Naval ranks and shoulder straps that are worn on the shoulders in the Navy. Military ranks of the Russian army by ascending order and categories Shoulder straps of foremen and sailors of the Navy

The list of military ranks is established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”. They are divided into military and naval (sea).

Naval ranks are assigned to military personnel of the submarine and surface forces of the Navy. Military applies to ground, space and airborne forces.

Navy units

These include:

  • Coastal troops. They protect strategic areas of the coastal zone. Military bases of the Russian Federation are equipped with missile systems and artillery. They have torpedo, anti-aircraft and mine weapons.
  • Naval aviation protects its ships from air attack. It organizes reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, transportation and landing of detachments. Its formations are based in the Black Sea, Pacific, Northern and Baltic fleets.
  • Marines was created in 1992. It is designed to protect naval bases, defend important coastal facilities, and participate in combat operations.

Each department has its own responsibilities, but they have the same basic functions:

  • protection of the country's sovereignty;
  • ensuring public safety;
  • use of force in case of detection of a threat from the sea side;
  • obedience to the orders of the commander in chief.

Junior ranks in the navy

During the first months of service in the Russian Navy, soldiers are called sailors. Until 1946, they were called “Red Navy men.” This rank is equivalent to private in the ground forces.

To the best sailors for excellent performance of official duties and observance of discipline is assigned to the senior sailor. They can replace squad commanders during their absence. The corresponding military rank is corporal.

The squad leader is a foreman of the first or second class. These titles began to be used in 1940. In the ground forces they are equivalent to sergeant and junior sergeant.

The deputy platoon commander is called the chief sergeant major. Among army servicemen, he corresponds to a senior sergeant. The rank above him is the chief petty officer.

Midshipman - this military rank is assigned to persons who remain in service in the ranks of the Navy after the expiration of the established period. They are trained in schools or courses. Senior midshipman is a rank higher. The ranks are equivalent to military warrant officer and senior warrant officer.

Naval officers

The first rank of junior officers in the navy is junior lieutenant. Upon completion of their period of service and successful completion of certification, they are transferred to lieutenants.

The next level is senior lieutenant. The rank corresponds to a cavalry captain, infantry captain or captain of the Cossack troops. The highest rank of junior officers is captain-lieutenant.

A captain of the 3rd rank is sometimes called a "captri". Equivalent to a major of the ground forces. Abbreviated name of captain 2nd rank -"kavtorang" or "kapdva". Corresponds to a lieutenant colonel in the armed forces. A captain of the 1st rank or “kapraz” is equivalent to the rank of colonel, and can command ships.

Rear admiral is the first admiral rank established on May 7, 1940. He serves as deputy fleet commander. A similar rank in the aviation and ground forces is major general. Above are the vice admiral and the admiral. Similar to them are army servicemen, lieutenant general and colonel general.

The post of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy is occupied by the Admiral of the Fleet. This is the highest active naval rank in the Russian Federation.


Shoulder straps of sailors without insignia. Senior sailors have one braid - a transverse strip. The foreman of the second class has two yellow fabric braids, the first class has three. The shoulder straps of the chief petty officer have one wide stripe. The chief petty officer has one longitudinal braid.

Midshipmen's shoulder straps are marked with small stars, which are located vertically. The midshipman has two stars, the senior midshipman has three.

Junior officers wear a vertical yellow stripe on their shoulder straps - a clearance. They have 13mm stars sewn on them. The junior lieutenant has one star in the clear, the lieutenant has two stars on both sides of the yellow stripe, the senior has one in the clear and two on the sides, the captain-lieutenant has two on the line and two on the sides.

The shoulder straps of senior officers have two parallel gaps and stars measuring 20 millimeters. The captain of the 3rd rank has one star between the yellow stripes, the second - one on each gap, the first - one between the lines and one on them.

Top-level officers wear shoulder straps with large stars and no gaps. A rear admiral has one star, a vice admiral has two, and an admiral has three. On the shoulder straps of the fleet admiral there is only one large star measuring 4 centimeters.

Sleeve insignia

On the sleeves of officers' uniforms there are yellow stripes and stars. Higher ranks have an embroidered anchor inside the star.

