Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Description of objects and toys. Outline of direct educational activities on the topic “Toys” in the educational field “Speech development” in the middle group Lesson on describing toys for middle school

Elena Orlova
Lesson summary for the middle group “Hello, folk toy!”

State budgetary educational institution of Moscow

secondary school No. 1002, preschool department No. 1

Lesson summary for the middle group

"Hello, people's toy!"


Orlova Elena Pavlovna.

Lesson summary “Hello, folk toy!”

Program content: Introduce children to the products of folk craftsmen - folk toys

Show variety of material. Bring children to the understanding that everyone loves a folk toy; it reflects the time and memory of our people.

To give an idea that craftsmen live and work in different parts of Russia

your business

Developmental tasks: Develop an educational interest in the history and culture of your people. Develop attention, memory, enrich your vocabulary.

Educational tasks: To cultivate interest, love for folk art, and respect for the products of Russian craftsmen.

Material used: toys - matryoshka, Dymkovo toy, whistles: Filimonovskaya, Dymkovskaya, Gorodets; illustrations depicting folk toys and dishes, Russian soundtrack. adv. music, carousel.

Vocabulary work: craftsmen, fair, products, whistles.

Progress of the lesson V. - Children! I'll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it:

Scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright sundress with flowers,

Hand rests

On wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside:

Maybe three, maybe six.

I got a little flushed.

This is Russian.

Children: Matryoshka.

V. – That’s right, as you quickly guessed. Today, Matryoshka came to visit us.

She wanted to play and listen with us

V. – Tell me, please, what country do we live in?

Children: In Russia.

V. – Our Russia is great,

And our people are talented.

About dear Rus', craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world. (I. Kadukhina)

B - Our country is the richest. We have a lot of forests, minerals, a lot

rivers, lakes. In ancient times, our ancestors made everything with their own hands: toys,

dishes, various tools for work

What were these people called? (children's assumptions)

B - Russian craftsmen passed on their secrets to their children, and children passed on their secrets to theirs.

children and this is how this folk art came down to us. They do it with their own hands

unusually beautiful dishes and funny, bright toys that are very

liked by people from different countries and nations. They admire and admire them.

V. – Matryoshka is the most important toy of the Russian people. Every guest who

When he comes to Russia, he always chooses a Russian nesting doll. Matryoshka is

symbol of Russia.

– What do you think it’s made of? (Children's answers)

V. – To be a good, real master, you need to work hard and be able to do everything.

There are many proverbs about work, maybe someone has heard them:

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty

The master's work is afraid.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Time for business, time for fun.

V. – The craftsmen brought all their goods to sell at the fair. How many of you know that

is a fair? (children's guess)

V. – A fair is a place where you can buy and sell a variety of goods.

Craftsmen from different parts of Russia bring their goods to the fair. People are walking

along the rows, admiring, and there is so much product that your eyes widen.

V. – You and I were also at the fair quite recently. It was the Autumn holiday -

"Autumn." The buffoons invited us to the fair. Offered to buy different goods

(Russian folk melody sounds, the voices of buffoons are heard)

Hurry up, honest people,

The fair is calling you

What does your soul desire -

You will find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts

You won't leave without purchasing!

V. - Guys, do you hear, we are invited to the fair. It's always fun at the fair

jokes, jokes, various riddles are heard, people bargain with sellers,

makes various purchases. We'll walk through the aisles and look at the goods.


(Children come to the table)

V. – Let’s see what other toys are at the fair?

Look how beautiful the toys are! (Shows Dymkovo toys).

All toys are not simple,

And the magically painted ones:

Snow-white, like birch trees.

Circles, squares, stripes.

Seemingly simple pattern

I can't look away.

V. – These are Dymkovo toys. There are horses, and gentlemen, and young ladies, and water-carriers.

What are Dymkovo toys made of? (made of clay)

Why are they called Dymkovo? (from the village of Dymkovo)

Name the elements of the pattern (circle, dots, rings, stripes, wavy line).

You and I were also “masters” and painted Dymkovo patterns.

