the city, chairmanship of numerous school clubs, assistance in the election campaign of Republican Barry Goldwater - all this was listed in the school yearbooks of the future Mrs. Clinton. In 1965, Hillary graduated from high school, becoming a finalist in the state program for gifted students. This achievement allowed the girl to choose any of the 1,600 higher educational institutions participating in the program. Hillary settled on Wellesley Women's College, where students studied liberal arts, choosing courses with a political slant.

Interestingly, Hillary initially held conservative political views. While in college, she was elected president of the Wellesley Young Republicans. In 1968, Hillary was elected president of the Wellesley College State Association. At this time, the girl began to have doubts about the correctness of the chosen course; as the politician later noted, she had the mind of a conservative, but the heart of a democrat.

The beginning of Hillary Clinton's political career

In 1969, Hillary received a bachelor's degree in political science. The next step was law school at Yale University. Here the girl met her future husband, Bill Clinton.

In 1973, the girl received the long-awaited doctorate in law, but it was too early to say goodbye to Yale: she devoted the next year to studying a course in pediatric medicine at a specialized training center at her alma mater. Upon completion of the program, she received a position as an attorney at the Children's Defense Fund.

In 1974, 27-year-old Hillary became a member of the legal committee preparing an indictment in connection with the Watergate scandal. The organization's activities contributed to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

That same year, Bill left for Arkansas, planning to start a political career there, and Hillary followed her beloved. In 1975, the couple tied the knot.

After the wedding, Hillary Clinton received a position as a law professor at the University of Arkansas, and in 1976 accepted an invitation to partnership from the Rose Law Firm, specializing in patent law. At this time, Bill ran for the post of state attorney general and, with the help of a series of successful election campaigns, planned with the help of his faithful wife, took this place.

In 1978, Hillary's outstanding analytical skills earned her a seat on the board of the Legal Services Corporation; she was appointed by current President Jimmy Carter. She held this post until 1980, during which time she increased the company's financial fund from $90 million to $300 million.

In 1979, Bill Clinton became the governor of Arkasas, and Hillary, accordingly, the First Lady of the state. First of all, the woman took the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee under her wing: she established standards for the school schedule, classroom sizes, and also introduced a law requiring teachers to be tested for professional suitability. In addition to protecting the rights of children, Hillary was concerned about the problem of gender inequality, which she tried to resolve as a member of the Board of Directors of the American Bar Association, lobbying for the interests of women lawyers.

When in 1992, Bill Clinton announced his decision to nominate himself for the presidency of the United States from the Democratic Party.

Hillary Clinton - wife of President Bill Clinton

On January 20, 1993, Bill Clinton began to settle into the White House, where he got there not without the solid support of his wife, who helped with the analysis and planning of his election campaign. For her active participation in the election race, as well as for her vigorous political activity as the First Lady of the United States, voters gave Hillary the playful nickname “co-president.”

First of all, Hillary faced the urgent need to carry out government health care reform. In 1993, the government adopted a set of measures she developed, known as the Clinton Health Care Program: from now on, every employer was required to provide health insurance to employees. A year later, the program was suspended due to criticism from Republicans.

The failure of the program led to a decrease in the popularity of Democrats and, on the contrary, an increase in support for Republicans. The number of the latter in the Senate and the White House has increased, and Hillary's role in resolving political issues has weakened significantly.

In 1994, the Clintons became the main defendants in the Whitewater Corporation case. They were suspected of financial fraud: as governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton invested money in a construction company, which soon went bankrupt, and the total loss was close to $45 million. Clinton himself also lost a significant amount (about $70 thousand), but this did not save him from accusations - bankrupt investors believed that as governor he was obliged to oversee the activities of the company. Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that Hillary was employed by a law firm that served Whitewater.

Suspicions remained suspicions; at least, the court had no evidence of the Clintons’ involvement in any fraud. However, before the scandal had time to be forgotten, the newspapers were full of new provocative headlines: “Bill Clinton slept with Monica Lewinsky!”

The story was as old as time: young intern Monica Lewinsky tried to capture the attention of the president and, in the end, she succeeded. Between November 1995 and March 1997, she was in an intimate relationship with Bill Clinton. Afterwards, the girl went to work at the Pentagon, and the president’s secret would have remained within the walls of the Oval Office, if not for Linda Tripp, who released a recording of a telephone conversation in which her friend Monica shares details about her love affair with Bill Clinton.

