Oge Tsybulko Russian language year options

Please, does anyone have the answers to "OGE-2017 Russian language standard exam options 36 options by I. P. Tsybulko" and got the best answer

Answer from
Believe it or not, I’m in the same situation myself. The teacher tore out all the answers at the end and I’m sitting here suffering now.
ok I won't

Answer from Andrey Voronin[newbie]

Answer from Kazakova Marta[newbie]

Answer from Alla[newbie]
and thank God that there is no, learn for yourself!!!

Answer from Pkov Gorkovenko[newbie]
haha, I have the same situation

Answer from Igor Akinfeev[newbie]

Answer from Yergey Rykhlov[newbie]
3.14. Scattering
5. Mentally
6. Touched
7. School for pilots
8.The decision was a secret<или>there was a secret solution
10.124 <или>
12.12368 <или>any other sequence of these numbers
Option No. 2
5. Circled
6.Wait out the blizzard
7. Mental strength
8. Managed to achieve
10.34 <или> 43
12.24 <или> 42
Option No. 3
6.Notice the error<или>notice a mistake<или>come to your senses
7. Gunpowder warehouse
8. I wanted to help
10.45 <или> 54
12.145 <или>any other sequence of these numbers
Option No. 4
7.Happy feeling
8.Performance contacted<или>contacted submission
10.23 <или> 32
12.356 <или>any other sequence of these numbers
Block No. 2
Micro theme:
1. The main thing for every person should be kind and significant; for this, a person must be able to rise above his everyday worries.
2. You must be able to live for other people. Only people who served others are remembered.
3. In life you have to have your own business. Happiness is achieved by those who strive to make others happy and are able to forget about themselves at least for a while.
Option 5
2. 4
3. 3
4. Screwed
5. Rotated
6. Found<или>appeared
7. Above the words of the grandfather
8. Alyosha went<или>Alyosha went
9. 11
10. 45 <или> 54
11. 3
12. 36 <или> 63
13. 25
14. 7
Option 6
2. 2
3. 4
4. Smoothed
5. Bottomless
6. Yes<или>eat
7. Took with diligence<или>took it with diligence
8. The horse galloped<или>the horse galloped
9. 25
10. 2
11. 6
12. 26 <или> 62
13. 42
14. 52
Option 7
2. 2
3. 3
4. Came, brought
5. Surprised
6. First<или>straightaway
7. Spoke with affection<или>spoke with affection
8. Don't offend
9. 32
10. 12 <или> 21
11. 1
12. 1236 <или>any other sequence of these numbers
13. 20
14. 29
Option 8
2. 1
3. 4
4. Transformed
5. Scorched
6. Fast<или>soon<или>playfully
7. Fire in the forest
8. He horse-rided
9. 43
10. 23 <или> 32
11. 3
12. 46 <или> 64
13. 33
14. 10
Block No. 3
Micro theme:
1. Without kindness, human spiritual beauty is impossible.
2. The path of good was, is and will be the only true path in life for a person.
3. It is difficult to cultivate good feelings in a child; for this, the child must go through emotional school.
Option 9
2. 3
3. 4
4. Scare
5. Glass
6. Calmer<или>safer<или>better
7. Glass jar
8. Not replanted
9. 1114 <или> 1411
10. 34 <или> 43
11. 4
12. 13 <или> 31
13. 32
14. 35 <или> 53
Option 10
2. 2
3. 2
4. Screamed
5. Long
6. By company<или>group<или>crowd
7. Water windows
8. Who is easier
9. 10
10. 45 <или> 54
11. 4
12. 356 <или>any other combination of these numbers.

Answers to test tasks OGE - 2016 TSYBULKO (part 2)

Block 1. Options 1-4.

Paragraph number:

Micro theme:

Urban people have lost the habit of hearing the wonderful sounds of the earth. It is all the more joyful for such people to visit nature and gain the mental strength that everyone needs.

The sounds of the earth replace music for farmers and hunters. These sounds may have been imprinted in songs and musical creations.

The sounds of the earth give birth to the best in the human soul. Since childhood, they excite and delight people.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4



I'll wake you up



Worn out




We've arrived


I've arrived

Frozen Enthusiastically

Whispered with fear

I walk with caution

Fisherman's stop

Sanya managed to get enough sleep

The rain became quieter

I wanted to lure

The face was furrowed


Block 2. Options 5-8

Paragraph number:

Micro theme:

The main thing for every person should be kind and significant; for this, a person must be able to rise above his everyday worries.

You must be able to live for other people. Only people who served others are remembered.

In life you have to have your own business. Happiness is achieved by those who strive to make others happy and are able to forget about themselves at least for a while.

