The highest test Olympiad results are final. Registration for the “Highest Test” Olympiad, which is conducted by the country’s leading universities, has been announced. Preparation for participation

Date: from 10/01/2018 to 01/01/1970 03:00

Schoolchildren's Olympiad "Highest Test"

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Test” is included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren that provide benefits for admission to higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Schoolchildren of grades 7–11 from Russia and neighboring countries are invited!

Step 2. Select profiles.

  1. Go to your personal account page:
  2. Enter the sent login and password and go to your personal account.
  3. Fill out all fields of the application for participation in the Olympiad, select the profiles in which you want to participate. Upload a scan of the consent for the processing of personal data and publication of works in PDF format.
  4. Confirm that the entered data is correct and submit your application. You will be able to make changes to your personal data or to the list of selected Olympiads before the registration deadline.
  5. Please note: only after receiving a letter with a registration number and a list of selected profiles to your email address can the registration be considered successful.
  6. Additionally, you can view the lists of registered participants, which are updated 3 times a day.

If you have made changes to the list of profiles, you will receive a notification by email. Please check the final list of profiles carefully!

Only participants who have successfully completed registration (step 2) within the specified time frame will be allowed to participate in the Olympiad.

You can get acquainted with the schedule of the Olympiad. Upon admission to the National Research University "BelSU", winners and runners-up will receive preferential rights.

Registration for the interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Test”, which is held by the National Research University Higher School of Economics together with a number of other leading Russian universities, will continue until November 13. Last academic year, Yakutia schoolchildren showed good results at the Olympiad, winning three first-degree diplomas.

“Highest Standard” is one of the largest school Olympiads in our country. In the 2017/18 academic year, 82.7 thousand people took part in the Olympiad. 2,235 people received diplomas, including 1,227 eleventh graders. 1,220 participants in the final stage of the Olympiad became students of the Higher School of Economics, taking advantage of admission benefits.

It should be noted that in the last academic year, Yakutia schoolchildren showed good results at the Olympiad.

Three schoolchildren from Yakutsk received first-degree diplomas. Among the winners were also children from Neryungri, Mirny and Nyurba. In total, 11 schoolchildren from Yakutia took prizes in various disciplines. The most prize-winners were awarded in mathematics (seven people). And the largest number of Olympiad winners were prepared by the Yakut City Lyceum and the Nyurba Technical Lyceum named after. A. N. Chusovsky.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the “Highest Test” will be conducted in 25 profiles. Students in grades 9–11 have the widest choice: oriental studies, oriental languages, design, journalism, law, psychology, mathematics, physics, electronics and computer technology, foreign language, philology, Russian, computer science, history, history of world civilizations, economics, social studies, sociology, political science, philosophy, business fundamentals, financial literacy, cultural studies, biology and chemistry. 7th graders can try their hand at competitions in a foreign language, history, philology, mathematics, Russian, and 8th graders can also compete in economics and social studies.

For the first time this year, three new profiles will appear in the Olympiad - cultural studies, biology and chemistry, as well as a team programming competition, in which teams of 8-10 grade students of 3-4 people can participate, even if they study in different schools. Since competitions in these profiles are held within the framework of the “Highest Standard” for the first time, they are not included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren, annually approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. But the winners and prize-winners of these Olympiads will receive additional points to the total Unified State Examination points for individual achievements when admitted to undergraduate educational programs at the Higher School of Economics.

But the winners and prize-winners in all other areas of the Olympiad are provided with benefits for admission not only to HSE, but also to many other Russian universities, depending on the profile and level of the Olympiad. Thirteen Olympiads within the framework of the “Highest Standard” were assigned level I, six - level II, three - level III. The higher the level of the Olympiad, the more universities give its winners and prize-winners preferences for admission.