Even in this situation, Hillary Clinton sided with her husband, saying that the whole scandal was staged with the aim of a conspiracy against the president. Later, the husband admitted that the relationship with Lewinsky really took place and left the presidency as a result of an attempt at impeachment.

A new round of Hillary Clinton's career

If not for her innate sense of purpose, most likely Hillary would have followed in the footsteps of Barbara Bush or Nancy Reagan, moving away from politics and overseeing some kind of charitable foundation. But no - in 2000, she ran for senator from New York State and won the election. Then her tough, strong-willed side appeared, which had previously gone unnoticed behind her husband’s back.

On all issues related to the fight against terror and military policy, she acted decisively and aggressively, for which she received the nickname “hawk” from her colleagues. In the fall of 2002, she voted for the start of the war with Iraq, and in 2005 - against the withdrawal of troops from the hot spot.

In 2007, Hillary Clinton's election campaign began in the United States. The beginning predicted phenomenal success: the female senator occupied the first lines in ratings and polls as the most recognizable candidate. Around the world, the situation was closely monitored, comparing Clinton to Angela Merkel. However, as a result of a series of primaries, Hillary lost the leadership to the young candidate Barack Obama, who won the 2008 presidential election.

After the victory, Obama invited Clinton to take the post of US Secretary of State. The Senate approved her candidacy, and in January 2009 the woman took office. While working as head of the State Department, Hillary supported the strengthening of the military presence in Afghanistan and Libya, approved of the Arab Spring and especially the bombing of Gaddafi’s army positions. On February 1, 2013, Clinton left office, handing over the reins to John Kerry. Newborn Chelsea Clinton

Bill and Hillary tried to be a traditional American family; they even refused pompous dinners in the White House dining room, preferring cozy family evenings in the kitchen, reading books together, playing ping-pong and cards.

Neither a string of scandals, including the sensational story with Lewinsky, nor the attempt to impeach Bill, nor Hillary’s career could quarrel the spouses.

In September 2014, Hillary Clinton became a happy grandmother - Chelsea and her chosen banker Mark Mezinsky had a daughter, Charlotte.

Hillary Clinton now

In April 2015, Hillary Clinton announced her intention to participate in the upcoming presidential elections from the Democratic Party. Following the results of the primaries held at the beginning of 2016, the woman became one of the leaders of the election race along with Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders.

A couple of months before the final elections, which took place on November 8, 2016, doubts about Clinton’s victory seemed to have evaporated even among the most conservative residents of America. All the more shocking was Trump’s victory - the oligarch-developer won 276 electoral votes, while Hillary Clinton had to be content with the figure of “218”. After the results were announced, the woman called the winner and admitted defeat.

On May 15, 2017, Clinton announced to the American public the creation of the political organization Onward Together, the main goal of which she outlined was to encourage ordinary Americans to actively participate in the political life of the country and oppose the administration of the 45th US President Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton- former First Lady and Secretary of State of the United States, as well as the first American woman to run and is running for the post of President of America. We decided to analyze Hillary Clinton's style and find out what personal qualities she manages to communicate to voters through her clothing style.

Hillary Clinton - female US presidential candidate

Hillary Clinton is characterized as an intelligent, courageous and strong-willed person. She has excellent self-control and an excellent sense of humor.

To win the election and become President, the candidate needs to convey such qualities as reliability, openness and self-confidence. In addition, it is very important that the candidate’s image subconsciously evokes trust and respect among voters.

To make it clearer what Hillary Clinton is as a person, here are a few significant facts from her biography.