Option 5

Option 6

Option 7

Option 8





Rotated to the spot




Found or Appeared

At first

Showed or manifested

Said quietly or said

Over grandfather's words

People's steps

Oil stains

School door

Alyosha went

It will be a gift

I have to leave


Block 3. Options 9-12

Paragraph number:

Micro theme:

Without kindness, human spiritual beauty is impossible.

The path of good was, is and will be the only true path in life for a person.

It is difficult to cultivate good feelings in a child; for this, the child must go through emotional school.

Option 9

Option 10

Option 11

Option 12









Calmer or safer or better

(Very) quickly or rapidly

Respectful or Respectful


Glass jar

poplar branch

Hunting season

School director

Not transplanted

It became scary

Something flashed



Block 4. Options 13-16

Paragraph number:

Micro theme:

People are sometimes inclined to explain and justify their failures and misdeeds by mistakes in their upbringing and various circumstances.

Of all the circumstances that shape a person, self-education is the most important.

Only correct self-esteem allows a person to set specific goals in life and achieve them.

Option 13

Option 14

Option 15

Option 16

Opened it slightly

Having covered






As required

Insufficient or Insignificant or wretched or small or poor

Applaud or clap your hands

Notice an error or Notice a mistake

Very strong desire

Family of nobles

Father's inheritance

Gunpowder warehouse

Life goal

Consent was given


I wanted to help

It's hard to wake up



Block 5. Options 17-20

Paragraph number:

Micro theme:

Compassion is a special talent, and without it it is difficult to remain human.

Misfortunes and troubles are inevitable, but you cannot think about them constantly.

The ability to experience someone else's pain reveals a person's true virtues.

Option 17

Option 18

Option 19

Option 20



She sighed






Get confused or confused

The unfortunate or the sufferer

Sitting down

End or Finale or Denouement

Squeaking children

Hospital wards

Market in the city

School lobby

Wasn't visible

The tears were light

No one will offend

What happened


Block 6. Options 21-24

Paragraph number:

Micro theme:

Being an adult does not mean being tall.

An adult must be independent, must make his own decisions, but most importantly, be responsible for any of his actions.

The life of an adult is only good when it has a high purpose. You need to prepare for adult life.

Option 21

Option 22

Option 23

Option 24

I've arrived


They came running

Capless cap





Screamed or shouted loudly

Will start

Very fast or fast

Today or Now

Mom's words

Pencil drawings

Soul of a dog

Fascist ranks

A lot of

It was interesting


They died

Block 7. Options 25-28

Paragraph number:

Micro theme:

The beauty of the surrounding world gradually accumulated in the human soul, then the return inevitably began, expressed primarily in the decoration of everyday life.

Then art became distracted and ceased to be of an applied nature, becoming a joyful or sorrowful cry of the soul.

Option 25

Option 26

Option 27

Option 28

Woke up


To wake






Fast or Soon

Absurdity or Stupidity

Friendly or Good or Coordinated

Closed or Closed

Kingdom of Winter

Glass door

Creative impulses

Cossack raids

You'll oversleep

You can learn

Nature is eternal and unchanging

He could deduce





Block 8. Options 29-32

Paragraph number:

Micro theme:

A teacher is a special profession.

The object of a teacher’s work is the spiritual life of a person; human studies requires special tools to influence the student.

The end result of a teacher’s work - a person’s future - is not immediately visible, so the teacher must believe in everyone

Option 29

Option 30

Option 31

Option 32









Overpowered or Overcame

Freely or Easily or With Ease

Evaded or Hidden or Eliminated

Throwing away

Proudly retired

Children's choir

Scolding children

Science was waiting

I want to elevate

He loved

No need to be scared


Block 9. Options 33-36

Paragraph number:

Micro theme:

Each person has his own “alarm clock” of the sense of nature.

A person must have a school of reverent attitude towards the mystery of life.

The starting point of all values ​​in life is Love, which brings a person closer to happiness.

Option 33

Option 34

Option 35

Option 36


will arrive


Cover up





Save or Help out or Pull out or Help or Free

Thin or Frail or Skinny


Run or Run

Well bottom

Dog language


Plank shed

It's getting light

Three windows were getting dark


Extinguished, pulled out

Tsybulko 2017 is a set of manuals that were created to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and to hone the skills of passing the Unified State Exam in grade 9 in this subject. It should be immediately noted that the unified state exam in 2017 will become much more difficult and the number of options will increase sharply. The emphasis and emphasis of the examinations will be on the practical application of acquired knowledge, oral communication skills and writing literacy. It will be especially difficult for foreign students whose parents have recently arrived in Russia and decided to stay here in search of a better life. There will be no more discounts and the children will have to take the exam with the general stream.

