Tests. A necessary feature of a market economy is the Main feature of a market economy is the use

  • A necessary feature of a market economy is Answer: free pricing, use of new technologies, high quality products, increase in the number of large enterprises

  • An economic system in which decisions regarding what, how and for whom to produce are the result of the interaction of buyers and sellers in the market is called an Answer: traditional economy market economy centralized (command) economy colonial economy

  • The main problem in any economic system is the problem

  • Human survival

  • Resource limitations

  • Fair distribution of goods between people

  • Mandatory attraction to work of the entire working population

  • Stock exchange is an institution operating in the market

  • Raw materials

  • Labor

  • Financial

  • Consumer

  • A violation of consumer rights guaranteed by law is

  • Commodity shortage

  • High price of consumer goods

  • Lack of product information

  • Insufficient quantity of goods in stock

  • In the country of N., the financial crisis caused an increase in prices for consumer goods and a decrease in real incomes of the population. What economic phenomenon does this situation relate to?

  • Denomination

  • Budget surplus

  • Inflation

  • Stratification

  • Are the following statements about the state budget correct? A. A budget surplus is a situation where revenues exceed expenditures. B. Budget expenditures include the payment of interest on the government debt.

  • Only A is correct

  • Only B is correct

  • Both judgments are correct

  • Both judgments are wrong

There are several basic definitions of a market economy. They all come down to the basics of this type of management - private property, commodity-money relations, freedom of choice. The formation of the system occurs during the period of transition from feudal relations (the main wealth is land) to capitalist ones (the basis is capital, finance).

  • Property is a variety of forms for the means and results of production (private, public, collective). Individual property accounts for at least 50% of the country's national economy.
  • Supply and demand are the main regulators of the development of a particular industry, pricing, and relationships between entrepreneurs and consumers.
  • Competition is based on the relationship between supply and demand, the cost of goods and services.
  • Free enterprise is an opportunity for all citizens of the country to engage in entrepreneurial activities, forming their own structure and pricing policy of the enterprise.
  • The limited role of the state - it provides only legal regulation of market relations.
  • The generality of the market is the penetration of commodity-money relations into almost all spheres of social life.

A market economy has a number of advantages compared to a command economy:

  • Democracy of economic relations is freedom of choice for all members of society.
  • Optimal (efficient) resource allocation.
  • High level of adaptation to changing conditions.
  • Stimulating technical progress, making maximum use of its achievements.
  • Elimination of chronic shortages of certain groups of goods (increasing prices lead to an increase in the profitability of investments in this industry).
  • Material incentives - lack of money forces people to work more.

Like any system, a market economy is subject to the development of negative aspects:

  • Monopolistic tendencies - in conditions of spontaneous market development, monopolistic associations are often formed. They limit free competition, create privileges for a limited circle, artificially reduce production, which leads to shortages and rising prices. In this case, there is a need for price regulation by the state.
  • Production of public goods – in a market economy, their quantity is insufficient or completely absent.
  • External influences – the market is unable to regulate economic side effects. In case of serious problems, the state introduces strict control, standards, and a system of fines.
  • Social guarantees - in market conditions, stable employment of the population is not controlled. There is a differentiation of society, and social tension may arise.

Over the years, trade relations have been shaped by economic teachings. The modern world is dominated by the idea of ​​freedom of speech and action, which would not violate the rights of other people. This principle creates the characteristics of a market economy. Previously, many countries had a command-and-control system in which trade was strictly controlled, but it did not stand the test of time and underwent fundamental changes.

Main features of a market economy

Today, market economies exist in many countries. Its main feature is self-regulation of the quantity of goods produced in response to customer requests. Freedom on the part of producers is ensured by the presence of private property, namely the regulatory framework, which allows, if there is finance for start-up capital, to engage in any available type of activity. At the same time, buyers can purchase goods and services within the limits of their funds, thereby satisfying their needs. In a free market environment, entrepreneurs are interested in the quality result of their type of activity in order to make a profit, which creates mutually beneficial conditions for producers and consumers. The principle is regulative, it is constantly subject to

There are no checks on already established companies; in this case, weak enterprises are forced to leave the market. All of the above features are signs of a pure market economy, where the state only protects producers. It should be noted that in such a system all conflicts are resolved by the courts. Signs of a market economy are no less significant when concluding agreements between which they have the right to regulate their clauses at their discretion. In organizing the conditions for conducting free business, the corresponding infrastructure is being developed. Its function is to connect the buyer and the seller. For this purpose, institutions such as banks, exchanges, insurance and advertising agencies, etc. are created.

