After an intramuscular injection, a bruise formed. Post-injection hematoma or hematoma after an injection, causes, treatment. Why is this happening

Bruises occur on the body due to mechanical shocks, bruises and other injuries, as well as when the integrity of blood vessels is violated. But often the cause of a bruise on the body can be medical injections. A bruise may appear at the injection site during a medical procedure. It occurs as a result of damage to the walls of blood vessels, from which a certain amount of blood flows into nearby tissues.

Causes of bruises from injections

Why do injections leave bruises? This is a question asked by many patients who are prescribed injections. With intravenous injections, damage to the vessel wall is inevitable, especially if the injection is given by an inexperienced worker. You can also injure a blood vessel with intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. However, a bruise may not always occur at the injection site. The following negative factors contribute to the appearance of a bloody hematoma:

  • thin vessels, weak blood vessel walls that lie close to the surface of the skin;
  • damage to the posterior wall of the vessel due to inept and careless intravenous injection;
  • blood diseases in which the process of blood clotting is disrupted;
  • using thick or low-quality injection needles;
  • inserting the needle and medication too quickly, leading to tissue rupture;
  • a bruise will appear if, during an intravenous injection, the cotton wool was kept at the injection site for less than 5 minutes, due to which a certain amount of blood flowed out of the vein.

Clinical picture of vessel wall rupture

When a blood vessel is injured, blood enters the surrounding tissue, which leads to the appearance of characteristic symptoms of hemorrhage. Bruises after an injection in the buttock may be accompanied by the appearance of lumps in the soft tissues. The main signs of hematomas and bruises on the body are:

  • redness at the injection site, which over time changes its shade from yellowish to bluish;
  • the appearance of a thickening on the skin at the site of the bruise;
  • soreness at the injury site.

Treatment of bruises after injections

When a bruise appears at the injection site, a natural question arises in the patient: how to remove bruises from injections and whether it is possible to prevent the development of possible complications and speed up its disappearance with the help of medications and physical procedures.

Drug treatment is aimed at accelerating regeneration processes, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, removing decay products from the site of damage and preventing the development of complications. The most commonly used drugs are troxevasin (troxevasin ointment) and bodyaga. Ointments containing heparin (heparin ointment, Lyoton) will also help get rid of the bruise. A small amount of the medicine is applied to the bruise several times a day until it disappears completely. If a bruise occurs, an iodine mesh at the injection site will help.

Physiotherapy carried out with the aim of draining lymph from the location of the bruise, accelerating tissue regeneration and resorption of the bruise. Darsonvalization and massage promote better lymph drainage and accelerate the restoration of damaged tissues. An alcohol compress is also used, which accelerates blood circulation and the removal of blood clots from the injection site. The compress is kept at the injection site for 30 minutes every day until the bruise disappears.

Traditional treatment also widely used to get rid of bruises. Among folk remedies, burdock and cabbage are often used.

Cabbage compress

  1. Pour boiling water over a fresh leaf.
  2. Spread one side of the leaf with honey.
  3. Apply the honey side to the bruise overnight.
  4. This procedure is carried out several times. The bruise goes away in 3-4 days.

Cake for bruises

  1. Mix honey with 1 teaspoon of grated horseradish, chicken yolk, and vegetable oil.
  2. Add a little flour to knead into a tough flatbread.
  3. Place the cake on the skin, cover with film and leave overnight.


To avoid bruising during injections, you must follow these rules:

  • use high-quality needles;
  • press the injection site with a cotton swab for at least 5 minutes;
  • follow the needle insertion technique when injecting;
  • use drugs that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

An abscess after an injection given either intramuscularly or subcutaneously, unfortunately, is far from uncommon. You should not try to get rid of this post-injection complication on your own; you should definitely consult a doctor.

Many people experience complications after injections. The easiest thing possible is a hematoma, a slight hemorrhage. It occurs due to the needle getting into a blood vessel, or when the medicine is administered too quickly. Before it can spread into the tissues, it compresses nearby small vessels, which can cause them to burst. A hematoma is not dangerous to the patient’s health and can only be an inconvenience from an aesthetic point of view. It does not require any special treatment, but you can try rubbing ointment - Troxevasin or heparin - into the bruise so that it dissolves faster.

