Download presentation world population. World population. General characteristics. The educational composition of the population as an indicator of its “quality”

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Composition (structure) of the World Population

Geography lesson in 10th grade.

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Topic study plan

Sex composition of the population. Age composition of the population; labor resources Educational composition of the population as an indicator of its “quality”. Ethnic (national) composition of the population; the world's largest nations and language families. Single- and multinational states. Religious composition of the population; world religions and their history and geography. The main centers of ethno-religious conflicts.

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Sex composition of the population

characterized by a predominance of men. The number of men is 20-30 million higher than the number of women. On average, 104-107 boys are born per 100 girls. However, the differences across countries around the world are quite significant.

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Age composition of the population; labor resources

children (0-14 years); adults (15-64 years); elderly (65 years and older).

When analyzing the age composition of the population, it is customary to distinguish three main age groups:

In the structure of the world's population, the share of children is on average 34%, adults - 58%, elderly - 8%.

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The influence of the age structure of the population on labor resources and the economically active population (EAP)

In the world, about 45% of the total population is considered economically active; in the countries of Foreign Europe, North America, and Russia this figure is 48-50%, in the countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America - 35-40%. This is due to the level of women’s employment in social production and the share of children in the age structure of the population. The ratio between the working population and the non-working (children and elderly) is called the demographic burden. The demographic burden in the world averages 70% (that is, 70 unemployed per 100 able-bodied), in developed countries - 45-50%, in developing countries - up to 100%.

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Age and sex pyramids

For graphical analysis of the age and sex structure of the population, sex and age pyramids are used, which look like a bar chart

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Ethnic (national) composition of the population

Humanity is usually divided into three main races: Caucasoid (countries of Europe, America, South-West Asia, North Africa); Mongoloid (countries of Central and East Asia, America); Negroid (most African countries).

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The ethnic composition of the population is the result of a long historical process of mixing and relocation of representatives of different races and ethnic groups. Ethnicity (people) is an established stable group of people, characterized by a common language, territory, peculiarities of life, culture and ethnic identity. In total there are 3-4 thousand ethnic groups in the world. Some of them have turned into nations, others are nationalities and tribes.

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Classification of ethnic groups

The peoples of the world vary in size. The vast majority of peoples are small in number. Only 310 nations have a population of more than 1 million people, but they account for about 96% of the Earth's population.

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The largest nations in the world by population include:

Chinese (1,120 million people); Hindustani (219 million people); US Americans (187 million people); Bengalis (176 million people); Russians (146 million people); Brazilians (137 million people); Japanese (123 million people).

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Classification by language:

By language, peoples are united into language families, which, in turn, are divided into language groups. There are 20 language families in the world

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Single- and multinational states.

with a sharp predominance of one nation in the presence of more or less significant national minorities (Great Britain, France, Spain, China, Mongolia, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, USA, Commonwealth of Australia); binational (Canada, Belgium); with a complex but ethnically homogeneous national composition (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Laos); with a complex and ethnically diverse national composition (Russia, India, Switzerland, Indonesia).


Many national

The main nationality makes up 90% of the total population.

Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, most Latin American countries.

These are countries within whose state borders several ethnic groups live.

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The main centers of ethno-religious conflicts

with actual economic and social inequality of peoples in some developed countries, infringement of the cultural identity of national minorities (Basques in Spain, Corsicans in France, Scots in Great Britain, French-Canadians in Canada); with the process of uniting related tribes into nationalities, and nationalities into nations in many developing countries (India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Zaire, Sudan); with the consequences of European colonization, which continues to oppress the indigenous population (Indians, Eskimos, Australian aborigines); with racial discrimination (South Africa, USA); with the formation of new states in the territories of the former USSR and the socialist countries of Eastern Europe.

The problem of interethnic relations is currently quite acute. It's connected:

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Religions and social life

Most religions of the world attach special importance to continuity, traditions, and adherence to certain norms of behavior. From this point of view, religions definitely play a conservative role in society. Religions are often an obstacle to demographic policy. Religions have an indirect influence on agricultural development by limiting the consumption of certain foods (at certain times of the year) and by attaching symbolic significance to domestic animals. More than 260 million Buddhists are vegetarians, Hindus do not eat beef, and Muslims do not eat pork.