The number of stripes and width vary by rank:

  • medium-sized stripe for a junior lieutenant;
  • medium and narrow - for the lieutenant;
  • two middle ones - for the senior lieutenant;
  • one narrow and two medium ones - for the lieutenant commander;
  • three medium ones - for the captain of the 3rd rank, four medium ones - for the second one, one wide - for the first one;
  • medium and wide - for the rear admiral;
  • two medium and wide - for the vice admiral;
  • three medium and wide - for the admiral;
  • four medium and one wide - for the fleet admiral.

The procedure for assigning the next Navy rank

The law establishes the following stages of increase:

  • the minimum period of service to obtain the rank of sergeant major of the second article is one year;
  • Three years of service allows you to become a chief petty officer;
  • the same number of years is required to be a midshipman;
  • in two years you can receive the rank of junior lieutenant, in three - lieutenant, and in another three - senior lieutenant;
  • four years of further service give grounds to qualify for a captain-lieutenant, and the next four - for a captain of the 3rd rank;
  • in five years you can become a captain of the 2nd rank.

For special achievements, it is possible to receive the next military rank early.


Below you can examine in detail all the insignia of the Russian Navy in presentation format.

Ship ranks, just like in the ground forces, are assigned according to the extent to which the serviceman has the ability and desire to take charge of the sector entrusted to him. All naval ranks differ significantly from similar land ranks. This is due to a number of events that occurred in the history of Russia.

The main changes have occurred:

  • In 1917, in connection with revolutionary events.
  • In the period 1922-1991 during the existence of the Soviet fleet.
  • At the time of the creation of the state of Russia.

All modern naval ranks can be divided into 4 general categories: conscripts, junior officers, senior officers, senior officer ranks.

Marine shoulder straps were introduced in 1802. At this time, shoulder straps appeared on the shoulders of sailors of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleet.

In 1917, shoulder straps were abolished when the Soviet government abandoned the old imperial system. They were replaced by sleeve patches. The sailors faced a long struggle for the right to wear shoulder straps on their shoulders, but in 1943, Navy shoulder straps again began to adorn the uniforms of the personnel of these types of troops.

Now the shoulder straps of all naval personnel are black. The difference in ship ranks is in the location and number of distinctive signs on them.


In Soviet times, service in the navy was 3 years, so many conscripts tried to avoid such long service. They hid from conscription just to avoid joining the navy. Currently, the Navy is called up to serve for 1 year, the same as the Army.

However, due to the fact that in 2017 a decree was issued regarding conscript service in the Navy, conscripts will no longer serve on ships and submarines. This is due to the fact that the Navy is moving to a contract basis.

In order to train personnel, more time is needed than allotted for conscription service. Conscripts will serve exclusively in the Coast Guard or Marine brigade.

Naval ranks and shoulder straps in the Navy are assigned according to a certain period of service. All conscripts entering these troops receive the rank of sailor, which corresponds to the rank of private in other types of troops. During the service, if the sailor proves himself, he may be awarded the next rank in the sailor's career, senior sailor, which is in the ground forces.

Sailors can be:

  • radio technicians;
  • mechanics;
  • helmsmen.

In any military units there is a clear hierarchy that determines the order of subordination. For this purpose there are military ranks and positions. For each rank, certain insignia and shoulder straps are provided, which must be worn along with everyday and dress uniforms. Let's look at what ranks and insignia exist in the Russian Navy.

Let's start with the fact that the Russian fleet has been defending state interests and the integrity of the country for more than 300 years. This structure was created as follows:

  • 1695 - Azov flotilla;
  • 1703 - Baltic Fleet;
  • 1722 - Caspian flotilla;
  • 1783 - Black Sea Fleet;
  • 1932-1933 - Pacific and Northern fleets.

Since its creation, the Russian Navy has been characterized by undulating development. In particular, brilliant victories were followed by periods of decline and stagnation. Despite this, the Navy plays a critical role in the country's security and strategic superiority. Currently, the length of Russia's maritime borders is about 40,000 kilometers. Therefore, only a well-trained and organized fleet can prevent the threat of a sea invasion in such a vast territory.

How are ranks classified in the Navy?

