Take the emotional age test online. How to find out your psychological age

Test. Find out your mental age

famous American psychologist Carl Rogers, who lived a long and eventful life, once said: “As a child, I was a sickly child, and my father once said that I would probably die young. In a certain sense, he was wrong - after all, I am already 75. But in another sense, I am ready to admit that he was right: I feel young and hope to never become an old man.

Indeed, many psychologists say that old age comes when you allow it. And the numbers don't matter: it doesn't matter how old you are twenty or fifty. In fact, all numbers are absolutely conditional. These are just stages of growing up in chronological order. The only thing they talk about is how many times you, along with planet Earth, have wrapped around the sun. Much more important is the biological and psychological age, which are interconnected.

Biological shows what state your body is in. Psychological - determines who and how you feel at the moment. And only the date of birth in the passport makes you take a sober look at the world, evaluate the past years and make plans for the future. Only every fourth person has a psychological age corresponding to the number of years lived. Moreover, this ratio can be easily changed.

No matter how old you are, answer the questions in this quiz. And this will help you understand your own worldview.

Set yourself 4 points- if you fully agree with the statement;
3 points- if you partially agree;
2 points- if you rather disagree;
1 point- if you strongly disagree.

Now count the points and see the result:

If you typed over 75 points

Regardless of the year of birth, you are full of vitality and faith in yourself. You are sociable, optimistic, friendly. Be sure, you will not become an old man / old woman soon.

50-75 points

On the way to maturity, you had to sacrifice some of the virtues of youth. Worries and stress have weakened your ability to rejoice, but they taught you seriousness and responsibility. You are an "average" adult, not too weighed down by problems. But a little more cheerfulness and optimism will not hurt you.

Less than 50 points

They say about people like you that they have seen a lot in the world, and they know the price of everything. But isn't that time too early? There is so much more to see, learn and experience!


You have probably met such people who managed to carry youthful energy and enthusiasm until their very old age, or a young man who was serious and responsible beyond his years? Why does it happen that this or that person behaves and feels incongruity with his age?

In reality, chronological age is not as important as psychological age. Psychological age is a state of inner perception and attitude to life that affects a person's behavior and life decisions. It may not always coincide with the actual number of years and over time it can change in any direction, both towards youth and towards maturity. It is thanks to this that the old man can behave like a teenager, and the young man like a mature man, hardened by experience.

Psychological age is not just another characteristic. Knowing your psychological age is important, as it determines our interests and hobbies, influences goal setting and even lifestyle.

Psychological age test S. Stepanova

You can determine your psychological age without any problems using a special test developed by Russian psychologist Sergei Stepanov. It will help you figure out who you feel like inside: a teenager, thirsty for adventure, or a mature person who has taken place.

At the moment, Stepanov's questionnaire for determining one's psychological age is one of the most common.

Biography of the author of the test

Sergey Sergeevich Stepanov - a well-known Russian psychologist, writer, associate professor of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, is the developer of a test for determining psychological age.

He entered the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University and after graduating there began his career as a psychologist. In the period from 1984 to 1997, he worked at the Big Russian Encyclopedia publishing house as a scientific editor and is the author of many articles in various areas of psychology. He was actively engaged in the translation into Russian of books by such famous psychologists as A. Maslow, K. Rogers, G. Yu. Eysenck, P. Ekman, F. Zimbardo.

Who can take the mental age test?

Psychological age is the ability to understand the thoughts of other people, as well as your own emotions and feelings. People of any age and gender can take the test. It will help you better understand your worldview; decide what to change in life and attitude to it, so that you feel easy and free; and also to understand whether you have forgotten to enjoy work and various situations.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

It is important for a woman to be young both in terms of external indicators and internal sensations. Feeling both physically and mentally toned, cheerful is the joy of life, the admiring glances of others and the envy of peers who have long become gloomy and unsmiling.

Psychology-science defines the psychological age of a person as his own feeling of the years lived, it is a subjective assessment of the current period or an assessment from the age of a particular person, based on his behavior.

In reality, physiological and internal age rarely coincide: it’s good if a person feels younger than passport data, but what if it’s the other way around? Feeling older than you are is a rejection of an active lifestyle, interestingness and joys. Significant psychological age can become the basis for the emergence of diseases of a psychosomatic nature.

How is mental age formed?

