Formation of learning motivation in younger schoolchildren, presentation for a lesson on the topic. Presentation on the topic: Motivating students’ learning activities and creating conditions for its implementation. Motivating students’ learning activities presentation.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Epigraph Learning, devoid of any interest and taken only by coercion, kills the student’s desire to master knowledge. Encouraging a child to learn is a much more worthy task than forcing him to do so. K.D. Ushinsky

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Primary school age is favorable for laying the foundation for the ability and desire to learn. Scientists believe that the results of human activity depend 20-30% on intelligence, and 70-80% on motives.

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Diagnosis of adaptation of first-graders The majority of today's children lack educational motivation: - for 79% of students, educational motivation is at the stage of formation (i.e., play motives predominate), - for 1% of students it is not formed, - and only for 20% it is formed.

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3 types of attitude towards learning: positive, indifferent and negative. A positive attitude towards learning is characterized by students’ activity in the educational process, the ability to set long-term goals, foresee the result of their educational activities, and overcome difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. The negative attitude of schoolchildren towards learning is a lack of desire to learn, a weak interest in success, a focus on grades, an inability to set goals and overcome difficulties, a negative attitude towards school and teachers.

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The student’s attitude towards learning is expressed in the following activity: - readiness to carry out educational tasks - desire for independent activity - consciousness of completing the task - systematic learning - desire to increase one’s personal level, independence: the student carries out the activity himself without the help of a teacher or adults.

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Reasons for low student performance 1. Inability to learn and overcome difficulties in cognitive activity (perseverance, patience, counting skills, memorization, writing, attentiveness, ability to listen and speak expressively, sense of responsibility, abilities and skills of cooperation with others, etc.). Many skills are acquired before entering school, others are developed in primary school, and others are improved until graduation.

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Reasons for poor student performance 2. Distractions in children's lives. Learning requires more and more time from the student, not only at school, but also at home. But it is difficult for him to do this because there are various temptations around him: TV, computer, friends, entertainment centers, etc.;

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Reasons for low student performance 3. Monotony of life and educational process, school routine. At school, children lack movement, change of impressions, events, bright events, joint activities with teachers, parents, and creative activities; 4. The authoritarian position of teachers and parents, when at school and at home the topic of conversation becomes study and academic performance, when there are no other topics of communication.

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What is motivation? Motivation (from the Latin root meaning “to move”) is an internal urge, interest, interest, desire, desire for something. Motive is the urge to activity, the reason for which a student performs this or that activity.

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Groups of motives: Internal (cognitive) motives. Associated with the content of the educational activity itself and the process of its implementation, the need to master new skills, abilities and knowledge. 2. External (social) motives. They are associated with the child’s needs for communication with people, for their assessment and approval, with the student’s desire to take a certain place in the system of social relations available to him.

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Predominant motivation For the development of a student’s personality, the most favorable is the predominance of internal motivation for educational activities. Learning will be successful if it is internally accepted by the child, if it is based on his needs, motives, interests, that is, it has personal meaning for him. The true source of a person's motivation lies within himself. That is why importance is attached not to the motives of learning - external pressure, but to the motives of learning - internal driving forces.

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Structure of motivations 1. Cognitive motivation. In the process of learning, a child begins to rejoice that he has learned something, understood something, learned something. 2. Motivation to achieve success. The child shows a desire to do the task well, to complete the task correctly, to get the desired result. In elementary school, this motivation often becomes dominant.

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Motivation for success The formation of a stable motivation to achieve success is necessary in order to blur the “position of an underachiever” and increase the student’s self-esteem and psychological stability. High self-esteem by underachieving students of their individual qualities and abilities, their lack of an inferiority complex and self-doubt play a positive role, helping such students to establish themselves in activities feasible for them, and are the basis for the development of educational motivation.

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Motivation structure Prestigious motivation Typical for children with high self-esteem and leadership inclinations. It encourages the student to study better than his classmates, to stand out among them, to be the first. Motivation to avoid failure. Children try to avoid a “f” and the consequences that a low grade entails - the teacher’s dissatisfaction, parents’ sanctions.

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Structure of motivations 5. Compensatory motivation These are secondary motives in relation to educational activities that allow one to establish oneself in another area - in sports, music, drawing, in caring for younger family members, etc. In the course of individual and age development, the structure of motives changes.

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Predominant motivation Among the various social motives for learning, the leading ones in elementary school are: - “to bring joy to parents,” “I want to know more,” “it’s interesting in class.”