If we consider the general classification of naval ranks, they are divided into five main groups:

  1. Enlisted personnel: military personnel of conscript and contract service.
  2. Petty officers and midshipmen.
  3. Junior officers.
  4. Senior officers.
  5. Senior command staff.

Military ranks in ascending order

Let's take a closer look at what military ranks are assigned to Navy personnel.

Shoulder straps and insignia of the Navy


Until 1946, sailors were called Red Navy men. Subsequently, this designation was abolished, and now military personnel in this category can be divided into two groups:

Petty Officers

This is a non-commissioned officer, which is divided into three groups:

  1. Sergeant major 2nd article - corresponds to the rank of junior sergeant, usually holds the position of squad commander.
  2. Sergeant major 1st article - a sergeant holding the position of squad commander or platoon commander.
  3. Chief Sergeant - in the army, this is a senior sergeant holding the position of deputy platoon commander or company foreman.
  4. The ship's chief sergeant major is a combined arms sergeant major.


In the navy, these are midshipman and senior midshipman. If he draws an analogy with the ground forces - warrant officer and senior warrant officer, respectively. In essence, this is an intermediate link between the sergeant and junior command staff. The rank of midshipman is awarded after completing special courses, senior midshipman - for length of service. In the Navy, midshipmen occupy the positions of company foreman, in the absence of junior officers - platoon commanders.

Junior officers

Here there is an almost complete analogy with ground units. In particular, the ranks of junior naval officers look like this:

Senior officers

Here we can distinguish three titles that usually correspond to the position held. It looks like this:

Senior command staff

  1. Rear admiral - corresponds to the rank of major general, can command a squadron of ships or replace the commander of a flotilla.
  2. Vice Admiral - corresponds to the rank of lieutenant general, can hold an admiral's position.
  3. Admiral - corresponds to the combined arms rank of colonel general, commands the active fleet.
  4. Fleet Admiral is the highest command rank in the Navy; by analogy with combined arms units, it corresponds to the rank of army general.

Insignia and shoulder straps in the Navy

Shoulder straps in the Navy

Military rank Distinctive marks on shoulder straps
SailorsSolid shoulder strap, supplemented with the letter “F”, indicating membership in the navy. Senior sailors have a transverse stripe on their shoulder straps.
Petty OfficersBy analogy with ground units, the shoulder straps of foremen of the 2nd and 1st articles are decorated with two and three stripes, respectively. The chief petty officer has a wide stripe; the chief petty officer wears a wide and narrow stripe on his shoulder straps.
MidshipmenSolid shoulder straps with two and three longitudinally located stars for the midshipman and senior midshipman, respectively.
Junior officersIn the center of the shoulder straps there is a longitudinal stripe; the number of stars corresponds to the rank. For example, a junior lieutenant has one star in the middle, and a captain-lieutenant has two longitudinal and 2 transverse stars.
Senior officersTwo longitudinal stripes on shoulder straps, star size 20 mm, number varies from one to three.
Senior command staffThe shoulder straps of such officers have no gaps, the stars are large, and there is an anchor inside. Depending on the rank, the stars are located in the center of the shoulder strap or longitudinally, like midshipmen.

How regular military ranks are assigned in the Navy

The rank of sailor is assigned to all military personnel by default. Further career growth could look like this:

  1. You can become a senior sailor in 5 months.
  2. Foreman 2 articles - in 12 months.
  3. Reach the rank of chief petty officer - 36 months.
  4. Become a midshipman - after 3 years.
  5. Junior lieutenant - after 24 months.

The rank of lieutenant is usually awarded after graduation from college. Then, with an interval of 3 years, you can become a senior lieutenant and a lieutenant commander. Another 4 years of service, and the rank of captain of the 3rd rank is awarded. Capdva and capraz can be obtained at intervals of 5 years. Senior command ranks may be awarded at intervals of 12 months.

Here it is necessary to clarify that ranks are assigned to military personnel on an individual basis. In particular, they can be sequential or extraordinary. In the first case, the serviceman receives another military rank based on length of service, provided that he has no complaints about his service. Extraordinary ranks are awarded as a reward for success and effort in service.

Where else can you find naval ranks?

Similar military ranks can be found in units and formations included in the structure of the Navy. In particular, the Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Naval Aviation.