Experts say that awareness of psychological age does not depend in any way on the current time moment: only individual inner sensations bring back memories of the distant past, like a recent event, hiding the years that have flown by.

How to roughly estimate your own inner age? It is easy to assess it, based on how important the experienced moments of the past and the events of the future are for a particular person:

if a person does not attach global significance to past events, does not live in memories and confidently expects something valuable from the future, he feels younger than his physiological (passport) age;
and if bright fascinating events, according to a person, have already occurred, and nothing new can be expected from the future, the sensations of inner age will be older than the existing one, and the need to idealize past life stages will take root, making a person “experienced” and “lived his own”.

It is important to remember: making plans for the future and continuing one's own self-development makes a person younger both in their own eyes and in the opinion of others - such a positive attitude towards oneself and one's life tightens the first wrinkles and maintains excellent physical shape with little effort.

How to find out your psychological age?

Psychological age consists of three main components:

intellectual age (mental indicators);
social age (and the ability to live in society and adapt to its various manifestations);
emotional age (to be a balanced, comfortable person for communication).

To determine your own inner age, it is enough to assess the degree of vitality, satisfaction with your own appearance, the desire to master new skills and the emergence of life-enriching interests.

Psychologists tend to explain this by the peculiarities of the social environment, the level of social and financial support of the population: it seems that there is nothing special to rejoice at - life is hard, and therefore people do not see professional and personal prospects, they feel depressing and begin to sigh mournfully, adding to themselves with each such sigh godkov.

But the inhabitants of other countries are people of a completely different mentality: they are positive, love and know how to relax, and therefore look exceptionally young and provocatively. Everyone noticed: Europeans of venerable age feel like 30-40 years with all their lived years.

Psychological age. Test

There are many methods and tests developed by psychologists on the Internet, which, from one point of view of detail or another, will allow us to assess the inner psychological age of any person. In a conversation and without a test, it is possible to determine a person’s age-related feelings of himself: the longer time intervals he operates in speech, the older he feels. For a “20-30” year old, a year is a significant epoch, and he can talk in detail about the past summer, and for a “50-60” year old, normal time intervals are ten to twenty years, which, in a compressed form, fit everything interesting.

An easy and uncomplicated test on the Kastenbaum scale allows you to quickly assess your own psychological age - fill in the gaps with numbers in the four main evaluation criteria:

I feel ______ years old.
Outwardly, I look _____ years old.
Mine determine that I am ______ years old.
My lifestyle and behavior in society determines that I am _______ years old.

Add the four figures obtained and divide by four, finding the average, which will become an internal subjective assessment of psychological age.

How to feel younger?

No one can reduce the number of physical years lived in this world, but the psychological age can be corrected in a pleasant way of decreasing. We offer recommendations of psychologists that will help you feel younger:

an optimistic attitude towards people and towards life will make you younger in your own eyes and expand the circle of pleasant communication;
love actually gives wings and feelings of youth: love for the opposite sex, for children and grandchildren, friends and relatives is positive and makes a person glow internally;
make far-reaching plans: travel, development, new hobbies, etc. help not to get stuck in the present moment, but to move forward young and boldly;
: do not give a chance to diseases, follow an attractive physical form, : age does not take away opportunities, age gives chances for their implementation;
mental loads will not let either the soul or the body grow old: crossword puzzles, quizzes, memorizing verses and poems will help pass the time, learn something new and at the same time change the spiritual age downward.

To feel younger, it is recommended to put aside the laziness that grows every year and force yourself to look into the future from the perspective of a newly born person: “I still have ahead!” Therefore, endow yourself with youth and vigor for all subsequent years, and not with a dull expression on your face, pessimism and memories of days gone by.

February 20, 2014, 03:04 pm

You probably had to meet people who managed to preserve youthful energy, freshness of perception of life until old age. But it happens that even a relatively young person is weighed down by the burden of the past years. Therefore, chronological age is not as important for a person as the age of the soul.

Psychological age- the level of mental and personal development of a person, expressed as a reference to the age whose representatives on average show this level.

Biological old age comes the moment you allow it. The speed of reactions, smoothness of the skin, muscle tone, mobility of the joints - it depends only on you whether you possess this or everything has already gone somewhere. And it doesn't matter if you're twenty or fifty. In fact, all these numbers are conventions, just stages of growing up in chronological order. The only thing they talk about is how many times you, along with planet Earth, have wrapped around the sun. Biological and psychological age is much more important.