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The motivational role of grades In most cases, children say that grades make students and their parents happy or sad. Not all children understand the meaning of a mark, but most children want to work for a mark. Students in grades 1-2 perceive a grade as an assessment of their efforts, and not the quality of the work done.

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Parents' attitude towards school grades What did you get today? It’s okay, don’t be upset, we still have time to fix everything. I knew it. And who are you born like? Go to your room! And don't show your face to me! You're smart! Next time the teacher will make sure of this. How long can I explain this to you! Do you need my help or will you try again on your own? Did anyone get a better grade than you? Sit down and study again, and then I’ll check! Let's try to understand the material that is so difficult for you. You know, when I was little, this material was also difficult for me. Let's look at the textbook again, I think this will help us. Is this how you’ll drive threes and twos? When your father comes, he will show you for a bad mark! Look how I studied, and you?

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Parents' attitude towards school grades Do not scold your child for a bad grade. He really wants to be good in your eyes. If it is not possible to be good, the child begins to lie and dodge in order to be good in your eyes. Sympathize with your child if he has worked for a long time, but the result of his work is not high, explain to him that not only a high result is important. More important is the knowledge that he can acquire as a result of daily hard work. Don't make your child beg for a grade at the end of the quarter for your peace of mind. Never express doubts about the objectivity of a grade given to your child out loud.

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Parents' attitude towards school grades If you have doubts, go to school and try to objectively understand the situation. Do not unreasonably blame other adults and children for your own children's problems. Support your child in his, albeit not very significant, victories over himself. Demonstrate the positive results of your work so that your child wants to imitate you.

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How to maintain school motivation 1. Maintain and develop interest in information “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting.” The role of adults is to encourage this interest. Younger schoolchildren are concerned about how everything around them works, how everything works, is assembled and disassembled. 2. Maintain and stimulate interest in the method of action. Getting to an effective solution yourself is the pleasure of a creative researcher. It is necessary to develop children's independent thinking.

Ancient wisdom says: you can
lead the horse to water, but
You can't force him to get drunk.

How to motivate a student’s cognitive activity?

“The psychological law says: before
encourage the child to engage in some activity,
get him interested in her, make sure that
discover that he is ready for this
activities that he is all tense
the forces necessary for it"
“There is no activity without a motive”
A.N. Leontiev


Motive is the source of any activity
"Energy battery" of personality,
intensity depends on its strength
human activity.
There is no internal motive - internal
driving force, and everything
doomed to be tedious, boring,


attitudes are what motivate a person to
activity for the sake of which it is performed.

“When information is presented without interest, a center for its active rejection is formed in the cerebral cortex” I. Pavlov

Without the child’s inner attitude, without his motivation
for activities, the main pedagogical
violence is chosen by influence. Teacher
based only on the concepts of “should” and
"necessary" collides with the negative,
negative motivation.
The child develops:
*tendency to avoid studying
*activities and results of the exercise are insignificant
*severe distractibility in class
*gets tired quickly
*feeling of dejection and dissatisfaction
*immobility, rigidity of thinking.

The internal motive of educational activity must always precede and accompany learning.

The teacher sometimes forgets that much of
what he considers important
and useful, is meaningless for the student.
Motivation must be specially formed,
develop, stimulate
The process of formation and consolidation
schoolchildren have positive educational motives
activity is called motivation
educational activities

Factors influencing the formation of motives for schoolchildren's educational activities.

Contents of educational material.
The nature and level of educational and cognitive activity. The content of training itself, educational
information beyond the needs of the child is not
has no meaning for him, not
encourages learning activities.
Study material must be submitted to
in such a form as to evoke in the student
emotional response, activate
cognitive mental processes.

Is this necessary?

The special nature of the presentation of educational material:
A). analytical (explanatory, critical, logical,
b). business;
Using, showing, emphasizing various elements,
attractive aspects of the content:
a).the importance of individual parts;
b).difficulty, complexity (simplicity, accessibility);
c).novelty, educational content of the material;
d).discovery of something new in the known;
d).historicism, modern achievements of science;
f).interesting facts, contradictions, paradoxes.
Tasks with interesting content, entertaining
Showing the importance of knowledge and skills: a).social,
Interdisciplinary connections

Communication style between teacher and student

Forms an “external”
learning motivation, motive
"avoiding failure"
delays formation
internal motivation.
Promotes internal
Reduces learning motivation
(connivance) and forms a motive
"hopes for success"

Communication style between teacher and student

Showing achievements and shortcomings in development
personality, manifestation of trust in forces and
student's capabilities.
Manifestation of the teacher’s personal relationship with the student,
class, expressing your own opinion.
Manifestation by the teacher of his own qualities and data
personality (in terms of communication, erudition, attitude towards
subject, business qualities, etc.) and motivation
students to such manifestations.
Organizing friendly relationships
team (mutual check, exchange of opinions,
mutual assistance.