Often after injections, an infiltrate occurs, which is a compaction at the injection site. It usually appears in cases where during the manipulation the rules of asepsis were violated or an inappropriate needle was used (for example, a short needle intended for subcutaneous injections was used to inject the medicine intramuscularly). In earlier times, when injections were made with reusable syringes, this complication occurred much more often, as the needles became dull over time. With the advent of disposable syringes, their frequency has decreased significantly. In addition to the reasons listed, infiltration can occur due to the wrong choice of injection site or as a result of multiple injections during a long course of treatment.

You can get rid of infiltration using both medications and folk remedies. Camphor oil and dimexide give a good effect. Dimexide must be diluted with water (1:3). Among the folk remedies, you can use cabbage leaves, aloe leaves cut in half and cleared of thorns, and baked onions. These products, like compresses, are usually applied to the seal overnight. An iodine “mesh” also helps many: it needs to be “drawn” on the buttock 3-4 times a day. With successful and timely treatment, the infiltrate usually resolves within a few weeks, but if a painful lump forms at the injection site, accompanied by hyperemia (redness), you should never self-medicate! Such inflammation after an injection requires consultation with a surgeon, since an abscess may occur in its place.

An abscess after an injection, the treatment of which should be trusted only to specialists, is one of the most dangerous post-injection complications. The injection site becomes hot and when pressing on it, pain is felt, sometimes quite severe. As a rule, in this case there was a violation of sterility: an abscess after an injection appears due to the penetration of pyogenic microorganisms into the tissue. The sooner the patient consults a specialist, the better: in most cases, modern drugs can defeat such inflammation at the initial stage. Before consulting a doctor, you should not apply any procedures (cold, heat) yourself; you should not massage the painful area or rub medications into it - all these measures can lead to the spread of the abscess.

An abscess after an injection is dangerous, first of all, because of its complications: the patient’s temperature rises, and in the most severe cases, sepsis can occur. The course of the disease depends, first of all, on the time of seeking medical help, as well as on the general condition of the body: with reduced immunity, abscesses of any nature are more severe. Only a surgeon can determine exactly how to treat an abscess after an injection in a given patient, based on visual examination data and the general condition of the patient.

Before the onset of purulent tissue melting for post-injection abscesses, conservative treatment is usually prescribed: physiotherapy (UHF), taking antibiotics. In complicated cases, surgery is indicated - opening the abscess under local anesthesia. Then a course of treatment is carried out using anti-inflammatory and painkillers, and daily dressings. After cleansing the wound of pus, ointments and gels are used to promote tissue healing (Solcoseryl, Curiosin, Bepanten). Provided you contact a specialist in a timely manner, a post-injection abscess can be cured quickly and without complications.

A bruise after an IV is a completely common occurrence. Quite often, after various types of injections, a hematoma appears on a person’s arm. It can be any shade - from lilac to dark purple. When the abrasion begins to heal, it changes color to yellow or green. If some kind of lump appears along with the bruise, it will also go away after some time. On average, such a hematoma goes away in a couple of weeks, but you can speed up the healing process with various medications and folk remedies

Why does a bruise appear?

Hematomas after IVs appear due to injury to blood vessels, as a result of which blood clots accumulate under the skin. This happens especially often (and not only after injections) in people who have blood diseases. These abrasions can be of any size and in most cases cause little pain and mild discomfort. Sometimes very large bruises occur; this occurs when a vessel is punctured through. An abrasion can also appear if a person has inelastic, brittle blood vessels or are located too close to the skin. Bruises also appear if the patient does not hold the cotton wool on his bent arm for a short time. In addition to hematomas, a lump may also form. It is formed due to the medication accumulating in the tissues, especially if it is made on the basis of oil. Ideally, the injected medication should be distributed evenly throughout the body, but sometimes a malfunction occurs and the fluid accumulates in one place. Bumps from IVs are also characterized by pain during pressure and redness of the skin next to the damage. However, bruises and other abrasions after an injection can appear not only due to the structural features of the body, but also due to doctor errors. The most common medical errors when administering the drug subcutaneously:

  • uneven speed of drug administration (very slow or fast);
  • poor quality needle;
  • vein puncture due to carelessness;
  • the needle is too short or long;
  • the medication is not injected deeply enough.