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, two types of ranks have been established for persons undergoing military service - military and naval. In ancient Rus', the presence of insignia and certain military units formed on a permanent basis was completely excluded. The division of the then still pitiful semblance of a standing army into separate formations took place in accordance with the number of soldiers who were in one or another formation. The principle was as follows: ten warriors - a unit called the “ten”, led by the “ten”. Then everything is in the same spirit.

The history of the emergence of military ranks in Russia

Under Ivan the Terrible, and later under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, this system underwent some changes: Streltsy hundreds appeared, and military ranks appeared in them. At that time, the hierarchy of ranks was the following list:

  • Sagittarius
  • foreman
  • Pentecostal
  • centurion
  • head

Of course, between all the above ranks and the ranks that currently exist, the following analogy can be drawn: a foreman is a warrior, in our time performing the duties of a sergeant, or a foreman, a pentecostal is a lieutenant, and a centurion, respectively, is a captain.

After some time, already during the reign of Peter the Great, the hierarchical system of ranks was again transformed to the following:

  • soldier
  • corporal
  • ensign
  • lieutenant, called lieutenant
  • captain (captain)
  • quartermaster
  • major
  • lieutenant colonel
  • Colonel

The year 1654 became outstanding in the history of the formation of military ranks in Russia. It was then that for the first time in the history of Russia the rank of general was awarded. Its first owner was Alexander Ulyanovich Leslie, the leader of the operation to capture and liberate Smolensk.

Categories of military ranks in the Russian Army

One of the largest political events of the 20th century that occurred in Russia, namely the October Revolution of 1917, became the last stage towards the formation of an established system of military ranks, which has not undergone any changes for a whole century.

Military ranks

  1. Private. One of the first, considered the lowest military rank of the Russian Armed Forces.
  2. Corporal. A rank that is awarded to military personnel who are part of the armed forces of the Russian Federation for any military distinction.
  1. Major.
  2. Lieutenant colonel.
  3. Colonel.

Ship ranks

Ship ranks can simply be listed in order of seniority (lowest to highest) due to their full correspondence with the land equivalent:

  1. Sailor, senior sailor.
  2. Foreman 2 (second) article, foreman 1 (first) article, chief foreman, chief ship's foreman - representatives of a group of military personnel classified as sergeants and foremen.

  3. Midshipman, senior midshipman - military personnel of the group of warrant officers and midshipmen.
  4. Junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain-lieutenant - a group of military personnel representing junior officers.

  5. Captain 3 (third) rank, captain 2 (second) rank, captain 1 (first) rank - representatives of senior officers.

  6. Rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, and fleet admiral are representatives of senior officers, respectively.

As with military ranks, the highest military rank for the navy is Marshal of the Russian Federation.

What is very noteworthy is that naval and military military ranks are also assigned to the following formations: the security forces of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc., as well as water border formations that ensure security near coastal borders.

Colors and types of shoulder straps

Now let's turn to the shoulder straps. With them, unlike ranks, things are somewhat more complicated.

Shoulder straps are usually distinguished according to the following series of criteria:

  • the color of the shoulder strap itself (different depending on the military structure);
  • the order of arrangement of distinctive signs on shoulder straps (also depending on a particular military structure);
  • the color of the decals themselves on the shoulder straps (similar to the points above).

There is another important criterion - the form of clothing. Accordingly, the army does not have the widest selection of clothing, which is allowed according to the regulations. More precisely, there are only three of them: everyday uniform, field uniform and dress uniform.

Shoulder straps of non-officers

Let's start with a description of the everyday uniform and the shoulder straps that come with it:

The everyday uniform of non-officers includes shoulder straps with two narrow stripes along the edges of the longitudinal part. Such shoulder straps can be seen on the shoulders of privates, non-commissioned officers, and warrant officers. All these images are presented above in the sections of military and ship ranks.

