Methods for assessing thinking in adolescents and older schoolchildren. Method of G. Ebbinghaus. “Filling in missing words in the text Quantitative relationships test solution method


Intended to assess logical thinking. The subjects are offered 18 logical problems to solve. Each of them contains 2 logical premises in which the letters are in some kind of numerical relationship with each other. Based on the presented logical premises, it is necessary to decide in what relationship the letters under the line are among themselves. Solution time 5 minutes.

Instructions: you are offered 18 logical problems, each of which has 2 premises. Problem solving time is 5 minutes.

Stimulus material

Table 49

Continuation of table 49

2. A is 10 times smaller than B

6. A is 9 times larger than B

B is 12 times less than B

B is 6 times larger than C

7. A is 6 times larger than B

B is 7 times larger than C

3. A is 3 times larger than B

B is 6 times less than C

8. A is 3 times less than B

4. A is 4 times larger than B

B is 5 times larger than C

B is 3 times less than C

9. A is 10 times smaller than B

14. A is 5 times less than B

B is 3 times larger than C

B is 2 times larger than C

10. A is 2 times less than B

15. A is 4 times larger than B

B is 8 times larger than C

B is 3 times less than C

11. A is 3 times less than B

16. A is 3 times less than B

B is 4 times larger than C

B is 3 times larger than C

12. A is 2 times greater than B

17. A is 4 times larger than B

B is 5 times less than C

B is 7 times less than C

13. A is 5 times less than B

18. A is 3 times larger than B

B is 6 times larger than C

B is 5 times less than C

Scoring is based on the number of correct answers. The norm for an adult is 10 or more.


The technique evaluates the logical aspect of thinking. The subjects must find patterns in the construction of 8 number series and write the missing numbers. Execution time - 5 minutes.

Instructions: you are presented with 7 number series. You must find a pattern in the construction of each series and enter the missing numbers. Time to complete the job is 5 minutes.

Number series

1) 24 21 19 18 15 13 – – 7

2) 1 4 9 16 – – 49 64 81 100

3) 16 17 15 18 14 19 – –

4) 1 3 6 8 16 18 76 78

5) 7 16 9 5 21 16 9 – 1

6) 2 4 8 10 20 22 – – 92 94

7) 24 22 19 15 – –

1) 12 9;

2) 25 36;

3) 13 20;

4) 36 38;

5) 13;

6) 44 46;

7) 10 4.

The score is based on the number of correctly written numbers. The norm for an adult is 3 and above.


The technique is intended to determine spatial representations. Since there are statistically significant correlations between indicators of spatial representation and the level of logical thinking, the technique is recommended for indirect assessment of the level of logical thinking. The technique is used for the purpose of professional selection.

25 problems are written on the form, in each of which one of the 8 cardinal directions (N, S, E, 3, NE, N-3, SE, S-3) is indicated on a schematically depicted compass in a variable coordinate system and an arrow showing some other direction, which will be the subject’s task to determine relative to the variable coordinate system. After the subject mentally determines the direction of the compass, he must write down the designation of this direction. Before starting the examination, having explained the task to the subject, it is necessary to analyze one example. The subject should be warned that to rotate the form for orientation N-S axis it is forbidden.

The task completion time is 5 minutes.


The examination results are processed using a key. The following indicators are determined:

total number of viewed compasses - performance (P);

task completion time (T); number of errors (number incorrectly marked

nal compasses) (n);

relative frequency of incorrect answers (n/p);

operating speed:

Part 2. Temperament, character, cognitive processes

Stimulus material for the “Compasses” technique


Success rate (A):

where C is the number of all compasses marked by the subject; W is the number of incorrectly marked comps; O is the number of compasses that should have been marked; S- total number viewed compasses.

Table 50




The technique is used to assess logical thinking and can be used both individually and in a group.

Contents of the technique: the subject is offered 20 pairs of words on a form, the relationships between which are built on abstract connections, on the same form in the “Cipher” square there are 6 pairs of words with the corresponding numbers from 1 to 6. After the subject determines the relationships between the words in a pair, he needs to find a similar pair of words in the “Cipher” square and circle the corresponding number. Work time 3 min. Evaluation is made based on the number of correct

ny answers.