True, Tsybulko’s book 2017 options and essays will come to their aid, with the help of which they can quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam. You will have to exercise regularly, spending about three hours every day. It is very important to honestly observe these proportions and not be lazy, otherwise there is a high probability of failing the final test and having to retake it. Agree, it will be a shame to sit behind textbooks in the summer, when the rest of the kids are already eating ice cream and going to the movies in couples.

Russian language Tsybulko 2017 essays for everyone

Essays 2017 Tsybulko is a set of ready-made works that were created specifically to show students what exemplary essays should be and what a future engineer or doctor should strive for. Read the book to the end and then the essay exam will not cause any difficulties or worries. My friend, Alesya, sat on her essays for half a year and was actively preparing for the submission. Time passed, and the girl became so adept at writing essays that all her classmates began to come to her home and ask her to study with them. Aleska is a kind girl and never refused anyone; she taught the children vocabulary, grammar and artistic style of writing work. In short, having Tsybulko’s 2017 essay in hand, preparing for the final test (OGE) is very simple. You don't even need a tutor or extracurricular activities with the school principal! All you have to do is pick up a textbook online and start studying the material.

OGE Tsybulko 2017 answers to questions

The answers are in Tsybulko 2017 and you won’t miss them. You can use the answers only after you have thought for yourself, wrinkled your mind, but have not been able to find the answer on your own. Then you can use the hint at the end of the textbook and look at the answers to the OGE that this book is filled with. Tsybulko's options contain all the answers to the Russian language grade 9; they can be used as a guide while preparing for the OGE at home, when there is no expensive tutor nearby and no one to suggest the correct answer. As additional material, you can read the following textbooks: Unified State Examination Russian language Tsybulko or. These textbooks and GDs will be able to raise your level of knowledge and preparation for the OGE will become simple and easy to understand. Good luck!

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On this page you will find answers to the test part of the OGE-2017 manual under the guidance of I. P. Tsybulko 36 standard exam options.

Block 1. Options 1-4.

Job number: Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
2 1 1 3 2
3 1 3 3 4
4 I'm throwing myself around endless ponder cover up
5 mentally circled entrusted tangled
6 touched wait out the blizzard notice the error<или>notice a mistake<или>come to your senses face
7 pilot school mental strength gunpowder warehouse joyful feeling
8 the decision was a secret<или>there was a secret solution managed to achieve I wanted to help performance contacted<или>contacted submission
9 29 1 36 6
10 124 <или> 34 <или> 43 45 <или> 54 23 <или> 32
11 3 4 6 4
12 12368 <или> 24 <или> 42 145 <или>any other combination of these numbers. 356 <или>any other combination of these numbers.
13 29 12 23 15
14 2 26 55 20

Block 2. Options 5 - 8.

Paragraph number: Micro theme:
1 The main thing for every person should be kind and significant; for this, a person must be able to rise above his everyday worries.
2 You must be able to live for other people. Only people who served others are remembered.
3 In life you have to have your own business. Happiness is achieved by those who strive to make others happy and are able to forget about themselves at least for a while.
Job number: Option 5 Option 6 Option 7 Option 8
2 4 2 2 1
3 3 4 3 4
4 screwed smoothed came, brought turned into
5 rooted to the spot bottomless surprised scorched
6 found<или>appeared There is<или>eat at first<или>straightaway fast <или>soon<или>playfully
7 over grandfather's words took it with diligence <или>took it with diligence spoke with affection <или>spoke with affection forest fire
8 Alyosha went <или>Alyosha went the horse was galloping <или>the horse galloped do not offend he fared
9 11 25 32 43
10 45 <или> 54 2 12 <или> 21 23 <или> 32
11 3 6 1 3
12 36 <или> 63 26 <или> 62 1236 <или>any other sequence of these numbers 46 <или> 64
13 25 42 20 33
14 7 52 29 10

Block 3. Options 9-12.

Job number: Option 9 Option 10 Option 11 Option 12
2 3 2 4 3
3 4 2 3 4
4 scare screamed will come touched
5 glass long old written
6 calmer<или>safer<или>better company<или>group<или>crowd lie down were playing
7 glass jar water windows shouted with joy<или>shouted with joy urban area
8 not transplanted who is easier we're afraid the third said
9 1114 <или> 1411 10 41 36
10 34 <или> 43 45 <или> 54 234 <или>any other combination of these numbers. 1267 <или>any other combination of these numbers.
11 4 4 2 3
12 13 <или> 31 356 <или>any other combination of these numbers. 56 <или> 65 6
13 32 26 13 45
14 35 <или> 53 42 38 50

Block 4. Options 13-16.

