Native language, soul of the people, presentation. The native language is the soul of the people. Presenter: And the last competition in the Local History Section

Class: 10

Target: acquaintance of students with the importance of their native language, state language and foreign language in the life of society.



  • introduce students to the history of International Mother Language Day;
  • increase cognitive interest in the Russian language and literature; foreign language, native land;


  • develop love and interest in native and foreign languages;
  • learn to respect the language and culture of other peoples;
  • work to develop a tolerant attitude towards representatives of different nationalities.


  • Development of students' intellectual abilities.

Equipment: multimedia presentation “We speak different languages.” See APPENDIX 11. Draft leaves for the teams.

Progress of the event

1. Introductory words from the presenter:

“International Mother Language Day has been celebrated since 2000 (February 21) at the initiative of UNESCO with the aim of preserving and developing endangered languages, promoting linguistic diversity, and raising awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions. Our meeting today has the same goal. Representatives of different nationalities and different regions study at our educational institution. We are now learning how well our pupils and students know their native language and culture of the region. I will ask the team representatives to come up to the stage.

2. Explanation of the rules of the game:

Leading:“Our intellectual game is conducted in the form of a quiz. In several stages. The team that scores the fewest points at each stage is eliminated. If a controversial situation arises, the teams receive an additional task and the loser is eliminated. If a similar situation arises in the finals, both teams are asked to take a quick survey. We ask the audience to remain calm; points will be deducted from the teams for hints. And now, it’s time to introduce the jury that will judge the work of our teams today: ... "

3. Working with a multimedia presentation "We speak different languages"

Quiz questions

Part 1 Russian language

Russian language: The Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, there is no doubt about that,” wrote Belinsky; The Russian language reflects the rich and glorious history of the Russian people: both oral creativity and the great work of Russian writers left their mark on it.

Competition “From a word - a word, but different”

Anagram- this is a new word made up of all the same letters of a given word.

Exercise: Create new words by rearranging letters and syllables. Each correctly found word is worth 1 point. Time - 1.5-2 minutes..

Total - maximum points -6.

Attention to the slide. Make up new words from the given ones:

Glass, caprice, orange, holster, chamomile, coat.

Correct answer:

Wineglass - ( flask), Caprice – ( order), Orange - ( spaniel), Holster – ( cleaning), Chamomile - ( midge), Coat – ( bast shoes)

Competition “Find the mistake”

On the slides you will see the names of countries, languages ​​and representatives of countries where this language is spoken. But there are mistakes and errors here. Which team will find the error faster raises its hand, names and explains What is wrong with this or that word - gets 1 point for the correct answer. In total, you can get 5 points in this competition. See APPENDIX 1

  • Turka - wrong, right - Turkish
  • Korean - wrong, right - Korean
  • Canada – language – English – incorrect answer, since in Canada they speak 2 languages: English and French
  • Chinese - wrong, right - Chinese
  • Buckwheat - wrong, right - Greek
  • Turkey - wrong, right - Indian

Competition "Homonyms"

First of all, let's remember what it is Homonym.

These are words that have the same spelling and sound, but have completely different meanings.

Exercise: We continue the topic of nationalities. Here is a list of words. Some of them are homonyms. Among this group of words, find:

  1. Heating device
  2. Dance
  3. Headdress
  4. Type of shoes
  5. Tool
  6. Knife (correct answer – 1 point). Time to work - 2 minutes. Use blank leaves. See APPENDIX 2

In total, you can get 6 points in this competition.

Competition No. 4 “Borrowing”

Leading: In our language, along with native Russian vocabulary, there are words borrowed from other languages.

Exercise: Teams will receive pieces of paper with words. Each piece of paper contains 5 borrowed words. freelancer - freelancer (example on slide)

Each correct word is worth 1 point. In total, you can score 6 points in this competition. Time to complete – 3 minutes!

Leading: In the meantime, the teams are working, we are playing with spectators. Let's listen to the question. We raise our hand. We give the answer. We get for rights. the answer is a sweet prize.