Stimulus material

Sheep - flock

Light - darkness

Raspberry - berry

Poisoning - death

Sea ocean

Enemy - enemy

Chapter 4. Methods for assessing the logic of thinking

Fright - flight

Instructions: in each line you will find one

Physics - science

in brackets. All words in brackets are

have some relation to the one before the parenthesis

Right - right

mi. Choose only 2 and underline them.

Garden bed

The words in the problems are chosen in such a way that

the examinee must demonstrate his

Pair - two

the ability to grasp the abstract meaning of certain things

other concepts and abandon the easier ones, bro

Word - phrase

an eye-catching but incorrect way of solving,

in which instead of essential ones,

Cheerful - lethargic

private, specifically situational characteristics.

Freedom - will

Stimulus material

Country city

Praise - scolding

1. Garden (plants, gardener, dog, fence, land).

Revenge - arson

2. River (shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water).

3. Cities (car, building, crowd, street, ve

Ten is a number

moose bike).

4. Barn (hayloft, horses, roof, livestock, walls).

Cry - roar

5. Cube (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood).

Chapter - novel

6. Division (class, dividend, pencil, divisor,

Peace - breathing

7. Ring (diameter, diamond, please, roundness,

Courage is heroism

8. Reading (eyes, book, picture, print, word).

Cool - frost

9. Newspaper (albeit, supplements, telegrams, boo

magician, editor).

Deception - mistrust

10. Game (cards, players, fines, punishments,


Singing is an art

11. War (airplane, guns, battles, guns,

Bedside table - wardrobe



The technique reveals the subject’s ability to separate essential features objects or phenomena from insignificant, secondary. In addition, the presence of a number of tasks that are identical in the nature of their implementation makes it possible to judge the consistency of the subject’s reasoning.

For the study, a special form is used, or the experimenter presents tasks to the subject. Instructions are given in advance.

Plants, earth

Diameter, roundness

Shore, water

Eyes, seal

building, street

Paper, editor

Roof, walls

Players, rules

Angles, side

Battles, soldiers

Dividend, divisor

The results should be discussed with the subject, find out whether the subject persists in his incorrect answers, and how he explains his choice.

When assessing thinking in adolescents and older schoolchildren, two circumstances should be kept in mind: firstly, that by this age all types of thinking, including verbal-logical, are already sufficiently developed, and secondly, that, starting from this age , children prepare themselves to choose future profession, measuring their abilities with the demands that this profession places on a person. The first circumstance involves an assessment of the main thing that appears in a person’s thinking by adolescence, namely, the ability to reason logically, performing complex actions and operations in the mind. The second circumstance requires paying special attention to those types of thinking that are associated with the presence of the most important abilities for choosing a future profession. These may include, in particular, mathematical, linguistic and technical abilities, which can be easily assessed in adolescents and young men using well-known tests. In this regard, the block includes

The proposed methods included four that are intended for these purposes: a method for assessing the logic of thinking, mathematical, linguistic and technical thinking. Each of these techniques is described in detail below.

Method 12 1. "Logical-quantitative relations"

In this technique, subjects are asked to solve 20 problems to clarify logical-quantitative relationships. All these tasks are presented below in Table 15.

In each of these tasks, it is necessary to determine which value is greater or, accordingly, less than the other, and write the result under the line in the form of a relationship between the values ​​“A”

Table 15Tasks for the “Logical-quantitative relations” method

" Eleven other techniques, the indicators of which are presented in the Individual Map that concludes this chapter psychological development teenager and high school student, have already been described within the framework of a standardized complex for younger schoolchildren in the previous chapter. Therefore, the numbering of the techniques reflected in the Map in this chapter begins not from 1, but from 12.

and "B" using the signs ">" or "<». Решать все без исключения задачи нужно только в уме, как можно быстрее и без ошибок.

In total, only 10 minutes are allotted to solve all 20 problems. After this time, the psychodiagnostic experiment is interrupted and the number of problems correctly solved by the subject during this time is determined.

Note. Below, for control, the correct solutions of all problems are given, indicating the problem number and the correct solution. In the answers, instead of the above signs, verbal formulations are used.