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A religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Number of adherents of Christianity by country in percentage.

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appeared at the beginning of the first millennium AD in the east of the Roman Empire, on the territory of modern Israel, as a protest against Judaic exclusivity. It quickly spread among slaves and the poor. Having proclaimed the equality of all people, Christianity rejected the existing slave-owning social order, giving the desperate hope of gaining freedom through the knowledge of the divine truth that Christ brought to earth. According to Christianity, God exists in three persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God the Son accepted martyrdom to atone for the sins of people and come to Earth a second time to establish the kingdom of heaven. The holy book of Christians is the Bible, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The main ethical standards are patience and forgiveness. In 1054 there was a complete break between the Roman (western) and Constantinople (eastern) branches of Christianity, it was divided into Catholicism and Orthodoxy. The main differences between them are the question of the origin of the Holy Spirit: Catholics believe that it came from God the Father and God the Son, Orthodox believe that it came from God

GEOGRAPHY OF THE WORLD POPULATION The presentation was made by a geography teacher at GBOU Lyceum No. 1561 YURIY ORGANOV PART 1 POPULATION STRUCTURE GENDER COMPOSITION OF THE POPULATION The sex composition of the population is determined by the ratio of men and women in the population structure. In the world, about 104 boys are born for every 100 girls, but over time the sex ratio in the population structure changes. The reason for this is the difference in life expectancy, as well as the high mortality rate among the male population. In general, there are more men than women in the world (due to Asia), but in most countries women predominate in the population structure. In the CIS countries, Europe and North America, the female population predominates. GENDER COMPOSITION OF THE POPULATION The reasons for this are different, including the loss of the male population during the First and Second World Wars, the long life expectancy of the female population and other reasons. In Africa, Latin America, and Australia, the number of men and women is approximately the same. There are more men in Asia. In particular, in China there are 38 million more men than women. The predominance of the male population is characteristic of Muslim Southwestern Asia. There are several reasons for this: the degraded position of women, the rise of men, and the influx of the male population into this region as migrant workers. GENDER COMPOSITION OF THE POPULATION For example, in some Arab countries of the Persian Gulf there are several times more men than women. SEX AND AGE COMPOSITION The sex and age composition of the population is determined not only by the ratio of men and women in the population structure, but also by the age composition, the ratio of the male and female population in various age groups. The age composition of the population is the distribution of the population by age groups, which are characterized by the number of identified groups and their relationship with each other. In demographic analysis, five-year age groups (1-4, 5-9, .... 95-100 years) are more often identified, and in a more generalized study, ten-year age groups are identified - with an interval of 10 years. SEX AND AGE COMPOSITION For special purposes of study, specific age criteria are adopted. Thus, in Russian statistics, three large population groups are distinguished according to their role in the demographic situation: 1. Young population (children, pre-working age) - from 0 to 15 years. 2. Adult population (working age) – from 16 to 60 (women – up to 55) years. 3.Elderly population (pensioners, post-working age) - after 60 (55) years. SEX AND AGE COMPOSITION The sex and age composition of the population depends both on the processes of fertility and mortality (on the types of population reproduction) and on migration processes. Countries with 1 type of population reproduction are characterized by a smaller proportion of children in the age structure of the population than in countries with 2 types of reproduction, and a high percentage of elderly people. This is the so-called “regressive” type of age structure of the population (France, Russia, Canada, Belarus, Japan, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, etc.). Type 2 of population reproduction is characterized by a large number of children and a small proportion of elderly, in contrast to type 1 of population reproduction - the “progressive” type of age structure of the population (Kuwait, Qatar, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Yemen, Mali, etc.). SEX AND AGE COMPOSITION To graphically depict the sex and age composition of the population, sex and age pyramids are created. ETHNIC COMPOSITION OF THE POPULATION Ethnicity is a stable community of people formed in a certain territory who have a common language, common characteristics of culture and psyche, as well as a common self-awareness. Currently, up to 5,000 ethnic groups live on Earth. The largest peoples of the world include: Chinese, Hindustani, Bengalis, Russians, Arabs and others. CLASSIFICATION OF COUNTRIES ACCORDING TO NATIONAL 1. Uninational (i.e. the main nationality is over 90%). (Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Bangladesh, Korea, Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Madagascar). 2. With a sharp predominance of one nation, but with the presence of more or less significant minorities (Great Britain, France, Spain, Finland, Romania, China, Mongolia, USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc.). 