Look how much work the master put into this toy. (Children look at

toys: water carriers, horses, turkey, lady. deer)

Q - Guys, at fairs there are booths, tents where puppet shows were shown

theaters, in squares, people played various folk games, organized

competitions, measured their strength, shot guns at shooting ranges, rode

carousels. Let's play the folk game "Tug the Rope"

(Children are divided into two subgroups. Game “Tug the Rope”)

V. - Guys, look at these toys. Who guessed what this is?

(Teacher blows a whistle) (Children's answers)

V. – Look, all whistles are different, they sound different. They were made

different masters. This Dymkovo whistle is made of (clay, and this

Gorodets - (made of wood) It was made by craftsmen from Gorodets. Children

look at toys, play.

(Go to another table)

V. – What do I see! What a wonder!

So much joy around!

Isn’t it beautiful here, kids?

It's breathtaking!

V. – Come on in and see what kind of dishes are collected here. She is not simple.

It was made by Russian craftsmen from Khokhloma. There are spoons and salt shakers here,

and scoops. (Children look)

V. – Our fair is over. What do you remember most? Which

were the toys brought by craftsmen to the fair? (Children's answers)

We learned about Russian craftsmen who make toys, but there are also

other masters that we will learn about next time. And the matryoshka decided

stay in our group so that she and I can play with us.

And now we will ride on the carousel. Game "Carousel"


1. “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” O. L. Knyazeva, M. D.

Makhaneva, Publishing House "Childhood - Press" 1998

2. “Cognitive development in the senior group of kindergarten. Notes

classes”, Volchkova N.V., TC “TEACHER”, Voronezh, 2004.

3. Dorofeeva A. Visual - didactic manual for children 3 - 7 years old

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Description of a toy”

Goals: develop ability to select definition words for nouns (adjectives) and coordinate them; learn to name and select the plural form of nouns; learn describe the subject


coherent speech : learn to write a story about toys with a description of their appearance; Learn describe a toy, name characteristic signs and actions; lead to a short story from personal experience.

vocabulary and grammar : activate words denoting the attribute of an object (adjectives);

Formation of forms plural numbers nouns

Zouk culture speeches

Equipment : toys: doll, dog, cubes, car, ball, bear, plane, spinning top, shovel, horse)

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment.

Educator: - Tell me, what is on the table? (On the table are toys: doll, cubes, car, ball, bear, plane, spinning top, shovel, horse)

Let's call these toys. (The teacher showstoys , children call)

2. Game “One - many”

Children stand up and form a circle, the teacher throws the ball to each child in turn, naming the object (toy ) in the singular, and the child must name the same word in the plural (for example, airplane - airplanes)

3. Game “What are objects made of?”

Educator: What material are these made from? toys? Children answer sample: cubes made of wood - wooden, spatula made of plastic - plastic, etc.

4. Game “What object?”

The teacher shows toy and asks a question: "Which?" Then the children take turns naming as many features as possible (names of adjectives corresponding to a given object. The one who names the most features wins. For example, what kind of doll? Answers children: beautiful, big, plastic, red-haired, etc.

5. Game “Make a sentence”

The teacher names the sentence, and the children finish using the word "because".

The doll is wearing a warm coat because...

The cubes are scattered on the table because...

The ball bounces off the floor because...

6. Talking about toys.

The teacher asks to tell you how you can play with toys:

With a doll (feed, put to bed, get ready for a walk, etc.)

With a car (load, transport, etc.)

With cubes (fold a picture, build a tower, etc.)

7. Description of the toy.

The teacher distributes to the children toys, and they make up a few sentences about it (what material is it made of, how can you play with it, etc.)

*Guess the riddle:

Friendly with the owner

The house is guarding

Lives under the porch

And the tail is a ring... (dog).

Then the children look toy- the dog and answer questions:

What dog?

What are the names of baby dogs?

The dog is big and the puppies (small).

Let's come up with a name for the dog (Bug, Buddy, Ball....)

What kind of eyes does Druzhka have? They are dark like... (coals, beads).

And what about the tail? (ring).

What can Buddy do? (Follow the command, catch and bring the ball, guard the house)

Who wants to tell you about the dog? describe, what is she like?

Children with the help of a teacher describe a toy:

This…. (dog Sharik). Her fur is... (black, soft, fluffy, eyes….(dark, shiny, host…. (ring).