Medicines against bruises

Removing an abrasion on the arm after injections is quite simple. To do this, you can use medications or traditional medicine. Of the medications that can be found in pharmacies against bruises, “heparin ointment” is very effective. It is suitable for small and medium-sized hematomas, as it quickly resolves blood clots and relieves inflammation. In this case, “Badyaga” can also help. Troxevasin ointment also helps a lot. It is suitable for medium and large hematomas with swelling. Iodine mesh is a classic remedy against hematomas. You just need to apply the substance with a cotton swab to the abrasion. Some doctors also recommend using a Darsonval massager. It improves lymph flow and strengthens blood vessels.

Folk remedies against hematomas

Traditional medicine also effectively resolves bruises from an IV.
  • For example, many people use an alcohol compress. To prepare it, you will need to mix water and alcohol in equal quantities (their amount should be small), and moisten cotton wool or gauze in this solution. After this, the moistened cotton wool should be applied to the abrasion and covered with a film for insulation. This bandage should be kept for about 30 minutes.
  • You can also apply cabbage to the bruise at night; if desired, you can smear it with honey. Just before applying, the cabbage leaf needs to be washed very well.
  • For the formation of bruises and abrasions, you can also mix salt and clay powder (red or green) with water. The result should be dough. You need to make a cake out of it and apply it to the bruise.
  • Honey and radish are also good remedies. To prepare a medicinal mixture from them, the vegetable must be grated. When mixing, the ratio of honey to radish should be 1 to 2. Moisten gauze in the honey mixture and apply to the abrasion. You need to repeat this compress until the bruise completely resolves.

How can I further speed up healing?

In addition to the methods described above, you can use vitamin C, because it strengthens blood vessels and increases their elasticity. This vitamin can be taken orally or by injection. The most enjoyable form of vitamin C for many is ascorbic acid and various fruits. If you take vitamin C in any form every day, you can not only quickly deal with a bruise, but also improve your immunity. If you come home immediately after a bruise appears from an IV, you can have time to apply ice to the injury. It must be remembered that cold can only help in the first five hours from the moment of injury. Ice should be kept for no more than 30 minutes, and be sure to wrap it in a towel or gauze.

If a day has passed since the injection, you can hold your hand under warm water and then massage the bruise, this will help quickly disperse blood clots.

Is it possible to avoid a bruise?

The appearance of a bruise can be avoided, but this does not always depend on the patient himself. Still, it is best for the injection or drip to be given by qualified doctors, who may not always be careful. However, if the injection is carried out at home, then you can try to protect yourself as much as possible. To do this, you must follow all the precautions described below. When injecting into the buttocks, the muscles in this place should be completely relaxed. You also need to remember that the needle should be inserted 2/3 way if the injection is made into a muscle. In addition, after injection, it is advisable to walk for about five minutes and not sit down. It is best to use a thin needle to inject medications. It is equally important to administer the drug evenly, without jerking and at the same time not very slowly. For this, a syringe with a black pad on the base is best suited, because... it allows injections to be made in a thin stream and does not injure blood vessels. After the injection, it is recommended to keep the cotton wool for at least 15 minutes, and if the skin is delicate, then preferably longer. Also, after the injection, there is no need to rub the injection site with a swab; it is recommended to simply hold the cotton wool, lightly pressing it against the injection site. In the event that bruises appear after any injections, we advise you to read the article written on this topic: “Remedies for the treatment of bumps after injections.”

Signs of complications

Even though a bruise is not a very serious injury, some complications may still arise if an infection enters the body. If some symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor. Warning signs that you need to pay attention to immediately:

  • severe pain;
  • increase in abrasion size;
  • spasm;
  • limitation of hand motor function (discomfort, pain, etc.);
  • general weakness;
  • the bruise does not go away for a long time;
  • the site of the hematoma began to heat up.
All these signs may indicate inflammation due to infection or damage to internal organs. You should know that an ordinary bruise resolves on average in a week, if the skin is tender, then in two. Complications especially occur in those who have poor blood clotting.

How to remove a bruise in a day. VIDEO

In the treatment of some diseases, injections of drugs cannot be avoided. However, in some cases very unpleasant consequences appear after such treatment - bruises on the buttocks. Most often this is the effect of rapid administration of the drug. Bruises and bumps can appear from a single injection or as a result of multiple intramuscular manipulations.