Competition No. 5 “Grammar”

Leading: Some of the most common errors in the Russian language are grammatical ones, related to the formation of the form of a word, as well as the structure of a phrase or sentence. Many people make such mistakes, sometimes even announcers and television hosts.

Summing up the 1st part - Russian language. The team with the fewest points is eliminated. The jury counts the points - Musical break. Despacito in Udmurt | KVN team "Second Wind" | With soul | Push Cullen But

Part 2 (Local history)

Leading: We live in the Udmurt Republic and many of the words that we use without thinking are not familiar to residents of other regions. These words are called Regionalisms.

Regionalisms are different territorial variants of the Russian language (regionalisms are used by all residents of the region, in contrast to dialect words, which are more often used by the population of rural areas). I can remind you of a few: ladom, vekhotka, pirozhenka, fufyrik, etc.

So, attention, competition tasks, for each correct answer - 1 point.

Competition No. 1 Numerals of “regional” significance

On the slide you will see a number of numbers. Find among these words the word regionalism, which Izhevsk residents love to use:

Correct answer: Maka is a compliment to a sweet and pleasant person (regardless of age)

Competition No. 3 Local expressions (2)

Leading: Some regional words are directly related to the languages ​​of the peoples living in a given area. For example, the word let's go in meaning went(used everywhere in the Volga region) comes from Tatar.

On the slide you see a word that is also used quite often in our region. Name what language it came from and what it means. Choose from the options provided.

Correct answer - beautiful, bright - from the Udmurt word - cheber - beautiful.

Competition No. 4 “A fellow countryman will see a fellow countryman from afar”

Leading: The Russian language is rich and powerful. This is facilitated by many regional words, which not only enrich our everyday speech, but sometimes even allow us to identify our fellow countrymen.

Here is a slide with the names of containers, highlight the word regionalism:

Correct answer: one and a half liters (and oddly enough, it doesn’t matter whether it’s 1 liter or 2.5),

Competition No. 5 “Our grandmothers say”

Presenter: And the last competition in the Local History Section

Many words and expressions that we use in our area without thinking can confuse residents of neighboring regions. By the way, they often came to us from neighboring regions, for example from the Kirov region or Perm region. On the slide you see typical local expressions. Side by side, naturally, in disjointed order, are their literary equivalents. Teams have 2 minutes. Use drafts. Match the pairs: a typical local expression and its literary equivalent:

Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points in this competition is 7 points . See APPENDIX 6

In the meantime, the teams are working - a musical break (Video sequence: Buranovsky grandmothers. Song “Partyforeverybodydance”)

Summing up the 2nd part – Local history. The team with the fewest points is eliminated.

While the jury is working - Musical break (Video sequence: Nadezhda Utkina and her song Lullaby in Udmurt language from Youtube)

! If there is a controversial situation, add. contest:

Match the pairs: a typical local expression and its literary equivalent: See APPENDIX 7

Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points in this competition is 4 points . 1 minute is given.

Part 3 (English)

Leading: As you know, English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, spoken by 1.5 billion people in 70 countries and another 1 billion people studying it, it is the language of international communication, one of the main working languages ​​of the UN. Many words that we use without thinking in everyday life were borrowed at one time or another from the English language.

First of all, this is - international words that have meaning in both languages same meaning and pronunciation . And our first competition is dedicated to them.

Competition No. 1 International words

There are a number of words on the slide, find and name 5 international words among them. 1 correct answer – 1 point. In total, you can get 5 points in this competition.

Correct answer:
complex, manager, president, motor, metal. These international words have the same meaning and pronunciation in both English and Russian

Competition No. 2 Popular Borrowings

Leading: The penetration of words from one language into another is a common phenomenon. First of all, they penetrate into the youth environment and even form a certain slang, sometimes completely incomprehensible to those who, as they say, “are not in the know.” And there are a lot of such words. And so, the next competition is dedicated to just such expressions.