Organization of educational activities

3 stages:

Motivational stage

this message is why and what students need
know this section of the program, what the main
educational task of this work.
The motivational stage consists of three educational
1).creation of a learning-problem situation;
2).formulation of the main educational task as a result
discussing a problematic situation;
3). consideration of issues of self-control and
self-assessment of capabilities to study this topic.

creating a learning-problem situation

is achieved using the following techniques:
a). setting tasks for students,
which can be solved only by studying this
b).the teacher's story about theoretical and
practical significance of the proposed
c).a story about how this problem was solved
in the history of science.

Formulation of the main educational task as a result of discussing a problem situation

This task is for
students aim to
activities in this lesson.

Motivational stage

At this stage it is important to pay attention to
making demands on students. They
can be:
by content: to discipline, to work;
according to form: unfolded, folded (indications,
remarks, facial expressions);
single and individual, group, general
and detailed, direct and indirect

Operational-cognitive stage

At this stage, it is important to ensure that the student
began to act. For this it is necessary
situations of various types:
Intellectual (problem, search,
discussion, contradiction, quarrel);
Gaming (cognitive games, competitions and
Emotional (success, passion for the topic...).
In many cases, the group form of training
activity creates better motivation than
individual. Group work “pulls you into”
active work even of passive, weak
motivated students.

reflective-evaluative stage

Connected with:
analysis of what has been done,
error analysis and assistance
necessary help,
comparison of what has been achieved with
assigned task and assessment

reflective-evaluative stage

If the teacher pays due attention to this stage
attention, then:
students feel satisfaction from
the work done,
from overcoming difficulties and
learning new things. This leads to the formation
expectations are the same emotional
experiences in the future.

reflective-evaluative stage

If the teacher pays little attention to this stage and
everything comes down to grading, then maybe
there will be a shift in learning motivation from the very
activity, from the process of cognition and result to
mark. This leads to the extinction of the motive
cognitive activity. It is important that in
qualitative rather than quantitative analysis was given
educational activities of students,
positive aspects and changes in
mastering educational material,
the reasons for existing shortcomings were identified; but not
their presence was only stated

Basic methods of motivating and stimulating student activity

4 main blocks can be distinguished
motivation methods depending on
influence on various areas of personality

I. Emotional methods of motivation

educational and cognitive game,
creating bright visual images
creating a situation of success,
stimulating assessment,
satisfying the desire to be significant

II.Cognitive methods of motivation

reliance on life experience,
cognitive interest,
creating a problematic situation,
encouragement to find alternatives
performing creative tasks,
"brain attack",
developmental cooperation (pair and
group work, project method)

III.Volitional methods of motivation

presentation of educational requirements,
information about educational
learning results,
cognitive difficulties
self-assessment of activity and correction,
behavior reflection,
forecasting future activities

IV. Social methods of motivation

developing a desire to be useful to society,
the urge to imitate a strong personality,
creating a situation of mutual assistance,
search for contacts and cooperation,
interest in results
mutual verification,
peer review.

Level I – manifestation of situational
interest in learning, in the subject (sometimes
the lesson is interesting, I like it
teacher, likes to get good
Level II – training as needed
(my parents force me to teach me because
this is my duty, the item is useful for
future life).

Levels of cognitive interest

Level III – interest in the subject (I find out
a lot of new things, makes you think;
I enjoy working for
Level IV – advanced
cognitive interest (easy
item; I'm looking forward to the lesson
I strive to learn more than is required

Levels of cognitive interest

Positive indicators of level I and II
formation of cognitive interest
important and necessary at the initial stage.
Other parameters are important – level III and
especially level IV. Students receive
intellectual pleasure from solving
problems, show interest in generalizations and
laws They are interested not only in knowledge, but
and methods of obtaining them, they are testing
interest in self-educational
activities. Positive motivation
here is stable, and it is embedded in itself
learning process.

If earlier in the lessons they aroused interest in
teaching, then now we need to develop it, and this means
it is necessary to develop a whole system for classes
creative tasks - a set that includes
creative tasks with interesting content from
three main groups:
cause and effect relationships,
combining information,
planning and execution of practical

Learning motivation development system

Application of the creative task system
to develop students' motivation to
educational activity involves
use in every lesson
at least one task from each

Evaluation of lessons based on motivational criteria

1.No special tasks or information
to develop interest in learning.
2. The teacher explains the need
completing tasks.
3.Satisfying 3.Creating entertaining situations with
using puzzles and interesting facts.
4.Use a creative challenge with
interesting content.
5.Use of creative system
tasks with interesting content.
6.Organization of search and solution
research problem.


Development of students' learning motivation
requires the teacher not only to spend a lot of money
time, but above all creative
approach to your activities.
This is possible by rethinking and
revision of work technology, with
systematic creative growth.
According to Disterweg, “the teacher becomes wooden,
turns to stone, “sinks” without striving for
scientific work, because it falls under
the power of three pedagogical demons:
banality, mechanicalness, routine"

MBOU "Tyukhtet Secondary School No. 1"

Presentation “Motivation for educational
activities of schoolchildren"
prepared by Deputy Director for
educational work
Kondratenko T.A.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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Motivation for learning activities is the main condition for successful education of schoolchildren. Learning, devoid of any interest and taken only by coercion, kills the student’s desire to master knowledge. Inspiring a child to learn is a much more worthy task than forcing it K. D. Ushinsky

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“All our plans turn to dust if the student does not have the desire to learn.” (Sukhomlinsky V.A.)

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What is motivation? Motive (from Latin) – to set in motion, to push. This is an incentive to activity related to the satisfaction of human needs. Motivation is a general name for the processes, methods and means of encouraging students to engage in productive cognitive activity and actively master the content of education.

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Modern society expects from school thoughtful, proactive, creative graduates with a broad outlook and solid knowledge. Educational motivation is inclusion in educational activities.

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The importance of motivation Motivation is a particularly important component of educational activity. Through motivation, pedagogical goals quickly turn into mental goals of students. Through motivation, a certain attitude of students towards the academic subject is formed. Through the formation of positive motivation, the qualitative indicators of cognitive processes can be significantly improved.

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Characteristics of schoolchildren's learning motivation (according to N.V. Nemova) Primary school Sense of duty (doubles and significantly exceeds cognitive motivation). Prestigious motivation—the desire to get a high grade—increases in grades 3-4. The motive is to avoid sanctions, that is, punishment. Interest in the subject (decreases by 5 times - up to 5% of students). The main motivation is external, prestigious and forced. Motivation is unstable, there is no interest in certain subjects, there is no ability to retain the energy of a formed intention for a long time.

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Teenage school Persistent interest in a particular subject. The motive for avoiding failure. The desire to have a high grade, even if it is not supported by knowledge, as confirmation of high status in the team and a means of self-affirmation. Only the highly motivated have cognitive interest. The motive for achieving success in school does not develop. Motivation caused by teenage attitudes (tips, cheating, deceiving the teacher, etc.)

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High school Motivation for continuing education in vocational schools. Choosing a subject from the perspective of the future (average teenager: choosing the future from the perspective of a favorite subject). The significance of the mark as a motivator is decreasing; the mark is not a motivator, but a criterion for the quality of knowledge. Motivation for achieving high results in significant subjects. Internal, self-motivation.

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Taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren. Work together with children to understand and accept the purpose of the upcoming educational activity and set educational goals. Creating a situation of success. The teacher's faith in the student's capabilities. Formation of adequate self-esteem in students. Selecting an action in accordance with the student’s capabilities. Work together with children to understand and accept the purpose of the upcoming educational activity and set educational goals. Joint selection with students of means that are adequate to the goal. Selecting an action in accordance with the student’s capabilities. Creating a situation of success. Use of problematic situations, disputes, discussions. Creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation in the classroom. The use of collective and group forms of organizing educational activities. Emotional speech of the teacher. Use of encouragement or reprimand. Use of problematic situations, disputes, discussions. Use of gaming technologies. Use of non-standard situations. Non-standard form of conducting lessons. Use of cognitive and didactic technologies. Emotional speech of the teacher. Use of encouragement or reprimand. Layout of the project “Formation of learning motivation” The meaning of learning. Motive of the teaching. Setting goals Emotions Interest

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TEACHER'S ATTITUDES AND ACTIONS AIMED AT FORMING THE MEANING OF LEARNING: Encouraging the choice and independent use of ways to complete tasks without fear of making mistakes. Evaluating the student's activities not only by the final result, but by the process of achieving it.

