He opened his mouth to the sovereign Marduk and spoke. Exercise. searching for information in passages of historical texts. Poem about the plague god Erra

To a hopeless land, a vast land

Sin's daughter, Ishtar, bowed her spirit,

Sin's daughter bowed her bright spirit

To the abode of darkness, the abode of Irkalla.

To the house from which the one who enters never leaves,

To a path where the road does not lead back;

To a house in which the one who enters is deprived of light,

He no longer sees the light, he lives in darkness;

There, where its drink is dust and its food is clay,

And he is dressed like a bird, with the clothing of wings.

There is ashes on the doors and bolts,

Desolation spread before the gates.

Having barely reached the gates of the Underworld,

Ishtar opened her mouth and spoke,

A word addressed to the gatekeeper:

"Watchman, watchman, open the gate,

Open the gate, let me in.

If you don't open the gate, you won't let me in,

I'll break down the door, I'll break the lock,

I'll break the jamb, I'll throw the doors.

I will raise the dead who eat the living,

There will be more living then than dead.”

The watchman opened his mouth and spoke,

He turns to the great Ishtar:

“Wait, madam, don’t throw down the doors,

Wait outside, I'll go inside,

I will report your name to Queen Ereshkigal.”

The watchman enters and Ereshkigal says:

“This is your sister, Ishtar, standing at the door,

The innkeeper is the great feast,

Troubled the waters before King Ea.”

Ereshkigal, hearing this,

Like a felled oak, her face turned yellow,

Lips turned black like beaten reeds:

“What does her heart bring to me,

What does her womb have in mind for me?

Well, I’ll sit with her too,

I will drink water with the Anunnaki,

Instead of bread I will eat clay,

Drink muddy water instead of wine,

I will cry for husbands who left their wives,

I will cry together for my wives,

Taken from the womb of their spouses,

I will cry for the little one, for the tender one,

Carried away ahead of schedule!”

“Go, O watchman, open the gates to her,

Deal with her according to the ancient laws."

The watchman comes and opens the gate for her:

“Come in, lady! Kugu rejoices!

The Palace of the Underworld is having fun about you!”

He brought her into one gate and takes her off, removes a large

tiara from her head.

“Why are you removing the big tiara, watchman?

off my head?

He brought her into another gate and removes her, removes her

pendants from her ears.

“Why are you removing the pendants from my

“Come in, lady! The queen of the earth has such laws.”

He brought her into the third gate and removed her, removed her

necklace from her neck.

“Why are you removing the necklace from my neck, watchman?

“Come in, lady! The queen of the earth has such laws.”

He brought her into the fourth gate and takes her off, removes her

shields from her breasts.

“Why do you, watchman, remove the shields from my

“Come in, lady! The queen of the earth has such laws.”

He brought her into the fifth gate and takes her off, removes the belt

births from her loins.

“Why are you putting away the birth belt, watchman?

from my loins?

“Come in, lady! The queen of the earth has such laws.”

He brought her into the sixth gate and takes her off,

removes his wrists from her arms and legs.

“Why are you removing my wrists from my hands, watchman?

“Come in, lady! The queen of the earth has such laws.”

He brought her into the seventh gate and takes her off, puts her away

a handkerchief of shame from her body.

“Why are you removing the handkerchief of shame, watchman?

from my body?

“Come in, lady! The queen of the earth has such laws.”

How since ancient times Ishtar went to the Underworld -

Ereshkigal, seeing her, became furious before her,

Ishtar was not embarrassed and stepped towards her.

“Go, Namtar, shut her up in the palace,

Bring sixty diseases on your sister, on Ishtar:

Disease of the eyes on her eyes>

Ear disease on her ears,

The disease of the hands on her hands,

Disease of the feet on her feet,

Heart disease is on her heart,

Disease of the head upon its head,

All over her, all over her body.”

How Ishtar, the lady, descended to the Underworld -

The donkey no longer hides the donkey,

The husband sleeps in his bedroom, the wife sleeps in hers.

Papsukkal, ambassador of the great gods,

My appearance darkened, my face darkened,

He dressed in thin clothes, put on mourning.

And Papsukkal went to Ea the father,

And his tears run before Ea:

“Ishtar descended to earth and does not rise.

Since Ishtar descended to the Underworld, -

The bull no longer jumps on the cow,

The donkey no longer hides the donkey,

The husband does not hide his wife on the road,

The husband sleeps in his bedroom, the wife sleeps in hers.”

Ea in the depths of his heart conceived an image,

Created Asnamir, the eunuch:

“Go, Asnamir, to the gates of the Underworld

turn your face,

The seven gates of the Underworld will open before you,

Ereshkigal, seeing you, let you rejoice,

Her heart will rest, her womb will leap.

Make her swear, swear by the great gods,

“[.........] created [........] in the womb.

Head up, direct your spirit to the fur of Khalzik!”

“Oh lady, let them give me Halzika, from it

I’ll drink it!”

Ereshkigal, hearing this,

Hit her hips, bit her finger:

“You wished, Asnamir, what is not wished for!

I will curse you with a great oath,

I will give you a share that will be unforgettable forever:

You will eat food from the ditch,

You will drink waste water,

You will live in the shadows under the wall,

You will sleep on the tiles,

Hunger and thirst will crush your cheeks."

Ereshkigal opened her mouth and spoke,

Addresses Namtar the ambassador:

“Go, Namtar, to the palace, strike [........]

Knock on the white stone tiles,

Drive out the Anunnaki, place them on the golden throne,

Sprinkle Ishtar with living water and bring her.”

Namtar went to the palace, hit [.........]

Knocked on the white stone tiles,

He drove the Anunnaki out, placed them on a golden throne,

Ishtar sprinkled living water and brought her.

“Go, Namtar, take Ishtar;

And if she doesn’t give you the ransom, return her.”

And Namtar took it, [...............]

He brought her out through one gate and returned her a large tiara

from her head.

He took her out to another gate and returned her pendants

from her ears.

He took her out to the third gate and returned the necklace to her.

He took her out to the fourth gate and returned her shields

from her breasts.

He took her out to the fifth gate and returned her belt

births from her loins.

He took her out to the sixth gate and returned her wrists

from her arms and legs.

He took her out to the seventh gate and returned her handkerchief

shame from her body.

"On Tammuz, the friend of her youth,

Pour clean water, anoint with the best oil;

Let him wear a light dress,

And the azure flute will break his heart,

And cheerful maidens will fill his thoughts."

Treasures are laid out in front of Belili,

Eye-shaped stones fill her hem;

I heard my brother’s complaint and broke Belili

hidden treasures.

Stones-eyes scattered across the sky:

“My only brother, don’t cry for me!”

“In the days of Tammuz play the azure flute,

Play with him on the porphyry tympanum,

Play with him for me, singers and singers,

Let the dead rise and inhale incense!”


Poem about the plague god Erra

Table I

1 King of all dwellings, creator of the universe, [......]

Hendursanga, son of Ellil, glorious firstborn,

Bearer of the beautiful scepter, guardian

black-headed, shepherd of men,

Ishum, revered slaughterer, whose hands are accustomed

menacing swing of the weapon

5 And throwing sharp spears! Erra, warrior of the gods,

languishes in the home,

His heart yearns to start a battle.

He commands the weapon: “Anoint yourself with mortal poison!”

Sibitti, incomparable fighters:

"Draw your weapon!"

And he says to you: “I will go free!”

10 You are a lamp, everyone looks at your light,

You are the leader, the gods are your army,

You are a broad sword, a killer of many!”

“Erra, get up! How will you overthrow the country?

How much your spirit rejoices, your womb rejoices!

15 Erra’s hands became weak, like a sleepy one.

He says to his heart: “Should I stand up,

Should I lie down?

He orders the weapon: “Remain in the sheath!”

Sibitti, incomparable fighters:

"Into the home

come back!

Until you raise him, he will remain on the bed,

20 Indulging in pleasures with his wife Mammi,

O Engidudu, lord who wanders in the night, sovereigns


Who guides virgins and youths to goodness like the day

it shines for them!

Sibitti, incomparable fighters, has a different nature,

Their birth is wondrous, they inspire fear,

25 Their appearance is terrible, death is their breath,

People are afraid and don’t dare approach.

Ishum is a door that is closed to them!

Anu, the king of the gods, knocked up the earth -

She gave birth to seven gods, he named them Sibitti.

30 They stood before him; he assigned their destinies.

He called one and gave the command:

“No matter where you go on a rampage, you will not meet an opponent!”

He says to the second: “Burn like fire, blaze,

like a flame!

He conjures the third: “Be like a lion,

let him who sees you perish!”

35 He says to the fourth: “From the swing of your weapon

let the mountain collapse!”

To the fifth he says: “Blow like the wind, stir up

the whole earth!

The sixth one says: “Strike left and right, no one.”

don't have mercy!

He supplied the seventh with snake venom: “Exterminate


How Sibitti Anu assigned the fates of everyone,

40 Erra, the warrior of the gods, he gave them: “The path is

close to you.

When you get tired of human hubbub

And you want to commit reprisals,

Kill the blackheads and the herds of Shakkan, -

May they become your formidable weapon, may they come

close to you!"

45 They are fierce, their weapons are raised,

They say to Erra: “Get up! Get to work!

Why are you sitting in the city like a frail old man,

Why are you sitting at home like a weak child!

As those who do not know the will, should we eat the food of women?

50 Should we tremble in fear, if we are not skilled in battle?

Going free is a holiday for a man.

Even a prince in the city cannot find food,

People will take him away, he will become a laughing stock,

How will he extend his hand to those leaving for freedom?

55 Even though he who sits in the city is strong,

How will he gain the upper hand over one who is set free?

Even if there is plenty of bread in the city, it will not compare

with ash flatbread,

Sweet strained beer with wineskin water

can't compare

A magnificent palace cannot be compared to a camping tent!

60 Erra the warrior, go free, wave your weapon,

Let your cry from north and south make you shudder,

Let the Igigi hear and praise your name,

Let the Anunnaki hear and fear your glory,

Let the gods hear and bow under your yoke,

65 Let kings hear and bow before you,

Let countries hear and send you tributes,

Let the demons hear and appear voluntarily,

Let the strong hear and bite his lips,

Let the wooded mountains hear and collapse

their tops.

70 Let the waves of the sea hear and, stirring,

ruining their wealth

In the thicket, let the trunks be exposed,

In impenetrable thickets let their reeds break,

Let people be afraid, let their hubbub subside,

Let the animals shudder and become clay again,

75 May the gods, your ancestors, see and glorify

your valor.

Erra the warrior, who left your freedom, sits

in the city?

Shakkan's herds and beasts despise us.

Erra-warrior, we say to you, do not be angry

our word:

Before the whole country rises above us,

80 Perhaps incline your ear to our sayings,

To the Anunnaki, who love blissful silence, grant

Because of the hubbub of people, sleep does not come to them!

The life of the country, the meadows, the herds are flooded,

The plowman weeps bitterly over his field,

85 The lion and wolf destroy the herds of Shakkan,

The shepherd does not lie down for the sheep day or night, to you

he calls.

And we, experts on mountain passes, have forgotten about hiking,

A cobweb lay on our armor,

The faithful bow has betrayed us, it has become beyond our strength,

90 The tip of a sharp arrow is bent,

Without killing, our dagger has rusted!”

The warrior Erra heard them,

Sibitti's speech is pleasant to him like oil.

He opened his mouth and Ishumu said:

95 “Why are you silent, hearing all this?

Pave the way for me, I will go on a hike!

Sibitti, incomparable fighters, creatures of Anu,

You go ahead or follow me.”

100 Ishum heard such speeches,

Overcome with compassion, he says to the warrior Erra:

“Lord, why do you plan evil against the gods,

To the destruction of the country, to the destruction of the people

Are you planning something irrevocably evil?”

Erra opened his mouth and spoke,

105 He says this to Councilor Ishumu:

“Hark, O Ishum, listen to my speech

About all those living whom you ask for mercy,

O leader of the gods, whose advice is for good!

I am a tour in heaven, and I am a lion on earth,

110 In the world I am a king, among the gods I am terrible,

Brave among the Igigi, omnipotent among the Anunnaki,

For the mountains - a ram, for game - a hunter,

In the reeds I am fire, in the forest I am the axe,

On a campaign - a banner,

115 I blow like the wind, I thunder like a thunderstorm,

Like the sun I look around the circumference of the universe,

I go out into the steppe as a wild mouflon,

I wander through the deserts, I don’t build a home.

All the gods are afraid of fighting with me,

120 But the black-headed people neglect me!

Because they were not afraid of my glory

And they rejected Marduk’s word and acted according to their own will,

I myself will make Marduk, the sovereign, angry, I will raise

I will overthrow him from his home and overthrow the people!

Warrior Erra to Shuanna, city of the king of the gods,


125 He entered Esagila, the Temple of Heaven and Earth, before him

he appeared

He opened his mouth and spoke to the king of the gods:

“What about your robe, befitting a ruler,

what shone like the stars? She's dirty!

And with the tiara of your power that illuminated Ehalanka,

like Etemenanki? She's eclipsed!

The king of the gods opened his mouth and spoke,

130 Erra, warrior of the gods, he says a word:

“Warrior Erra, as for the deed that must be accomplished

you intend

I was once angry, I left my home - there was a flood

He left his home - the rules of heaven and earth

I canceled.

The skies shook, the constellations shifted,

I didn't return them.

135 The underworld shuddered - the harvests decreased

arable land, not even a tax to collect!

The rules of heaven and earth have weakened - the springs have become scarce,

the floods fell.

I’ll turn around and look - there’s nothing to get enough of.

The offspring of living creatures have decreased, -

I didn't interfere

Until, like a plowman, I took a handful of their seed.

I built a house and settled in it,

140 The flood washed over my robe, and it became dirty, I ordered my appearance to be brightened, my clothes cleaned

How he brightened my vestments, he finished the job,

I put on the tiara of power, returned to myself, -

My face is angry, and my gaze is menacing.

145 On the people who survived the flood, who saw it all,

Won't you raise your weapon, won't you destroy

is there a remainder?

I sent their sages into the abyss, I did not order

come back,

I hid the tree-stone and amber, where - no one

didn't tell.

As for the matter that you spoke about, warrior Erra, -

150 Where is the tree-stone, the flesh of the gods, the king’s adornment


Pure tree, tall hero worthy of power,

That in the midst of a sea wide for a hundred fields of water

extends its roots to the underworld,

And the peak rises to the sky Anu?

Where is the brilliant azure stone that I will choose

for a tiara?

155 Where is Ninilda, the great carver, the embodiment of my


Holder of a golden chisel, connoisseur of art,

Which he enlightens like the day,

Does it make you bow at my feet?

Where is Gushkinbanda, creator of gods and people whose pure

Where is Ninagal, the owner of the hammer and the anvil,

160 Who chews hard copper like the skin of things


Where are the choice stones, the product of the wide sea,

tiara decoration?

Where are the seven masters from the Abyss, the sacred fish


Whose wisdom, like Eya, their lord, is perfect,

purifiers of my body?

Hearing him, the warrior Erra approached,

He opened his mouth and spoke to the sovereign Marduk:

165 “[................................................... .

.........................] him [......] I will force

rise up

Sparkling amber [......] it [......] I will force

rise [........]"

When Marduk heard all this,

He opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:

170 “If I rise from my dwelling, the charter of heaven

and the earth will weaken,

The waters will rise and they will sweep away the earth,

The bright day will darken and become darkness,

A hurricane will break out and blow out the stars,

An evil wind will come, it will obscure the vision of everything

175 Demons will rise, people will be terrified:

He who is naked cannot resist them,

The Anunnaki will rise and destroy the living, -

Until I wave my weapon, who can turn back

will convert them? Warrior Erra, having heard this,

180 He opened his mouth and spoke to Lord Marduk:

181 “Lord Marduk, until you enter that house,

181a But the Fire will not cleanse your clothes and you

you won't come back

Until then I will rule, I will strengthen the statutes of the land

I will rise to the skies, I will give the order to the Igigs,

I will descend into the Abyss and subjugate the Anunnaki,

185 I will return the evil demons to the Land of No Return,

I will swing my formidable weapon at them.

I will break the wings of an evil wind like a bird.

To the house where you will enter, Lord Marduk,

On the sides of the gate I will place Anu and Ellil like bulls.”

190 Sovereign Marduk heard this, Erra’s speech was pleasant to him.

He rose from his impregnable dwelling,

He turned his face towards the dwelling of the Anunnaki.