Sharik loves to play (with the guys).

8. Reflection:

What did we talk about today? What games did you play? Did you like it class? Why?

Natalya Maksimova
Planning a week on the topic “Games and Toys” in the middle group

Perspective weekly activity plan« Games and toys»

V middle group

Tasks: Enrich the content of children’s games, develop independence in choosing games, activate children’s vocabulary based on in-depth knowledge of toys. Create a festive mood, involve children in joint game with adults and children. Develop children's creative abilities.

Date/Topic of the day MORNING Children's activities Walk Joint activity of children and adults

(Events of preschool educational institutions and groups)


Loved Ones Day toys and S/R games

"Magic world toys» Conversations with children on Topics: “How should we treat toys»

(Gorkova - With. 223). OO "Communication" Reading by S. Marshak "Vanka-Vstanka"(Gorkova “Scenarios for lessons on integrated development”- With. 223)

NGO "Health (kg)" A game “Let us remind you toys where our things are» . Consolidate the skills acquired throughout the year and take care of personal hygiene items.

OO "Socialization". DI "Which the toy is gone» ,

OO "Cognition". Looking at illustrations and various toys in the group room

OO "Safety". Conversation “What is the right thing to do?” Reading A, Barto "Our Tanya", "Goby is coming"(evaluate behavior characters: right or wrong, draw a conclusion with the help of the teacher “What to do in a dangerous situation”.

OO "Socialization". P/I PHYS-MINUTKA "ALIVE" TOY"

One two three four five,

We went out together to walk!

The little bunnies are running fast - mischievous playful creatures!

Chuk-chuk, chuk-chuk.

And now the wolf is sneaking,

scary wolf - teeth click.

Well, the clubfoot bear spreads its paws wide.

At the same time, the squirrels frolic, jump and have fun.

And when the flower is found,

The delicate aroma is inhaled.

Communication "Tell me about your beloved toy» (Dybina – pp. 9, 53)

Physical education OO "Socialization". DI "Where toy (orientation in space)

P/I with plot content "At the Bear's Forest"

Riddles about toys(Gorkova “Scenarios for lessons on integrated development”- With. 52, 122, 139, 168, 204, 260, (Alyabyeva E. A. - With. 10) Opening weeks of games and toys

Video views: cartoons about toys: "Forgotten toys» , "Zay and Chick", "Mashenka Concert", "Pink Doll", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Nutcracker" and etc. ; films about toys"Nutcracker", "Children in the country toys» , "The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key".

OO "Communication". Reading a fairy tale "Ball"(Alyabyeva E. A. “Final days on lexical topics. Part 2"- With. 24)

OO "Socialization". Ball game "WHICH? WHICH? WHICH?"(to activate relative adjectives in speech, throw a ball to the child and say what it is made of toy; the child catches the ball, forms a phrase with a relative adjective and returns the ball to you.

Rubber ball. - Rubber ball.

Plush bear. - Teddy bear.

Wooden pyramid. - Wooden pyramid.

Metal bucket. - Metal bucket

OO "Socialization". S/R game Reading R. SEF: (Chirkova "Genus. collection in d/s"- With. 198)

Cars are chairs

And the locomotive is a bed,

And if you don't believe,

And if you don't believe,

And if you don't believe,

Then you don't have to play.

OO "Socialization". Plot-role organization games: "Shop toys» target: develop the functions of comparison and generalization in children’s thinking, develop dialogical speech, imagination, teach communication.

Day of intellectual games OO "Work" "Who is most likely to collect toys»

OO "Socialization". DI "Wonderful bag"(Gorkova “Scenarios for lessons on integrated development”- With. 122)

OO "Socialization". DI "Find a Pair"(with pictures cut into two parts)

OO "Cognition". Experimental game "Drowning - not drowning"(Dybina – p. 48, 49, Gorkova “Scenarios for lessons on integrated development”- With. 105) Cognition. FEMP (No. 3, p. 18)

Artistic creativity

"My lovely toy» (Koldina – p. 33, Komarova – p. 74) OO "Work" Game situation “We dress faster than a doll”(Zhukova "Labor education"- With. 32)