Information about the text for a condensed summary:
Paragraph number: Micro theme:
1 Urban people have lost the habit of hearing the wonderful sounds of the earth. It is all the more joyful for such people to visit nature and gain the mental strength that everyone needs.
2 The sounds of the earth replace music for farmers and hunters. These sounds may have been imprinted in songs and musical creations.
3 The sounds of the earth give birth to the best in the human soul. Since childhood, these sounds excite and delight a person.
Job number: Option 13 Option 14 Option 15 Option 16
2 3 1 4 4
3 1 3 1 3
4 spreading endless I'll wake you up hobbled
5 filled worn out mysterious furrowed
6 accidentally<или>accidentally came If came<или>came up
7 looked enthusiastically<или>looked enthusiastically whispered with fear<или>whispered with fear I walk with caution<или>I walk with caution fisherman's stop<или>fisherman's stop
8 Sanya managed to get enough sleep the rain became quieter<или>the rain has become quieter we are going boring
9 56 <или> 65 33 16 51
10 45 <или> 54 1234 <или> 45 <или> 54 167 <или>any other combination of these numbers
11 3 3 3 3
12 13 <или> 31 35 <or >53 12 <or > 21 3
13 6 5 27 4
14 4 23 12 54

Block 5. Options 17-20.

Job number: Option 17 Option 18 Option 19 Option 20
2 4 3 3 2
3 4 1 1 4
4 stood up cleared sighed exhausted
5 related remember wooden wooden
6 stole refusal sitting down Wait
7 said confidently<или>said confidently garden in the snow market in the city said with a mockery<или>she said mockingly
8 you would steal remember no one will offend pulled
9 30 31 23 49
10 45 <или> 54 23 <или> 32 35 <или> 53 346 <или>any other combination of these numbers
11 2 1 3 3
12 2 1234 <или> any other combination of these numbers 3 13 <или> 31
13 28 4 20 67
14 32 46 49 69

Block 6. Options 21-24

Job number: Option 21 Option 22 Option 23 Option 24
2 3 3 3 1
3 2 2 2 2
4 I've arrived throwing open They came running Capless cap
5 Confused red-hot Wooden Deciduous
6 Screamed or shouted loudly came out Very fast or fast Today or Now
7 Mom's words yard corner Soul of a dog Fascist ranks
8 the meadow was full of flowers shoot Caressed They died
9 16 35 7 12
10 12 or 21 126 or any other combination of these numbers 12 or 21 56 or 65
11 4 3 3 3
12 3 13 or 31 26 or 62 56 or 65
13 11 10 35 17
14 3 41 24 30

Unified State Exam 2017. Russian language. 36 standard options. Ed. Tsybulko I.P.

M.: 2017. - 381 p.

Series “Unified State Exam. FIPI - school" was prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the unified state exam. The collection contains: 36 standard exam options, compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2017; instructions for completing the examination work; answers to all tasks; evaluation criteria. Completing the tasks of standard exam options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam. Teachers can use standard exam options to organize monitoring of the results of students’ mastery of educational programs of secondary general education and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.

Format: pdf

Size: 23.7 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Introduction 5
Preface 6
Model answer forms for Unified State Exam 7
Instructions for performing work 9
Card of individual student achievements 10
Option 1 12
Option 2 21
Option 3 30
Option 4 40
Option 5 49
Option 6 58
Option 7 66
Option 8 75
Option 9 84
Option 10 93
Option 11 102
Option 12 111
Option 13 120
Option 14 129
Option 15 139
Option 16 148
Option 17 157
Option 18 166
Option 19 175
Option 20 184
Option 21 193
Option 22 202
Option 23 211
Option 24 220
Option 25 230
Option 26 240
Option 27 249
Option 28 258
Option 29 268
Option 30 277
Option 31 287
Option 32 296
Option 33 305
Option 34 314
Option 35 323
Option 36 331
Answers and evaluation criteria 340
Part 1 340
Part 2 359

The Unified State Exam in the Russian language allows you to obtain high-quality generalized information that characterizes trends in the training of graduates in the Russian language and allows you to identify existing problems in teaching the subject.
When preparing for the Unified State Exam, it is important to understand the main thing: there is no need for special preparation for the Unified State Exam in the content of the subject. There is nothing in the text of the examination paper that goes beyond the general educational minimum in the Russian language and school curricula. However, such preparation (as well as preparation for a traditional exam) does not exclude the necessary generalization and systematization of what was studied at school. And here you should pay special attention to the methodological mistakes that were made in the student’s preparation, and to ways to eliminate them. We hope that this book will help students with this.
The book contains 36 standard exam options corresponding to the demo version of the 2017 Unified State Exam test materials in the Russian language. Instructions for performing the work, which are common to all options, are given at the beginning of the book.
The book contains standard Unified State Exam answer forms and a map of the student’s individual achievements, which can be used to track the dynamics of performance in completing tasks of standard exam options. The student will be able to check his answers using the answers at the end of the book.
Completing tasks of standard options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the exam.
Teachers will find the book useful for organizing various forms of control in Russian language lessons.

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