Table II

[The beginning of the table (fragments A and B, about 100 lines) is badly damaged and cannot be translated in a coherent manner. As far as can be judged from the surviving parts of the lines, we are talking first about disturbances in the world order, which were, as Marduk predicted, a consequence of his departure from his temple. Further, apparently, it talks about the purification of Marduk’s divine robes and his tiara. Erra then returns to his Emeslam temple.]

Fragment C

He entered Emeslam, entered the dwelling,

He asks himself about this matter, -

10 His heart is angry and does not give an answer.

Again he asks him:

The day has come, the time has come!

I will say - and Shamash will drop his rays,

15 I will cover my face at night,

I’ll say to Adad: “Call off Taurus,

Drive away the clouds, remove the rain and snow!"

I will bring news to Marduk and Aya:

„He who is born on a rainy day will be in a drought


20 He who goes down the river will return dusty


To the king of the gods I will say: “Dwell in Esagila,

What you ordered, I will do, I will fulfill your order,

Whenever the blackheads pray, reject their prayers!”

I will crush the country, turn it into ruins,

25 I will destroy cities and turn them into deserts,

I will demolish mountains, destroy animals,

I will stir up the seas and destroy their wealth,

I will eradicate the swamp thickets, I will burn them like Girru,

I will overthrow people, destroy all living things,

30 I will not leave anyone even for seed!

I will not let livestock and animals go to pasture.

I will raise communities against each other,

The son will hate his father, will not give him peace,

The mother, smiling, will intrigue her daughter.

35 I will bring the evildoer into the abode of the gods, where evil has no entry,

I will bring a rogue into the monastery of the sovereigns.

I will make the underwater animals rise,

Where they are seen, the city will be empty,

I will make the mountain animals come down,

40 Where they step, the place will be empty,

I will let countless steppe animals through the stacks of hail,

I will make bad omens, I will bring sanctuaries

in desolation

Into the lofty abode of the gods I will admit Sangkhulhaza,

I will turn the magnificent royal palace into ruins,

45 I will stop the noise of people, I will take away their joy,

Like a fire, enmity will burn in the place of friendship [.....]

Table III

Fragment A

[The first six lines are badly damaged and incomprehensible. Apparently they contain a continuation of Erra's speeches.]

7 “I will snatch the soul from a good intercessor,

I will raise the evil murderer above everyone,

I will change people's hearts: the father will not hear his son,

10 The daughter will say an evil word to the mother,

I will put evil speeches into them, they will forget God,

They will spew blasphemy against their goddess,

I will raise up the robbers, block the road,

In the middle of the city people will rob each other,

15 The lion and the wolf will destroy Shakkan's flock,

I will anger Ninmenanna, I will stop births,

The nanny will not wait for the child's cry,

In the fields I will drown out the exclamations of “Alala!”

The shepherd and the shepherd will leave the folds,

20 I will tear the clothes from the human body,

20a I will let my husband wander naked through the haystacks,

Without clothes I will send you to the abode of the dead,

A husband for the life of his sacrificial sheep

won't find it

The sovereign will not find a lamb for the oracle of Shamash,

The sick person will not obtain meat for the sacrifice [........].”

[Lines 25-35 are incomprehensible due to severe damage. Fragment B also cannot be translated coherently due to damage.]

Fragment C

[Lines 1-23 are difficult to understand due to extensive damage. Apparently, Ishum tried to dissuade Erra from his intention.]

“Pave the way for me, I’ll go on a hike,

25 Sibitti, incomparable fighters, offspring of Anu,

My formidable weapon, let them walk next to me,

You go ahead or follow me!”

Ishum heard such speeches,

Overcome with compassion, he says to himself:

30 “Woe to my people, with whom Erra is angry

and angry

On whom Nergal the warrior, like a storm of battle,

unleashes Asakka,

As when killing a defeated god, their hand

won't flinch

How to bind the evil Anzu, their network


Ishum opened his mouth and spoke,

35 He says this to the warrior Erra:

“Why do you plan evil against gods and people,

Are you irrevocably blackheaded to death?

are you up to evil?"

Erra opened his mouth and spoke,

He says this to Advisor Ishumu:

40 “You know the decision of Igigi, the advice of the Anunnaki,

You give orders to the blackheads,

you give wisdom.

So why are you talking like an ignoramus?

You give advice as if you don’t know Marduk!

The king of the gods left his home -

Of the many countries, which one will stand?

He took off the tiara of his power -

Sovereigns and kings, like slaves, have forgotten their duty.

He untied the bandage -

The connection between gods and people has been interrupted, fasten

its difficult.

The terrible Girru, like day, illuminated his vestments,

awakened its menacing brilliance.

With his right hand he grabbed the mace, his great weapon,

The gaze of Marduk the sovereign is menacing!

What can you tell me in their defense?

O Ishum, wise adviser of the gods, whose advice is

for good?

You don’t like Marduk’s word!”

Fragment D

1 [.....................................]

Ishum opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:

“Warrior Erra, you hold the reins of heaven,

You are the ruler of the whole earth, the owner of the country,

5 You shake the sea, you level the mountains,

You lead people, you herd animals,

In Esharra you are glorious, in Eengurra you are powerful,

You watch over Shuanna, you rule over Esagila,

You have gathered all the power of the gods, the gods obey you,

10 The Igigi are afraid, the Anunnaki are afraid,

Anu listens to your decisions,

Ellil loves you, without you there is no battle,

Without you there is no battle,

War armor belongs to you!

15 And again you say in your heart: “Behold, I


It is you, warrior Erra, who are not afraid of the words of Marduk!”

Table IV

“It is you, warrior Erra, who are not afraid of the words of Marduk!

The connection of all countries in Dimkurkurra, the city of the king of the gods,

you untied

He changed his divinity and became like people.

You waved your weapon, went out onto the hills,

5 In Babylon, like a city destroyer, he spoke arrogantly.

Babylonians, who, like reeds, are the boss

they don’t know, they’ve gathered around you,

He who knows no weapon draws his sword,

He who knows no arrows strains his bow,

He who has not known quarrels enters into battle,

10 He who knows no strength flies like a bird,

The weak strong man wins, the fast-footed one overtakes

cripple. The ruler who cares about the shrines is told

contemptuous speeches.

The gates of Babylon, the river of their wealth, with their own hands

they are blocking.

On the sanctuaries of Babylon, like an invading enemy,

throwing flames

15 And you are their leader, you stood at their head

You aim arrows at Imgur-Ellil, “Alas!” -

says my heart

Mukhra, the head of the gates, with the blood of husbands and maidens

you have stained your home

These Babylonians are birds and you are their trap,

You drive them into the net, catch them, destroy them,

warrior Erra

20 You left the city, went outside,

He took on the form of a lion and entered the chambers.

The army sees you and waves their weapons.

The heart of the ruler, the avenger of Babylon, is angry,

Like one going on a raid, he gives orders,

25 He inclines the leader of the army to evil:

“I am sending you to this city, man!”

Don't be afraid of gods, don't be afraid of people,

From young to old, put everyone to death,

Spare neither children nor infants,

30 Loot Babylon's acquired wealth!"

The royal army lined up and entered the city,

Arrows are burning, daggers are drawn.

You forced dedicated people to carry weapons -

an abomination for Dagan and Anu,

Like sewage water, you shed their blood on haystacks,

35 He opened their veins and colored the rivers.

Marduk, the great lord, saw, “Alas!”

exclaimed, his heart was embarrassed.

On his lips is an irrevocable curse.

He vowed not to drink river water,

He is afraid of their blood and does not want to enter Esagila.

40 “Alas, Babylon, whose peak I likened to a magnificent

palm tree - the wind tore it to pieces!

Alas, Babylon, which, like a cedar cone,

I filled it with grain - I can’t get enough of it!

Alas, Babylon, which I cultivated like a blooming garden -

I won’t see its fruits!

Alas, Babylon, which, like a seal of amber,

I hung it around Ana's neck!

Alas, Babylon, which, like the Tables of Fate, is in the hands

I held on without trusting anyone!”

45 And so Lord Marduk said:

„[......] from the past days [......]

Having sailed from the pier [.......] will cross

Even if the tank is the depth of a rope, in it

a person will not satisfy the soul.

In the vastness of the wide sea - per thousand

field - the fisherman will move his boat with a pole.

50 As for Sippar, the eternal city, whom

The Lord of the gods, out of love, did not betray the flood, -

Against the will of Shamash you destroyed his walls,

demolished the fortifications.

As for Uruk, the abode of Anu and Ishtar, the city

hieroduls, harlots and girls,

From whom Ishtar took away their husbands, and they only

subject to

Where sutii and sutuiki shouted, -

55 They drove out the singers and dancers from Eanna,

Whose masculinity, people fear,

turned into femininity,

Carriers of daggers and razors, knives and stone

Which, to the joy of Ishtar, violates the prohibitions:

The evil ruler who knows no mercy,

you bet on them

60 He oppresses them, does not respect their rules.

Ishtar became angry and turned to Uruk,

She sent enemies like grain through water, scattering the country.

Residents of Daxa due to the destruction of Eugal

crying incessantly -

The enemy you sent doesn’t want to stop.”

65 Ishtaran echoes the words:

“You turned the city of Der into a desert,

His people were broken like reeds,

Like foam on water, their hubbub drowned out.

And he didn’t leave me alone, he gave me away.

70 And I, from beyond Der, my city,

I cannot administer justice nor give justice to the country.

The command to give, to send down wisdom!

People have forgotten the truth, they have resorted to violence,

They have abandoned justice and serve the evil.

75 I will direct seven winds to one country:

Whoever does not die in the massacre will die from pestilence,

Whoever does not die from the pestilence will be taken prisoner by the enemies,

Those who are not captured will be killed by the villains,

Whom the villains will not finish off - the royal sword

will overtake

80 Whomever the royal sword does not overtake is the prince

will overthrow

Whomever the prince does not overthrow, Adad will wash away,

Whomever Adad does not wash away, Shamash will kidnap,

Whoever goes outside will be carried away by the wind,

Whoever hides in the house will be struck by an evil demon,

85 Whoever goes to the hills will die of thirst,

Whoever goes down into the valley will die in the water!

You have made hills and dales equal."

The ruler of the mother city says:

“On the day when we gave birth to me, I was in the womb


90-91 We should give up the ghost and die together!

For you gave me to the city whose walls were destroyed,

His people are like game, their god is a hunter,

His network is strong, her husband will not escape her, he will die evil


95 Who gave birth to a son: “Here is my son!” - he said. -

I will raise him, he will repay him with kindness,”

I'll kill my son, let the father bury him,

And then his father - let him lie without a grave.

Who built a house and said: “This is a dwelling,

100 I built it, I will rest in it,

On the day of my destiny I will rest here,"

I will kill him, destroy his home,

And then I’ll give the ruins to someone else, Warrior Erra!

You put the right one to death,

105 And you put the unjust to death,

Whoever is guilty before you, you put to death,

Whoever is innocent before you, you put to death,

En, hurrying with the divine sacrifice,

you put to death

You put the palace eunuch, the king's servant, to death,

110 You put the elders to death at the threshold,

You put the little girls in your chambers to death,

But I didn’t find any peace.

In your heart you said: “They neglect me!”

So you say in your heart, warrior Erra:

115 “I will overthrow the strong, intimidate the weak,

I will kill the commander, I will put the army to flight,

I will destroy the shrines of the temples, the walls of the battlements,

I will destroy the beauty of the city.

I'll tear out the mooring post and let the ship carry away

I'll break the helm - he won't reach the shore,

120 I’ll pull out the mast and tear apart the rigging.

I'll dry up my breasts - the baby won't survive,

If I clog the springs, the water won’t fill the canals.


I'll shake the underworld, rock the sky,

I will destroy the shine of Shulpae, I will destroy the stars in the sky,

125 I cut the roots of a tree and the shoots dry up,

I'll dig up the base of the wall - the top will collapse,

I will enter the dwelling of the king of the gods - there are more decisions

will not be!""

As the warrior Erra heard him -

Ishuma's speech is pleasant to him like oil,

130 And so said the warrior Erra:

“Primorets - Primorets, subarei - subarei,

Assyrian - Assyrian,

Elamite - Elamite, Kassite - Kassite,

Sutiy - sutiya, kutii - kutia,

Lulubey - lulubeya, country - country, community -

135 Family - family, person - person, brother - brother

Let them not spare, let them destroy each other!

And then may the Akkadians rise up! And they will defeat everyone,

everyone will be ruled!”

Warrior Erra says a word to Councilor Ishumu:

“Ishum, go, do what you said!”

Ishum turned to Hehe, to the mountain,

140 Sibitti, incomparable fighters, around him

got together,

A warrior approached Mount Hehe,

He raised his hand and destroyed the mountain,

He leveled Mount Hehe to the ground,

Uprooted the trees in the cedar forest,

145 As if Hanish had passed, such a thicket had become;

He destroyed cities, turned them into desert,

He demolished the mountains, destroyed their living creatures,

He stirred up the seas, destroyed their wealth,

Uprooted the reed beds, burned them like flames,

150 He cursed the flocks and turned them into clay.

When Erra calmed down, he entered his home.

Table V

1 When Erra calmed down, he entered his home,

The gods all looked at his face together,

The Igigi and Anunnaki stood in awe.

Erra opened his mouth and spoke to all the gods:

5 “Be silent, everyone, listen to my speech!

True, I myself in the days of former sins

planned evil

My heart was angry, I brought down people,

Like a hired shepherd, I stole the leader from the flock,

Like an inexperienced gardener, I cut too much

10 As the invading enemy destroyed both the evil and the good


You can't snatch the prey from the lion's mouth,

And where one fell into a rage, the other is not an adviser!

Without Councilor Ishum, what would have happened?

Your guardian, where would your priest be?

15 Where are the victims? You wouldn’t inhale the incense!”

Ishum opened his mouth and spoke,

He says this to the warrior Erra:

“Hark, O warrior, listen to my speech.

Enough, calm down, we are all your servants.

On the day of your wrath, who will resist you?

20 Erra heard him, his face lit up,

His features shine like a bright day,

He entered Emeslam, entered the dwelling,

Ishuma calls, gives an omen,

Regarding the scattered Akkadians, he gives the command:

25 “Let the small people multiply again,

Let everyone walk on the roads without restrictions,

Let the weak Akkadian overthrow the mighty being,

One will drive seven like sheep!

Their cities are in ruins, and their mountains are turned into desert,

30 Bring their rich man to Shuanna,

Calm the wrathful gods of the country in their dwellings;

Bring Shakkan and Nisaba back to earth.

From the mountains of their wealth, from the seas take their tribute,

From the fields I have ravaged,

reap the harvest.

35 Let all city rulers bring a noble tribute

to Shuanna,

Let the temples that I destroyed rise to their peaks,

like the rising sun,

May the Tigris and Euphrates bring abundant waters,

To the trustee of Esagila and Babylon all

Let the city governors bring what is due!”

For countless years to Lord Nergal and the warrior

Glory to Ishumu!

40 How angry Erra was about ruining the country

40a And he bowed his face towards the destruction of people,

But adviser Ishum calmed him down, and they were saved

remains - to Kabtilani-Marduk, son of Dabib, who compiled

this is writing

He appeared in a night dream.

Repeating in the morning,

he forgot nothing

I didn’t add a single line there,

45 Erra heard and gave approval,

Advisor Ishumu is pleased with this,

All the gods praised this together with him.

And so said the warrior Erra:

“God, who honors this song, has an abundance temple

will fill, Whoever neglects it will smell the incense

will not be!

50 The king who has exalted my name, let him reign


Sovereign, who proclaimed my glory, my rival

Yes, he won’t meet you!

The singer who sings it will not die an evil death,

The Emperor and the Tsar will be pleased with his word!

55 The scribe who memorized it will escape the enemy’s land,

but in our own we will honor it.

To the gathering of scholars, where my name is revered, I will give


To the house that keeps this sign - let Erra

angry, let the Sibitti be formidable, -

The deadly sword will not come near, safe

he will!

May this song always remain, may it be established

60 May all countries hear it, may they honor my valor,

May the whole world recognize her and exalt my glory!”