3.Binational (Belgium, Canada). CLASSIFICATION OF COUNTRIES ACCORDING TO NATIONAL 4. With a more complex national composition, but relatively homogeneous ethnically (mainly in Asia: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Laos; as well as in Central, Eastern and Southern Africa; they are also in Latin America). 5. Multinational countries with a complex and ethnically diverse composition (India, Russia, Switzerland, Indonesia, the Philippines, many countries in Western and Southern Africa). The most multicultural region is South Asia, and the most multicultural countries are India, Indonesia and Brazil. PART 2 GEOGRAPHY OF RELIGIONS GEOGRAPHY OF RELIGIONS At different periods of history, humanity sought to express its attitude towards religion and religious beliefs. Today it is important to recognize that religion occupies an important place in the history of peoples and states, and it is not just belief or disbelief in gods. Religion permeates the lives of peoples of all continents, determines their behavior, principles, and often the policy of the state as a whole. WORLD RELIGIONS NATIONAL TRIBAL CULTURES WORLD RELIGIONS CHRISTIANITY BUDDHISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY Christianity arose in the 1st century AD. e. in Palestine, which was at that time under the rule of the Roman Empire, initially among Jews, in the context of the messianic movements of Old Testament Judaism. Already in the first decades of its existence, Christianity became widespread in other provinces and among other ethnic groups. Anyone can be a Christian, regardless of their nationality. Therefore, unlike Judaism, which is a national religion, Christianity has become a world religion. CHRISTIANITY One of the most important innovations of Christianity should be considered faith in the real - and not the apparent or imaginary - incarnation of God and in the salvific nature of His sacrificial death and resurrection. Christianity is the largest, professed by 2.31 billion people. world religion, its BRANCHES OF CHRISTIANITY ORTHODOXY CATHOLICISM PROTESTANTISM ORTHODOXY Orthodoxy is practiced in the following countries: the majority of the population of Russia, Greece, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro, Georgia, Cyprus, Moldova, Romania, Abkhazia, Ethiopia. There is a significant proportion of Orthodox Christians in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Canada, and the USA. CATHOLICISM This is the largest branch of Christianity, with a total of about 1.2 billion Catholics in the world. Catholicism is professed by the majority of the population of the following countries: Brazil, Argentina, Philippines, Cuba, Panama, DR Congo, Chile, Peru, Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Haiti, Venezuela, etc. PROTESTANTISM Protestantism is professed by the following countries: majority of the population of the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, etc. ISLAM Followers of Islam are called Muslims. The main holy book of Islam is the Koran. The language of worship is classical Arabic. Islam was finally formulated in the sermons of Muhammad, who is a prophet for Muslims, in the 7th century. Islam is a relatively young religion. In total, Islam is professed by approximately 1.4 - 1.5 billion people. TRENDS OF ISLAM SUNNISM The majority of Sunnis (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Libya, Algeria, Indonesia, Morocco, Tunisia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, etc.). SHI'ISM (Iran, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Bahrain, Iraq). BUDDHISM Buddhism is a religious and philosophical teaching (dharma) about spiritual awakening (bodhi), which arose around the 6th century BC. e. in Ancient India. The founder of the teaching is considered to be Siddhartha Gautama, who later received the name Shakyamuni Buddha. It is believed to be one of the world's oldest religions, recognized by a wide variety of peoples with completely different traditions. Major Buddhist states: Mongolia, Thailand, Cambodia, Bhutan, Korea, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, parts of China and India. There are almost 400 million Buddhists in the world. DIRECTIONS OF BUDDHISM HINAYANA MAHAYANA LAMAISM NATIONAL RELIGIONS HINDUISM CONFUCIANISM SINTOISM JUDAISM HINDUISM Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world by the number of followers after Christianity and Islam (although it is not world wide, since it has a relatively small distribution area). Hinduism is practiced by more than 1 billion people, of whom about 950 million live in India and Nepal. Other countries where adherents of Hinduism make up a significant part of the population are Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, Fiji, Suriname, Guyana. HINDUISM Most Hindus accept a divine reality that creates, sustains and destroys the universe, but some Hindu sects reject this idea. Most Hindus believe in a universal god who is simultaneously located within every living being and who can be approached in various ways. In the Hindu understanding, the supreme being can be worshiped in countless forms - in the form of Shiva. CONFUCIANism is an ethical and philosophical doctrine developed by its founder Confucius (551 - 479 BC), developed by his followers and included in the religious complex of China, Korea, Japan and some other countries. Confucianism is a worldview, social ethics, political ideology, scientific tradition, way of life, sometimes considered as a philosophy, sometimes as a religion. Confucianism arose as an ethical, socio-political doctrine during the Chunqiu Period (from 722 BC to 481 BC) - a time of deep social and political upheaval in China. The supreme deity in this direction is the sky. Confucianism is still most widespread in China. Shintoism is the national religion of Japan. This religion is based on the national beliefs of the ancient Japanese; the objects of worship are numerous deities and spirits of the dead. It experienced significant influence from Buddhism in its development. JUDAISM is the national religion of the Jews. Judaism claims historical continuity spanning more than 3,000 years. Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions and the oldest still in existence today. The synagogue is the place of worship. Most Jews live in Israel and the United States. TRIBAL CULTURES FETISHISM ANIMISM TOTEMISM SHAMANISM ANCESTOR CULT TRIBAL CULTURES Tribal cults and beliefs are a set of religious ideas and rituals that developed in the conditions of an archaic society, tribal organization of community life and corresponding to the low level of development of the economy and social relations, the primitiveness of the consciousness reflecting them. Various directions have become widespread in some countries of Africa and Oceania. NUMBER OF BELIEVERS     Christianity - 32% of believers (2.31 billion people), Islam - 23% of believers (up to 1.5 billion people), Hinduism - 13% Buddhism - 6%. SPREAD OF RELIGIONS The largest Christian regions are Latin America, Europe and North America. The main Muslim regions are South-West Asia, North Africa and parts of South-West Asia. Buddhists predominate in East and Southeast Asia. THE IMPORTANCE OF RELIGIONS Religion, throughout most of human history, played a decisive role in man's construction of social reality and was the most effective and widespread means of implementing social control in society. Modern man is surrounded by a large number of different faiths and ideologies. Each religion has certain rules of behavior that its adherents must follow, as well as the purpose for which people follow the tenets of this religion. Maintaining faith is expressed in worship, prayers, and going to places of worship where people of the same faith gather. PART 3 NUMBER AND REPRODUCTION OF POPULATION GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS There is a separate direction in geographical science - population geography - this is one of the main branches of economic and social geography. The main way to determine the population size for a certain period of time is to conduct a population census. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS A population census is a unified process of collecting, summarizing, analyzing and publishing demographic, economic and social data of the population relating at a certain time to all persons in the country or a clearly limited part of it. Upon completion of the population census, the collected data is processed and published. Population accounting arose in ancient times in connection with the tax and military activities of states and the tasks of their administrative structure. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Even in the ancient Indian laws of Manu, rulers were ordered to take into account the inhabitants in order to find out their strength and determine taxes. In Egypt, population records were carried out starting from the era of the Old Kingdom (2800 - 2250 BC). There is evidence that population records were kept in Ancient China and Ancient Japan. A population census is usually carried out every 5–10 years. POPULATION SIZE POPULATION SIZE POPULATION SIZE POPULATION SIZE POPULATION REPRODUCTION Population reproduction is a set of processes of fertility, mortality and natural increase that ensure a change of generations. Population reproduction depends on the physiological characteristics of a person, his culture, traditions, living conditions and many other processes. The processes of fertility and mortality are characterized by natural increase (NI), which is equal to the difference between fertility and mortality (NI = RS). FIRST TYPE It is characterized by low birth and death rates, low natural growth, and high life expectancy. This type of population reproduction is typical for developed countries. Depending on fertility and mortality, the first type of reproduction is divided into three subgroups: 1. P>C, positive EP (USA, Canada, Australia). 2. P = C, EP is approximately equal to 0 (Denmark, Slovakia, Portugal, France). 3. R<С, ЕП отрицательный (демографический кризис). К странам, имеющим отрицательный естественный прирост, относят Россию, Украину, Латвию, Литву, Болгарию, Японию. ВТОРОЙ ТИП Для него характерны высокие показатели рождаемости, естественного прироста, относительно высокие показатели смертности. Данный тип воспроизводства населения характерен для развивающихся стран (Непал, Индия, Египет, Саудовская Аравия, Панама, Нигерия, Мали, Таиланд, Турция, Ямайка, Бангладеш и др.). Для многих стран второго типа воспроизводства населения характерен демографический взрыв. ДЕМОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ ВЗРЫВ Демографический взрыв – это резкое увеличение численности населения в результате снижения смертности при слишком высокой рождаемости (Сьерра-Леоне, Бурунди, Буркина-Фасо, Нигер). ДЕМОГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ ПОЛИТИКА Многие страны пытаются управлять процессами рождаемости и смертности, численностью населения и проводят демографическую политику. Демографическая политика – это система различных мероприятий, с помощью которых государство воздействует на естественное движение населения (процессы рождаемости и смертности) в желательном для себя направлении. Наиболее активно демографическую политику проводят Китай, Индия, Япония, Германия. КАЧЕСТВО ЖИЗНИ Качество жизни населения – это степень удовлетворения материальных, духовных и социальных потребностей человека. Основными показателями качества жизни населения являются: ДОХОД НАСЕЛЕНИЯ КАЧЕСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ КАЧЕСТВО ПИТАНИЯ КАЧЕСТВО КУЛЬТУРЫ КАЧЕСТВО ОДЕЖДЫ ПРОДОЛЖИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ЖИЗНИ КОМФОРТ ЖИЛИЩА БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ КАЧЕСТВО ЖИЗНИ Страны-лидеры по продолжительности жизни: Андорра, Япония, Монако. Страны-лидеры по уровню грамотности населения: Австралия, Исландия, Канада и другие развитые страны. Страны-лидеры по показателю ВВП на человека: Лихтенштейн, Катар, Люксембург. СПАСИБО ЗА ВНИМАНИЕ!