Choose an English expression and its Russian equivalent. You have 1 minute to complete the task. In total, you can get 5 points in this competition. So, we raise our hand.

Correct answer:

Competition No. 3 Youth slang

Leading: Continuing the theme of youth slang, we bring to your attention the following competition. In front of you on the slide will be phrases filled with an explosive mixture of English borrowings. Try to “translate” them into literary Russian. This competition values ​​quick reactions. 1 - correct answer – 1 point. In total, you can get 5 points in this competition.

Correct answer: Olga Buzova has 10 million subscribers on Instagram and 2 million people who hate her!

Correct answer: Let's go for a walk, stop being angry!

Correct answer: Can I overtake him? Pfft, easy!

Correct answer: Where is the world coming to! In the USA, a girl started broadcasting on Facebook how her boyfriend was dying.

Correct answer: Put down the calculator! Use your brain!

Competition No. 4 Rhymes

Leading: English is the most popular language in the world and the most in demand as a foreign language. Although it is not easy to study. Even English linguists admit that English is the most difficult language to learn to read. Linguistic flair is of great importance here. Unfortunately, it either exists or it doesn’t. One way or another, now let’s check whether the teams have a sense of language.

So, the competition:

Select from 2 groups of words - rhymes. The ability to read and pronounce words correctly is important here! Example : Cat-rat, box-fox.

We're not wasting time. We read, we think, we raise our hands. The task is, in fact, about speed. One correct answer - 1 point. The maximum number of points is 5.

geese, car, flower, mouse, pen name, bag, cut, day

hen, star, game, our, house, flag, chute, hat, moose

Correct answer:

Car-star, flower-our, mouse-house, name-game, hen-ten

Competition No. 5 “Mutually beneficial exchange”

Leading: In turn, the English language has borrowed some words from other languages. Look at the slide and determine from which countries these words came into English. Teams have 2 minutes. Use blank leaves. 1 - correct answer – 1 point. In total, you can get 8 points in this competition. See: APPENDIX 8)

Well, while the teams are working, this is another opportunity for the audience to express themselves and show their knowledge. We listen to the question and raise our hand. We receive a prize for the correct answer. See Game with spectators (APPENDIX 9)

Summing up the 3rd part - English language. The teams that took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are determined.

While the jury is working there is a musical break (Twenty one pilots video: STRESSED OUT from Youtube).

Additional competition (in case of a controversial situation)

Information sources

  3. answer
  6. borrowings in Russian

Slide 2

1/2008 Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 103 Newspaper "For benefit and pleasure" Volgograd

Slide 3

International Information Department.

A cat with gloves will not catch a mouse. In Rome, do what the Romans do. In the kingdom of the blind there is a one-eyed king. The innocent one is the one who died. Eagles don't catch flies. Don't teach a fish to swim. A rotten apple will ruin the entire basket. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Praise is not pudding. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Life is not all beer and skittles. When there are many cooks, the broth is bad. Best the enemy of the good.

Slide 4

Sketch Fiasco Dominant Exaggerate Misanthrope Confession Cleavage Adequate Renegade Correct Mercantile Pathology Opportunist Profane Abbreviation Phlegmatic Triumph Humane Incest

Slide 5

Help desk department.

Napoleonic army consisted of about 130 thousand soldiers and officers with 587 guns. About 120 thousand people lived in the city, managing 572 acres of arable land, 257 of hayland, 735 of forest, 528 of water. In 1917, Russian soil needed to be replenished with 3,375 aircraft, including 1,850 fighters. The most developed tram network in the world is St. Petersburg, with 2,402 cars running on 64 routes. Of London's 4,803 buses, 4,120 are double-decker. Almost 3 million works of art are stored in more than 350 halls of the Hermitage. Approximately 845 languages ​​and dialects are spoken in India.

Slide 6

Radical Extremist Neophyte Orthodox Empiricist Stoic Marginal Lumpen Pauper Outsider Adept

Slide 7

Text editing department.