OO "Socialization". P/I with plot content "Homeless Hare"

OO "Socialization". DI Sand games(guess which one toy buried in sand, without taking it out, on the freed part) (Alyabyeva E. A. “Final days on lexical topics. Part 2) - p. 13) OO "Work" Repair of boxes from printed board games (Zhukova "Labor education"- With. 44)

OO "Communication" Repetition of poems about toys A. Barto « Toys» , "Bear", "Ball", "Horse";

OO "Socialization". DI “Learn a fairy tale from an illustration”, "Get to know the heroes of fairy tales", “Assemble the puzzles/cubes "Heroes of Fairy Tales", "Color the fairy-tale hero", "Find the hero of the fairy tale", lotto/dominoes "Fairy-tale heroes"


Day of Russian Folk Games NGO "Cognition". Cognitive conversations:

"Dymkovskaya toy. Matryoshka"(Volchkova V. N. “Class notes. Having known development"-With. 44) Target: introduce children to the history of the appearance toys what they looked like "first" toys, what they were made of, how they changed toy over time what materials are they now made from? toys.

OO "Communication" Songs, nursery rhymes, chants "Our goat..."

OO "Safety". Reading fiction with elements of D/ AND: "Home Safety and Strange Adults" according to a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

OO "Socialization". DI "Fix it toy» (drawing the missing part from toys, naming it). Music

Artistic creativity

"My lovely toy» (Gor’kova – pp. 225, 65, 168)

Physical education on a walk (based on Russian folk games) OO "Socialization". D/ AND: "Name toy» (target: consolidate children's knowledge about toys)

OO "Socialization". Russian folk game "Malanya"

OO "Socialization". P/I with plot content "Geese-geese"

OO "Communication" (reading a Russian folk tale before bed)

OO "Socialization". DI "Name the action" (For example: the doll can be dressed, undressed, bathed, put to bed, etc.)

OO "Communication" Reading Ya. Taitz "Cube upon cube",

OO "Socialization".Game-situation "Stucco toy» (Gubanova N.F. - With. 91)

Day of theatrical games

"We create and make" OO "Work" DI “Learning to wash doll dishes”(Zhukova "Labor education"- With. 34, 81)

OO "Cognition". Looking at the illustrations in the album « Toys»

OO "Socialization". Tabletop theater games.

OO "Socialization". Fairy tale-improvisation "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed"(Gubanova N.F. "Development of gaming activities"- With. 66) Cognition. FCCM

"Journey to the World toys» (Alyabyeva E. A. “Final days on lexical topics. Part 2"- With. 7, (Alyabyeva E. A. “ Games for children 4-7 years old: development of speech and imagination” – p. 42)

Physical education OO "Socialization". DI “Let’s dress the dolls for a walk”

OO "Socialization". DI "One is many"

(Work on the grammatical structure of speech (formation of the plural of nouns.)

Ball - balls

Doll – dolls

Cube - cubes

Machine - machines OO "Socialization".

Games in the theater corner

DI "Unravel the Confusion" (Artemova – p. 41)

OO "Socialization". Play "Chicken Ryaba"(using toys from"Store") (Gorkova “Scenarios for lessons on integrated development”- With. 230)

OO "Communication" Reading by L. Tolstoy “Nastya had a doll”

OO "Communication" Reading by E. Blaginin "Boats"

Creative evening based on the work of A. Barto « Toys» for younger and middle groups.

Day of outdoor and construction games OO “KGN. Health" exercise "We eat" (With toy Mishutka)

OO "Socialization". DI "Guess what I'm playing" (music)

OO "Cognition". Conversations with children on Topics: "In which games you like to play at home» . Music

Cognition. FCCM/Pozn. -research And so on. (construction) activity

"Shop toys» (Vostrukhina T.N. “We introduce children 3-5 years old to the world around them”- With. 66, 86, Dybina – p. 51)

Target: introduce different types toys and materials from which they are made, introduce the properties of various materials: wood, rubber, metal, plastic (hardness, strength, softness, cultivate respect for toys. OO "Socialization". DI "What is made of what" (Vostrukhina – pp. 69, 66)

P/I "Bees and Bear"

P/I "Carousel" OO "Communication" Reading N. Matveev “I sculpt from plasticine

OO "Cognition". Construction from various types of building materials, construction sets "Furniture for toys»

OO "Socialization". Competition “Who will assemble the most interesting structure from a plastic construction set in the allotted time and tell about it?”