True, all ages are interconnected. Biological shows what state your body is in. Psychological - determines who and how you feel at the moment. And only the date of birth in the passport makes you take a sober look at the world, evaluate the years already lived and make plans for the future - close and not so. But only every fourth person has a psychological age that corresponds to the number of years lived. Moreover, this ratio can be easily changed.

One day, psychologists set up a curious experiment. They gathered a group of elderly men (mostly pensioners) in a country rest house and arranged it as if time had turned back. Everything from newspapers to music reproduced the atmosphere of twenty years ago. The subjects were photographed, which were then shown to people who knew nothing about the experiment. Almost all impartial observers were confused in the chronology and said that younger people were depicted in later photographs. And the subjects themselves improved their vision, hearing and memory, increased muscle energy. So it is worth reducing the psychological age, "returning" people to the past, as the biological age will also decrease. Experts even claim that it is quite possible to smooth out small wrinkles with the “power of thought”, restore skin tone, elasticity and generally make you look younger.

Many people in stressful situations "slide" into the age at which they felt most comfortable. But this is not "psychological youth", but infantilism; you ask for help from the child you once were. Imagine an "aged" woman who claims she can't do anything unless she is "told how". She can do everything, but it is more convenient for her to consider herself a little girl so as not to take on any responsibility. Other people prefer to "return" to adolescence with its constant protest against everyone and everything. And only psychologically mature accept the world as it is, changing in accordance with its requirements. It is not for nothing that the smartest and most beautiful ladies like Baroness Nadine de Rothschild (actress, socialite, writer) urge in their youth to do everything so that wrinkles do not appear, and when they are, enjoy the new image.

Follow this advice, and the mood will always be good, and the psychological age will be less than the passport one. And the people around you will not guess how old you are. As you can see, to achieve that the body and soul were in harmony, and life was painted only in pink tones, is a completely doable task.

No matter how old you are, answer the questions of this test and it will help you better understand your worldview.

This test consists of 10 questions. Each question is accompanied by a list of possible answers. Choose the answer that best suits your personality. Try to answer honestly without trying to guess the correct answer and adjust your answers to the desired result. This is the only way you can get the most accurate test result.

It is known that women age a little slower than men, which is why they live five to six years longer. But gender is not the only thing that affects the biological age and condition of a person. Habitat and climatic conditions, nationality and genetic predisposition are “responsible” for this. Gerontologists determine the degree of aging through medical research. Psychology uses its own techniques. And one of them is special psychological tests for age. They determine not only the position of the age bar, but also the level of brain activity - the main criterion for a person's real age.

Scientists say that old age comes only with the “permission” of a person: when he “gave the go-ahead” to his body for muscle weakness, joint stiffness and bad mood. Have you allowed your brain to grow old? Have you retained youthful energy? Has your perception remained the same fresh? How young are you at heart? To find out, you need to pass a psychological age test. We have the largest collection of such questionnaires. All of them can be done online and completely free.

Internal Age Tests

Are you hard to surprise? Do you feel experienced and wise in life, and the feeling of emotional maturity just rolls over? Check if this is the case. Tests for internal age are designed to determine the real state of affairs. Perhaps the development of a person is actually far ahead of his biological age, and it also happens that the cause of sensations lies in the state of health: physical or mental. Take inner age tests and don't let yourself grow old prematurely!

Biological Age Tests

Another type of age test is questionnaires that determine the biological age of the subject. Do you know the situation when a young girl complains about a sudden change in the weather, while her ninety-year-old girl recklessly skis from the nearest hill? This is just the case when the biological age of a person does not match the numbers in the passport. It won't take long to determine it - psychologists have long since deduced the exact forms of brief surveys. Only the most truthful of them got into our collection. Find out your real age!

On the way to maturity, have you lost the best qualities of youth? Responsibility and practicality overshadowed the feeling of causeless happiness and joy? Cheerfulness and optimism are no longer your forte? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you should think about it. This test will help determine not only your psychological age, but also the main problems of premature aging.

This unique test will determine the age of your subconscious and tell you how old your inner self is. To avoid a false negative, you need to answer quickly, without hesitation.

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