Epic of Gilgamesh

Table I

I1 About someone who has seen everything to the ends of the world,

About the one who knew the seas, crossed all the mountains,

About conquering enemies together with a friend,

About the one who has comprehended wisdom, about the one who has penetrated everything:

5 He saw the hidden, he knew the secret,

He brought us news of the days before the flood,

I went on a long journey, but I was tired and humbled,

The story of the labors was carved in stone,

Enclosed by a wall, Uruk was fenced,

10 The bright barn of the sacred Eana. -

Look at the wall, whose crowns are like threads,

Look at the shaft that knows no likeness,

Touch the thresholds that have been lying since ancient times,

And enter Eana, the home of Ishtar, -

15 Even the future king will not build such a thing -

Rise and walk the walls of Uruk,

Look at the base, feel the bricks:

Are its bricks burnt?

And weren’t the walls laid by seven sages?

He is greater than [all men]

II1 He is two-thirds god, one-third he is human,

His body image is incomparable in appearance,

The poem has reached us in the form of several dozen fragments from many cities in Mesopotamia and Northern Syria, which indicates the wide popularity of the text. The work itself dates back to the end of the 2nd millennium BC, but all known copies are later. Obviously, the poem reflected the disaster caused by the invasion of Babylonia by the Elamites and Arameans. The text consists of five tables and contains 750 lines, of which approximately two-thirds can be read.

Table I

King of all abodes, creator of the universe...
Hendursanga, son of Enlil, glorious firstborn,
Bearer of the beautiful scepter, guardian of the blackheads, shepherd of men,
Ishum, the revered slaughterer, whose hands are accustomed to the menacing swing of the weapon
And throwing sharp spears! Erra, warrior of the gods, languishes in his home,
His heart yearns to start a battle.
He commands the weapon: “Anoint yourself with mortal poison!”
Sibitti, incomparable fighters: "Draw your weapons!"
And he says to you: “I will go free!
You are a lamp, everyone looks at your light,
You are the leader, the gods are your army,
You are a broad sword, a killer of many!"
"Erra, get up! How will you overthrow the country,
As your spirit rejoices, your womb rejoices!”
As if sleepy, Erra’s hands became weak.
He says to his heart: “Should I stand up or lie down?”
He commands the weapon: “Remain in the sheath!”
Sibitti, incomparable fighters: “Return to your home!”
Until you raise him, he will remain on the bed,
Indulging in pleasures with my wife Mami,
O Engidudu, lord, wandering in the night, mentor of sovereigns.
Who guides virgins and youths to goodness as the day shines on them!
Sibitti, incomparable fighters, has a different nature,
Their birth is wonderful, they inspire fear,
Their appearance is terrible, death is their breath,
People are afraid and don’t dare approach.
Ishum is a door that is closed to them!
Anu, the king of the gods, knocked up the earth -
She gave birth to seven gods, he named them Sibitti.
They stood before him, he assigned their destinies.
He called one and gave the command:
“No matter where you go on a rampage, you will not meet an opponent!”
He says to the second: “Burn like fire, blaze like flame!”
He conjures the third: “Be like a lion; whoever sees you, let him perish!”
To the fourth he says: “Let the mountain collapse from the swing of your weapon!”
To the fifth he says: “Blow like the wind, disturb the whole earth!”
He tells the sixth: “Strike left and right, don’t show mercy to anyone!”
He supplied the seventh with snake venom: “Exterminate the living!”
How Sibitti Anu assigned the fates of everyone,
He gave them to Erra, the warrior of the gods: “Let them walk next to you.
When you get tired of human hubbub
And you want to commit reprisals,
Kill the blackheads and the herds of Shakkan, -
May they become your formidable weapon, may they walk next to you!”
They are fierce, their weapons are raised,
They say to Erra: “Get up! Get to work!
Why are you sitting in the city like a frail old man,
Why are you sitting at home like a weak child!
As those who do not know the will, should we eat the food of women?
Should we tremble in fear, as if we were ignorant of battle?
Going free is a holiday for a man.
Even a prince in the city cannot find food,
People will take him away, he will become a laughing stock,
How will he extend his hand to those leaving for freedom?
Even if he who sits in the city is strong,
How will he gain the upper hand over one who is set free?
Even if there is plenty of bread in the city, it cannot compare with the ash cake,
Sweet strained beer cannot compare with the water of a wineskin,
A magnificent palace cannot be compared to a camping tent!
Erra the warrior, go free, wave your weapon,
Let your cry shake the north and south,
Let the Igigi hear and praise your name,
Let the Anunnaki hear and fear your glory,
Let the gods hear and bow under your yoke,
Let the kings hear and bow before you
Let countries hear and send you tributes,
Let the demons hear and appear voluntarily,
Let the strong hear and bite his lips,
Let the wooded mountains hear and let their peaks collapse.
Let the waves of the sea hear and, stirring up, destroy their wealth,
In the thicket, let the trunks be exposed,
In impenetrable thickets let their reeds break,
Let people be afraid, let their hubbub subside,
Let the animals shudder and become clay again,
May the gods, your ancestors, see and praise your valor.
Erra the warrior, why have you left your freedom and are you sitting in the city?
Shakkan's herds and beasts despise us.
Erra-warrior, we say to you, don’t be angry with our words:
Before the whole country rises above us,
Perhaps incline your ear to our sayings.
To the Anunnaki, who love the blissful silence and service,
Because of the hubbub of people, sleep does not come to them!
The life of the country, the meadows, the herds are flooded, the plowman weeps bitterly over his field,
The lion and wolf destroy Shakkan's herds,
The shepherd does not lie down for the sheep day or night, he calls to you.
And we, experts on mountain passes, have forgotten about hiking,
A cobweb lay on our armor,
The faithful bow has betrayed us, it has become beyond our strength,
The tip of a sharp arrow is bent,
Without killing, our dagger has rusted!"
The warrior Erra heard them,
Sabitti's speech was so pleasant to him.
He opened his mouth and Ishumu said:
“Why are you silent, hearing all this?
Pave the way for me, I will go on a hike!
Sabitti, incomparable fighters, offspring of Anu,
My formidable weapon, let them walk next to me,
You go ahead or follow me."
Ishum heard such speeches,
Overcome with compassion, he says to the warrior Erra:
“Lord, why are you planning evil against the gods?
Are you planning evil for the destruction of the country and the irrevocable destruction of people?”
Erra opened his mouth and spoke,

"Hark, O Ishum, listen to my speech,
About all those living whom you ask for mercy,
O leader of the gods, whose advice is for good!
I am a tour in heaven and I am a lion on earth,
In the world I am a king, among the gods I am formidable.
Brave among the Igigi, omnipotent among the Anunnaki,
For the mountains - a ram, for game - a hunter,
In the reeds I am fire, in the forest I am an axe, in a campaign I am a banner.
I blow like the wind, I thunder like a thunderstorm,
Like the sun I look around the circumference of the universe,
I go out into the steppe as a wild mouflon, I wander through the deserts, I don’t build a home.
All the gods are afraid of fighting with me,
But black-headed people neglect me!
Because they were not afraid of my glory,
And they rejected Marduk’s word and acted according to their own will,
I myself will make Marduk, the sovereign, angry, I will raise him from his home, I will overthrow the people!”
The warrior Erra turned to Shuanna, the city of the king of the gods,
Entered Esagila, the Temple of Heaven and Earth, he appeared before him,
He opened his mouth and spoke to the king of the gods:
“What happened to your robe, befitting a ruler, that shone like the stars? It has become dirty!
And with the tiara of your power that illuminated Ehalanka,
like Etemenanki? She's dirty!"
The king of the gods opened his mouth and spoke,
To Erra, warrior of the gods, he says a word:
"Warrior Erra, as for the deed you intend to accomplish,
I was once angry, I left my home - I caused a flood,
I left my home - I abolished the rules of heaven and earth.
The skies shook, the constellations shifted, I did not return them back.
The underworld shuddered - the crops were reduced by the arable land, and not even a tax could be collected!
The regulations of heaven and earth weakened - the springs became scarce, the floods fell.
I’ll turn around and look - there’s nothing to get enough of.
The offspring of living creatures have decreased, - I did not interfere,
Until, like a plowman, I took a handful of their seed.
I built a house and settled in it.
The flood washed over my robe, and it became dirty,
I ordered Girra to brighten my appearance and cleanse my clothes.
How he brightened my vestments, he finished the job,
I put on the tiara of power and returned to my place, -
My face is angry and my gaze is menacing.
For people who survived the flood and saw it all,
Won't you take up arms and destroy the remnant?
I sent their sages into the abyss and did not order them to return,
I hid the stone-tree and amber, where I didn’t tell anyone.
As for the matter that you spoke about, warrior Erra, -
Where is the stone-tree, the flesh of the gods, the adornment of the king of the universe,
Pure tree, tall hero worthy of power,
That in the midst of a sea wide for a hundred miles of water stretches its roots to the underworld
And the peak rises to the sky Anu?
Where is the brilliant azure stone that I will choose for the tiara?
Where is Ninilda, the great carver, the embodiment of my heavenlyness,
The owner of a golden chisel, a connoisseur of art, which he enlightens like daylight,
Does it make you bow at my feet?
Where is Gushkinbanda, creator of gods and people, whose hands are clean?
Where is Ninagal, the owner of the hammer and the anvil,
Who chews hard copper like skin, the creator of things?
Where are the choice stones, the product of the wide sea, the decoration of the tiara?
Where are the seven masters from the Abyss, the sacred fish "puradu"
Whose wisdom, like Eya, their lord, is perfect, purifiers of my body?”
Hearing him, the warrior Erra approached,
He opened his mouth and spoke to the sovereign Marduk:
…..him……………….I’ll make him get up
Sparkling amber…….I will make him rise.
When Marduk heard all this,
He opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:
"If I rise from my dwelling, the rule of heaven and earth will weaken,
The waters will rise and sweep away the earth,
The bright day will darken and become darkness,
A hurricane will break out and blow out the stars,
An evil wind will come, it will obscure the vision of all living things,
Demons will rise, people will be terrified:
The one who is naked will not be able to resist them,
The Anunnaki will rise and destroy the living, -
Until I wave my weapon, who will turn them back?"
Warrior Erra, having heard this,
He opened his mouth and spoke to Emperor Marduk:
"Lord Marduk, until you enter that house,
But the Fire will not cleanse your clothes and you will not return to yourself,
Until then I will rule, I will strengthen the statutes of earth and heaven,
I'll rise to the skies. I will give the order to the Igigs,
I will descend into the Abyss and subjugate the Anunnaki,
I will return the evil demons to the Land of No Return,
I will wave my formidable weapon over them.
I will break the wings of an evil wind like a bird.
To the house where you will enter, Lord Marduk,
On the sides of the gate I will place Anu and Enlil like bulls."
Lord Marduk heard this,
Erra's speeches are pleasant to him.
He rose from his impregnable dwelling,
He turned his face towards the dwelling of the Anunnaki.

Table II
Fragment C

The beginning of the second table, about 100 rows, is badly damaged. As far as can be judged from fragments of words, after the departure of Marduk, various disturbances occur in the world. Next, apparently, it talks about the purification of Marduk's clothes. Erra returns to his Emeslam temple and threatens to destroy the people. He vividly describes what disasters will bring them.

He entered Emeslam, entered the dwelling,
He asks himself in this matter, -
His heart is angry and does not give an answer.
Again he asks him:
"Make a path for me, I will go on a hike,
the day has come, the time has come!
I will say - and Shamash will drop his rays,
I will cover my face at night,
I’ll say to Adad: “Call off the Taurus,
Drive away the clouds, remove the rain and snow!"
I will bring news to Marduk and Aya:
"He who is born on a rainy day will be buried in a drought,
He who goes down the river will return along a dusty road."
To the king of the gods I will say: "Dwell in Esagila,
What you ordered, I will do, I will fulfill your order,
Whenever the blackheads pray, reject their prayers!”
I will crush the country, turn it into ruins,
I will destroy cities and turn them into deserts,
I will stir up the seas and destroy their wealth,
I will eradicate the swamp thickets, I will burn them like Girra,
I will overthrow people, destroy all living things,
I won’t leave anyone, not even for seed!
I will not let livestock and animals go to pasture.
I will raise communities against each other,
The son will hate his father, will not give him peace,
The mother, smiling, will intrigue her daughter.
I will bring the villain into the abode of the gods, where evil has no entry,
In the monastery of the sovereigns all the rogues.
I will make the underwater animals rise,
Where they are seen, the city will be empty,
I will make the mountain animals come down,
Where they step, the place will be empty,
I will let countless steppe animals through the stacks of hail,
I will make bad omens, I will bring sanctuaries into desolation,
Into the lofty abode of the gods I will admit Sangkhulhaza,
I will turn the magnificent royal palace into ruins,
I will stop the noise of people, I will take away their joy,
Like a fire, enmity will burn in the place of friendship...

The end is damaged

Table III
Fragment A

In the third table, Erra's monologue continues. Apparently, Ishum tries to no avail to dissuade his master from completely destroying all living things.

The first 6 lines are corrupted

I will snatch the soul from a good intercessor,
I will raise the evil murderer above everyone,
I will change people's hearts: the father will not hear his son,
The daughter will say an evil word to the mother,
I will put evil speeches into them, they will forget God,
They will spew blasphemy against their goddess,
I will raise up the robbers, block the road,
In the middle of the city people will rob each other,
The lion and the wolf will destroy Shakkan's flock,
I will anger Ninmennanna, I will stop births,
The nanny will not wait for the child's cry,
In the fields I will drown out the exclamations of “Alala!”
The shepherd and the shepherd will leave the folds,
I will tear the clothes from the human body,
I'll let my husband wander around the haystacks naked,
Without clothes I will send you to the abode of the dead,
The husband will not find his sacrificial sheep for the sake of life,
The sovereign will not find a lamb for the oracle of Shamash,
The sick man will not obtain meat for the victim

Lines 25-35, as well as fragment B, are badly damaged.

Fragment C

Lines 1-23 are corrupted. Apparently, Ishum tried to dissuade Erra from his intentions.

"Pave the way for me, I will go on a hike,
Sibitti, incomparable fighters, offspring of Anu,
My formidable weapon, let it be next to me,
You go ahead or follow me!”
Ishum heard such speeches,
Overcome with compassion, he says to himself:
"Woe to my people, with whom Erra is angry and angry,
On whom Nergal the warrior, like a storm of battle, unleashes Asakka,
As when killing a defeated god, their hand does not waver,
As to bind the evil Anzu, their net is spread out!"
Ishum opened his mouth and spoke,
He says this to the warrior Erra:
“Why do you plan evil against gods and people,
Are you planning evil for the blackheads to be destroyed irrevocably?”
Erra opened his mouth and spoke,
He says this to Advisor Ishumu:
"You know the decision of Igigi, the advice of the Anunnaki,
You give orders to the blackheads, you bestow wisdom.
So why are you talking like an ignoramus?
You give advice as if you don’t know Marduk!
The king of the gods left his home -
Of the many countries, which one will stand?
He took off the tiara of his power -
Sovereigns and kings, like slaves, have forgotten their duty.
He untied the bandage -
The connection between gods and people has been broken, and it is difficult to consolidate it.
The terrible Girru, like the day, illuminated his vestments, awakened his menacing brilliance.
With his right hand he grabbed the mace, his great weapon,
The gaze of Marduk the sovereign is menacing!
What can you tell me in their defense?
O Ishum, wise adviser of the gods, whose advice is for good?
You don't like Marduk's words!"
Ishum opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:

About 15 lines are damaged.

Fragment D

………………………………… Ishum opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:
"Warrior Erra, you hold the reins of heaven,
You are the ruler of the whole earth, the owner of the country,
You shake the sea, level the mountains,
You lead people, you herd animals,
And you are glorious to Escherra; in Engurra sovereigns,
You watch over Shuana, you rule over Esagila,
You have gathered all the power of the gods, the gods obey you,
The Igigi are afraid, the Anunnaki are afraid,
Anu listens to your decisions,
Ellil loves you, without you there is no battle,
Without you there is no battle,
War armor belongs to you!
And you also say in your heart: “Look, they despise me!”

Table IV

Erra finally calms down in her outrages and listens to Ishum’s admonitions. The fourth table is a lament for the destruction of Babylon. Marduk reproaches Erra for bringing destruction, plague and chaos to his beloved city. The same fate befell other cities: Sippar, Uruk, Der.