Geography teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5

city ​​of Svetly, Kaliningrad region

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Topic study plan

  1. Sex composition of the population.
  2. Ethnic (national) composition of the population; the world's largest nations and language families.
  3. Religious composition of the population; world religions and their history and geography.
  4. The main centers of ethno-religious conflicts.
  • Slide 3

    Sex composition of the population

    • characterized by a predominance of men. The number of men is 20-30 million higher than the number of women.
    • On average, 104-107 boys are born per 100 girls. However, the differences across countries around the world are quite significant.
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    Predominance of male population

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    Predominance of female population

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    Age composition of the population; labor resources

    • children (0-14 years);
    • adults (15-64 years);
    • elderly (65 years and older).

    When analyzing the age composition of the population, it is customary to distinguish three main age groups:

    • the share of children averages 34%,
    • adults - 58%,
    • elderly - 8%.
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    The influence of the age structure of the population on labor resources and the economically active population (EAP)

    In the world, about 45% of the total population is considered economically active; in the countries of Foreign Europe, North America, and Russia this figure is 48-50%, in the countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America - 35-40%. This is due to the level of women’s employment in social production and the share of children in the age structure of the population.

    The ratio between the working population and the non-working (children and elderly) is called the demographic burden.

    The demographic burden in the world averages 70% (that is, 70 unemployed per 100 able-bodied), in developed countries - 45-50%, in developing countries - up to 100%.

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    Age and sex pyramids

    For graphical analysis of the age and sex structure of the population, sex and age pyramids are used, which look like a bar chart

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    The educational composition of the population as an indicator of its “quality”.