I don’t know whether or not the determined hero would have been able to swing the restless ax for the third time, but it is absolutely clear that he did his bloody work without fully understanding his actions. - The man just moved his beard. - Biryuk took the man in one hand and the mare in the other. - Smolensk land is rich in poets, writers, Artists and their works. - In one day, Hercules cleared all the stables of King Augeas’ dung. - Birds flew in the sky and sang at the top of their lungs. - He kissed me from ear to ear with joy. - Serf peasants, tired of the tyranny of their landowners, were declared outlaws. - She is trying to drown Pechorin, the man who helped them in the case, so as not to pay him for his work. - He buried all his best qualities at the bottom of his soul, and they died there. - Chatsky has no hope of life in a society of bureaucrats and servant officials. Griboyedov has no hope for his life either.

Slide 8

The manager called on his subordinates to observe performance discipline. Some of our films receive appreciation abroad. Bathing areas must be equipped with life-saving equipment. He put on overalls and went to the workshop. The essence of this book is its nationality. The title role in the play “Juno and Avos” brought fame to the actor Karachentsev. This man is known as a master of lucky jokes. The offer of cooperation was given a diplomatic refusal. The fish farm “Prudy” has established a supply of fresh fish to the nearest canteens. Petrov is an extremely hidden person by nature. At the end of the school year, everyone was given lists of recommended literature. Tourists had to change their route to stock up on products.

Slide 9

1. Our ensemble received deafening fame, so that we were recognized everywhere we appeared. 2. Recently there has been rapid growth in our science, especially in the area of ​​cybernetics. 3. Walking livestock in the park is strictly prohibited due to sanitary standards. 4. Entrance to the school-wide parent meeting is limited to childless parents. 5. Heating repairs have finally begun in an elderly building. 6. Our underachievers saw their numbers rise sharply in the third quarter. 7. Both plot lines, personal and public, develop in parallel in the story, intersecting each other. 8. The sudden departure of our relatives gave us a feeling of satisfaction. 9. Dialects are found both in the speech of the characters and in the speech of the author himself.

Slide 10

Information processing department.

Any (action, misdemeanor) deserves condemnation. We live in the same house, but on (different, different) floors. (Tall, high-rise) buildings appeared in the new quarters of the city. The apartment needs (carry out, carry out) repairs. The artist painted with (oil, butter) paints. In the morning, the department offered a (full, hearty) breakfast. (Marsh, swampy) silt is an excellent fertilizer. On a hot day it's nice to walk along the (shady, shady) paths. In his life this event was the most (memorable, memorable).

Slide 11

Each city has its own unique face, which does not immediately reveal itself, gradually captivating the traveler who wants to understand, getting to know the city, its innermost spirit, coming to Vladimir, you admire the ancient cathedrals that have come down to us from the 12th century and now represent, as it were, the calling card of the city, its main highlight, the highlight of Tver, which has burned many times and Therefore, the civil development of the ancient churches has not preserved 18! centuries and the unique layout of the streets which Catherine the Second, wanting to turn the city into a corner of St. Petersburg, ordered the city planning commission to carefully develop when talking about Rostov, you always remember the huge Kremlin proudly rising with its towers above the small town timidly huddling against its walls, the colossal belfry, the famous Rostov bells and the unique enamel made famous during all over the world, churches of the 17th century are often five-domed churches built of red and white bricks, richly decorated with characteristic carved platbands, kokoshniks, tiles similar to folk headdresses, giving the building additional splendor. The 17th century, being a transitional time from old patriarchal Russia to new Russia, became a century of unprecedented flowering of architecture and fine arts century of searching for a new style corresponding to the spirit of the era at the end of the 17th century, Russian architecture more and more persistently joined the pan-European mainstream and created its own special style, which went down in history under the name Naryshkin Baroque