Officer's shoulder straps

Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of officers are divided into three more subtypes:

  • Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of junior officers: have only one stripe running down the center along the shoulder strap itself.
  • Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of senior officers: they have two longitudinal stripes, also located in the center.
  • Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of senior officers: they differ sharply from each of the previous types in that they have a special fabric relief over the entire area of ​​the shoulder strap. The edges are framed by one narrow strip. A distinctive sign is also the stars that follow strictly in one row.
  • It is impossible not to include in a separate group the Marshal of the Russian Federation and the type of shoulder straps corresponding to his everyday uniform: they also have a special fabric relief, which was mentioned in the paragraph above, but are fundamentally different in color. If the shoulder straps in each of the previous paragraphs were a rectangle of dark green color, then these same ones are distinguished by their immediately striking golden color, which is quite consistent with the high-profile title of their wearer.

An interesting fact is that on February 22, 2013, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree that on the shoulder straps of army generals and admirals of the Russian Navy there will be one star with a diameter of 40 mm instead of 4 stars in one line as before. The corresponding image is presented above.

  • Non-officer field uniform: shoulder straps are a regular rectangle, camouflaged as a summer taiga with a transverse (or longitudinal) stripe.
  • Field uniform for junior officers: stars of relatively small size serve as a distinctive sign.
  • Field uniform of senior officers: major, lieutenant colonel have one and two large stars on their shoulder straps, respectively, colonel - three.
  • Field uniform of senior officers: all persons holding ranks in accordance with the previously announced composition have absolutely the same structure (dark green stars, strictly in a row), but shoulder straps different in the number of distinctive insignia. Just like in everyday uniforms, the General of the Army and the Marshal of the Russian Federation are distinguished by large stars

These features can be seen in more detail in the picture:

It was not long before military clothing became comfortable and practical. Initially, her beauty was valued more than the qualities mentioned a little earlier. Fortunately, under Alexander III (the third), it was realized that rich uniforms were too expensive. It was then that practicality and convenience began to be considered the primary value.

In certain periods of time, the soldier's uniform resembled ordinary peasant attire. Even in the conditions of the already existing Red Army, little attention was paid to the fact that there was no uniform military uniform. The only distinctive sign of all soldiers was a red bandage on their sleeves and hats.

Even shoulder straps managed to be replaced for some time with ordinary triangles and squares, and only in 1943 were they returned as distinctive signs.

By the way, to this day, military personnel of the Russian Federation wear a uniform that was designed by the well-known fashion designer V. Yudashkin in 2010.

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Ship ranks in the navy are used in the Russian Navy and are assigned to sailors to the extent they are able to take responsibility for the command of a particular military personnel. They are also assigned to the military coast guard of the border troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, underwater and surface units of the Navy and naval units of the troops.

Almost all naval ranks differ from the missile and ground forces, airborne forces and airborne forces. From 1884 to 1991 they changed due to a number of events:

  • the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917;
  • the creation of the Soviet Union and its subsequent collapse 1922-1991;
  • creation of the Russian Federation in 1991

Modern ranks in the navy are divided into 4 categories:

1. Conscripts of conscript and contract service. These include: sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the second class, petty officer of the first class and the chief petty officer. The senior ranks also include a midshipman and a senior midshipman.

2. Junior officers of the fleet. These are: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant and lieutenant commander.

3. Senior officers of the Navy. Ranks are divided into: captains of the third, second and first rank.

4. Senior officers. Consists of: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral and fleet admiral.

Detailed description of ship ranks in ascending order

Sailor- a junior rank in the navy that corresponds to a land private. These are conscripts for military service.

Senior sailor- a parallel to the army rank of corporal, which is assigned to a sailor for maintaining discipline and exemplary performance of duties. Can be an assistant sergeant major and replace a sergeant major of the second class.

Petty Officers

Foreman of the second article- junior rank in the senior ranks, which was introduced on November 2, 1940. Situated in rank above the senior sailor and below the first class petty officer. May be a squad leader.

Petty Officer of the first article- a sailor of the fleet who is ranked higher in rank than the petty officer of the second article, but below the chief petty officer. Second in order of growth in the list of senior officers, introduced on November 2, 1940. This is a squad commander who has shown excellent results in performing military and organizational duties.

Chief petty officer– military rank in the Navy of the Russian Federation and Coast Guard. Occupies a place between the first class petty officer and the midshipman of the fleet. The naval rank of chief naval sergeant corresponds to the army rank of senior sergeant. Can replace a platoon commander.

Midshipman– a word of English origin, which is assigned to a sailor after completing appropriate training programs and courses. In land terms, this is an ensign. Performs organizational and combat duties within the framework of a platoon commander or company sergeant major.

Senior midshipman- a military rank in the Russian Navy, which is higher in rank than midshipman, but lower than junior lieutenant. Similarly - senior warrant officer in other branches of the military.

Junior officers

Rank junior lieutenant comes from French and translates as "substitute". Occupies the first rank in the junior officer ranks, both in the ground and naval forces. May be a post or platoon commander.

Lieutenant- second among ranks in the navy, in rank above junior lieutenant and below senior lieutenant. Awarded upon completion of service with the rank of junior lieutenant.

Senior Lieutenant- a naval rank of junior officers in Russia, which is higher in rank than lieutenant and lower than lieutenant commander. With excellent performance in the service, he can be an assistant to the captain of a ship.

Lieutenant Commander- the highest rank of junior officers, which in the Russian Federation and Germany corresponds to captain of the army of the ground forces. A sailor with this rank is considered the deputy captain of the ship and the commander of a company of hundreds of subordinates.

Senior officers

Captain 3rd rank- corresponds to an army major. The abbreviated name for the shoulder strap is “captri”. Responsibilities include commanding a ship of the appropriate rank. These are small military vessels: landing craft, anti-submarine ships, torpedo ships and minesweepers.

Captain of the second rank, or “kapdva” is the rank of sailor in the Navy, which corresponds to lieutenant colonel in land ranks. This is the commander of a ship of the same rank: large landing ships, missile and destroyers.

Captain of the first rank, or “kapraz”, “kapturang” is a military rank in the Russian Navy, which is higher in rank than captain of the second rank and lower than rear admiral. May 7, 1940 exists among ranks in the navy, decided the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. "Kapturang" commands ships with complex control and enormous military power: aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and cruisers.

Senior officers

Rear Admiral can command a squadron of ships and replace the commander of a flotilla. Adopted since 1940 and since that time corresponds to major general of the ground forces and aviation.

Vice Admiral- a rank of sailors in Russia, which allows you to replace an admiral. Corresponds to a lieutenant general of the ground forces. Manages the actions of flotillas.

Admiral translated from Dutch as “lord of the sea”, therefore he is a member of the senior officer corps. Army employees are assigned the rank of Colonel General. Manages the active fleet.

Fleet Admiral- the highest active rank, as well as in other types of troops, army general. Manages the fleet and is assigned to active admirals with excellent combat, organizational and strategic performance.

What types of troops are assigned naval ranks?

The Navy of the Russian Federation (RF Navy) also includes the following units:

  • Marine Corps;
  • coast guard;
  • naval aviation.

The Marine Corps is a unit that carries out the defense of military installations, coastal areas and other sea lines. The Marines include sabotage and reconnaissance groups. The Marine Corps motto is: “Where we are, there is victory.”

The Coast Guard is a branch of the military that defends Russian naval bases and special facilities in the coastal zone. They have at their disposal anti-aircraft, torpedo, mine weapons, as well as missile systems and other artillery.

Naval aviation is troops whose responsibilities include detecting and destroying the enemy, defending ships and other elements from enemy forces, and destroying enemy aircraft, helicopters and other air structures. Russian aviation also carries out air transportation and rescue operations on the high seas.

How and for what is the next rank assigned to sailors?

The assignment of the next title is specified in the current laws of the Russian Federation:

  • For a senior sailor, you must serve 5 months;
  • obtaining a sergeant major 2nd article can be expected after a year of service;
  • three years for senior sergeant and chief petty officer;
  • three years to become a midshipman;
  • 2 years for junior lieutenant;
  • 3 for promotion to lieutenant and first lieutenant;
  • 4 years to become a captain-lieutenant and captain of the 3rd rank.
  • 5 years to captain 2nd and 1st rank;
  • for senior officers, at least a year at the previous rank.

It is also worth knowing that military ranks in the navy may be assigned if the due date has not yet passed, but the military man has demonstrated his organizational, tactical and strategic abilities. A bad sailor is one who does not want to become an admiral, especially since it is possible. There are many examples of motivated, big-thinking sailors who became admirals.

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