The Olympic competitions will be held in two stages: the qualifying round will take place from November 17 to December 2, 2018, the final round will take place from January 31 to February 8, 2019. After registering on the Olympiad website, participants in the first stage will receive an assignment on a predetermined day in their personal account on the Olympiad website. The second round will take place in person. Its holding points are traditionally located in more than 40 cities of Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries, depending on the number of schoolchildren in a particular city who have passed the second stage. This year, the list of cities hosting the final stage will be announced at the end of December.

Registration of participants will last until November 13. But now those guys who want to prepare for the competition can test themselves on the Olympiad test tasks posted on the website -

In order to participate in Olympiads and competitions, it is necessary.

Registration deadlines for the Olympiad "Highest standard": October 1 - November 13, 2018 .

Registration is carried out individually by each student and includes two steps, the completion of which is mandatory: obtaining a login and password and directly selecting profiles.

If you are the winner/prize-winner of last year, you have the right to take part immediately in the final stage, bypassing the qualifying stage, but you need to register within the specified time frame.

Step 1. Obtaining a login and password.

  1. Go to your personal account page: and check out.
  2. Select an item “Get login and password”, indicate your full name, date of birth, contacts. Full name is written in Russian letters(the first letter is capitalized, the rest are lowercase; if your document does not have a middle name, indicate “-”). We recommend that you read common mistakes.
  3. The moderator will review the application and send a letter to the email address you provided with your username and password to enter the system (applications are reviewed at least once a day on weekdays).

If you have not received a response from the moderator, please check your Spam need to fill out the form again.

If you made a mistake in your personal data,
Correct them yourself in your personal account before the registration deadline. To do this, click the white pencil icon in the upper right corner of your personal account.

If you made a mistake in your email address, write about the problem to or use the “Send a message to a moderator” link on the login page to your personal account. Be sure to provide an incorrect email address and full name.

If you have already registered on the portal in previous years, you can use the login and password you received earlier (find the letter sent from the address [email protected]) or request a new password by selecting “Change Password”. If you encounter problems, please refer to the technical problem solving section.

Step 2. Select profiles.

  1. Go to your personal account page: .
  2. Enter the sent login and password and go to your personal account.
  3. Fill out all fields of the application for participation in the Olympiad, select the profiles you want to participate in. Upload a scan of the consent for the processing of personal data and publication of works in PDF format.
  4. Confirm that the entered data is correct and submit your application. You will be able to make changes to your personal data or to the list of selected Olympiads before the registration deadline.
  5. note: Only after receiving a letter with a registration number and a list of selected profiles to your specified email address, registration can be considered successful.
  6. Additionally, you can view the lists of registered participants, which are updated 3 times a day.

If you have made changes to the list of profiles, you will receive a notification by email. Please check the final list of profiles carefully!

Only participants who have successfully completed registration (step 2) within the specified time frame will be allowed to participate in the Olympiad.

In 2018-2019, the next interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Test”, established by the Higher School of Economics (HSE), will take place. This popular competition has been running since 1998. It received its modern name in 2012. High school students from Russia and other countries of the “post-Soviet space”, including Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, can participate in it free of charge. Winners and runners-up of the Olympiad have the right to significant benefits when entering Russian universities.

Mission of the Olympics

In addition to the general cultural mission of popularizing education among young people, “Highest Test” strives to select the best students for the country’s leading universities. Such competitions have partly replaced the previous entrance exams and are a real alternative to the Unified State Exam. Almost all major Russian universities give priority when enrolling to the winners and prize-winners of their Olympiads (or other similar competitions). “The highest standard” is distinguished by its humanitarian orientation. Among the core disciplines for high school students in 2018-2019 are economics, English, philosophy and other social sciences.

Preparation for participation

To prepare for the “Highest Test” Olympiad, you can use demo versions of tests, as well as assignments and topics from previous years. All of them are available for free on the official website "Higher Standard" is a prestigious, highly competitive competition, so participation in it only makes sense if you are truly interested in the chosen subject and have the necessary knowledge. It should be added that such competitions require physical endurance and resistance to stressful situations.