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Evaluation of a student’s activity not only by the final result, but by the process of achieving it. (EXAMPLE) Student name D/Z Multiplication table Solving examples Solving problems ______ Total Alekseev N. 5 4 3 ----- 3 Ivanov A. 3 3 3 4 3 Petrov D. 4 3 4 3 4 Sidorov V. ---- 5 5 4 4 Frolov K. 5 5 4 4 5

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This is a terrible danger - idleness at the desk; idleness for six hours every day, idleness for months and years. It corrupts. V.A. Sukhomlinsky positive indifferent negative

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Types of motivation: Negative motivation Positive motivation Social aspirations Narrow motives Learning goals The student’s motivations caused by the awareness of certain inconveniences and troubles

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The ability to overcome difficulties on the way to achieving a goal The ability to defend one’s opinion The ability to foresee the consequences of one’s educational activities The search for non-standard ways to solve educational problems The ability to set long-term goals Student activity in the educational process

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Negative attitude Inability to set goals and overcome difficulties Weak interest in success Poverty and narrowness of motives Weak focus on assessment Negative attitude towards school and teachers

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Indifferent attitude Has the same characteristics, but implies the presence of abilities and opportunities to achieve positive results with a change in orientation

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TEACHER'S ATTITUDES CONTRIBUTING TO THE FORMATION OF A LEARNING MOTIVE Choosing an action in accordance with the student's capabilities Creating a situation of success Using group and individual forms of organizing educational activities Using educational and didactic games, gaming technologies Using encouragement and blame, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of each student Teacher's faith in the student's capabilities Stimulation students to choose and independently use different ways of completing tasks without fear of making mistakes. Assessment of student activity not only by the final result, but also by the process of achieving it

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SETTING GOALS This is the student’s focus on performing individual actions included in the learning activity. __________________________________ THROUGH SETTING GOALS, THE MOTIVES OF LEARNING ARE IMPLEMENTED.

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TEACHER'S ATTITUDES CONTRIBUTING TO THE FORMATION OF GOALS SETTING Joint work with children to understand and accept the goals of upcoming activities and setting educational tasks Selecting means adequate to the goal Taking into account age and psychophysical characteristics Using problem situations, disputes, discussions

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EMOTIONS The child’s reaction to the influence of internal and external stimuli. They depend on the characteristics of educational activity, accompany the learning process and precede it. ___________________________________ ACTIVITY SUPPORTED BY EMOTIONS IS MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL!

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TEACHER'S ATTITUDES CONTRIBUTING TO THE FORMATION OF A COMPONENT OF THE MOTIVATIONAL SPHERE OF LEARNING - EMOTIONAL ATTITUDE Non-standard form of conducting lessons Creating a situation of success Creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation in the lesson Emotional speech of the teacher Use of educational and didactic games, gaming technologies Teacher's faith in the student's capabilities

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Working with a book. Exercises. Working with the map. Filling out tables and diagrams. Problem solving. Essays. Electronic textbook. Types of independent work: Laboratory work. Abstracting. Making presentations. Making notes. Compiling literature reviews. Drawing up plans.

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Decades. Conferences. Circle. "Brainstorm". Research work of schoolchildren. Forms of independent work: Subject evenings. KVN. Olympics. Seminar (interdisciplinary, subject, overview). Subject excursions. Optional classes.

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How can a teacher motivate a student? (A few of the answers are incorrect. Find them.) 1.Lean on curiosity. 2.Use the riddle effect. 3.Create search situations. 4. Require attention and concentration from students. 5. Encourage them to seek explanations. 6.Develop the concept of ability. 7.Make comments to inattentive people. 8. Provide feedback. 9. Praise. 10. Use the “challenge effect.”

28 slide

The problem of developing learning motivation among schoolchildren

Work is done

Salnikova Svetlana

You can only learn what you love. Goethe I.


To analyze the problem of forming learning motivation among schoolchildren and to determine ways to form learning motivation


  • Define the concept of “motivation”.
  • To characterize the learning motivation of primary schoolchildren and adolescents.
  • Illustrate the problem of forming motivation with a plot from a film.
  • Identify the reasons for the decline in school motivation.
  • Determine ways to form educational motivation and characterize them.

  • Collection and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature.
  • Giving examples from films
  • Analysis of a film fragment

Learning motivation– motivated activity demonstrated by students in achieving learning goals. The most significant motives for students are the following:

  • educational;
  • communicative;
  • emotional;
  • motives for self-development;
  • student's position;
  • motives for achievement;
  • external

(rewards, punishments).