A few facts from the biography of Hillary Clinton

  • Hillary Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago. That is, she is now 68 and has enough energy to lead a country like America - otherwise she would not be running;
  • Hillary Clinton wrote a letter to NASA that she would like to become the first woman in space. The answer was the phrase “We don’t accept women”;
  • Has a doctorate in jurisprudence;
  • Hillary married Bill Clinton in 1975, but Rodham changed her last name to Clinton only a few weeks before Bill took office in 1993;
  • In the scandal surrounding the name of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary unconditionally took her husband’s side, and even when Bill admitted that a relationship with a young intern at the White House really took place, she did not leave him. Today they are still together;
  • In 2000, she became New York's first female state senator;
  • In 2007, her election campaign for the post of President of the United States began, but on June 7, 2008, she abandoned the internal party struggle and declared support for another candidate from the Democratic Party, Barack Obama;
  • Hillary Clinton is supported by the current US President;

It is quite understandable that the image of the former First Lady of the country, and quite possibly the future President of the United States, is being discussed, praised and criticized. We will try to find out what changes Hilary Clinton's style is undergoing and how it affects her election campaign.

How does Hillary Clinton's style work for her image?

Hillary Rodham (Clinton) in her youth

Hillary Clinton never had a reputation as a fashionista, but she did gain a reputation as an intellectual at Wellesley College, where she graduated before Yale University.

For many years, fashion and Hillary existed on parallel planes and, as a result, never intersected.

Mrs. Clinton's attitude to fashion can be concluded based on just one fact: in 2008, during her first election campaign (that is, after the scandal in which her husband and Monica Lewinsky were involved), Hillary Clinton refused to pose for Vogue covers.

Her choice not to act was commented by Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of the main American version of the magazine: “You can’t imagine how surprised I was when I found out that Hillary Clinton refused to shoot for fear that posing for Vogue would be too much.” "feminine". The very idea that a woman should be like a man to prove her strength is terrible! This is America, not Saudi Arabia."

However, Hillary’s refusal to shoot for the glossy magazine is easily explained. It just so happens that when discussing a male politician, his statements are usually cited to prove/refute this or that thesis. When a woman politician is discussed, her clothes are often discussed. Therefore, fashion and gloss are, to one degree or another, a trap for a female politician.

And yet, 8 years later, in March of this year, Hillary Clinton became the heroine of ten whole pages of glossy American Vogue. And yes, it's safe to say that she has included fashion and femininity in her campaign and personal arsenal.

Photo via Vogue.com

Photo — Mario Testino

And, by the way, Anna Wintour supported her - firstly, as a representative of the democratic camp (Mrs. Wintour always supports the Democrats, and not only morally) and, secondly, as a woman. So, in February 2016, Anna came to the Marc Jacobs collection wearing a T-shirt (!!!) with a picture of Hillary.

But let's return to the style of the US Presidential candidate.

Hillary Clinton's hairstyle

Mrs. Clinton looks younger than her age, more active and energetic. Hillary Clinton's everyday style is not too different from her appearances for public appearances, and her hairstyle is simple and without complications.

Her hairstylist Isabelle Goets uses complex highlights that work great on middle-aged and older women. Many light shades, tones and halftones - wheat, milky and beige colors - “soften” facial features and visually brighten it.

Photo via Vogue.com

Neil Rasmus/BFAnyc.com

Smile as part of Mrs. Clinton's image

Mrs. Clinton does not seek to hide her age - one way or another, it is well known to everyone. In contrast to this, she demonstrates her well-groomed appearance and a dazzling smile. Most likely, political strategists and image makers recommended her to smile, because in photographs taken in the nineties and early 2000s, there are practically no pictures of Hillary smiling.

Smiling is a demonstration of self-confidence, positive energy, openness and calmness.

Color range of clothing

The colors of Hillary's costumes are rich and bright. Most often it is rich blue, bright red, fuchsia, orange and her favorite pink.

Pink gives hope

At the same time, Hillary Clinton uses little prints; the maximum is textured fabrics with barely noticeable patterns or uneven colors.

Orange color attracts attention, accumulates positive energy, encourages action and, on a subconscious level, convinces that “everything will be fine.”

The color of clothing for a public event is chosen based on the task at hand and taking into account the audience. For example, at the debate in Vermont on April 14, 2016, Hillary Clinton wore a white suit. Her opponent, Democratic Party member and Senator Bernie Sanders, came in a gray suit.

Photo via nytimes.com

Hillary Clinton Pantsuits

Hillary Clinton loves pantsuits. Strict straight lines, an elongated silhouette, dense fabrics that hold their shape well - all this is associated in the eyes of the public with stability and reliability.

Pantsuits = self-confidence

A few years ago, the main figure of the fashion house Versace Donatella even criticized Hillary Clinton's excessive passion for pantsuits, saying that she needs to dilute the abundance of trousers in her wardrobe with skirts.