Main reasons

In some cases, the cause of bruises on the buttocks after injections is overly sensitive skin or very fragile capillaries. Some patients have a fairly large layer of subcutaneous fat, and this is the cause of the hematoma.

Possible reasons also include:

  • poor blood clotting in the patient;
  • long-term use of blood thinners;
  • close location of blood vessels to the surface of the skin.

But, according to statistics, these factors very rarely lead to bruises, and the inexperience of medical personnel and negligence in their duties is the main reason for the appearance of a hematoma after injections.

Allergic reaction

This symptom needs to be placed in a separate category. If you are allergic to a certain drug, then it is not necessary that there will be a bruise. But if redness appears at the injection site, itching is observed, choking, coughing and there is a lack of oxygen, then you should immediately consult a doctor; most likely, the patient is allergic to a certain drug.

Treatment of anemia

You need to know that iron supplements that are administered intramuscularly will definitely leave bruises. Although they actually aren't, it is a natural pigmentation that can take months to resolve and may be permanent. Therefore, when treating anemia, intramuscular administration of drugs is rarely prescribed, only in extreme cases.

Rules for manipulation

To prevent the appearance of bruises from injections on the buttocks, the area is conventionally divided into 4 parts. The drug is injected into the right or left upper section.

If several drugs are administered at a time, they should not be administered into one buttock, as this will inevitably lead to the appearance of a hematoma.

During the administration of injections, the patient is required to relax the muscles of the buttocks as much as possible.

What measures are prohibited

If a bruise appears on the buttock after an injection, then under no circumstances should you heat the area, as such actions can lead to serious complications. It is not allowed to place a new injection in a place where there is a hematoma, much less a lump. If the inflammatory process has begun, squeezing out the pus is not allowed.

You can use medications and folk remedies for bruises only after consulting a doctor.

When to seek medical help

If the area of ​​the bruise begins to increase, or inflammation appears, then you should definitely see a doctor. A very dangerous condition in which the patient experiences increased fatigue and a rise in body temperature. Another dangerous symptom is the appearance of discharge with pus at the site of the hematoma.

In no case should you underestimate even the mildest symptoms, as they may indicate the development of a serious complication, which is best prevented in advance.

Methods for eliminating hematomas

The most common way to eliminate a bruise on the buttock is an iodine mesh. However, the mesh must be applied several times throughout the day.

The second popular method is to apply a compress of fresh cabbage, or rather a leaf. The leaf of the plant must first be bleached and lubricated with honey, and applied to the problem area. It is necessary to keep such a compress throughout the night, having previously secured it with a bandage.

Drugs from the pharmacy

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a fairly wide range of drugs that can get rid of hematomas.

Vishnevsky ointment. This is a fairly old and proven remedy that has a resolving and anti-edematous effect. In addition, the ointment will reduce pain.

Heparin ointment. The active ingredient is heparin, which is considered the most effective remedy for eliminating bruises on the butt and other parts of the body. The ointment also contains benzocaine, an anesthetic that relieves pain well.

"Troxevasin" or "Troxerutin". With regular use of one or another ointment, the bruise will quickly disappear, since drugs with the active ingredient troxerutin quickly relieve the inflammatory process and reduce swelling.

Gel “Badyaga”, “Badyaga Forte”. These drugs have an intense absorbable effect, soften and moisturize the skin well.

How to remove bruises on the butt? You can also use magnesium sulfate, in which a tampon is moistened and applied to the hematoma for the whole night, fixing it with an adhesive plaster.

In addition, you can use other ointments and gels that help reduce hematomas: “Bruise-off”, “First Aid” and others. Ointments containing vitamins P, C and K also help to cope with the problem. You should not use several ointments at once, buy one and use it.

What does traditional medicine offer?

Along with cabbage leaf and iodine, you can use rice, or rather rice water, to get rid of a bruise on the buttock. A small piece of gauze is soaked in the liquid and applied overnight to the area where the hematoma is located.

At night, you can make a compress of red clay mixed with salt and diluted water. You can use ordinary honey, which must be slightly warmed before applying to the hematoma. You can mix honey with grated horseradish in a 1:2 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to the injection site and secure.

A rather unconventional recipe with laundry soap and a candle. The components are grated, mixed with nutria fat (proportions - 1 to 1), slightly heated and applied to the bruise site, followed by fixation with foil.