Junior school age

In motivating the learning of younger schoolchildren, the leading role is played by broad social motives, primarily the “positional” motive (to be a good student) and the motive of duty and responsibility (a sense of duty to teachers and parents).

Actually, educational motivation does not occupy a significant place in the motivation of children’s learning in primary school; they do not experience serious interest in the content and methods of educational activities.

The level of schoolchildren's motivation to study decreases towards the end of primary school age.


With the transition to middle management occurs serious changes in the motivational sphere of children. The motive of duty and responsibility fades into second place, and other social motives are not sufficiently realized by the teenager.

The most important need of adolescent children is This is the need for self-affirmation, the desire to take a certain place in the team. Therefore, claiming peer recognition may become important incentive to learn.

G.I. Shchukina emphasizes that a significant portion of schoolchildren (primary schoolchildren and teenagers) have cognitive interest directed for practical use of knowledge

In addition to the subjective characteristics of the students themselves, motivation is determined by:

  • the specifics of the educational institution,
  • organization of the educational process,
  • subjective characteristics of the teacher,
  • the attitude of the teacher to the student,
  • the uniqueness of the subject.

Reasons for the decline in school motivation:

  • Teenagers experience a “hormonal explosion” and a vaguely formed sense of the future.
  • The attitude of the student to the teacher.
  • The attitude of the teacher to the student.
  • Personal significance of the subject.
  • Mental development of the student.
  • Productivity of educational activities.
  • Misunderstanding of the purpose of the teaching.
  • Fear of school.

In psychology it is known that the development of learning motives is two ways :

1. Through student learning social meaning of teaching ;

2. Through itself teaching activities schoolchild, which should interest him in something.

Development of learning motives

Specific conditions, arousing the student’s interest in learning activities:

  • Method of disclosing educational material
  • Organization of work on the subject in small groups
  • Relationship between motive and purpose
  • Problematic learning

Strengthening feelings of "openness" to influences, i.e. to learning ability, namely:

  • student participation in collectivist forms of organizing various types of activities
  • teacher-student collaborative relationship

Using strengthening exercises adequate self-esteem .

Important! We need to teach schoolchildren competently explaining your successes and failures

Thoughtful encouragement from the teacher

  • For student motivation, it turns out to be more important than the teacher’s assessment. information hidden in the mark about its capabilities.
  • Teacher evaluation increases motivation if it does not relate to the student’s abilities as a whole. , and to those efforts which the student applies when completing the task.
  • The teacher should compare the student’s successes not with the successes of other students, but with his previous results.

Motivation is promoted

  • entertaining presentation,
  • an unusual form of teaching the material that surprises students;
  • emotionality of the teacher’s speech;

  • Creating situations of dispute and discussion;
  • Analysis of life situations.

Use of gaming technologies

The use of gaming technologies stimulates the development of all spheres of students’ personality - motivational, intellectual, emotional-volitional, communicative, active, moral.

  • Before class 2008, USA, dir. Peter Werner
  • Good Will Hunting 1997, USA, dir. Gus Van Sant
  • Dead Poets Society 1989, USA, dir. Peter Weir
  • Teacher for the change 2011, USA, dir. Tony Kaye
  • Choristers 2004, France, dir. Christophe Barratier
  • Stars on the ground 2007, India, dir. Aamir Khan, Amol Gupte
  • Freedom Writers 2006, Germany, USA, dir. Richard LaGravenese
  • Class 2008, France, dir. Laurent Conte
  • Mister Lazar 2011, Canada, dir. Philip Filardo
  • Mona Lisa Smile 2003, USA, dir. Mike Newell
  • Renaissance Man 1994, USA, dir. Penny Marshall
  • To the teacher with love 1967, UK, dir. James Clavell
  • Mr. Holland's opus 1995, USA, dir. Stephen Herek
  • Teacher of the Year 2003, Canada, USA, dir. William Dear

Mr. Holland's opus

1995, USA, dir. Stephen Herek

5 fragments from the film

Analysis of the situation

Lack of interest in the subject among students

Teacher's negative attitude

Student failure in the subject

Teacher's irritation

The teacher’s awareness of his negative attitude and desire to correct the situation

Using a different teaching method

Student motivation


The problem of forming learning motivation is the most relevant to date.

Needs to be developed cognitive motivation, to create interest in learning. To achieve this, the teaching of academic subjects must be structured so that during the learning process the child received new knowledge so that he had the opportunity to independently search for this knowledge and apply it.

An important role in the formation of educational motivation belongs to to the teacher. Their interest in learning depends on his professional training and his attitude towards children.

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