Despite the criticism, Hillary did not stop wearing pants. The reason is simple: for certain reasons (we know what they are, but we don’t want to write :-)) she likes herself better in trousers.

Conclusion: Hillary Clinton is not dependent on outside opinions, no matter how authoritative they may be.

Hillary Clinton Style - 2016

However, stylist and political image maker Christina Logotesis believes that Hillary’s style is undergoing changes and is becoming more expressive and thoughtful: in addition to plain trouser suits, she can increasingly be seen in trousers of the same color and a contrasting (mainly fuchsia and blue) color jacket .

Helps Hillary Clinton transform

Hillary Rodham Clinton - US politician, US Secretary of State (2008), member of the US Senate from the state of New York (2001−2009), member of the US Democratic Party, first lady - wife of US President Bill Clinton (1993− 2001).

Family and early life of Hillary Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton's parents are from England and Wales. Hillary's mother, Dorothy Rodham, was a housewife, and her father, Hugh Rodham, was the owner of a small textile business. Hillary's father is of British descent, and on her mother's side there were English, Scottish, Welsh and Dutch ancestry.
Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947. When the girl was four years old, the family moved to Chicago. They settled in the Park Ridge area, near O'Hare Airport.

Even at school age, Hillary became interested in politics and considered herself a Republican. In the south Chicago neighborhoods, Hillary actively helped a local pastor work with Latino and black children.

In 1965, Hillary graduated from high school, becoming a finalist in the state program for gifted students. She continued her studies at Wellesley Women's College. She chose courses with a political bent.

At school, Hillary Clinton was a top student and social activist. Interestingly, Hillary Clinton initially held conservative political views. But while she was in college, she was elected president of the Wellesley Young Republicans. In 1968, Hillary was elected president of the Wellesley College State Association. At this time, she began to have doubts about the correctness of the chosen course. In an interview, she said that she had the mind of a conservative, but the heart of a democrat.

Hillary Rodham Clinton managed the re-election campaign of Senator Eugene McCarthy. McCarthy belonged to the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, supported the expansion of social legislation, and sharply criticized the Vietnam War. Hillary herself also became popular thanks to victories in the College Cup telecasts and criticism of the policies of the Richard Nixon administration.

Business career and social activities of Hillary Rodham Clinton

In 1973, Hillary received her Doctor of Law degree, and spent the next year studying a course in pediatric medicine at a specialized training center at her alma mater. Upon completion of the program, she received a position as an attorney at the Children's Defense Fund.

After graduating from university, the future first lady moved to Washington. On the recommendation of Judge John Dore, a specialist in civil law, Hillary served on the House Judiciary Committee that prepared the indictment against President Nixon as part of Watergate.

In 1976, in the Arkansas capital of Little Rock, Bill Clinton became state attorney general.

And Hillary, now Clinton, has achieved great success in law. Caring for children is the general line of her biography at this stage of social activity. In 1976, she became a member of the presidium of the child protection fund CDF (Committees for the Defense of Human Rights and Democratic Freedoms), and from 1989 to 1992 its chairman.

In addition to protecting the rights of children, Hillary was concerned about the problem of gender inequality, which she tried to resolve as a member of the Board of Directors of the American Bar Association, lobbying for the interests of women lawyers. She was a member of the presidium of the department that finances hospitals for the poor (1978−1981). She was able to attract business people to her side to support her public programs. Hillary Clinton herself was awarded the title of “Young Mother of the Year” in 1984.

Hillary Clinton as First Lady

When Bill Clinton ran for president, Hillary was his first assistant. Having become the first lady of the state after her husband's victory in the 1992 presidential election, she headed the Operational Committee on Health Care Reform. However, her new health care program was heavily criticized. This led to a decrease in the popularity of Democrats and, on the contrary, an increase in support for Republicans. The number of the latter in the Senate and the White House has increased, and Hillary Clinton's role in resolving political issues has weakened significantly.