Part I. Psychological diagnostics

Evaluation of results

For each correctly solved problem, the subject receives 0.5 points. The maximum amount of points that one subject can score for solving all 20 problems is equals 10. If the result is equal to a whole number of points and a half, then it is rounded to the nearest higher number. For example, a score of 8.5 points ends up being rounded up to 9.0 points.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points- very tall.

8-9 points- high.

4-7 points- average.

2-3 points- short.

0-1 point- very low.

Method 13. Eysenck test

This test is presented in fragments. In fact, it consists of eight subtests, five of which are intended to assess the level of general intellectual development of a person and three to assess the degree of development of his special abilities: mathematical, linguistic and those that are important for technical, design, artistic and visual arts and other types activities where figurative and logical thinking is actively used (visual-spatial subtest of the Eysenck test).

Each subtest of the Eysenck test includes a series of gradually more complex problems, the solution of which takes 30 minutes in each subtest. Thus, the total time for working on the entire test, including passing all its subtests, is 4 hours. Only if all 8 subtests are completed can a full assessment be made of both the level of a person’s general intellectual development and the degree of development of the above-mentioned special abilities.

For practical acquaintance with the Eysenck test and its use in school psychological and pedagogical practice, we

________ Chapter 5. Methods of psychodiagnostics of adolescents and young men ____

chose only two of the eight subtests available in the test: the one with which linguistic abilities are assessed, and the one with which one can assess a person’s mathematical abilities 1 .

You are given 1 hour to complete a series of tasks included in these subtests (30 minutes for each subtest). During this time, you need to try to solve as many problems as possible,

The level of development of the corresponding abilities is assessed by the total number of problems correctly solved during this time by comparing the number of solved problems with standard indicators, which are then plotted in the form of graphs. There, at the end of the description of both subtests, the correct answers to all the tasks included in them are given.

Comment. If any of the subtest problems is not solved quickly, then you can temporarily skip it and proceed to solve the next problem, since ultimately only the total number of problems correctly solved in the allotted time is taken into account.

The solutions proposed by the test takers - this primarily concerns the tasks of the mathematical subtest - may differ from those given in the key, but nevertheless be correct if the test taker manages to sufficiently convincingly and logically justify their validity.

Related information.

Methodology “Arrangement of numbers”.

Purpose: to assess the subject’s voluntary attention.

Data processing and analysis: assessment is made by the number of correctly written numbers. The average norm is 22nd and above. Below normal - from the 17th to the 21st.

Summary table of results.

All subjects completed from 12 to 16 correct completions, their concentration requires training, or they lack motivation for the activity.

Methodology “Comparison of Concepts”

Purpose: to analyze the development of the comparison operation.

Analysis of the results: A) quantitative data processing consists of counting the number of similarities and differences identified by the subjects in each pair;

B) qualitative work provides that a high level of development of the comparison operation is noted if the student named more than 20 features; average - 10-15 traits; low - less than 10.

As a result of the testing, it was revealed that comparison operations for all three subjects were at an average level.

Methodology "Quantitative relationships".

Intended to assess logical thinking. Job completion time -

Data analysis and processing: assessment is made based on the number of correct answers. The norm for a teenager is from 7 to 10 correct decisions.

Summary table of results.

Determination of features of the course of thought processes.

Goal: to determine the speed of thought processes (speed of mind).

Data analysis and processing:

1) Good result in the first column - 10-15 seconds. For each incorrect answer, a 5 second penalty is added.

2) Good result in the second column - 1-1.5 minutes. For each incorrect result - a penalty of 30 seconds.

3) Good result in the third column - 1-1.5 minutes. For each incorrect result - a penalty of 30 seconds.

4) Good result in the fourth column - 6-7 minutes. For each incorrect result - a penalty of 1 minute.

The total time and the number of correctly filled words are recorded.

Summary table of results.

Method of G. Ebbinghaus. “Filling in missing words in the text”

Purpose: the level of speech development and the productivity of associations are revealed.

Data analysis: the quality of the task is taken into account; correspondence of the selected words to the meaning of the content of the text, i.e. its adequacy.

It was revealed that all three subjects had a low level of speech development. The words were chosen quickly, thoughtlessly, and were not compared with the understanding of the entire text as a whole.

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