“It is you, warrior Erra, who are not afraid of the words of Marduk!
You untied the connection of all countries in Dimkurkur, the city of the king of the gods,
He changed his divinity and became like people.
You waved your weapon, went out onto the hills,
In Babylon, like a city destroyer, he spoke arrogantly.
The Babylonians, who, like reeds, do not know their boss, have gathered around you,
He who knows no weapon draws his sword,
He who knows no arrows strains his bow,
He who has not known quarrels enters into battle,
He who does not know strength flies like a bird,
The weak strong man wins, the fast-footed man is overtaken by the cripple,
The ruler who cares about the shrines is told disdainful speeches,
The gates of Babylon, the river of their wealth, they block with their hands,
On the sanctuaries of Babylon, like an invading enemy, they throw flames,
And you are their leader, you have become their leader!
You aim your arrows at Imgur-Ellil, "Alas!" - says my heart.
Mukhra, the head of the gate, you have stained your home with the blood of husbands and maidens.
These Babylonians are birds, and you are their trap,
You drive them into the net, catch them, destroy them, warrior Erra.
You left the city, went outside,
He took on the form of a lion and entered the chambers.
The army sees you and waves their weapons.
The heart of the ruler, the avenger of Babylon, is angry.
Like someone going on a raid, he gives orders,
The leader of the army is inclined to evil:
"I am sending you to this city, man!
Don't be afraid of gods, don't be afraid of people,
From young to old, put everyone to death,
Spare neither children nor infants.
Loot Babylon's acquired wealth!"
The royal army lined up and entered the city,
Arrows are burning, daggers are drawn.
You forced dedicated people to carry weapons - an abomination for Dagan and Anu,
Like sewage water, you shed their blood on haystacks,
He opened their veins and colored the rivers.
Marduk, the great lord, saw, "Alas!" - he exclaimed, his heart was embarrassed,
On his lips is an irrevocable curse.
He vowed not to drink river water,
He is afraid of their blood and does not want to enter Esagila.
“Alas, Babylon, whose top I likened to a lush palm tree, the wind tore her to pieces!
Alas, Babylon, which, like a cedar cone, I filled with grain, -
I can’t get enough of it!
Alas, Babylon, what I cultivated like a blooming garden, its fruits cannot be seen by me!
Alas, Babylon, which, like a seal of amber, I hung on Anu’s neck!
Alas, Babylon, which, like the Tables of Fate, I held in my hands, entrusting it to no one!”
And so the sovereign Marduk said:
……….from the past days……………….
Those who sail from the pier will cross on foot.
Even if the tank is the depth of a rope, a person will not satiate his soul in it.
In the vast expanse of the wide sea - in a thousand fields - the fisherman will move his boat with his pole.
As for Sippar, the eternal city, whose lord of the gods for his love
did not give away the flood, -
Against the will of Shamash, you destroyed his walls and demolished his fortifications.
As for Uruk, the abode of Anu and Ishtar, the city of the hieroduls, harlots and virgins,
From whom Ishtar has taken away their husbands and they are only subject to herself,
Where sutii and sutuiki shouted, -
They drove the singers and dancers out of Eanna,
Whose masculinity people feared, Ishtar turned into femininity,
Carriers of daggers and razors, knives and stone blades.
That, to the joy of Ishtar, they break prohibitions:
You have placed an evil ruler who knows no mercy over them,
He oppresses them and does not maintain order.
Ishtar became angry and turned to Uruk,
She sent enemies like grain through water, scattering the country.
The inhabitants of Daxa cry incessantly because of the destruction of Eugal -
The enemy sent by you does not want to stop
Ishtaran echoes the words:
"You turned the city of Der into a desert,
His people were hacked like reeds,
Like foam on water, their hubbub drowned out.
And he didn’t leave me alone, he gave me away.
And I am from behind Der, my city,
I cannot administer justice or give decisions for the country,
The command to give, to send down wisdom!
People have forgotten the truth, resorted to violence, abandoned justice, and serve the evil.
I will direct seven winds to one country:
Whoever does not die in the massacre will die from pestilence.
Whoever does not die from the pestilence will be taken prisoner by the enemies,
Those who are not captured will be killed by the villains,
Whomever the villains do not finish off, the royal sword will overtake,
80. Whoever the royal sword does not overtake, the prince will overthrow,
Whomever the prince does not overthrow, Adad will wash away,
Whomever Adad does not wash away, Shamash will kidnap,
Whoever goes outside will be carried away by the wind,
Whoever hides in the house will be struck by an evil demon,
Whoever goes to the hills will die of thirst,
Whoever goes down into the valley will die in the water!
You have made hills and dales equal.
The ruler of the mother city says:
"On the day you gave birth to me, I would have stayed in the womb,
We should give up the ghost and die together!
For you gave me to the city whose walls were destroyed,
His people are like game, their god is a hunter,
His network is strong, her husband will not escape her, he will die an evil death!”
Who gave birth to a son: “Here is my son!” said.
I will raise him, he will repay him with kindness,”
I'll kill my son. Let the father bury
And then his father - let him lie without a grave.
Who built a house and said: “This is a dwelling,
I built it, I will rest in it,
On the day of my destiny I will rest here,"
I will kill him, destroy his home,
And then I’ll give the ruins to someone else.
Warrior Erra! You put the right one to death
And you put the wrong one to death,
Whoever is guilty before you, you put to death,
Whoever is innocent before you, you put to death,
You put En, hurrying with the divine sacrifice, to death,
You put the palace eunuch, the king's servant, to death,
You put the elders to death at the threshold,
You put the little girls in your chambers to death,
But I didn’t find any peace.
In your heart you said: “They neglect me!”
So you say in your heart, warrior Erra:
"I will overthrow the strong, intimidate the weak,
I will kill the commander, I will put his army to flight,
I will destroy the shrines of the temples, the walls of the battlements, and destroy the beauty of the city.
I'll tear out the mooring post and let the ship drift away,
I'll break the helm - he won't reach the shore,
I'll pull out the mast and tear apart the rigging.
I'll dry up my breasts - the baby won't survive,
If I clog the springs, the water of abundance will not fill the channels,
I'll shake the underworld, rock the sky,
I will destroy the shine of Shulpae, I will destroy the stars in the sky,
I cut the roots of the tree and the shoots dry up,
I'll dig up the base of the wall - the top will collapse,
I will enter the dwelling of the king of the gods - there will be no more decisions!”
As the warrior Erra heard him -
Ishuma's speech is like oil pleasant to him,

"Primorets - Primorets, subarei - subarei, Assyrian - Assyrians,
Elamite - Elamite, Kassite - Kassite,
Sutiy - sutiya, kutii - kutia,
Lulubey - lulubey, country - country, community - community,
Family - family, person - person, brother - brother
Let them not spare, let them destroy each other!
And then may the Akkadians rise up! And they will defeat everyone, they will rule everyone!”
Warrior Erra says a word to Councilor Ishumu:
“Ishum, go, do what you said!”
Ishum turned to Hehe, to the mountain,
The Sibitti, incomparable fighters, gathered around him.
A warrior approached Mount Hehe,
He raised his hand and destroyed the mountain,
He leveled Mount Hehe to the ground,
Uprooted the trees in the cedar forest,
It was as if Hanish had passed - such was the thicket;
He destroyed cities, turned them into desert,
He carried away the mountains, destroyed their living creatures,
He stirred up the seas, destroyed their wealth,
Uprooted the reed beds, burned them like flames,
He cursed the flocks and turned them to clay.

Table V

In the fifth table, Erra asks to speak at a meeting of the gods. He admits that he got excited and was wrong. Erra adds that his plan was to completely destroy humanity, but Ishum's pleas softened his heart. From now on, he promises to take care of the Akkadians, help them restore a peaceful life and support them in the fight against their enemies. At the end, the author of the poem Kabtilani-Marduk, the son of Dabibu, reports that this legend was revealed to him in a dream. In the morning he just wrote it down, without adding a single line of his own.

When Erra calmed down, he entered his home.
The gods all looked at his face together,
The Igigi and Anunnaki stood in awe.
Erra opened his mouth and spoke to all the gods:
“Be silent, everyone, listen to my speech!
True, in the days of my previous sins I myself conceived evil,
My heart was angry, I brought down people,
Like a hired shepherd, I stole the leader from the flock,
Like an inexperienced gardener, I cut too much
Like an invading enemy, he destroyed the good and the evil indiscriminately.
You can't snatch the prey from the lion's mouth,
And where one fell into a rage, the other is not an adviser!
Without Councilor Ishum, what would have happened?
Your guardian, where would your priest be?
Where are the victims? You wouldn’t inhale the incense!”
Ishum opened his mouth and spoke,
He says this to the warrior Erra:
“Hark, O warrior, listen to my speech.
Enough, calm down, we are all your servants.
In the day of your wrath, who will resist you?"
Erra heard him, his face lit up,
His features shine like a bright day,
He entered Emeslam, entered the dwelling,
Ishuma calls, gives an omen,
Regarding the scattered Akkadians, he gives the command:
"Let the small people multiply again,
Let everyone walk on the roads without restrictions,
Let the weak Akkadian overthrow the mighty being,
One will drive seven like sheep!
Their cities are in ruins, and their mountains are turned into desert,
Bring their rich man to Shuanna,
Calm the wrathful gods of the country in their homes,
Bring Shakkan and Nisaba back to earth.
From the mountains of their wealth, from the seas take their tribute,
From the fields I have devastated, reap the harvest again.
Let all city rulers bring noble tribute to Shuana,
At the temples. What I have destroyed, may the peaks rise like the rising sun,
May the Tigris and Euphrates bring abundant waters,
Let all city governors bring to the trustee of Esagila and Babylon what is due!”
For countless years, glory to Lord Nergal and warrior Ishum!
How angry Erra was about the ruin of the country
And he bowed his face towards the destruction of people,
But advisor Ishum calmed him down, and the remnants were saved -
To Kabtilani-Marduk, son of Dabib, who composed this writing,
He appeared in a night dream. In the morning he repeated, he didn’t forget anything,
I didn’t add a single line there.
Erra heard and gave approval,
Advisor Ishumu is pleased with this,
All the gods praised this together with him.
And so said the warrior Erra:
"The God who honors this song will fill the temple with abundance,
Whoever neglects it will not be able to smell the incense!
Let the king who spoke my name rule the universe,
Sovereign, who proclaimed my glory. Let him not meet an opponent!
The singer who sings it may not die an evil death,
The Emperor and the Tsar will be pleased with his word!
The scribe who memorized it will escape the enemy’s land, but will be revered in his own.
To the gathering of scientists where my name is revered, I will give wisdom!
To the house that keeps this tablet - may Erra be angry, may the Sibitti be formidable, -
If the disastrous sword does not approach, he will be safe!
May this song always remain, may it be established forever,
May all countries hear it, may they honor my valor,
May the whole world recognize her and exalt my glory!”


(late 2nd millennium BC)

Conversation between master and slave

"Quickly bring the chariot and harness it,
I'll go to the palace!"

The king's favor will be with you.
If you've done anything wrong,
He will show you mercy."
“No, slave, I will not go to the palace!”

The king will send you on a long journey,
Will send you on an unknown road,
He will make you suffer day and night."

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
"Bring some water for my hands, pour it on me,
I'll have lunch!"
"Have lunch, my lord, have lunch. Frequent meals
eases the heart
A man's lunch is his god's lunch, hands washed
Shamash is favored."
“No, slave, I won’t have lunch!”
“Don’t have lunch, my lord, don’t have lunch.
Food and hunger, drink and thirst are always with a person."

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
"Bring me the chariot and harness it,
I will go free."
"Go, my lord, go.
A free tramp will always fill his stomach,
A stray dog ​​will find a bone,
A migratory bird will build a nest,
A running onager will find food in the desert."
“No, slave, I will not go free!”
"Don't go, my lord, don't go.
The free vagabond has an unfaithful lot,
A stray dog's teeth will break off,
A migratory bird will have its house walled up in the wall,
The running onager has the steppe as his bed."

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
“I’ll start a family, have kids!”
"Start it, my lord, start it,
start a family [……..],
Those who had children provided funeral benefits for themselves
“Don’t create, my lord, don’t start.
Family is like a broken door, its name is hinge,
Of the children, only a third are healthy,
two thirds are poor."
“So should I start a family?” - “Don’t start a family!
He who has created his family wastes his father’s house.”

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
"I will show obedience to my enemy,
In court I will remain silent in front of my adversary!”
"That's right, show your humility, my lord,
show humility
Keep silent, my lord, keep silent before your adversary."
“No, slave, I will not submit and will not remain silent!”
“Don’t be silent, my lord, don’t submit.
Even if you don’t even open your mouth at all,
Your enemies will be merciless and cruel to you."

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
Let me commit a crime!" -
“Do it, my lord, do it.
If you don't commit crime,
where will you find clothes,
Who will help you fill your belly?"
“No, slave, I will not commit a crime!”
"Whoever commits crime will be killed
or they'll skin him alive,
Either he will be blinded or captured and thrown
to prison."

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
"I will love a woman!" - "Love me, my lord,
He who loves a woman forgets sorrows and sorrows."
“No, slave, I will not love a woman!”
"Don't love, my lord, don't love.
A woman is a pit, a snare, a trap,
A woman is a sharp iron knife,
cutting a man's throat."

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
“Hurry, bring me water for my hands, pour it for me,
I will make a sacrifice to my god!" -
“Do it, my lord, do it.
Who makes sacrifices to his god,
he has a good heart
He gives one loan after another."
“No, slave, I will not make a sacrifice!”

Will you train your god to follow you?
like a dog,
Since he demands rituals, then obedience, then something else!”

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
“I will give in interest!” - "That's right, come on,
my lord, come on.
He who gives on interest keeps his, and the income is enormous.”
“No, slave, I will not give on interest!”
"Don't give, my lord, don't give.
Lending - what to love a woman, to receive
back - what to give birth to unlucky children.
People will eat your grain and scold you,
And you will be deprived of income for your grain."

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
“I’ll do a good deed for my country!” -
“That’s right, do it, my lord, do it.
Who does good to his country,
His deeds are in Marduk's ring."
“No, slave, I will not do a good deed for the country!”
“Don’t do it, my lord, don’t do it.
Rise and walk through the ancient ruins,
Look at the skulls of commoners and nobles,
Which of them was the villain, which was the benefactor?

"Slave, obey me!" - “Yes, my lord, yes!”
“If so, then what is good?”
"I would break my neck and your neck,
I wish I could throw myself into the river - that's a blessing!
Who is tall enough to reach the sky?
Who is so wide as to embrace the whole earth?"
“No, slave, I’ll kill you, I’ll send you away first!”
“Will my master outlive me even by three days?”

The Myth of Erra

The poem has reached us in the form of several dozen fragments from many cities in Mesopotamia and Northern Syria, which indicates the wide popularity of the text. The work itself dates back to the end of the 2nd millennium BC, but all known copies are later. Obviously, the poem reflected the disaster caused by the invasion of Babylonia by the Elamites and Arameans. The text consists of five tables and contains 750 lines, of which approximately two-thirds can be read.

Table I

The first table describes how the seven warlike deities of Sibitti, created by Anu, incite Erra to do unseemly deeds. They complain that their weapons, born warriors, have become dull due to idleness. Erra's advisor, Ishum, tries to dissuade him from evil deeds, but in vain - the god of plague thirsts for revenge and the blood of people who have forgotten his cult. Erra goes to Babylon to see Marduk and wants to find out from him why the king of the gods does not pay attention to the fact that his sacred robes are dirty and his tiara has faded. Marduk explains that only the god of cleansing fire Girru can lighten the clothes and clarify the tiara, but if the ruler leaves the earth, then “the charter of heaven and earth will weaken.” Then Erra offers to replace him during Marduk’s absence and promises to take care of maintaining order. Marduk happily agrees and transfers power to Erra.