Bill Clinton's inauguration (Photo: TASS)

This is not the only failure in Hillary's biography. In 1994, the Clintons became the main defendants in the Whitewater Corporation scandal. They were suspected of financial fraud: as governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton invested money in a construction company, which soon went bankrupt, and the total loss was approaching $45 million. Clinton himself also lost a significant amount (about $70 thousand). The bankrupt investors believed that as governor he was obliged to oversee the activities of the company. Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that Hillary was employed by a law firm that served Whitewater. However, the court had no evidence of the Clintons' involvement in any fraud.

Before this scandal with Hillary had been forgotten, the newspapers were full of new provocative headlines: “Bill Clinton slept with Monica Lewinsky!” Between November 1995 and March 1997, Lewinsky was in an intimate relationship with Bill Clinton. To hush up the scandal, Monica went to work at the Pentagon, and the president’s secret would have remained within the walls of the Oval Office if not for Linda Tripp, Monica’s close friend, who released a recording of a telephone conversation where Lewinsky shares details about her love affair with Bill Clinton. Hillary courageously sided with her husband, accusing Monica of slander. She said it was all a conspiracy against the president. However, it turned out that this was the pure truth and the story cost President Clinton an attempt at impeachment for false testimony and obstruction of justice. Impeachment was avoided, but in court Bill Clinton explained that he simply did not mean oral sex when he said that he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.

The Clintons and Monica Lewinsky (Photo: TASS)

Hillary Clinton's political career

In 2000, Hillary Clinton ran as a Democratic candidate for the Senate from New York State. While serving in the US Senate, Hillary Clinton was a classic hawk on issues of counterterrorism and military policy. In the fall of 2002, she voted for the start of the war with Iraq, and in 2005 - against the withdrawal of troops from the hot spot. Bill Clinton did not share his wife's political views.

Hillary Clinton officially announced her intention to participate in the presidential race on January 20, 2007. Barack Obama became her internal party competitor. But on June 7, Clinton withdrew from the presidential race and called on her supporters to vote for Obama.

Hillary Clinton - US Secretary of State

On January 13, 2009, Hillary Clinton officially took office as US Secretary of State. She strongly supported the strengthening of the military presence in Afghanistan and Libya, approved of the Arab Spring and especially the bombing of the positions of Muammar Gaddafi’s army. The world community was amazed by its inadequate reaction to the brutal massacre of Gaddafi by the “revolutionaries”. Her enthusiastic exclamation of “Wow!” often quoted on various talk shows.

Hillary Clinto takes the oath of office as US Secretary of State (Photo: TASS)

Hillary Clinton was also anti-Russian. In her book Hard Choices, she wrote bluntly that the United States "did a good job of containing the Soviet Union" and although it had to support "various scoundrels," "we had a comprehensive strategy in everything we tried to do." and what led to the defeat of the USSR and the collapse of communism.”

In April 2015, Hillary Clinton announced her intention to participate in the upcoming presidential elections from the Democratic Party. Following the results of the primaries held at the beginning of 2016, she became one of the leaders of the election race. Her opponents were Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders, and in the final stage, Donald Trump.

A couple of months before the final elections, which took place on November 8, 2016, the vast majority of analysts had no doubt about Clinton's victory. All the more shocking was Trump's victory - the oligarch-developer gained 276 electoral votes, while Hillary Clinton had 218. Hillary showed courage; after the results were announced, she called Donald Trump and admitted her defeat.

The Hillary email scandal played a role. As Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, Hillary conducted official and private correspondence through her own private server. Later, she was accused of concealing information, vulnerability of state secrets and their potential leak to foreign hackers; during the election campaign, Donald Trump even promised to put her in prison.

Health problems could also have an impact, so before the elections, at a public mourning ceremony in memory of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the 68-year-old US presidential candidate fainted.

Hillary Clinton gives a speech in which she admits defeat in the 2016 elections (Photo: TASS)

Hillary Clinton family

Bill and Hillary Clinton are still together, despite the incident with Monica Lewinsky and rumors about other infidelities of her husband. Hillary and Bill's daughter Chelsea Clinton was born on February 27, 1980. Chelsea's adolescence was spent under intense media scrutiny as she studied at Stanford University, guarded by 25 bodyguards, and had bulletproof glass in her room. In September 2014, Bill and Hillary Clinton became grandparents when their daughter, Charlotte, was born to Chelsea and her boyfriend, banker Marc Mezvinsky. Hillary's second grandson was Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky, born in 2016.

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