Registration and organizational issues

Tens of thousands of schoolchildren from Russia and foreign countries participate in the “Highest Test” Olympiad. The number of prize places is about two thousand. Registration is carried out electronically on the official website until October 2018. The competition itself is divided into two stages. The first round is planned for November-December 2018. He is a qualifier. The exam takes place in absentia, online from any computer, provided you enter the login and password provided by the organizers. For some subjects, participants will be asked to write a short essay. The dates of the qualifying round are determined in advance, the time for completing tasks is strictly limited. Detailed information about this will be published in September 2018. Last year's "Highest Standard" laureates from non-graduating classes are exempt from qualifying competitions, but are also required to register. Those interested can participate in competitions in several subjects at once, if their schedule allows it.

Participants who successfully pass the first round are admitted to the second, final round. It will be held in January-February 2019 only in person in different cities of Russia or in foreign countries. Organizational and technical support at this stage is provided by local educational institutions selected as HSE partners.

All applicants are required to bring with them a number of documents:

  • A printed “Cover Page” that is sent by email. It confirms the right to participate in the final competition.
  • An identification document (passport, birth certificate) and a certificate from your educational institution.

Schoolchildren can independently choose the place and date of the competition that is convenient for them from the options offered by the organizers. During the finals, it is prohibited to use any reference materials, as well as any electronic devices. In some cases, exceptions are allowed for the simplest calculators.

After checking the entries and possible appeals, the jury will announce the winners and runners-up for all subjects. As a rule, this happens in early spring. Later, in Moscow and other cities of Russia where HSE branches are open, a solemn award ceremony will be held with the presentation of commemorative diplomas. These documents can be submitted to the admissions committees of Russian universities.

Winner takes all?

“The highest test” and other similar competitions are often criticized for being “elitistic” and “discriminatory” against students who do not have the opportunity or desire to participate. First of all, this applies to children from low-income families or from remote regions of the Russian Federation. Cases of fraud discovered during these competitions are sometimes mentioned. However, this rarely happens. Evidence shows that laureates of past Olympiads generally do better at universities than students enrolled through the Unified State Exam system.

Most subjects of the “highest standard” are included in the official “List of Olympiads for schoolchildren”, approved by the government of the Russian Federation. Winners and runners-up of this competition are entitled to the following benefits:

  • enrollment in universities without additional tests of knowledge in the core subject of the Olympiad;
  • maximum Unified State Exam score in the relevant subject of the Olympiad;
  • students from non-graduating classes can participate in the final round next year without going through the pre-selection “sieve”.

Every year, more than a thousand laureates of the “Highest Standard” become students of the most prestigious Russian universities.

Details Published 09.29.2016 19:26 Views: 1271

The National Research University Higher School of Economics informs about the holding of the Highest Test Olympiad.

Schoolchildren in grades 7-11 from Russia and neighboring countries are invited to participate in the Olympiad. The “Highest Test” Olympiad is included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren that provide benefits for admission to higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Date: December 2016 - first (qualifying)

Competitions of the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympiads will be held in absentia format (online) at the end of November - beginning of December 2016. Onlyregistered participants. The qualifying stage takes place in the form of correspondence testing strictly at the specified time. You can only participate in each competition once.

February 2017 - second (final) stage

The Olympic competitions of the second (final) stage will be held in person. The list of host cities will be approved after the results of the qualifying stage are determined.We draw the attention of all schoolchildren from the city of Ivanovo, Ivanovo region: based on the results of the children’s participation in the correspondence stage, the city of Ivanovo can claim the right to host the full-time stage of the “Highest Test” Olympiad.

Participation in the Olympiad is free and free.

Olympiad subjects:
7th grade— foreign languages, history, literature, mathematics, Russian;
8th grade— foreign languages, history, literature, mathematics, Russian, social studies, economics;
9-11 grades— oriental studies, oriental languages, design, journalism, foreign languages, computer science, history, history of world civilizations, literature, mathematics, social studies, law, psychology, Russian language, physics, economics, electronics.

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