Since 1999, at the initiative of the General Conference of UNESCO, February 21 is celebrated all over the world - International Mother Language Day. This holiday is a reminder of the need to promote the development of a multinational linguistic culture, its diversity and multilingualism

Why is so much attention paid to the native language? Because languages ​​constitute a unique expression of human creativity in all its diversity. As a tool of communication, perception and reflection, ... language also describes how we see the world and reflects the connection between the past, present and future. Languages ​​bear traces of chance encounters, the various sources from which they were saturated, each according to its own separate history. Director General of UNESCO K. Matsuura

Can our language be compared with any foreign language in terms of richness? Everything there is a wunderbar, or “okay!” - “What about our Russian winter?” - “O-kay!” - “What about our girls?” Still “okay!” No, brother, not a single foreigner will ever learn real Russian! I remember all this from childhood. They have okay, wunderbar, but we have twenty words with different shades: wonderful, charming, wonderful, magnificent, fabulous, incomparable, delightful, amazing, and God knows how many more! S. Yesenin

Over the course of their history, the Russian people have selected, preserved, and elevated to the level of respect such human qualities that are not subject to revision: honesty, hard work, conscientiousness, kindness... From all historical catastrophes, we have brought out and preserved in purity the great Russian language, it was handed down to us by our grandfathers and fathers... Believe that all this was not in vain: our songs, our fairy tales, our incredible victories, our suffering - do not give all this for a sniff of tobacco... V. I. Dal

Courage We know what now lies on the scales And what is happening now. The hour of courage has struck on our watch, And courage will not leave us. It’s not scary to lie under dead bullets, It’s not bitter to be left homeless, And we will save you, Russian speech, the Great Russian word. We will carry you free and clean, And we will give you to your grandchildren and save you from captivity. Forever! A. A. Akhmatova

The entire people and their entire homeland are spiritualized in language; in it the creative power of the people's spirit transforms into thought, into picture and sound the sky of the Fatherland, its air, physical phenomena, its climate, its fields, mountains and valleys, its forests and rivers, its storms and thunderstorms - all that deep, full of thought and feelings are the voice of native nature, which speaks so loudly about a person’s love for his sometimes harsh Motherland, which expresses itself so clearly in native songs, in native tunes, in the mouths of folk poets. K. Ushinsky

Language, our magnificent language. There is expanse of river and steppe in it. It contains the screams of an eagle and the roar of a wolf, the chant, the ringing, and the incense of pilgrimage. It contains the cooing of a dove in spring, the flight of a lark to the sun higher, higher. Birch grove, through light. Heavenly rain spilled on the roof. A bonfire of tramps behind the forest, on the mountain. About the Nightingale the Robber epic. "Aw!" In the woods. Firefly at night. In the autumn garden there are red bunches of rowan K. Balmont

Native speech How I love delving into dictionaries! Spelling, explanatory - name any of them and, truth be told, With the courage of a bullfinch I will dive, as if into snow, into a sacred monastery, Where from time immemorial the one who once managed to commune with it is born, lives and spawns! S. Arzumatov

We invite you on February 21 to the Regional Scientific Library (Sovetskaya St., 6), conference hall: Philological meetings on Mother Language Day: “Languages ​​of the peoples of Siberia. Study and current state" Lecturer - Natalya Nikolaevna Shirobokova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of NSU; “Evenks: from the Ob to Sakhalin”, speech by Yu. V. Limorenko, PhD in Philology, Institute of Philology SB RAS; "Shorians. Language and culture", speech by N. S. Urtegeshev, PhD in Philology, Institute of Philology SB RAS; - 17:00, theater hall: Performance by the Folk Collective, Siberian Song Ensemble of the Regional Center of Russian Folklore and Ethnography, conference hall: Lecture “New phenomena in the Russian language of the 14th century” Lecturer - Leonid Grigorievich Panin, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Dean of the State Fund NSU Admission is free. As part of the “Russian Lessons” project of the “Native Word” Foundation with the support of NGONB

FESTIVAL OF LANGUAGES “Language is the living soul of the people”

Target: show the diversity of languages ​​and cultures of different nations and their unity in the family of the people of Kazakhstan,education of Kazakhstani patriotism

Tasks: broaden the horizons of students, promote a sense of pride in their people, respect for the cultural heritage of other peoples.