Baking soda is suitable, mixed with dimexide and water (4:1:1). Gauze is soaked in the mixture and a compress is made from it, which is placed on the injection site, having previously treated the area with a cream of a thick consistency. You need to put a film on top and fix it for the whole night. Carry out the procedure until the bruise completely disappears.

After administering the drug, you can do a light massage for several minutes. Over time, the bruise will change its shape and color, but there is no need to be afraid of this, this is the norm.

It should be remembered that at the first manifestations of irritation or an allergic reaction to any ointment, you must immediately stop treating the injection site.

Device "Darsonval"

How to treat bruises from injections on the butt? It is unlikely that you will find a Darsonval device at home, but if you regularly visit a beauty salon, then most likely there is such a device there. It works great on bruises. Although each body reacts differently to this physiotherapy. The main danger of the procedure is that if there are malignant neoplasms, and the patient does not know about it, then darsonvalization can provoke their growth.

Preventive actions

In order not to decide the question of how to treat a bruise on the buttock, it is better to adhere to some simple rules when carrying out manipulation. First of all, after the injection, a cotton swab moistened with alcohol must be kept at the injection site for 5 minutes. The needle itself from the syringe, if the procedure is done at home, should be inserted neither too slowly nor too quickly, then the risk of bruising is reduced.

Before therapy with intramuscular administration of drugs is carried out, you can take drugs that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but it is better that such medications are recommended by a doctor.

It is best to purchase syringes that have pistons (black gasket). Such syringes inject the medicine into the muscle in a thin stream and significantly reduce the risk of damage to blood vessels.

Treatment of many diseases is impossible without intramuscular injections. As a side effect of such manipulations, bruises, bumps and hematomas on the butt from injections occur, which we will discuss below.

Bruises on the buttocks are a consequence of damage to blood vessels. There are several reasons why bruises remain on the buttocks after injections:

  1. Excessively tense buttock muscles. Fear of the syringe causes the whole body to shrink, as a result of which the drug administered intramuscularly cannot be evenly distributed.
  2. Injury to blood vessels. The needle, getting into small capillaries, injures them. The blood spreads through the thickness of the skin, forming a bruise.
  3. A very short needle for intramuscular injection. Insufficient needle length does not allow the medicine to be delivered to the muscle layer. A painful lump of undissolved medication and a bruise form at the site of intramuscular injection.
  4. This administration technique is called cotton injection. Inserting the needle sharply at a ninety-degree angle does not allow the medicine to be evenly distributed under the skin. This explains why bruises remain on the butt after injections.
  5. Bleeding disorders are a common cause of bruising after injections in the buttock.

Factors contributing to the appearance of swelling

Swelling and bruising from injections on the buttocks most often occur due to a violation of the technology for intramuscular administration of the drug.

Actions that provoke compaction at the injection site:

  • very fast drug administration;
  • incorrectly selected needle;
  • incorrectly selected area for needle insertion;
  • administration of an excessive amount of medication;
  • swelling as an allergic reaction to the injected drug;
  • needle and injection site insufficiently treated with antiseptic.

In addition to bumps and swelling, characteristic symptoms of a violation of the technology of intramuscular injection of the drug into the muscles of the thigh and buttocks are: fever, lower back pain, loss of sensitivity.

It is important to eliminate the negative consequences of intramuscular injections as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the risks of developing an abscess and damage to the sciatic nerve increase significantly.

How to give an injection correctly to avoid lump formation

By following a clear sequence of intramuscular administration of drugs, you can avoid the unpleasant consequences (swelling, contusions, bruises) of injections in the buttock:

  1. Prepare all the necessary equipment for the injection (syringe, medicine, alcohol, cotton wool). Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Inspect the ampoule, shake it so that the medicine is at the bottom.
  3. Draw the medicine into the syringe and push the air with the piston.
  4. Visually divide the buttock into four sectors. For injection, you must select the upper right sector.
  5. Disinfect the injection site well.
  6. With a confident movement, insert the needle 3⁄4 of its length.
  7. Gently and slowly press the plunger of the syringe with your finger.
  8. After injecting the drug into the buttock, press the injection site and lightly massage it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, thereby preventing the occurrence of bruises and bumps.

Is it possible to swim after an injection in the buttock?