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    Ethnic (national) composition of the population

    Humanity is usually divided into three main races:

    • Caucasian (countries of Europe, America, South-West Asia, North Africa);
    • Mongoloid (countries of Central and East Asia, America);
    • Negroid (most African countries).
  • Slide 15

    The ethnic composition of the population is the result of a long historical process of mixing and relocation of representatives of different races and ethnic groups.

    Ethnicity (people) is an established stable group of people, characterized by a common language, territory, peculiarities of life, culture and ethnic identity.

    In total there are 3-4 thousand ethnic groups in the world. Some of them have turned into nations, others are nationalities and tribes.

    Slide 16

    Classification of ethnic groups

    The peoples of the world vary in size.

    The vast majority of peoples are small in number.

    Only 310 nations have a population of more than 1 million people, but they account for about 96% of the Earth's population.

    Slide 17

    The largest nations in the world by population include:

    • Chinese (1,120 million people);
    • Hindustani (219 million people);
    • US Americans (187 million people);
    • Bengalis (176 million people);
    • Russians (146 million people);
    • Brazilians (137 million people);
    • Japanese (123 million people).
  • Slide 18

    Classification by language:

    By language, peoples are united into language families, which, in turn, are divided into language groups.

    There are 20 language families in the world

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    Distribution of major languages

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    Single- and multinational states.

    • with a sharp predominance of one nation in the presence of more or less significant national minorities (Great Britain, France, Spain, China, Mongolia, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, USA, Commonwealth of Australia);
    • binational (Canada, Belgium);
    • with a complex but ethnically homogeneous national composition (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Laos);
    • with a complex and ethnically diverse national composition (Russia, India, Switzerland, Indonesia).
    • Single-national
    • Many national

    Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, most Latin American countries.

    Slide 21

    The main centers of ethno-religious conflicts

    • with actual economic and social inequality of peoples in some developed countries, infringement of the cultural identity of national minorities (Basques in Spain, Corsicans in France, Scots in Great Britain, French-Canadians in Canada);
    • with the process of uniting related tribes into nationalities, and nationalities into nations in many developing countries (India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Zaire, Sudan);
    • with the consequences of European colonization, which continues to oppress the indigenous population (Indians, Eskimos, Australian aborigines);
    • with racial discrimination (South Africa, USA);
    • with the formation of new states in the territories of the former USSR and the socialist countries of Eastern Europe.

    The problem of interethnic relations is currently quite acute. It's connected:

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    Classification of world religions

  • Slide 23

    Religious composition of the population

  • Slide 24

    Religions and social life

    Most religions of the world attach special importance to continuity, traditions, and adherence to certain norms of behavior. From this point of view, religions definitely play a conservative role in society.

    Religions are often an obstacle to demographic policy.

    Religions have an indirect influence on agricultural development by limiting the consumption of certain foods (at certain times of the year) and by attaching symbolic significance to domestic animals.

    More than 260 million Buddhists are vegetarians, Hindus do not eat beef, and Muslims do not eat pork.

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    Adherents of various religions

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    • appeared at the beginning of the first millennium AD in the east of the Roman Empire, on the territory of modern Israel, as a protest against Judaic exclusivity.
    • It quickly spread among slaves and the poor.
    • Having proclaimed the equality of all people, Christianity rejected the existing slave-owning social order, giving the desperate hope of gaining freedom through the knowledge of the divine truth that Christ brought to earth.
    • According to Christianity, God exists in three persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    • God the Son accepted martyrdom to atone for the sins of people and come to Earth a second time to establish the kingdom of heaven.
    • The holy book of Christians is the Bible, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
    • The main ethical standards are patience and forgiveness. In 1054 there was a complete break between the Roman (western) and Constantinople (eastern) branches of Christianity, it was divided into Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
    • The main differences between them are the question of the origin of the Holy Spirit: Catholics believe that it came from God the Father and God the Son, Orthodox believe that it came from God
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    Catholic Church

    • strictly centralized, has one center - the state of the Vatican City, a single head - the Pope (Jesus' vicar on Earth).
    • The clergy in Catholicism takes a vow of celibacy.
    • The Catholic Church has a huge army of clergy, subject to strict discipline, numerous monastic orders, and charitable organizations.