OO "Socialization". DI "Find the extra object"

OO "Socialization": construction game "Garage"

Closing weeks« Games and toys» - final entertainment

RESULTS WEEKS Selection together with parents of photographs and illustrations according to topic from magazines, newspapers and postcards with images toys.

Consultation for parents “How to organize a day off with a child” (« Games which can be done at home")

Consultation for parents on theatrical games “Why does a child need a puppet theater?”

Manufacturing toys, souvenirs made of various materials (competition « Homemade toy» )

Exhibition of drawings "My lovely toy»

Replenishment of the library with books by A. Barto « Toys» , Ya. Taits "Cube upon cube", V. Shipunova "Ball", L. Tolstoy “Nastya had a doll”, E. Shalamonova. Poems about toys.

Enrichment of developmental environment- replenishment with didactic and board games

Svetlana Chudinova
Summary of a lesson on speech development with children of the middle group “Description of toys”

Lesson summary on speech development

With children of the middle group

Subject: « Description of toys»

Volgograd region, Kamyshin. teacher with 1 qualification categories: Chudinova S.V.


Coherent speech. Learn describe a toy, name characteristic signs and actions; lead to a short story from personal experience.

Dictionary and grammar. Enrich your vocabulary with the correct names of surrounding objects ( toys, their properties and actions. Match adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

Sound culture speeches. Continue to introduce the term word, reinforce the pronunciation of the sound s in words and phrases, learn to select words with the sound s and listen to their sound.

*Toys: cat dog; picture "wasp"

*The teacher makes a wish riddle:

“Soft paws, but there are scratches in the paws.

Who is this? (Achieve accurate answer: this is a cat or cat.)

What kind of eyes does the cat have (green, fur (soft, red?)

What words can you use to describe a cat, what is it like? (Fluffy, affectionate, dexterous...)

What can a cat do? (Jump, catch mice, scratch, lap milk, etc.)

You said a lot of words about the cat, they all sound different, listen: kooshshkaaa, rrrryyzhzhaya. Let's all say the word cat together in a quiet voice.

What are the names of baby cats? (Kitten, kittens.)

What a cat (large)

And the kitten (small).

Shall we come up with a name for the cat? (Murzik, Ryzhulya, Fluffy.)

Who wants to tell you about the cat? describe, what is she like?

This is a cat, her name is... (Murzik). She ... (mustached, her eyes .... (green, fur .... (soft). Murka…. (fluffy, soft white-footed).

She loves (milk, can... (to catch mice). Murka is beautiful and affectionate.

Guys who have cats at home... Describe your cat. 2-3 answers.

*Guess the riddle:

Friendly with the owner

The house is guarding

Lives under the porch

And the tail is a ring... (dog).

Then the children look toy- the dog and answer questions:

What dog?

What are the names of baby dogs?

The dog is big and the puppies (small).

Let's come up with a name for the dog (Bug, Buddy, Ball....)

What kind of eyes does Druzhka have? They are dark like... (coals, beads).

And what about the tail? (ring).

What can Buddy do? (Follow the command, catch and bring the ball, guard the house)

Who wants to tell you about the dog? describe, what is she like?

Children with the help of a teacher describe a toy:

This…. (dog Sharik). Her fur is... (black, soft, fluffy, eyes….(dark, shiny, host…. (ring).

Sharik loves to play (with the guys).

Who can you say big about?

Big …. (dog, cat)

Small (puppy, kitten).

Large) dog, cat).

*Phys. just a minute:

The cat woke up this morning,

She pulled herself up gracefully,

Bent down beautifully

Spun right and left,

And quietly left!

*Look around and tell me who permanently lives in our group?

Who will we invite to lesson next time?

(Bunny, mouse, doll....)

How to call them in one word? (Toys.)

Katerina, invite anyone a toy for the next lesson.

What do you say?

(Mishka, come to our class! Doll Masha, look how we are going to practice).

*Let's play game: “Which word is missing?”