You can take a shower or bath two to three hours after the injection. Before administering the drug, the buttock is wiped with an alcohol-containing solution. Such actions will help avoid the negative consequences of incorrect injections.

Allergic reaction

Allergy is a local reaction of the body, manifested in the form of inflammation of the buttock at the injection site.

At the injection site, a swelling of the gluteal muscle occurs, which very quickly increases in size and itches.

Attention: the inflammatory process that develops on the buttocks at the site of vaccination can be considered normal if the body temperature remains normal and the patient’s general condition has not worsened.

Treatment of bruises with medications

Drug treatment is indicated in the case of:

  • extensive bruising at the injection site on the buttocks;
  • sensations of pain, itching and burning at the injection site;
  • swelling and compaction on the buttocks develop against a background of high body temperature and general malaise.

Important: only a doctor, based on the examination and the results of the research, can determine how to cure bruises from injections on the buttocks.

Vishnevsky ointment

Antiseptic liniment (Vishnevsky ointment) is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, the use of which allows you to speed up the process of treating bumps, hematomas and lumps after injections on the buttocks. The ointment can not only be applied to the problem area, but also used as an element of a compress.

A contraindication to the use of ointment is the presence of purulent lesions at the site of lump and hematoma formation.

Heparin ointment for bruises

When choosing how to treat hematomas and bruises from injections on the buttocks, special attention should be paid to heparin ointment. The main active ingredient of the drug is benzocaine, which will quickly soothe irritation, soften the seal, and reduce the inflammatory process.

A contraindication to the use of heparin ointment is hemophilia.

Gel Troxevasin

Another way to treat lumps on the buttocks is to use Troxevasin gel. A special feature of the drug is its ability to dissolve not only new, but also old formations.

Compress dimescid, ceftriaxone, hydrocortisone

You can quickly relieve the inflammatory process, reduce swelling and remove hematomas using a combination of several medications: dimexide (40g), ceftriaxone (1gram) and hydrocortisone (1 ampoule). After drawing up the medicine with a syringe, dissolve all three drugs in three tablespoons of water. This creates a solution with which we impregnate the bandage. Apply a compress to the area of ​​swelling and bumps for one hour. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Contraindications for use: nephropathy, angina pectoris, individual intolerance to the drug, children.

It is strictly forbidden to: warm the site of swelling, use untested methods of treatment, try to squeeze out the contents of inflammation at the injection site, and give injections (painkillers or antibacterial drugs) inside the lump.

Folk remedies for bruises after an injection

One of the options for removing bruises from injections on the buttocks is traditional medicine. Many years of practice have proven their effectiveness in combating swelling on the buttocks after injections.

Iodine mesh

An iodine mesh will help to quickly get rid of a bruise at the injection site on the buttocks. Iodine has a unique absorbent and warming property. It is applied to the affected area for at least three days, after which positive changes can be visually assessed.

Cabbage leaves

A very popular folk remedy for bruises after injection is cabbage leaves. They are cut from the head of cabbage, washed, cut with a knife over the entire surface and applied to the site of the bruise. The resulting compress is kept for a day, after which it can be repeated as necessary.

Honey cake

Honey, butter, egg and flour - these are the main ingredients of the compress, using which you can quickly remove bruises and hematomas from injections on the buttocks.


Clean aloe leaves are ground and placed on cheesecloth. The resulting compress should be applied to the sore spot and secured with a band-aid, left for twelve hours.

It would seem that such incompatible ingredients as salt and clay can also be used in the treatment of bruises on the buttocks from injections. Make a compress: mix salt and clay in equal proportions and add water. You should get a fairly thick plastic mass, which is applied to the sore spot and left for twelve hours.

Preventive measures

You can avoid complications of intramuscular injections in the buttock (swelling, lumps) by following certain rules:

  • for injections, choose only thin and high-quality needles;
  • before the injection, the body should be as relaxed as possible;
  • several hours before the injection you should not take blood-thinning drugs;
  • the injection site should be well treated with alcohol-containing solutions;
  • after the injection, hold the cotton wool at the injection site for another five minutes;
  • inject the drug very slowly and smoothly;
  • After an intramuscular injection, you need to walk a little.

A competent approach to the treatment of bumps and bruises on the butt after an injection, alternating traditional methods and drug treatment will help quickly eliminate the negative consequences of violating the technology for administering intramuscular injections.

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