Pricing in a market economy

Signs of a market economy always appear in the formation of prices, which are influenced by interaction and supply. At the same time, it performs the following functions:

  1. Distribution of income affecting
  2. Balancing supply and demand indicators.
  3. Regulates the conditions for conducting business activities.
  4. Informs both the buyer and the seller about the state of the market, which, first of all, manifests itself through a shortage or surplus of goods.
  5. Provides profit to entrepreneurs, which stimulates them to be productive.

All these functions are manifested in the circulation of natural resources, which are converted into goods for buyers. The most important feature of a market economy is freedom in production and consumption, which provides mutually beneficial conditions and creates a favorable environment for the realization of the interests of each individual.

1.Are the statements about industrial relations true? A. Industrial relations are concerned with gaining and maintaining power. B.

Industrial relations are associated with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of vital goods.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

2. Consumer demand is determined

1) level of individual income

3) costs of production of goods

2) limited natural resources

4) quality of labor resources

3. The main purpose of economic activity

1) reduction of production costs

3) achieving social equality

2) meeting people's needs

4) increase in individual income

4. If a firm’s income is greater than its costs, then the firm

1) reduces the administrative apparatus

3) increases product prices

2) reduces labor productivity

4) makes a profit

5. The main divisions of the production sector are
1) shops 2) firms 3) buyers 4) banks

5. The main producers of goods are considered

1) state farms and farms 2) banks and exchanges 3) industrial enterprises

4) supermarkets

6. Act as consumers

1) sellers and buyers 3) organizations and the population, 2) owners and employees 4) adults and children.

7. In a market economy, a manufacturer can independently:

1) determine the types of taxes 3) assign social benefits 2) set the minimum wage 4) decide what and how to produce

8. A sign of a market economy is

1) predominance of state ownership 3) centralized pricing 2) directive production planning 4) competition between producers

9. Competition between producers in a market economy

1) promotes the growth of monopolies 3) balances supply and demand 2) leads to a decrease in consumption 4) increases production volumes

10. The market economic system operates under the mandatory condition of 1) low unemployment 3) division of labor 2) high consumer demand 4) private ownership of the means of production

11. The main purpose of economic activity is

1) regulation of social relations 3) introduction of new technologies 2) production of material goods 4) distribution of natural resources

12. In a market economy, unlike a command economy, a manufacturer is characterized by 1) economical business management 3) adherence to work ethics 2) economic independence 4) desire to improve skills

13. Are the judgments about the command economy correct?

A. A command economy is an economic system in which customs and traditions determine the use of limited resources.

B. A command economy is an economic system in which centralized planning of production, distribution and consumption of material goods operates: 1) only A is correct 2) only B is correct 3) A and B are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Part 2(B)

1. Establish a correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column CHARACTERISTIC FEATURE TYPE OF ECONOMIC SYSTEM

1) people are free from the power of traditions and

A) traditional orders “from above”

B) market

2) manual labor is widely used

B) team

3) economic decisions are made by a government agency

4) production resources are privately owned. Write down the selected letters in the table.

2. Find in the list below the provisions relating to the means of production and write down in ascending order the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) highway

2) production equipment

3) transport

4) country park

5) energy resources

6) city beach

3. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“_________ (1) opens up opportunities independently, without dictate ________ (2), at your own peril and risk, to produce and sell the necessary goods. The market places a high value on ________ (3). Entrepreneurs can achieve success, benefit both themselves and _________ (4).” The words are given in the nominative case; remember that there are more words in the list than are needed to fill in the blanks. Write your answer in the table. A) state B) state property C) traditions D) society E) entrepreneurship E) command economy G) market economy

Part 3(C)

1. According to scientists, a market economy is unthinkable without competition. Competition, in turn, has both positive and negative consequences. Fill out the table indicating them. Consequences of competition Positive Negative

2. If you had the opportunity to open your own company, what type of activity would you choose? Justify your choice.

In a market economy, as opposed to a command economy:

A) Production resources are freely sold and bought
B) A fixed exchange rate for the official currency is established
C) The leading position is occupied by the state. own
D) Economic proportions develop

In 1992, federal budget revenues amounted to 350 billion rubles, and expenses 357 billion rubles. These data indicate:
A) Preservation of planned principles in the economy
B) Increase in tax revenues
B) Government deficit. budget
D) The fall in the ruble exchange rate
Which of the following refers to factors (resources) of production:
A) labor
B) goods
In trade for
D) demand
A distinctive feature of a market economy is:
A) Centralized distribution of resources
B) Introduction of income tax
B) Free pricing
D) Commodity shortage
Direct taxes include:
A) Excise tax
B) Customs duty
B) Property tax
D) Sales tax

Are the following statements about a market economy true?

A. A market economy is characterized by centralized production planning.
B. The basis of a market economy is private ownership of the means of production
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3)both are correct
4)both are wrong

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