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    The world economy is the sum of the national economies of all countries of the world... united by global economic relations and Trade Tourism Scientific and technical cooperation Credit and financial relations

    World globalization is the process of development of the world economy, implying:

    World economic globalization Form of economic globalization No. 1 - the creation of transnational corporations In what ways can we deepen economic ties more strongly and actively?

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    What benefits does TNC bring to different countries? Capturing new sales markets Savings in production and sales Reducing transportation costs Savings on wages Expanding the economy beyond the country's borders Cheaper "foreign" goods Jobs Tax revenues

    For many years, the list of the world's main TNCs includes: Apple Inc. Bacardi-Martini Bayer BMW Boeing Benetton Group Bosch BP Campina Coca-Cola Daimler Danone DuPont Epson Ford Gazprom General Electric General Motors Honda IKEA Intel LG Lufthansa Lukoil McDonald's Microsoft Michelin Nestlé Nike Nintendo Nissan PepsiCo Pirelli Rusal Siemens Sony Toshiba Toyota Vodafone The Walt Disney Company Yahoo ! Is there a pattern between these companies?

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    Budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region of secondary vocational education “Vocational School No. 12”

    Gavrilova Zinaida Alekseevna,

    Geography teacher of BUSPO "PU-12"

    Lesson objectives:

    1.Study the population size, population growth rate, types of population reproduction.

    2.Improve work with maps, promote the development of communicative and information culture of students.

    3. Fostering independence and tolerance.

    Educational tasks:

    • Show that population geography is one of the main branches of economic and social geography.
    • Identify patterns in the dynamics of the world population.
    • Form the concepts: “reproduction”, “natural population movement”, two types of reproduction, “demographic policy”.
    • Improve skills in working with statistical and cartographic material.
    • Show the possibilities of using knowledge of computer technology.

    Connections of geography with other sciences:

    • Demography is the science of the patterns of population reproduction.
    • Ethnology is the science of the origin of peoples.
    • Ethnogeography is the science of population distribution.

    World population growth

    Population, million people

    7000 BC e.

    Annual growth, million people (%)

    2000 BC e.

    0 (new era)

    9000 (forecast)

    Population of the Earth 7 billion people


    3 children

    Every second

    Every minute

    175 people

    Each hour

    10.4 thousand people

    Every day

    250 thousand people

    1st place in the world in the number of abortions;

    II - by the number of divorces;

    II - by the number of murders (per 1000 people);

    II - by the number of prisoners (per 1000 people);

    100th place - in life expectancy.

    We have the lowest natural growth, the largest population decline, and the highest infant mortality rate among developed countries.

    Average annual population growth rate , %

    Regions of the world and the whole world

    North America

    Latin America

    Giant countries with a population of over 100 million people

    Population, 2002, million people.

    Forecast, 2025, million people





    Japan (Mexico)

    Ten countries with the highest and lowest rates of natural increase

    Natural increase +++, ‰

    Natural increase, --- ‰

    Ivory Coast





    Concept of population reproduction

    Population reproduction is a set of processes of fertility, mortality and natural increase that ensure the continuous renewal and change of human generations.

    There are 3 groups of countries with type 1 reproduction:

    • Ep = 0.5% or 5%o (5 people per 1000 inhabitants). USA, Canada, Australia). This kind of reproduction is called expanded. Ep  0
    • Ep = 0. Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia. The population is not growing.
    • Ep  0. Negative natural increase. Mortality exceeds birth rate. Demographers call it depopulation me or demographic crisis .

    Reasons for low birth rate:

    • high level of solo-economic development (high incomes, emancipation of women, involvement of women in production and social activities, increasing the length of education for children, increasing the “price” of a child);
    • high level of urbanization - 75% (in rural areas the birth rate is higher);
    • an increase in the share of older ages - “aging of the nation” (Great Britain, France), a decrease in the share of young ages.

    On mortality rates in developed countries influence:

    • consequences of war and military conflicts;
    • industrial and road injuries (car accidents - 250 thousand human lives annually, traffic accidents - 60 thousand);
    • illness;
    • terrorism;
    • natural disasters.