Form:festival (with elements of an oral journal)

Visibility: presentation “Language is the living soul of the people!”, student presentations

Preliminary work:creation of national teams (students of grades 5-11), preparation of presentations about their native language, amateur performances

Progress of the event:

1st presenter: (slide No. 1) Salemetsizder me, wasps mektep turgyndary!

2nd presenter: Hello residents of our school! Residents of vast Kazakhstan!


1st presenter: (slide No. 2) The Festival of the Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan is sweeping through our multinational republic!

2nd presenter: A festival that symbolizes unity and harmony between peoples.

3rd presenter: (slide No. 3) By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, September 22 was declared the Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan.

POEMS 5 CLASSES (1 part)

1st presenter: Today we invite you to go on an exciting journey by turning over the pages of the oral magazine “Language is the living soul of the people”

3rd presenter: (slide number 4) According to the biblical view, at first all people spoke the same language.After the Flood, people came to the land of Shinar (in the lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates), where they decided to build a city called Babylon and a tower as high as the heavens in order to “make a name for themselves.” The construction of the tower was interrupted by God, he confused their languages, because of which they ceased to understand each other, could not continue the construction of the city and the tower, and were scattered throughout the entire earth. Thus, the story of the Tower of Babel explains the emergence of different languages.

Greetings in different languages.

2nd presenter: (slide No. 5) The Republic of Kazakhstan is a multinational state. The official language of our country is Kazakh language .

PRESENTATION and poem (slide video No. 6-8)

1st presenter: (slide No. 9) The basic law of the state - the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan - states that Russian language is the language of international communication. Almost the entire population of Kazakhstan studies it and knows it. Knowledge of the Russian language brings the peoples of our independent republic closer together and strengthens friendship with the peoples of other republics and foreign countries.

PRESENTATION “From the history of Russian writing” (slide No. 10-22) and song "Kalinka"

3rd presenter: (slide No. 23) The President of our state, Nursultan Nazarbayev, advocates knowledge of several languages. And today we, the current generation, study at school, along with the Kazakh and Russian languages, also English.

PRESENTATION (slide No. 24-39) and poem

2nd presenter: (slide No. 40) So, guys, every language is a whole world. Language is the living soul of a people, its joy, pain, memory, treasure. There is no language that does not deserve respect.

1st presenter: Kazakhstan Respublikasynda 130 dan astam ulttar omir suredi. Or halyqtyn tili kaynar sudyn tunbasynday moldir, sazdy dybystarga bai, ulttyn tili, ani, uni bolyp shalkar dariyaday shalquda.

2nd presenter: Along with the Kazakh and Russian languages, all other national languages ​​are developing freely in Kazakhstan. A unique organization has been created in our country - the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan.

3rd presenter: There are 26 national cultural centers in our republic. Newspapers and magazines are published in 11 national languages, there are schools and classes in Uyghur, Korean, Tatar, German, Polish, Turkish and other languages.


Azerbaijani language (slide No. 41-45),

Chinese (slide No. 46-72),

Talysh language (video),

Tatar language (slide No. 73-81),

Uyghur language (slide No. 82-88)

Presenter 2: (slide number 89) So, today we are convinced: language is a weapon of friendship, and since the world began, no one has come up with a better weapon for it.

POEMS 5 CLASSES (2 part)

Farewell words in different languages.

Presenter 3: (slide number 90) Our holiday dedicated to the Day of Languages ​​has come to an end! We wish you all all the best and wonderful things!

Presenter 1: Elimizde halyktar dostygy zhasasyn!

Bеrіmіz dоstқ әnің bіrge syrқayyk!

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