King of all abodes, creator of the universe...
Hendusanga, son of Enlil, glorious firstborn,
Bearer of the beautiful scepter, guardian of the blackheads, shepherd of men,
Ishum, the revered slaughterer, whose hands are accustomed to the menacing swing of the weapon
5. And throwing sharp spears! Erra, warrior of the gods, languishes in his home,
His heart yearns to start a battle.
He commands the weapon: “Anoint yourself with mortal poison!”
Sibitti, incomparable fighters: "Draw your weapons!"
And he says to you: “I will go free!
10. You are a lamp, everyone looks at your light,
You are the leader, the gods are your army,
You are a broad sword, a killer of many!"
"Erra, get up! How will you overthrow the country,
As your spirit rejoices, your womb rejoices!”
15. As if sleepy, Erra’s hands became weak.
He says to his heart: “Should I stand up or lie down?”
He commands the weapon: “Remain in the sheath!”
Sibitti, incomparable fighters: “Return to your home!”
Until you raise him, he will remain on the bed,
20. Indulging in pleasures with my wife Mammi,
O Engidudu, lord, wandering in the night, mentor of sovereigns.
Who guides virgins and youths to goodness as the day shines on them!
Sibitti, incomparable fighters, has a different nature,
Their birth is wonderful, they inspire fear,
25. Their appearance is terrible, death is their breath,
People are afraid and don’t dare approach.
Ishum is a door that is closed to them!
Anu, the king of the gods, knocked up the earth -
She gave birth to seven gods, he named them Sibitti.
30. They stood before him, he assigned their destinies.
He called one and gave the command:
“No matter where you go on a rampage, you will not meet an opponent!”
He says to the second: “Burn like fire, blaze like flame!”
He conjures the third: “Be like a lion; whoever sees you, let him perish!”
35. To the fourth he says: “Let the mountain collapse from the swing of your weapon!”
To the fifth he says: “Blow like the wind, disturb the whole earth!”
He tells the sixth: “Strike left and right, don’t show mercy to anyone!”
He supplied the seventh with snake venom: “Exterminate the living!”
How Sibitti Anu assigned the fates of everyone,
40. He gave them to Erra, the warrior of the gods: “Let them walk next to you.
When you get tired of human hubbub
And you want to commit reprisals,
Kill the blackheads and the herds of Shakkan, -
May they become your formidable weapon, may they walk next to you!”
45. They are fierce, their weapons are raised,
They say to Erra: “Get up! Get to work!
Why are you sitting in the city like a frail old man,
Why are you sitting at home like a weak child!
As those who do not know the will, should we eat the food of women?
50. Should we tremble in fear, as ignorant in battle?
Going free is a holiday for a man.
Even a prince in the city cannot find food,
People will take him away, he will become a laughing stock,
How will he extend his hand to those leaving for freedom?
55. Even if he who sits in the city is strong,
How will he gain the upper hand over one who is set free?
Even if there is plenty of bread in the city, it cannot compare with the ash cake,
Sweet strained beer cannot compare with the water of a wineskin,
A magnificent palace cannot be compared to a camping tent!
60. Erra the warrior, go free, wave your weapon,
Let your cry shake the north and south,
Let the Igigi hear and praise your name,
Let the Anunnaki hear and fear your glory,
Let the gods hear and bow under your yoke,
65. Let kings hear and bow before you
Let countries hear and send you tributes,
Let the demons hear and appear voluntarily,
Let the strong hear and bite his lips,
Let the wooded mountains hear and let their peaks collapse.
70. Let the waves of the sea hear and, stirring up, destroy their wealth,
In the thicket, let the trunks be exposed,
In impenetrable thickets let their reeds break,
Let people be afraid, let their hubbub subside,
Let the animals shudder and become clay again,
75. May the gods, your ancestors, see and praise your valor.
Erra the warrior, why have you left your freedom and are you sitting in the city?
Shakkan's herds and beasts despise us.
Erra-warrior, we say to you, don’t be angry with our words:
Before the whole country rises above us,
80. Perhaps, incline your ear to our sayings.
To the Anunnaki, who love the blissful silence and service,
Because of the hubbub of people, sleep does not come to them!
The life of the country, the meadows, the herds are flooded, the plowman weeps bitterly over his field,
85. The lion and wolf destroy the herds of Shakkan,
The shepherd does not lie down for the sheep day or night, he calls to you.
And we, experts on mountain passes, have forgotten about hiking,
A cobweb lay on our armor,
The faithful bow has betrayed us, it has become beyond our strength,
90. The tip of a sharp arrow is bent,
Without killing, our dagger has rusted!"
The warrior Erra heard them,
Sabitti's speech was so pleasant to him.
He opened his mouth and Ishumu said:
95. “Why are you silent, hearing all this?
Pave the way for me, I will go on a hike!
Sabitti, incomparable fighters, offspring of Anu,
My formidable weapon, let them walk next to me,
You go ahead or follow me."
100. Ishum heard such speeches,
Overcome with compassion, he says to the warrior Erra:
“Lord, why are you planning evil against the gods?
Are you planning evil for the destruction of the country and the irrevocable destruction of people?”
Erra opened his mouth and spoke,
105. He says this to the advisor Ishumu:
"Hark, O Ishum, listen to my speech,
About all those living whom you ask for mercy,
O leader of the gods, whose advice is for good!
I am a tour in heaven and I am a lion on earth,
110. In the world I am a king, among the gods I am formidable.
Brave among the Igigi, omnipotent among the Anunnaki,
For the mountains - a ram, for game - a hunter,
In the reeds I am fire, in the forest I am an axe, in a campaign I am a banner.
115. I blow like the wind, I thunder like a thunderstorm,
Like the sun I look around the circumference of the universe,
I go out into the steppe as a wild mouflon, I wander through the deserts, I don’t build a home.
All the gods are afraid of fighting with me,
120. But black-headed people neglect me!
Because they were not afraid of my glory,
And they rejected Marduk’s word and acted according to their own will,
I myself will make Marduk, the sovereign, angry, I will raise him from his home, I will overthrow the people!”
The warrior Erra turned to Shuanna, the city of the king of the gods,
125. He entered Esagila, the Temple of Heaven and Earth, and he appeared before him,
He opened his mouth and spoke to the king of the gods:
“What happened to your robe, befitting a ruler, that shone like the stars? It has become dirty!
And with the tiara of your power, which illuminated Ehalanki, like Etemenanki? She's dirty!"
The king of the gods opened his mouth and spoke,
130. To Erra, warrior of the gods, he says a word:
"Warrior Erra, as for the deed you intend to accomplish,
I was once angry, I left my home - I caused a flood,
I left my home - I abolished the rules of heaven and earth.
The skies shook, the constellations shifted, I did not return them back.
135. The underworld shuddered - the crops were reduced by the arable land, and not even a tax could be collected!
The regulations of heaven and earth weakened - the springs became scarce, the floods fell.
I’ll turn around and look - there’s nothing to get enough of.
The offspring of living creatures have decreased, - I did not interfere,
Until, like a plowman, I took a handful of their seed.
I built a house and settled in it.
140. The flood washed over my robe, and it became dirty,
I ordered Girra to brighten my appearance and cleanse my clothes.
How he brightened my vestments, he finished the job,
I put on the tiara of power, returned to myself, -
My face is angry and my gaze is menacing.
145. On the people who survived the flood and saw it all,
Won't you take up arms and destroy the remnant?
I sent their sages into the abyss and did not order them to return,
I hid the stone-tree and amber, where I didn’t tell anyone.
As for the matter that you spoke about, warrior Erra, -
150. Where is the stone-tree, the flesh of the gods, the adornment of the king of the universe,
Pure tree, tall hero worthy of power,
That in the midst of a sea wide for a hundred miles of water stretches its roots to the underworld
And the peak rises to the sky Anu?
Where is the brilliant azure stone that I will choose for the tiara?
155. Where is Ninilda, the great carver, the embodiment of my heavenlyness,
The owner of a golden chisel, a connoisseur of art, which he enlightens like daylight,
Does it make you bow at my feet?
Where is Gushkinbanda, creator of gods and people, whose hands are clean?
Where is Ninagal, the owner of the hammer and the anvil,
160. Who chews hard copper, like skin, the creator of things?
Where are the choice stones, the product of the wide sea, the decoration of the tiara?
Where are the seven masters from the Abyss, the sacred fish "puradu"
Whose wisdom, like Eya, their lord, is perfect, purifiers of my body?”
Hearing him, the warrior Erra approached,
He opened his mouth and spoke to the sovereign Marduk:
165. ………………….
…..him……………….I’ll make him get up
Sparkling amber…….I will make him rise.
When Marduk heard all this,
He opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:
170. “If I rise from my dwelling, the rule of heaven and earth will weaken,
The waters will rise and sweep away the earth,
The bright day will darken and become darkness,
A hurricane will break out and blow out the stars,
An evil wind will come, it will obscure the vision of all living things,
175. Demons will rise, people will be terrified:
The one who is naked will not be able to resist them,
The Anunnaki will rise and destroy the living, -
Until I wave my weapon, who will turn them back?"
Warrior Erra, having heard this,
180. He opened his mouth and spoke to the sovereign Marduk:
"Lord Marduk, until you enter that house,
But the Fire will not cleanse your clothes and you will not return to yourself,
Until then I will rule, I will strengthen the statutes of earth and heaven,
I'll rise to the skies. I will give the order to the Igigs,
I will descend into the Abyss and subjugate the Anunnaki,
185. I will return the evil demons to the Land of No Return,
I will wave my formidable weapon over them.
I will break the wings of an evil wind like a bird.
To the house where you will enter, Lord Marduk,
On the sides of the gate I will place Anu and Enlil like bulls."
190. Lord Marduk heard this,
Erra's speeches are pleasant to him.
He rose from his impregnable dwelling,
He turned his face towards the dwelling of the Anunnaki.

Table II

Fragment C

The beginning of the second table, about 100 rows, is badly damaged. As far as can be judged from fragments of words, after the departure of Marduk, various disturbances occur in the world. Next, apparently, it talks about the purification of Marduk's clothes. Erra returns to his Emeslam temple and threatens to destroy the people. He vividly describes what disasters will bring them. He entered Emeslam, entered the dwelling, questions himself in this matter - 10. His heart is angry, does not give an answer. Again he asks him: “Make a way for me, I will go on a hike, the day has come, the time has come! I will say - and Shamash will drop his rays, 15. I will cover Sin’s face at night, I will say to Adad: “Call back the Taurus, drive away the clouds, take them away.” rain and snow!" I will bring the news to Marduk and Aya: "He who is born on a rainy day will be buried in a drought, 20. He who goes down the stream of water will return along a dusty road." To the king of the gods I will say: "Dwell in Esagila, What you ordered - I will do , I will fulfill your order, As the black-heads pray, reject their prayers!" I will crush the country, turn it into ruins, 25. I will destroy the cities, turn them into desert, I will stir up the seas, I will destroy their wealth, I will uproot the swamp thickets, I will burn them like Girru, I will overthrow the people, I will destroy every living thing, 30. I will not leave anyone, not even for seed! I will not let livestock and animals go to pasture. I will stir up communities against each other, the son will hate the father, will not give him peace, the mother, smiling, will plot her daughter’s intrigues. 35. In the abode of the gods, where the evil has no entry, I will bring the villain, Into the abode of the sovereigns, the rogue of all, I will force the underwater animals to rise, Where they see them, the city will be deserted, I will force the mountain animals to descend, 40. Where they set foot, the place will be empty, I will let in countless steppe animals hundreds of hail, I will make bad omens, I will bring sanctuaries into desolation, I will let Sangkhulhaza into the lofty abode of the gods, I will turn the magnificent royal palace into ruins, 45. I will stop the noise of people, I will take away their joy, Like a fire, enmity will blaze in the place of friendship... The end is damaged

Table III
Fragment A

In the third table, Erra's monologue continues. Apparently, Ishum tries to no avail to dissuade his master from completely destroying all living things.

The first 6 lines are corrupted

I will snatch the soul from a good intercessor,
I will raise the evil murderer above everyone,
I will change people's hearts: the father will not hear his son,
10. The daughter will say an evil word to the mother,
I will put evil speeches into them, they will forget God,
They will spew blasphemy against their goddess,
I will raise up the robbers, block the road,
In the middle of the city people will rob each other,
15. The lion and the wolf will destroy Shakkan's flock,
I will anger Ninmennanna, I will stop births,
The nanny will not wait for the child's cry,
In the fields I will drown out the exclamations of “Alala!”
The shepherd and the shepherd will leave the folds,
20. I will tear the clothes from the human body,
I'll let my husband wander around the haystacks naked,
Without clothes I will send you to the abode of the dead,
The husband will not find his sacrificial sheep for the sake of life,
The sovereign will not find a lamb for the oracle of Shamash,
The sick man will not obtain meat for the victim

Table I

The first table describes how the seven warlike deities of Sibitti, created by Anu, incite Erra to do unseemly deeds. They complain that their weapons, born warriors, have become dull due to idleness. Erra's advisor, Ishum, tries to dissuade him from evil deeds, but in vain - the god of plague thirsts for revenge and the blood of people who have forgotten his cult. Erra goes to Babylon to see Marduk and wants to find out from him why the king of the gods does not pay attention to the fact that his sacred robes are dirty and his tiara has faded. Marduk explains that only the god of cleansing fire Girru can lighten the clothes and clarify the tiara, but if the ruler leaves the earth, then “the charter of heaven and earth will weaken.” Then Erra offers to replace him during Marduk’s absence and promises to take care of maintaining order. Marduk happily agrees and transfers power to Erra.

King of all abodes, creator of the universe... Hendusanga, son of Enlil, glorious firstborn, Bearer of the beautiful scepter, guardian of the black-headed, shepherd of men, Ishum, revered slaughterer, whose hands are accustomed to the formidable swing of weapons 5. And throwing sharp spears! Erra, the warrior of the gods, languishes in his home, His heart yearns to start a battle. He commands the weapon: “Anoint yourself with mortal poison!” Sibitti, incomparable fighters: “Draw your weapons!” And he says to you: “I will go free!” 10. You are a lamp, everyone looks at your light, You are the leader, the gods are your army, You are a broad sword, a killer of many! “Erra, get up! As soon as you overthrow the country, As long as your spirit rejoices, your womb will rejoice!” 15. As if sleepy, Erra’s hands became weak. He says to his heart: “Should I stand up or lie down?”, He commands the weapon: “Remain in the sheath!”, Sibitti, the incomparable fighters: “Return to your home!” Until you raise him, he will remain on the bed, 20. Indulging in pleasures with his wife Mammi, O Engidudu, lord, wandering in the night, mentor of sovereigns. Who guides virgins and youths to goodness as the day shines on them! Sibitti, incomparable fighters, have a different nature, Their birth is wondrous, they inspire fear, 25. Their appearance is terrible, death is their breath, People are afraid, they do not dare to approach. Ishum is the door that is closed to them! Anu, the king of the gods, knocked up the earth - She gave birth to seven gods, he named them Sibitti. 30. They stood before him, he assigned their destinies. He called one and gave the command: “Wherever you go on a rampage, you will not meet an opponent!” He says to the second: “Burn like fire, blaze like flame!” He conjures the third: “Be like a lion; whoever sees you, let him perish!” 35. To the fourth he says: “Let the mountain collapse from the swing of your weapon!” To the fifth he says: “Blow like the wind, disturb the whole earth!” He tells the sixth: “Strike left and right, don’t show mercy to anyone!” He supplied the seventh with snake venom: “Exterminate the living!” How he assigned the fates of all Sibitti Anu, 40. To Erra, the warrior of the gods, he gave them: “Let them walk next to you. When you get tired of the human hubbub and you want to carry out reprisals, Kill the blackheads and the herds of Shakkan, - May they become your formidable weapon, may they walk next to you! 45. They are fierce, their weapons are raised, They say to Erra: “Get up! Get to work! Why are you sitting in the city like a frail old man, Why are you sitting at home like a weak child! As those who do not know the will, should we eat the food of women? 50. Should we tremble in fear, as ignorant in battle? Going free is a holiday for a man. Even a prince in the city cannot find food, People will take him away, he will become a laughing stock, How will he extend his hand to those leaving for freedom? 55. Even if he who sits in the city is strong, how will he prevail over him who is free? Even if there is plenty of bread in the city, it cannot compare with an ash flatbread, Sweet strained beer cannot compare with the water of a wineskin, A magnificent palace cannot compare with a camp tent! 60. Erra-warrior, go free, wave your weapon, Let the north and south tremble with your cry, Let the Igigi hear and exalt your name, Let the Anunnaki hear and fear your glory, Let the gods hear and bow under your yoke, 65. Let the kings hear and bow before you, let the countries hear and send you tribute, let the demons hear and appear voluntarily, let the strong hear and bite their lips, let the wooded mountains hear and their peaks collapse. 70. Let the waves of the sea hear and, stirring up, destroy their wealth, In the thicket, let the trunks be exposed, In the impenetrable thickets, let their reeds break, Let the people be afraid, let their hubbub subside, Let the animals shudder, and let them become clay again, 75. Gods , let your ancestors see and praise your valor. Erra the warrior, why have you left your freedom and are you sitting in the city? Shakkan's herds and beasts despise us. Erra-warrior, we say to you, do not let our word be in anger: Before the whole country rises above us, 80. Perhaps, incline your ear to our words. The Anunnaki, who love the blissful silence and service, Because of human hubbub, sleep does not come to them! The life of the country, the meadows, the herds are flooded, the plowman weeps bitterly over his field, 85. The flocks of Shakkan are destroyed by the lion and the wolf, The shepherd does not lie down for the sheep day or night, he calls to you. And we, experts in mountain passes, forgot about hiking, a cobweb lay on our armor, the faithful bow betrayed us, it became beyond our strength, 90. The tip of a sharp arrow bent, our dagger rusted without killing!” The warrior Erra heard them, Sabitti’s speech was like oil pleasant to him. He opened his mouth, Ishumu said: 95. “Why are you silent, hearing all this? Pave the way for me, I will go on a hike! Sabitti, incomparable fighters, offspring of Anu, My formidable weapon, let them walk next to me, You go forward or follow me.” 100. Ishum heard such speeches, was overcome with compassion, and said to the warrior Erra: “Lord, why did you plan evil against the gods? Are you planning evil for the destruction of the country and the irrevocable destruction of people?” Erra opened his mouth and spoke, 105. He spoke to the advisor Ishum: “Hear, O Ishum, listen to my speech, About all the living, to whom you ask for mercy, O leader of the gods, whose advice is for good! I am a tour in heaven and I am a lion on earth, 110. In the world I am a king, among the gods I am formidable. Among the Igigi I am brave, among the Anunnaki I am omnipotent, For the mountains I am a battering ram, for the game I am a hunter, In the reeds I am a fire, in the forest I am an ax, in a campaign I am a banner. 115. I blow like the wind, I thunder like a thunderstorm, I look around the circumference of the universe like the sun, I go out into the steppe as a wild mouflon, I wander through the deserts, I don’t build a dwelling. All the gods are afraid of a fight with me, 120. But the black-headed people neglect me! Since they were not afraid of my glory, and they rejected Marduk’s word and acted according to their own will, I myself will make Marduk, the sovereign, angry, I will raise him from his home, I will overthrow the people!” The warrior Erra turned to Shuanna, the city of the king of the gods, 125. He entered Esagila, the Temple of Heaven and Earth, he appeared before him, he opened his mouth, he spoke to the king of the gods: “What happened to your robe, befitting a ruler, that shone like stars? She's dirty! And with the tiara of your power, which illuminated Ehalanki, like Etemenanki? She's dirty! The king of the gods opened his mouth and spoke, 130. Erra, the warrior of the gods, he said a word: “Warrior Erra, as for the deed that you intend to accomplish, I was once angry, I came out of my house - I caused a flood, I came out of my house - the rules of heaven and I canceled the land. The skies shook, the constellations shifted, I did not return them back. 135. The underworld shuddered - the crops were reduced by the arable land, and not even a tax could be collected! The regulations of heaven and earth weakened - the springs became scarce, the floods fell. I’ll turn around and take a look; there’s nothing to get enough of. The offspring of living creatures decreased - I did not intervene, Until, like a plowman, I took their seed in a handful. I built a house and settled in it. 140. The flood washed over my robe and it became dirty. I ordered Girra to brighten my appearance and cleanse my clothes. How he brightened my vestments, he finished the job, I put on the tiara of power, returned to myself, - My face is angry and my gaze is menacing. 145. Against the people who survived the flood and saw it all, won’t you raise your weapons and destroy the remnant? I sent their sages into the abyss, did not order them to return, I hid the stone-tree and amber, where I did not tell anyone. As for the matter that you spoke about, warrior Erra, - 150. Where is the stone-tree, the flesh of the gods, the adornment of the king of the universe, the pure tree, the high hero worthy of power, which in the middle of a sea wide for a hundred fields of water extends its roots to the underworld? does Anu raise its peak to the sky? Where is the brilliant azure stone that I will choose for the tiara? 155. Where is Ninilda, the great carver, the embodiment of my heavenly, The owner of the golden chisel, the connoisseur of the art, which he enlightens like a day, Makes me bow at my feet? Where is Gushkinbanda, creator of gods and people, whose hands are clean? Where is Ninagal, the owner of the hammer and the anvil, 160. Who chews hard copper, like skin, the creator of things? Where are the choice stones, the product of the wide sea, the decoration of the tiara? Where are the seven masters from the Abyss, the sacred fish "puradu" Whose wisdom, like Eya, their lord, is perfect, the purifiers of my body? Hearing him, the warrior Erra approached, he opened his mouth, and to the sovereign Marduk he spoke: 165. …………………. …..him……………….I will make him rise Glittering amber…….him……….I will make him rise. When Marduk heard all this, he opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra: 170. “If I rise from my home, the rule of heaven and earth will weaken, the waters will rise and sweep away the earth, the bright day will darken and become darkness, a hurricane will break out and blow out the stars, An evil wind will come, it will obscure the vision of all living things, 175. Demons will rise, people will be seized with horror: He who is naked will not be able to resist them, the Anunnaki will rise, destroy the living, - Until I wave my weapon, who will turn them back? The warrior Erra, having heard this, 180. opened his mouth, he spoke to the sovereign Marduk: “Sovereign Marduk, until you enter that house, And the Fire cleanses your clothes and you return to yourself, Until then I will rule, I will strengthen the statutes of the earth and sky, I will rise to heaven. I will give the order to the Igigi, I will descend into the Abyss, I will subdue the Anunnaki, 185. I will return the evil demons to the Land of No Return, I will wave my formidable weapon over them. I will break the wings of an evil wind like a bird. To the house where you will enter, lord Marduk, I will place Anu and Enlil on the sides of the gate, like bulls.” 190. Lord Marduk heard this, Erra’s speech pleased him. He rose from his impregnable dwelling, He turned his face to the dwelling of the Anunnaki.

Table II

Fragment C

The beginning of the second table, about 100 rows, is badly damaged. As far as can be judged from fragments of words, after the departure of Marduk, various disturbances occur in the world. Next, apparently, it talks about the purification of Marduk's clothes. Erra returns to his Emeslam temple and threatens to destroy the people. He vividly describes what disasters will bring them.

He entered Emeslam, entered the dwelling, questions himself in this matter - 10. His heart is angry, does not give an answer. Again he asks him: “Make a path for me, I will go on a hike, the day has come, the time has come! I will say - and Shamash will drop his rays, 15. I will cover Sin’s face at night, I will say to Adad: “Call off the Taurus, drive away the clouds, remove the rain and snow!” I will bring the news to Marduk and Aya: “He who is born on a rainy day will be buried in a drought, 20. He who goes down the stream of water will return along a dusty road.” To the king of the gods I will say: “Dwell in Esagila, What you commanded, I will do, I will fulfill your order, As the black-heads pray, reject their prayers!” I will crush the country, turn it into ruins, 25. I will destroy the cities, turn them into desert, I will stir up the seas, I will destroy their wealth, I will eradicate the swamp thickets, I will burn them like Girra, I will overthrow people, I will destroy all living things, 30. I will not leave anyone, not even for seed! I will not let livestock and animals go to pasture. I will raise the communities against each other, the son will hate his father and will not give him peace, the mother, smiling, will plot her daughter’s intrigues. 35. Into the abode of the gods, where the evil has no entry, I will bring the villain, Into the abode of the sovereigns, the rogue of all. I will force the underwater animals to rise, Where they see them, the city will be deserted, I will force the mountain animals to descend, 40. Where they set foot, the place will be empty, I will let countless steppe animals through the stacks of hail, I will make bad omens, I will bring sanctuaries into desolation, I will bring to the high abode of the gods I will let in Sangkhulhaza, I will turn the magnificent royal palace into ruins, 45. I will stop the noise of people, I will take away their joy, Like a fire, enmity will burn in the place of friendship….

The end is damaged

Table III

Fragment A

In the third table, Erra's monologue continues. Apparently, Ishum tries to no avail to dissuade his master from completely destroying all living things.

The first 6 lines are corrupted

I will tear away the soul of a good defender, I will raise the evil murderer above all, I will change people’s hearts: the father will not hear his son, 10. The daughter will say an evil word to the mother, I will put evil words in them, they will forget God, they will spew blasphemy against their goddess, I will raise up robbers, block the road, In the middle of the city, people will begin to rob each other, 15. The lion and the wolf will destroy Shakkan's herd, I will anger Ninmennanna, I will stop births, the nanny will not wait for the children's cry, In the fields I will drown out the exclamations of “Alala!” The shepherd and the shepherd will leave the folds, 20. I will tear off the clothes from the human body, I will let the husband wander naked through the haystacks, I will send him without clothes to the abode of the dead, the husband will not find his sacrificial sheep for the sake of life, the sovereign will not find the lamb for the oracle of Shamash, the sick man will not get meat for victims

Lines 25-35, as well as fragment B, are badly damaged.

Fragment C

Lines 1-23 are corrupted. Apparently, Ishum tried to dissuade Erra from his intentions.

“Pave the way for me, I will go on a campaign, Sibitti, incomparable fighters, the offspring of Anu, Let my formidable weapon be with me, You go forward or follow me!” Ishum heard such speeches, overwhelmed with compassion, he said to himself: 30. “Woe to my people, against whom Erra is angry and angry, against whom Nergal the warrior, like a storm of battle, unleashes Asakka, As when killing a defeated god, their hand will not waver, As to bind the evil Anzu, their net is spread out!” Ishum opened his mouth and spoke, 35. He said this to the warrior Erra: “Why did you plan evil for the gods and people, did you plan evil for the Blackheads to be destroyed irrevocably?” Erra opened his mouth and spoke, He said this to Advisor Ishum: 40. “You know Igigov’s decision, the advice of the Anunnaki, you give orders to the Blackheads, you bestow wisdom. So why do you speak like an ignoramus, give advice as if you don’t know Marduk’s words! The king of the gods left his home - 45. Of the many countries, which one will stand? He took off the tiara of his power - Sovereigns and kings, like slaves, forgot their duty. He untied the bandage - The connection between gods and people was broken, it is difficult to fasten it. 50. The terrible Girru, like the day, illuminated his vestments, awakened his menacing brilliance. He grabbed the mace with his right hand, his great weapon, The gaze of Marduk the sovereign is menacing! What will you tell me in their defense, O Ishum, wise adviser of the gods, whose advice is for the good? 55. ………………………………………………………. You don’t like Marduk’s words!” Ishum opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:

About 15 lines are damaged.

Fragment D


Ishum opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra: “Warrior Erra, you hold the reins of heaven, You are the ruler of the whole earth, the owner of the country, 5. You rock the sea, level the mountains, You lead people, you graze animals, And you are glorious to Esherra; in Engurra you are powerful, Shuana you watch, Esagila you rule, All the power of the gods you have collected, the gods obey you, 10. The Igigi are afraid, the Anunnaki are afraid, Anu listens to your decisions, Ellil loves you, without you there is no battle, Without you there is no battle, they belong to you war armor! 15. And you also say in your heart: “Behold, they despise me!”

Table IV

Erra finally calms down in her outrages and listens to Ishum’s admonitions. The fourth table is a lament for the destruction of Babylon. Marduk reproaches Erra for bringing destruction, plague and chaos to his beloved city. The same fate befell other cities: Sippar, Uruk, Der.

“It is you, warrior Erra, who are not afraid of the words of Marduk! You untied the connection of all countries in Dimkurkur, the city of the king of the gods, changed your divinity, and became like people. You waved your weapon, went out onto the hills, 5. In Babylon, like a city destroyer, you spoke arrogantly. The Babylonians, who, like reeds, do not know the leader, have gathered around you, He who does not know the weapon draws his sword, He who does not know the arrows strains his bow, He who does not know the quarrel enters into battle, 10. He who does not know strength flies like a bird, The weak strongman defeats, the swift-footed one is overtaken by a cripple, the ruler who cares about the shrines is told contemptuous speeches, the Gates of Babylon, the river of their wealth, they block with their hands, flames are thrown onto the sanctuaries of Babylon, like an invading enemy, 15. And you are their leader, you have become their leader ! You aim your arrows at Imgur-Ellil, “Alas!” - says my heart. Mukhra, the head of the gate, you have stained your home with the blood of husbands and maidens. These Babylonians are birds, and you are their trap, You drive them into the net, you catch them, you destroy them, warrior Erra. 20. You left the city, went outside, took the form of a lion, and entered the chambers. The army sees you and waves their weapons. The heart of the ruler, the avenger of Babylon, is angry. Like someone going on a raid, he gives orders, 25. He inclines the leader of the army to evil: “I am sending you to this city, man! Do not be afraid of gods, do not be afraid of people, put everyone to death, from young to old, do not spare either children or infants. 30. Loot Babylon’s acquired wealth!” The royal army lined up, entered the city, Arrows are burning, daggers are drawn. You forced the initiated people to carry weapons - an abomination for Dagan and Anu, Like sewage water, you shed their blood on haystacks, 35. You opened their veins, colored the rivers. Marduk, the great lord, saw, "Alas!" - he exclaimed, his heart was embarrassed, on his lips - an irrevocable curse. He vowed not to drink the river water, He is afraid of their blood, does not want to enter Esagila. 40. “Alas, Babylon, whose top I likened to a lush palm tree, the wind tore it to pieces! Alas, Babylon, which I filled with grain like a cedar cone, will not be satisfied with it! Alas, Babylon, what I cultivated like a blooming garden, its fruits cannot be seen by me! Alas, Babylon, which, like a seal of amber, I hung on Anu’s neck! Alas, Babylon, which, like the Tables of Fate, I held in my hands, entrusting it to no one!” 45. And so the sovereign Marduk said: ……….from the past days………………. Those who sail from the pier will cross on foot. Even if the tank is the depth of a rope, a person will not satiate his soul in it. In the vast expanse of the wide sea - in a thousand fields - the fisherman will move his boat with his pole. 50. As for Sippar, the eternal city, which the ruler of the gods, out of love, did not surrender to the flood, - Against the will of Shamash, you destroyed its walls and demolished its fortifications. As for Uruk, the abode of Anu and Ishtar, the city of hieroduls, harlots and whores, Whose husbands Ishtar took away and they are only subject to herself, Where the essences and the essences proclaimed cries - 55. They drove out singers and dancers from Eanna, whose masculinity people fear, Ishtar turned into womanhood, Bearers of daggers and razors, knives and stone blades. That, to the joy of Ishtar, they violate the prohibitions: You have placed an evil ruler who knows no mercy over them, 60. He oppresses them, does not maintain order. Ishtar became angry, turned to Uruk, sent enemies like grain with water, and scattered the country. The inhabitants of Daxa are weeping incessantly because of the destruction of Eugal - The enemy sent by you does not want to stop 65. Ishtaran echoes with the words: “You turned the city of Der into a desert, You broke its people like reeds, Like foam on the water, drowned out their hubbub. And he didn’t leave me alone, he gave me away. 70. And because of Der, my city, I cannot carry out the right judgment, nor give decisions for the country, the command to give, to send down wisdom! People have forgotten the truth, resorted to violence, abandoned justice, and serve the evil. 75. I will direct seven winds to one country: Whoever does not die in massacre will die from pestilence. Whoever does not die from the pestilence will be taken into captivity by the enemies, Whomever will not be driven into captivity - the villains will finish off, Whom the villains will not finish off - the royal sword will overtake, 80. Whoever the royal sword does not overtake - the prince will overthrow, Whom the prince will not overthrow - Adad will wash away, Whom the prince will not overthrow - Adad will wash away Adad will not wash away - he will be kidnapped by Shamash, Whoever goes outside will be carried away by the wind, Whoever hides in the house will be struck by an evil demon, 85. Whoever goes to the hills will die of thirst, Whoever goes down to the valley will die in the water! You have made hills and dales equal. The ruler of the mother’s city says: “On the day you gave birth to me, I would have stayed in the womb, 90. We would have given up the ghost, died together! For you gave me to the city, whose walls are destroyed, Its people are like game, their god is a hunter, Its net is strong, its husband will not escape, he will die an evil death! 95. Who gave birth to a son: “Here is my son! - he said. “I will raise him, he will repay him with kindness,” “I will kill my son.” Let the father bury, And then let the father lie without a grave. Whoever built a house and said: “Here is a dwelling, 100. I built it, I will rest in it, On the day of my destiny I will rest here,” - I will kill him, destroy the dwelling, and then give the ruins to someone else. Warrior Erra! You put to death the right one, 105. And the wrong one you put to death, Whoever is guilty before you, you put to death, Whoever is not guilty before you, you put to death, En, who hastens with the divine sacrifice, you put to death, The palace eunuch, the king’s servant, you betrayed death, 110. You put the elders to death at the threshold, You put the little girls in their chambers to death, But you did not find any peace. In your heart you said: “They neglect me!” So you say in your heart, warrior Erra: 115. “I will overthrow the strong, intimidate the weak, I will kill the commander, I will put his army to flight, I will destroy the holy temples, the battlements of the walls, I will destroy the beauty of the city. I’ll tear out the mooring post, let the ship be carried away by the current, I’ll break the helm - it won’t reach the shore, 120. I’ll pull out the mast, tear the rigging. I will dry up the breasts - the baby will not survive, I will clog the springs - the water of abundance will not fill the canals, I will shake the underworld, shake the sky, I will destroy the shine of Shulpae, I will destroy the stars in the sky, 125. I will cut the roots of a tree - the shoots will dry out, I will undermine the foundation of the wall - the top will collapse, I will enter the dwelling of the king of the gods - there will be no more decisions! As the warrior Erra-Ishuma heard his speech, how the oil was pleasant to him, 130. And so the warrior Erra said: “Primorets - Primorets, Subarei - Subarei, Assyrian - Assyrian, Elamite - Elamite, Kassite - Kassite, Suti - Sutia, Kutia - Kutia , Lulubey - lulubey, country - country, community - community, 135. Family - family, person - person, brother - brother Let them not spare, let them destroy each other! And then may the Akkadians rise up! And they will defeat everyone, they will rule everyone!” Warrior Erra says the word to advisor Ishum: “Ishum, go, do what you said!” Ishum turned to Hehe, to the mountain, 140. Sibitti, incomparable fighters, gathered around him. A warrior approached Mount Hehe, raised his hand and destroyed the mountain, leveled Mount Hehe to the ground, uprooted the trees in the cedar forest, 145. As if Hanish had passed, such a thicket became; He destroyed the cities, turned them into deserts, carried away the Mountains, destroyed their living creatures, stirred up the seas, destroyed their wealth, uprooted the reed beds, burned them like flames, 150. Cursed the herds, turned them to clay. When Erra calmed down, he entered his home.

Table V

In the fifth table, Erra asks to speak at a meeting of the gods. He admits that he got excited and was wrong. Erra adds that his plan was to completely destroy humanity, but Ishum's pleas softened his heart. From now on, he promises to take care of the Akkadians, help them restore a peaceful life and support them in the fight against their enemies. At the end, the author of the poem Kabtilani-Marduk, the son of Dabibu, reports that this legend was revealed to him in a dream. In the morning he just wrote it down, without adding a single line of his own.

When Erra calmed down, he entered his home. The gods all looked at his face together, Igigi and the Anunnaki appeared in awe. Erra opened his mouth and spoke to all the gods: 5. “Be silent, everyone, listen to my speech! True, in the days of previous sins I myself planned evil, My heart was angry, I overthrew people, Like a hired shepherd, I stole the leader from the herd, Like an inexperienced gardener, I cut too much, 10. Like an invading enemy, I destroyed the evil and the good without parsing. You can’t snatch prey from a lion’s mouth, And where one falls into a rage, the other is no advisor! Without Councilor Ishum, what would have happened? Your guardian, where would your priest be? 15. Where are the victims? You wouldn’t inhale the incense!” Ishum opened his mouth and spoke, He said to the Warrior Erra: “Hark, O warrior, listen to my speech. Enough, calm down, we are all your servants. On the day of your wrath, who will resist you? 20. Erra heard him, his face lit up, Like a bright day, his features shine, He entered Emeslam, entered the dwelling, Ishuma calls, gives an omen, Gives a command about the scattered Akkadians: 25. “Let the small people multiply again, Let everyone They walk on the roads without restraint, Let the weak Akkadian overthrow the mighty being, Let one drive seven like sheep! Their cities are in ruins, and their mountains are turned into desert, 30. Bring their wealth to Shuanna, calm the wrathful gods of the country in their dwellings, return Shakkan and Nisaba to the earth. From the mountains of their wealth, from the seas, take their tribute, From the fields I devastated, reap the harvests again. 35. Let all city rulers bring noble tribute to Shuana, near the temples. What I have destroyed, may the peaks rise like the rising sun, may the Tigris and Euphrates bring abundant waters, may all city rulers bring to the Trustee of Esagila and Babylon what is due!” For countless years, glory to Lord Nergal and warrior Ishum! 40. As Erra became angry, he bowed his face to the ruin of the country and to the destruction of people, But the adviser Ishum calmed him, and the remnants were saved - to Kabtilani-Marduk, the son of Dabib, who compiled this writing, He revealed in a night dream. In the morning he repeated it, he didn’t forget anything, he didn’t add a single line. 45. Erra heard and gave approval, Advisor Ishum was pleased with this, All the gods praised it together with him. And so the warrior Erra said: “The God who honors this song will fill the temple with abundance, 50. Whoever neglects it will not smell the incense! Let the king who spoke my name rule the universe, the Sovereign who proclaimed my glory. Let him not meet an opponent! Let the singer who sings it not die an evil death; his word will be pleasing to the Emperor and the Tsar! 55. The scribe who memorized it will escape the enemy’s land, but will be revered in his own. To the gathering of scientists where my name is revered, I will give wisdom! The house that keeps this tablet, even if Erra is angry, even if the Sibitti are formidable, - The disastrous sword will not approach, it will be safe! May this song always remain, may it be established forever, 60. May all countries hear it, may they honor my valor, may the whole world recognize it, may they exalt my glory!”

The Myth of Erra

The poem has reached us in the form of several dozen fragments from many cities in Mesopotamia and Northern Syria, which indicates the wide popularity of the text. The work itself dates back to the end of the 2nd millennium BC, but all known copies are later. Obviously, the poem reflected the disaster caused by the invasion of Babylonia by the Elamites and Arameans. The text consists of five tables and contains 750 lines, of which approximately two-thirds can be read.

Table I

The first table describes how the seven warlike deities of Sibitti, created by Anu, incite Erra to do unseemly deeds. They complain that their weapons, born warriors, have become dull due to idleness. Erra's advisor, Ishum, tries to dissuade him from evil deeds, but in vain - the god of plague thirsts for revenge and the blood of people who have forgotten his cult. Erra goes to Babylon to see Marduk and wants to find out from him why the king of the gods does not pay attention to the fact that his sacred robes are dirty and his tiara has faded. Marduk explains that only the god of cleansing fire Girru can lighten the clothes and clarify the tiara, but if the ruler leaves the earth, then “the charter of heaven and earth will weaken.” Then Erra offers to replace him during Marduk’s absence and promises to take care of maintaining order. Marduk happily agrees and transfers power to Erra.

King of all abodes, creator of the universe...
Hendusanga, son of Enlil, glorious firstborn,
Bearer of the beautiful scepter, guardian of the blackheads, shepherd of men,
Ishum, the revered slaughterer, whose hands are accustomed to the menacing swing of the weapon
5. And throwing sharp spears! Erra, warrior of the gods, languishes in his home,
His heart yearns to start a battle.
He commands the weapon: “Anoint yourself with mortal poison!”
Sibitti, incomparable fighters: "Draw your weapons!"
And he says to you: “I will go free!
10. You are a lamp, everyone looks at your light,
You are the leader, the gods are your army,
You are a broad sword, a killer of many!"
"Erra, get up! How will you overthrow the country,
As your spirit rejoices, your womb rejoices!”
15. As if sleepy, Erra’s hands became weak.
He says to his heart: “Should I stand up or lie down?”
He commands the weapon: “Remain in the sheath!”
Sibitti, incomparable fighters: “Return to your home!”
Until you raise him, he will remain on the bed,
20. Indulging in pleasures with my wife Mammi,
O Engidudu, lord, wandering in the night, mentor of sovereigns.
Who guides virgins and youths to goodness as the day shines on them!
Sibitti, incomparable fighters, has a different nature,
Their birth is wonderful, they inspire fear,
25. Their appearance is terrible, death is their breath,
People are afraid and don’t dare approach.
Ishum is a door that is closed to them!
Anu, the king of the gods, knocked up the earth -
She gave birth to seven gods, he named them Sibitti.
30. They stood before him, he assigned their destinies.
He called one and gave the command:
“No matter where you go on a rampage, you will not meet an opponent!”
He says to the second: “Burn like fire, blaze like flame!”
He conjures the third: “Be like a lion; whoever sees you, let him perish!”
35. To the fourth he says: “Let the mountain collapse from the swing of your weapon!”
To the fifth he says: “Blow like the wind, disturb the whole earth!”
He tells the sixth: “Strike left and right, don’t show mercy to anyone!”
He supplied the seventh with snake venom: “Exterminate the living!”
How Sibitti Anu assigned the fates of everyone,
40. He gave them to Erra, the warrior of the gods: “Let them walk next to you.
When you get tired of human hubbub
And you want to commit reprisals,
Kill the blackheads and the herds of Shakkan, -
May they become your formidable weapon, may they walk next to you!”
45. They are fierce, their weapons are raised,
They say to Erra: “Get up! Get to work!
Why are you sitting in the city like a frail old man,
Why are you sitting at home like a weak child!
As those who do not know the will, should we eat the food of women?
50. Should we tremble in fear, as ignorant in battle?
Going free is a holiday for a man.
Even a prince in the city cannot find food,
People will take him away, he will become a laughing stock,
How will he extend his hand to those leaving for freedom?
55. Even if he who sits in the city is strong,
How will he gain the upper hand over one who is set free?
Even if there is plenty of bread in the city, it cannot compare with the ash cake,
Sweet strained beer cannot compare with the water of a wineskin,
A magnificent palace cannot be compared to a camping tent!
60. Erra the warrior, go free, wave your weapon,
Let your cry shake the north and south,
Let the Igigi hear and praise your name,
Let the Anunnaki hear and fear your glory,
Let the gods hear and bow under your yoke,
65. Let kings hear and bow before you
Let countries hear and send you tributes,
Let the demons hear and appear voluntarily,
Let the strong hear and bite his lips,
Let the wooded mountains hear and let their peaks collapse.
70. Let the waves of the sea hear and, stirring up, destroy their wealth,
In the thicket, let the trunks be exposed,
In impenetrable thickets let their reeds break,
Let people be afraid, let their hubbub subside,
Let the animals shudder and become clay again,
75. May the gods, your ancestors, see and praise your valor.
Erra the warrior, why have you left your freedom and are you sitting in the city?
Shakkan's herds and beasts despise us.
Erra-warrior, we say to you, don’t be angry with our words:
Before the whole country rises above us,
80. Perhaps, incline your ear to our sayings.
To the Anunnaki, who love the blissful silence and service,
Because of the hubbub of people, sleep does not come to them!
The life of the country, the meadows, the herds are flooded, the plowman weeps bitterly over his field,
85. The lion and wolf destroy the herds of Shakkan,
The shepherd does not lie down for the sheep day or night, he calls to you.
And we, experts on mountain passes, have forgotten about hiking,
A cobweb lay on our armor,
The faithful bow has betrayed us, it has become beyond our strength,
90. The tip of a sharp arrow is bent,
Without killing, our dagger has rusted!"
The warrior Erra heard them,
Sabitti's speech was so pleasant to him.
He opened his mouth and Ishumu said:
95. “Why are you silent, hearing all this?
Pave the way for me, I will go on a hike!
Sabitti, incomparable fighters, offspring of Anu,
My formidable weapon, let them walk next to me,
You go ahead or follow me."
100. Ishum heard such speeches,
Overcome with compassion, he says to the warrior Erra:
“Lord, why are you planning evil against the gods?
Are you planning evil for the destruction of the country and the irrevocable destruction of people?”
Erra opened his mouth and spoke,
105. He says this to the advisor Ishumu:
"Hark, O Ishum, listen to my speech,
About all those living whom you ask for mercy,
O leader of the gods, whose advice is for good!
I am a tour in heaven and I am a lion on earth,
110. In the world I am a king, among the gods I am formidable.
Brave among the Igigi, omnipotent among the Anunnaki,
For the mountains - a ram, for game - a hunter,
In the reeds I am fire, in the forest I am an axe, in a campaign I am a banner.
115. I blow like the wind, I thunder like a thunderstorm,
Like the sun I look around the circumference of the universe,
I go out into the steppe as a wild mouflon, I wander through the deserts, I don’t build a home.
All the gods are afraid of fighting with me,
120. But black-headed people neglect me!
Because they were not afraid of my glory,
And they rejected Marduk’s word and acted according to their own will,
I myself will make Marduk, the sovereign, angry, I will raise him from his home, I will overthrow the people!”
The warrior Erra turned to Shuanna, the city of the king of the gods,
125. He entered Esagila, the Temple of Heaven and Earth, and he appeared before him,
He opened his mouth and spoke to the king of the gods:
“What happened to your robe, befitting a ruler, that shone like the stars? It has become dirty!
And with the tiara of your power, which illuminated Ehalanki, like Etemenanki? She's dirty!"
The king of the gods opened his mouth and spoke,
130. To Erra, warrior of the gods, he says a word:
"Warrior Erra, as for the deed you intend to accomplish,
I was once angry, I left my home - I caused a flood,
I left my home - I abolished the rules of heaven and earth.
The skies shook, the constellations shifted, I did not return them back.
135. The underworld shuddered - the crops were reduced by the arable land, and not even a tax could be collected!
The regulations of heaven and earth weakened - the springs became scarce, the floods fell.
I’ll turn around and look - there’s nothing to get enough of.
The offspring of living creatures have decreased, - I did not interfere,
Until, like a plowman, I took a handful of their seed.
I built a house and settled in it.
140. The flood washed over my robe, and it became dirty,
I ordered Girra to brighten my appearance and cleanse my clothes.
How he brightened my vestments, he finished the job,
I put on the tiara of power, returned to myself, -
My face is angry and my gaze is menacing.
145. On the people who survived the flood and saw it all,
Won't you take up arms and destroy the remnant?
I sent their sages into the abyss and did not order them to return,
I hid the stone-tree and amber, where I didn’t tell anyone.
As for the matter that you spoke about, warrior Erra, -
150. Where is the stone-tree, the flesh of the gods, the adornment of the king of the universe,
Pure tree, tall hero worthy of power,
That in the midst of a sea wide for a hundred miles of water stretches its roots to the underworld
And the peak rises to the sky Anu?
Where is the brilliant azure stone that I will choose for the tiara?
155. Where is Ninilda, the great carver, the embodiment of my heavenlyness,
The owner of a golden chisel, a connoisseur of art, which he enlightens like daylight,
Does it make you bow at my feet?
Where is Gushkinbanda, creator of gods and people, whose hands are clean?
Where is Ninagal, the owner of the hammer and the anvil,
160. Who chews hard copper, like skin, the creator of things?
Where are the choice stones, the product of the wide sea, the decoration of the tiara?
Where are the seven masters from the Abyss, the sacred fish "puradu"
Whose wisdom, like Eya, their lord, is perfect, purifiers of my body?”
Hearing him, the warrior Erra approached,
He opened his mouth and spoke to the sovereign Marduk:
165. ………………….
…..him……………….I’ll make him get up
Sparkling amber…….I will make him rise.
When Marduk heard all this,
He opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:
170. “If I rise from my dwelling, the rule of heaven and earth will weaken,
The waters will rise and sweep away the earth,
The bright day will darken and become darkness,
A hurricane will break out and blow out the stars,
An evil wind will come, it will obscure the vision of all living things,
175. Demons will rise, people will be terrified:
The one who is naked will not be able to resist them,
The Anunnaki will rise and destroy the living, -
Until I wave my weapon, who will turn them back?"
Warrior Erra, having heard this,
180. He opened his mouth and spoke to the sovereign Marduk:
"Lord Marduk, until you enter that house,
But the Fire will not cleanse your clothes and you will not return to yourself,
Until then I will rule, I will strengthen the statutes of earth and heaven,
I'll rise to the skies. I will give the order to the Igigs,
I will descend into the Abyss and subjugate the Anunnaki,
185. I will return the evil demons to the Land of No Return,
I will wave my formidable weapon over them.
I will break the wings of an evil wind like a bird.
To the house where you will enter, Lord Marduk,
On the sides of the gate I will place Anu and Enlil like bulls."
190. Lord Marduk heard this,
Erra's speeches are pleasant to him.
He rose from his impregnable dwelling,
He turned his face towards the dwelling of the Anunnaki.

Table II

Fragment C

The beginning of the second table, about 100 rows, is badly damaged. As far as one can judge from fragments of words, after the departure of Marduk, various disturbances occur in the world. Next, apparently, it talks about the purification of Marduk's clothes. Erra returns to his Emeslam temple and threatens to destroy the people. He vividly describes what disasters will bring them.
He entered Emeslam, entered the dwelling,
He asks himself in this matter, -
10. His heart is angry and does not give an answer.
Again he asks him:
"Make a path for me, I will go on a hike,
the day has come, the time has come!
I will say - and Shamash will drop his rays,
15. I will cover my face at night,
I’ll say to Adad: “Call off the Taurus,
Drive away the clouds, remove the rain and snow!"
I will bring news to Marduk and Aya:
"He who is born on a rainy day will be buried in a drought,
20. He who goes down the river will return along a dusty road.”
To the king of the gods I will say: "Dwell in Esagila,
What you ordered, I will do, I will fulfill your order,
Whenever the blackheads pray, reject their prayers!”
I will crush the country, turn it into ruins,
25. I will destroy cities and turn them into deserts,
I will stir up the seas and destroy their wealth,
I will eradicate the swamp thickets, I will burn them like Girra,
I will overthrow people, destroy all living things,
30. I will not leave anyone, not even for seed!
I will not let livestock and animals go to pasture.
I will raise communities against each other,
The son will hate his father, will not give him peace,
The mother, smiling, will intrigue her daughter.
35. I will bring the evildoer into the abode of the gods, where evil has no entry,
In the monastery of the sovereigns all the rogues.
I will make the underwater animals rise,
Where they are seen, the city will be empty,
I will make the mountain animals come down,
40. Where they step, the place will be empty,
I will let countless steppe animals through the stacks of hail,
I will make bad omens, I will bring sanctuaries into desolation,
Into the lofty abode of the gods I will admit Sangkhulhaza,
I will turn the magnificent royal palace into ruins,
45. I will stop the noise of people, I will take away their joy,
Like a fire, enmity will burn in the place of friendship...
The end is damaged

Table III
Fragment A

In the third table, Erra's monologue continues. Apparently, Ishum tries to no avail to dissuade his master from completely destroying all living things.

The first 6 lines are corrupted

I will snatch the soul from a good intercessor,
I will raise the evil murderer above everyone,
I will change people's hearts: the father will not hear his son,
10. The daughter will say an evil word to the mother,
I will put evil speeches into them, they will forget God,
They will spew blasphemy against their goddess,
I will raise up the robbers, block the road,
In the middle of the city people will rob each other,
15. The lion and the wolf will destroy Shakkan's flock,
I will anger Ninmennanna, I will stop births,
The nanny will not wait for the child's cry,
In the fields I will drown out the exclamations of “Alala!”
The shepherd and the shepherd will leave the folds,
20. I will tear the clothes from the human body,
I'll let my husband wander around the haystacks naked,
Without clothes I will send you to the abode of the dead,
The husband will not find his sacrificial sheep for the sake of life,
The sovereign will not find a lamb for the oracle of Shamash,
The sick man will not obtain meat for the victim

Lines 25-35, as well as fragment B, are badly damaged.

Fragment C

Lines 1-23 are corrupted. Apparently, Ishum tried to dissuade Erra from his intentions.

"Pave the way for me, I will go on a hike,
Sibitti, incomparable fighters, offspring of Anu,
My formidable weapon, let it be next to me,
You go ahead or follow me!”
Ishum heard such speeches,
Overcome with compassion, he says to himself:
30. "Woe to my people, with whom Erra is angry and angry,
On whom Nergal the warrior, like a storm of battle, unleashes Asakka,
As when killing a defeated god, their hand does not waver,
As to bind the evil Anzu, their net is spread out!"
Ishum opened his mouth and spoke,
35. He says this to the warrior Erra:
“Why do you plan evil against gods and people,
Are you planning evil for the blackheads to be destroyed irrevocably?”
Erra opened his mouth and spoke,
He says this to Advisor Ishumu:
40. "You know the decision of Igigi, the advice of the Anunnaki,
You give orders to the blackheads, you bestow wisdom.
So why are you talking like an ignoramus?
You give advice as if you don’t know Marduk!
The king of the gods left his home -
45. Of the many countries, which one will stand?
He took off the tiara of his power -
Sovereigns and kings, like slaves, have forgotten their duty.
He untied the bandage -
The connection between gods and people has been broken, and it is difficult to consolidate it.
50. The terrible Girru, like the day, illuminated his vestments, awakened his menacing brilliance.
With his right hand he grabbed the mace, his great weapon,
The gaze of Marduk the sovereign is menacing!
What can you tell me in their defense?
O Ishum, wise adviser of the gods, whose advice is for good?
55. ……………………………………….
You don't like Marduk's words!"
Ishum opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:

About 15 lines are damaged.

Fragment D

Ishum opened his mouth and spoke to the warrior Erra:
"Warrior Erra, you hold the reins of heaven,
You are the ruler of the whole earth, the owner of the country,
5. You shake the sea, level the mountains,
You lead people, you herd animals,
And you are glorious to Escherra; in Engurra sovereigns,
You watch over Shuana, you rule over Esagila,
You have gathered all the power of the gods, the gods obey you,
10. The Igigi are afraid, the Anunnaki are afraid,
Anu listens to your decisions,
Ellil loves you, without you there is no battle,
Without you there is no battle,
War armor belongs to you!
15. And you also say in your heart: “Behold, they despise me!”

Table IV

Erra finally calms down in her outrages and listens to Ishum’s admonitions. The fourth table is a lament for the destruction of Babylon. Marduk reproaches Erra for bringing destruction, plague and chaos to his beloved city. The same fate befell other cities: Sippar, Uruk, Der.

“It is you, warrior Erra, who are not afraid of the words of Marduk!
You untied the connection of all countries in Dimkurkur, the city of the king of the gods,
He changed his divinity and became like people.
You waved your weapon, went out onto the hills,
5. In Babylon, like a city destroyer, he spoke arrogantly.
The Babylonians, who, like reeds, do not know their boss, have gathered around you,
He who knows no weapon draws his sword,
He who knows no arrows strains his bow,
He who has not known quarrels enters into battle,
10. He who does not know strength flies like a bird,
The weak strong man wins, the fast-footed man is overtaken by the cripple,
The ruler who cares about the shrines is told disdainful speeches,
The gates of Babylon, the river of their wealth, they block with their hands,
On the sanctuaries of Babylon, like an invading enemy, they throw flames,
15. And you are their leader, you have become their leader!
You aim your arrows at Imgur-Ellil, "Alas!" - says my heart.
Mukhra, the head of the gate, you have stained your home with the blood of husbands and maidens.
These Babylonians are birds, and you are their trap,
You drive them into the net, catch them, destroy them, warrior Erra.
20. You left the city, went outside,
He took on the form of a lion and entered the chambers.
The army sees you and waves their weapons.
The heart of the ruler, the avenger of Babylon, is angry.
Like someone going on a raid, he gives orders,
25. The leader of the army is inclined to evil:
"I am sending you to this city, man!
Don't be afraid of gods, don't be afraid of people,
From young to old, put everyone to death,
Spare neither children nor infants.
30. Loot Babylon’s acquired wealth!”
The royal army lined up and entered the city,
Arrows are burning, daggers are drawn.
You forced dedicated people to carry weapons - an abomination for Dagan and Anu,
Like sewage water, you shed their blood on haystacks,
35. He opened their veins and colored the rivers.
Marduk, the great lord, saw, "Alas!" - he exclaimed, his heart was embarrassed,
On his lips is an irrevocable curse.
He vowed not to drink river water,
He is afraid of their blood and does not want to enter Esagila.
40. “Alas, Babylon, whose top I likened to a lush palm tree, the wind tore her to pieces!
Alas, Babylon, which I filled with grain like a cedar cone, will not be satisfied with it!
Alas, Babylon, what I cultivated like a blooming garden, its fruits cannot be seen by me!
Alas, Babylon, which, like a seal of amber, I hung on Anu’s neck!
Alas, Babylon, which, like the Tables of Fate, I held in my hands, entrusting it to no one!”
45. And so the sovereign Marduk said:
……….from the past days……………….
Those who sail from the pier will cross on foot.
Even if the tank is the depth of a rope, a person will not satiate his soul in it.
In the vast expanse of the wide sea - in a thousand fields - the fisherman will move his boat with his pole.
50. As for Sippar, the eternal city, which the ruler of the gods, out of love, did not give up to the flood, -
Against the will of Shamash, you destroyed his walls and demolished his fortifications.
As for Uruk, the abode of Anu and Ishtar, the city of the hieroduls, harlots and virgins,
From whom Ishtar has taken away their husbands and they are only subject to herself,
Where sutii and sutuiki shouted, -
55. They drove the singers and dancers out of Eanna,
Whose masculinity people feared, Ishtar turned into femininity,
Carriers of daggers and razors, knives and stone blades.
That, to the joy of Ishtar, they break prohibitions:
You have placed an evil ruler who knows no mercy over them,
60. He oppresses them and does not maintain order.
Ishtar became angry and turned to Uruk,
She sent enemies like grain through water, scattering the country.
The inhabitants of Daxa cry incessantly because of the destruction of Eugal -
The enemy sent by you does not want to stop
65. Ishtaran echoes the words:
"You turned the city of Der into a desert,
His people were hacked like reeds,
Like foam on water, their hubbub drowned out.
And he didn’t leave me alone, he gave me away.
70. And I, from behind Der, my city,
I cannot administer justice or give decisions for the country,
The command to give, to send down wisdom!
People have forgotten the truth, resorted to violence, abandoned justice, and serve the evil.
75. I will direct seven winds to one country:
Whoever does not die in the massacre will die from pestilence.
Whoever does not die from the pestilence will be taken prisoner by the enemies,
Those who are not captured will be killed by the villains,
Whomever the villains do not finish off, the royal sword will overtake,
80. Whoever the royal sword does not overtake, the prince will overthrow,
Whomever the prince does not overthrow, Adad will wash away,
Whomever Adad does not wash away, Shamash will kidnap,
Whoever goes outside will be carried away by the wind,
Whoever hides in the house will be struck by an evil demon,
85. Whoever goes to the hills will die of thirst,
Whoever goes down into the valley will die in the water!
You have made hills and dales equal.
The ruler of the mother city says:
"On the day you gave birth to me, I would have stayed in the womb,
90. We wish we could give up the ghost and die together!
For you gave me to the city whose walls were destroyed,
His people are like game, their god is a hunter,
His network is strong, her husband will not escape her, he will die an evil death!”
95. Who gave birth to a son: “Here is my son!” said.
I will raise him, he will repay him with kindness,”
I'll kill my son. Let the father bury
And then his father - let him lie without a grave.
Who built a house and said: “This is a dwelling,
100. I built it, I will rest in it,
On the day of my destiny I will rest here,"
I will kill him, destroy his home,
And then I’ll give the ruins to someone else.
Warrior Erra! You put the right one to death
105. And you put the unjust to death,
Whoever is guilty before you, you put to death,
Whoever is innocent before you, you put to death,
You put En, hurrying with the divine sacrifice, to death,
You put the palace eunuch, the king's servant, to death,
110. You put the elders to death at the threshold,
You put the little girls in your chambers to death,
But I didn’t find any peace.
In your heart you said: “They neglect me!”
So you say in your heart, warrior Erra:
115. “I will overthrow the strong, intimidate the weak,
I will kill the commander, I will put his army to flight,
I will destroy the shrines of the temples, the walls of the battlements, and destroy the beauty of the city.
I'll tear out the mooring post and let the ship drift away,
I'll break the helm - he won't reach the shore,
120. I’ll pull out the mast and tear apart the rigging.
I'll dry up my breasts - the baby won't survive,
If I clog the springs, the water of abundance will not fill the channels,
I'll shake the underworld, rock the sky,
I will destroy the shine of Shulpae, I will destroy the stars in the sky,
125. I cut the roots of a tree - the shoots dry up,
I'll dig up the base of the wall - the top will collapse,
I will enter the dwelling of the king of the gods - there will be no more decisions!”
As the warrior Erra heard him -
Ishuma's speech is like oil pleasant to him,
130. And so said the warrior Erra:
"Primorets - Primorets, subarei - subarei, Assyrian - Assyrians,
Elamite - Elamite, Kassite - Kassite,
Sutiy - sutiya, kutii - kutia,
Lulubey - lulubey, country - country, community - community,
135. Family - family, person - person, brother - brother
Let them not spare, let them destroy each other!
And then may the Akkadians rise up! And they will defeat everyone, they will rule everyone!”
Warrior Erra says a word to Councilor Ishumu:
“Ishum, go, do what you said!”
Ishum turned to Hehe, to the mountain,
140. The Sibitti, incomparable fighters, gathered around him.
A warrior approached Mount Hehe,
He raised his hand and destroyed the mountain,
He leveled Mount Hehe to the ground,
Uprooted the trees in the cedar forest,
145. As if Hanish had passed, the thicket became so;
He destroyed cities, turned them into desert,
He carried away the mountains, destroyed their living creatures,
He stirred up the seas, destroyed their wealth,
Uprooted the reed beds, burned them like flames,
150. He cursed the flocks and turned them into clay.
When Erra calmed down, he entered his home.

Table V

In the fifth table, Erra asks to speak at a meeting of the gods. He admits that he got excited and was wrong. Erra adds that his plan was to completely destroy humanity, but Ishum's pleas softened his heart. From now on, he promises to take care of the Akkadians, help them restore a peaceful life and support them in the fight against their enemies. At the end, the author of the poem Kabtilani-Marduk, the son of Dabibu, reports that this legend was revealed to him in a dream. In the morning he just wrote it down, without adding a single line of his own.

When Erra calmed down, he entered his home.
The gods all looked at his face together,
The Igigi and Anunnaki stood in awe.
Erra opened his mouth and spoke to all the gods:
5. “Be silent, everyone, listen to my speech!
True, in the days of my previous sins I myself conceived evil,
My heart was angry, I brought down people,
Like a hired shepherd, I stole the leader from the flock,
Like an inexperienced gardener, I cut too much
10. Like an invading enemy, he destroyed the good and the evil indiscriminately.
You can't snatch the prey from the lion's mouth,
And where one fell into a rage, the other is not an adviser!
Without Councilor Ishum, what would have happened?
Your guardian, where would your priest be?
15. Where are the victims? You wouldn’t inhale the incense!”
Ishum opened his mouth and spoke,
He says this to the warrior Erra:
“Hark, O warrior, listen to my speech.
Enough, calm down, we are all your servants.
In the day of your wrath, who will resist you?"
20. Erra heard him, his face lit up,
His features shine like a bright day,
He entered Emeslam, entered the dwelling,
Ishuma calls, gives an omen,
Regarding the scattered Akkadians, he gives the command:
25. "Let the small people multiply again,
Let everyone walk on the roads without restrictions,
Let the weak Akkadian overthrow the mighty being,
One will drive seven like sheep!
Their cities are in ruins, and their mountains are turned into desert,
30. Bring them full of riches to Shuanna,
Calm the wrathful gods of the country in their homes,
Bring Shakkan and Nisaba back to earth.
From the mountains of their wealth, from the seas take their tribute,
From the fields I have devastated, reap the harvest again.
35. Let all city rulers bring noble tribute to Shuana,
At the temples. What I have destroyed, may the peaks rise like the rising sun,
May the Tigris and Euphrates bring abundant waters,
Let all city governors bring to the trustee of Esagila and Babylon what is due!”
For countless years, glory to Lord Nergal and warrior Ishum!
40. How angry Erra was about the ruin of the country
And he bowed his face towards the destruction of people,
But advisor Ishum calmed him down, and the remnants were saved -
To Kabtilani-Marduk, son of Dabib, who composed this writing,
He appeared in a night dream. In the morning he repeated, he didn’t forget anything,
I didn’t add a single line there.
45. Erra heard and gave approval,
Advisor Ishumu is pleased with this,
All the gods praised this together with him.
And so said the warrior Erra:
"The God who honors this song will fill the temple with abundance,
50. Whoever neglects it will not be able to smell the incense!
Let the king who spoke my name rule the universe,
Sovereign, who proclaimed my glory. Let him not meet an opponent!
The singer who sings it may not die an evil death,
The Emperor and the Tsar will be pleased with his word!
55. The scribe who memorized it will escape the enemy’s land, but will be revered in his own.
To the gathering of scientists where my name is revered, I will give wisdom!
To the house that keeps this tablet - may Erra be angry, may the Sibitti be formidable, -
If the disastrous sword does not approach, he will be safe!
May this song always remain, may it be established forever,
60. May all countries hear it, may they honor my valor,
May the whole world recognize her and exalt my glory!”

translation by V. Yakobson

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