    High and very high fertility and natural increase rates and relatively low mortality rates. Typical for developing countries. This phenomenon of rapid population growth in countries of the second type of reproduction in the mid-20th century was called - population explosion. 95% of the planet's annual growth.

    Reasons for high birth rate :

    • low level of economic development with a predominance of agriculture;
    • low level of urbanization – 41%;
    • dependence of a woman's position, early marriages;
    • religious customs, encouragement of large families;
    • ban on family planning in Muslim countries;
    • significant infant mortality,

    insufficient level of education.

    Mortality in developing countries, after they gained independence, it sharply decreased, since they were able to use the achievements of modern medicine, sanitation and hygiene primarily to combat epidemic diseases (plague, cholera, etc.)

    Group activity (5 min.)

    1.What is the population?

    2.What is reproduction?

    3.Which countries are characterized by the first type of reproduction?

    4.Which countries are characterized by the second type of reproduction?

    5.What is a population explosion

    6.What is a demographic crisis?

    The concept of demographic policy

    Population policy- this is the management of the process of population reproduction, which is a system of administrative, economic, propaganda and other measures through which the state influences the natural movement of the population (primarily the birth rate) in the direction it desires.

    Demographic policy in countries of the first type of reproduction is aimed at increasing the birth rate:

    a) one-time loans to newlyweds;

    b) benefits at the birth of each child;

    c) monthly benefits for children;

    d) paid holidays, etc.

    Demographic policy in countries of the second type of reproduction is aimed at reducing the birth rate :

    a) a birth planning committee has been created;

    b) a late age for marriage has been established: men – 22 years, women – 20 years;

    c) the state pays extra monthly for one child in the family.

    Demographic policy in countries of the second type of reproduction is aimed to reduce the birth rate: (examples)

    For example, India.

    • National Family Planning Program;
    • Increasing the age of marriage (men – 21, women – 18);
    • Mass voluntary sterilization of the population;
    • The political motto is “We are two, we are two.”

    For example, China.

    • Childbirth Planning Committee;
    • Late age of marriage (men – 22, women – 20:)
    • Monthly additional payment from the state for one child in the family;
    • “One family - one child.”

    Demographic transition theory is a theory that explains the sequence of changes in demographic processes, which includes 4 successive stages:

    • characterized by very high birth and death rates and very low natural increase (now it does not occur);
    • characterized by a sharp reduction in mortality while maintaining a high birth rate, which is the cause of the demographic explosion;
    • characterized by the persistence of low mortality rates and a slight decrease in the birth rate, which ensures moderate expanded reproduction of the population and growth in its numbers;
    • characterized by a coincidence of birth and death rates, which means stabilization of the population.

    Concept of population quality

    Life expectancy, years

    Whole population

    Foreign Europe

    Foreign Asia

    Illiteracy rate, %

    North America

    Latin America

    Australia, Oceania

    Population quality is a complex, comprehensive concept that takes into account economic (employment, per capita income, caloric intake), social (level of health care, life expectancy, safety of citizens, development of demographic institutions), cultural (level of literacy, provision of cultural institutions, printed materials), environmental ( state of the environment) and other living conditions of people.

    The concept of economically active population

    In Russia, countries of Foreign Europe and North America, this figure (50-60%) is higher than the world average with high female employment. In the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America it is lower than the world average (40-45%).

    Economically active population (EAP)– this is the part of the working population that is directly involved in material production and non-production spheres (45% of the total population).

    Test work

    1. Currently, the world population is approaching (billion people)

    2. The leader in population is

    1) India

    2) China

    3) USA

    3. The set of processes of fertility, mortality and natural increase that ensure the change of human generations is called...

    1) population reproduction

    2) demographic transition

    3) population movement

    4. A population explosion is observed in countries...

    1) USA

    2) China

    3) Germany

    5. The system of administrative, economic, propaganda and other measures through which the state influences the natural movement of the population is called...

    1) demographic transition

    2) demographic policy

    3) demographic process

    Evaluation criteria:

    • 1-2 mistakes - score 4
    • 3 mistakes - score3
    • More than 3 errors - score 2
    • No errors - 5

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