I will read you poems by Agnia Lvovna Barto, in which some words "lost", you will prompt them.

Our… (Tanya) loudly... (crying,

Dropped it into the river (ball).

Hush, Tanechka, no... (cry)

Won't drown in the river (ball)

*Well done, children, that’s how many words you told me, now I’ll read you poems with all the words.

*A wasp flew to our cat. Let's say everything together:

Sa-sa-sa- the wasp flew in;

Su-su-su - the cat drove away the wasp,

(choral and individual answers, loudly and in a whisper.)

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

Let's say it all together.

Then the teacher approaches any child and gives him a picture of a wasp.

*You start saying this tongue twister, and then pass the picture to your neighbor, he will continue.

Well done, everyone did well today.

Topic: "Toys"

Goal: to create conditions for the formation of children’s ideas about toys.


1. Correctional and educational:

Introduce children to the materials from which toys are made. Learn to use the general concept “Toys” in speech.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Develop visual and auditory attention, fine motor skills. Exercisechildren in composing a whole from parts (cut-out pictures).

3. Correctional and educational:

Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Material: cut-out pictures on the topic “Toys”, chest, toys made of various materials (cubes, matryoshka, car, ball).

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.

Guys, let's listen to the sounds that live in our group. You hear the bells ringing. Where do they come from (children find a chest from which the sound of bells is heard).

Guys, this chest is not simple, but magical; it can talk, but only very quietly. Let's listen.

Guys, the chest says that it brought us toys. But to find out which ones, you need to solve the riddles.

2. Studying new material.

They kick him

And he doesn't cry

It just jumps even higher.


Friends of different heights

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy.


These miracle bricks

I received it as a gift.

What I put together, I break,

I'm starting all over again.


There is a cabin, a box,

Has wheels and tires

At the toy...


How can we describe in one word everything that was in our magic chest?

Do you know where they are sold?

3.D/I “What games can you play with toys?”

Select an action for an item:

The ball flies, jumps, jumps, rolls, falls; car - rolled, transported, driven; cubes - build, transport; matryoshka - collect all the nesting dolls, build a house for it;

4. Guys, look at the chest for another toy. What is it called? Physical exercise "Tumbler"

Tumbler, look

Bend it anywhere

Will stand up straight again

She's so stubborn.

Let's repeat all the movements behind the tumbler.

5. Guys, tell me, are our toys made from the same materials or from different ones? (children's answers)

D/I “Which one, which one, which one?”

Select the attribute of the object. A rubber ball is rubber, an iron car is iron, a matryoshka doll is wooden, plastic cubes are plastic.

6. On your table there are not simple pictures, but cut ones. If you put it together correctly, you will find out which toy is hidden. (Multi-level picture tasks from 2 and 4 parts).

Playing with pictures. D/I “Call me kindly.”

The child independently names the toy he has assembled (choral and individual pronunciation). Hare - bunny, car-car, ball-ball, matryoshka - matryoshka.

7. Finger gymnastics “Toys”.

On a large sofa in a row (They alternately clap their hands and knock with their fists.)

Katina's dolls are sitting:

Two bears, Pinocchio, (Bend all fingers one by one.)

And cheerful Cipollino,

And a kitten and a baby elephant.

One, two, three, four, five, (Bend fingers alternately.)

Let's help our Katya (Alternately clap their hands and knock with their fists.)

8. Work in a notebook. Now open the notebooks where the bookmark is. What is shown on the page on the left? (We see toys: a doll and a ball.)

The doll asked for a color in which you should paint her ball. To find out what color the doll wished for, look at your bookmark. What color is the circle? This is how the doll’s ball should be.

Children do the work, provide them with the necessary assistance, organize a dialogue during work, asking questions: “What color do you paint the ball? What kind of ball did you get?

9. Gymnastics for the eyes. "What changed?"

Children close their eyes, the teacher swaps two toys or removes one toy. Children open their eyes and say what has changed. (Repeat 3 times)

10. Summary of the lesson.

How can you call a car, cubes and a ball in one word?

What materials can toys be made from?

What can you do with toys?

The bells ring again from the chest.

Guys, the chest has prepared delicious treats for you as a gift.

Read also: