The Third Reich still exists. How the Nazi elite ended their lives: the last conspiracy of the Nazi base in Antarctica

Maybe for some this will be incredible: legally, the Grossdeutsches Reich (Third Reich) still exists today. Like this.

The fact is that on May 8 (9), 1945, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, on behalf of the command, signed the Act of Unconditional Surrender of the German Armed Forces. That's all.

At that time, the legitimate government of the Third Reich, headed by Karl Dönitz, did NOT SIGN any regulations on the surrender of the German state; ONLY the Wehrmacht, and not the state, capitulated.

The surrender of the German state had to be legally signed - according to Article 45 of the Weimar Constitution - only by the Reich President, as the head and representative of the German people, which was not legally done or formalized.

By the way, the Dönitz government was arrested by the British only on May 23, 1945; before that it quietly continued its work.

The head of the German state and armed forces of the Third Reich, Karl Doenitz, never signed the act of surrender of Germany

Doenitz sought to achieve an alliance with a coalition of allies in order to jointly strike a blow against the USSR. But coalition commander Dwight Eisenhower insisted on unconditional surrender

Before this, Doenitz had signed only one document.

On May 4, 1945, a document was signed between the Fuhrer's successor, the new Reich President, Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz and General Montgomery, on the military surrender of northwestern Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands to the Allies and the associated truce.

The document came into force on May 5 at 8 am.But this document cannot be called an unconditional surrender of all of Germany.

A sort of historical “incident” that could have big consequences in the future

More details on the topic in German:

In this regard, it is interesting that the current Federal Republic of Germany was created, and now, as precisely as possible, it was restored by Nazi bosses

The 3rd Reich does not capitulate and remains with the same characters.

Peace treaties are not concluded with the more than 54 nations involved in the war. The Republic of Austria, annexed to the German Nazi colony, leaves the so-called. “Greater German Reich” and Austrians receive their native citizenship, which they had until 1938 - the citizenship of “Austria”.

So-called The “Greater German Reich” with this act returns to the original borders of the German Nazi colony of the 3rd Reich in 1937.

In Germany, since 1945, there has been a semblance of denazification, which concerns only the prohibition of the creation of organizations and their symbols.

The German service personnel of the 3rd Reich were simply recruited, particularly by the Western Allies.

The fascists took off their uniforms and returned to the economy, politics, justice, administration, armed forces, and secret services.

Evidence - legal basis: Hitler's escape, Dönitz's transitional government, the Nuremberg Tribunal with the unsuccessful trial against IG-Farben for the Auschwitz concentration camp, the order on German citizenship in Austria of July 3, 1938, the State Journal of Laws of the Republic of Austria of July 14, 1945.

Defendants (from left to right) Carl Krauch (1887-1968, former director of the BASF corporation, sentenced to 6 years in prison), Herman Schmitz (1881-1960, former General Director of the I.G. Farben corporation, sentenced to 4 years in prison freedom)

And Georg von Schnitzler (1884-1960, former member of the board of directors of the I.G. Farben corporation) at the Nuremberg trial in the case of I.G. Farben.

Despite the lenient sentences, the corporation and its key owners escaped responsibility


This is what ultimately came out of the German Farben; the company expanded into this.

The organization that created the Nazi death conveyor itself was not liquidated immediately, in the end it was only transformed into several new companies

As a result, it turns out that there seems to be no 3rd Reich, but it exists according to the very real law. And this is the very thing that has survived that supports the Nazification of Europe and Ukraine and pursues an aggressive policy towards Russia

The Federal Republic of Germany is today the economic, financial and organizational engine of fascism in Europe

"Ahnenerbe". The existence of this strictly secret organization, created with the personal participation of Adolf Hitler almost a hundred years ago, is the subject of the closest attention of senior leaders of the USA, USSR (Russia), France, England, China... What was it: a myth, a legend that keeps dark , terrible secret knowledge of prehistoric civilizations, alien knowledge, magical secrets of otherworldly forces? Let's try to figure it out...

The Ahnenerbe originates from the mystical organizations Hermanenorden, Thule and Vril. It was they who became the “three pillars” of the National Socialist ideology, supporting the doctrine of the existence in prehistoric times of a certain island - Arctida. A powerful civilization, which had access to almost all the secrets of the Universe and the universe, died after a grandiose catastrophe. Some people were miraculously saved. Subsequently, they mixed with the Aryans, giving impetus to the emergence of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans. That's it, no more, no less! And how can you not believe it: after all, hints of this are clearly visible in the Avesta - the oldest Zoroastrian source! The Nazis sought confirmation of their racial theory all over the world - from Tibet to Africa and Europe. They looked for ancient manuscripts and manuscripts that contained information on history, magic, yoga, and theology. Everything that contained even the slightest, even legendary, references to the Vedas, Aryans, Tibetans. The highest interest in such knowledge was shown by the ruling elite of Germany - politicians, industrialists, and the scientific elite. All of them tried to master unprecedented, higher knowledge, encrypted and scattered across all religions and mystical beliefs of the world, and not only ours. And we must pay tribute not without success.
The residence of the educational, historical and educational society for the study of German history was located in the small provincial town of Weischenfeld, Bavaria.

Wewelsburg Castle, Ahnenerbe headquarters after entering the SS

The initiators of the creation of the Ahnenerbe, in addition to Hitler, were Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, SS Gruppenführer Hermann Wirth (“godfather”)

and racologist Richard Walter Dare. By and large, Ahnenerbe was looking for sources of “special knowledge”, those that could contribute to the creation of a superman with superpower and superknowledge. During World War II, Ahnenerbe receives complete carte blanche to conduct “medical” experiments to create it. The institute conducted thousands of sadistic experiments: captured soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition, women, children laid down their lives on the altar of genetic and physiological experiments of the Nazis! Moreover, the masters of science also tormented the SS elite - members of the “knightly” orders: “Lords of the Black Stone”, “Black Knights of Thule” and a kind of Masonic order within the SS itself - “Black Sun”. The effect of various poisons, exposure to high and low temperatures, pain thresholds - these are the main “scientific” programs. And in addition, the possibility of mass psychological and psychotropic influence, work on the creation of superweapons was explored. To conduct research, Ahnenerbe attracted the best personnel - world-famous scientists. However, one should not think that everything was thrown together. No, Ahnenerbe, with German pedantry, divided the work into the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons (including mass destruction, including atomic weapons), the possibility of using religious and mystical practices and... the possibility of intercourse with alien highly developed civilizations. Not weak?! Have Ahnenerbe scientists achieved any significant results? It is quite possible, especially if you consider that after the defeat of the “thousand-year Reich,” the USA and the USSR made titanic efforts to search for Ahnenerbe archives, all kinds of materials, employees, and material assets. What was discovered was taken out in complete secrecy. Scientists mastered new, again secret laboratories of the victorious countries, where they continued their work in the same vein. The achievement of certain successes by Ahnenerbe scientists can be confirmed by the huge breakthrough of the USSR and the USA in the field of atomic, electronic, aerospace and mechanical engineering technologies in the post-war period. But let's take things in order.

A well-known and indisputable fact is the commitment of the leaders of the Third Reich to various mystical practices of the East, and especially Tibetan ones. Moreover, the Nazis began relations with Tibetan monks back in the mid-20s. It remains unclear why Buddhist monks were so inclined towards fascism. Maybe they were attracted to the idea of ​​​​creating a superstate? But be that as it may, several historical research expeditions undertaken by the Germans to Tibet in the late 30s were crowned with complete success. The expedition members, led by Ernst Schaeffer, managed to visit the city of Lhasa, closed to outsiders; moreover, they visited a sacred place - Yarling, and the regent Kvotukhtu gave Hitler a personal letter in which he called him “king”.

Forbidden City Lhasa (Tibet)

After staying in the East for three months, the expedition brought to Germany hundreds of meters of film dedicated to mystical and religious rituals, and many manuscripts subjected to the most careful study. As a result, a report was placed on Hitler’s desk, after reading which he became extremely excited, and the thought of superweapons, as well as the idea of ​​interstellar flights, no longer left the leader of the Third Reich. And after radio contact was established between Berlin and Lhasa, a large group of representatives from Tibet arrived in Germany. Their corpses, dressed in SS uniforms, were subsequently discovered in the premises of the Reich Chancellery and in Hitler's bunker. What mission was assigned to these representatives of the Far East remained a secret, which they voluntarily took with them to the grave. To what has been said, it is perhaps worth adding that in search of mystical documents, German scientists and special Sonder teams searched not only Tibet. They exported dozens and hundreds of parchments in Sanskrit and ancient Chinese to Germany. Wernher von Braun, the creator of the first rocket planes, once said: “We learned a lot by doing research in mysticism, astronautics and much more, Ahnenerbe was actively working on much more prosaic things, for example, atomic weapons for itself in these papers.” And more recently, absolutely fantastic materials have appeared indicating that the lion's share of knowledge on the development of atomic weapons and space technology "Ahnenerbe"received from representatives of a higher civilization from Aldebaran. Communication with the “aldebarans” was carried out from a top-secret base located in Antarctica. In 1946, the Americans undertook a search expedition. One aircraft carrier, fourteen ships, one submarine - quite an impressive force! Richard Evelyn Baird, who headed this event, codenamed “High Jump,” literally stunned the magazine fraternity many years later: “We inspected the Ahnenerbe base.” There I saw unprecedented aircraft, capable of covering vast distances in a split second. The devices were disc-shaped."

One of the "flying disc" schemes

Equipment and devices were delivered to Antarctica by special submarines. This begs the question: why Antarctica? A very interesting answer can be found in the secret materials about the activities of Ahnenerbe. The fact is that this is where the so-called transdimensional window is located. And the already mentioned Wernher von Braun spoke about the existence of disc-shaped aircraft capable of rising to a height of 4000 kilometers. Fantastic? May be. However, the creator of the FAU-1 and FAU-2 can probably be trusted. By the way, in 1945, at a secret factory in Austria, Soviet soldiers discovered similar devices. Everything found in the strictest secrecy was moved to the “bins” of the USSR. And the “Top Secret” stamp reliably provided the citizens of the Land of the Soviets with a calm sleep of ignorance for many years. So, did the Nazis communicate with representatives of other worlds? It's possible. Although there is one “small” discrepancy here - who are they and what are they like?! Give such a regime as fascism the technology of interplanetary travel, the production of FAA missiles, and “flavor” such a bouquet with mini-atomic bombs! Maybe Hollywood filmmakers are right when they make films about evil “little green men”?!
Yes, the special archives of the USA, USSR (Russia) and England keep many secrets! In them, perhaps, you can find information about the work of the “priests” of “Thule” and “Vril” to create a time machine, and when - in 1924! The operation of the machine was based on the “electrograviton” principle, but something went wrong there and the engine was installed on a flying disk. However, research in this area went too slowly and Hitler insisted on accelerating other more pressing projects - atomic weapons and V-1, V-2 and V-7. It is interesting that the principles of movement of the FAU-7 were based on knowledge of the possibility of arbitrary influence on the categories of space and time! Fantastic to such an extent that I can’t believe it, but I really want to...
While conducting research in mysticism, astronautics and much more, Ahnenerbe actively worked on much more prosaic things, for example, atomic weapons. Quite often in various historical materials one can find statements about the wrong direction of German research, saying that they would never have received positive results. This is absolutely not true! The Germans already had an atomic bomb in 1944! According to various sources, they even conducted several tests: the first on the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea, the other two in Thuringia. One of the explosions involved prisoners of war. Total destruction was observed within a radius of 500 meters, as for people, some burned without a trace, the remaining bodies bore traces of high temperature and radiation exposure. Stalin learned about the tests a few days later, as did Truman. The Germans were actively preparing to use “weapons of retaliation.” It was for him that the V-2 rockets were designed. A small warhead with a powerful charge that can wipe out entire cities is what you need! There's just one problem: the Americans and Russians are also developing nuclear programs. Will they strike back? Leading nuclear scientists Kurt Dinber, Wernher von Braun, Walter Gerlach and Werner Heisenberg did not rule out this possibility. It should be noted that the German superbomb was not atomic in the full sense of the word, but rather thermonuclear. It is interesting that one German atomic scientist, Heilbronner, stated: “Alchemists knew about atomic explosives that can be extracted from just a few grams of metal,” and the German Minister of Armaments in January 1945 added: “There are matchbox-sized explosives, the quantities of which Enough to destroy the whole of New York." According to analysts, one year was not enough for Hitler. "Ahnenerbe" and "Thule" did not have time...
However, Ahnenerbe obtained scientific knowledge not only in the traditional way. “Thule” and “Vril” practiced methods of astrally obtaining information from the noosphere by feeding experimental subjects strong drugs, poisons, and hallucinogens. Communication with spirits, with “higher unknowns” and “higher minds” was also practiced very widely.

One of the initiators of obtaining knowledge through black magic was Karl-Maria Wiligut. Wiligut is the last representative of an ancient family, cursed by the church back in the Middle Ages. The name Wiligut can be translated as "god of will", which is equivalent to "fallen angel". The very origin of the family, as well as its coat of arms, is shrouded in mystery, and if you take into account the presence of two swastikas in the middle of the coat of arms and its almost complete identity with the coat of arms of the Manchu dynasties, you can imagine how much influence this man had on the top of the Third Reich. Sometimes he was called “Himmler’s Rasputin.” In the most difficult times, Himmler sought Wiligut's support. He read the fate of the Reich Minister from certain tablets, completely covered with mysterious writings. Yes, the demand for black magic in Nazi Germany was always the highest. In 1939, the black magician Wiligut retired. He spent the rest of his days on his family estate, terrifying the locals, who considered him the secret king of Germany. The magician died in1946 And with him died many of the secrets of the “thousand-year Reich.”Karl Maria Willigut

But the secrets of the Ahnenerbe are still alive and waiting to be solved...

In addition to colossal destruction and a war on a global scale, the Third Reich left a serious industrial mark on the history of Europe. An exact list of military facilities built by the Nazis in Europe has not yet been compiled, and the scale of construction work continues to amaze historians and military experts every time. Aviation at the cost of thousands of lives
After the flywheel of the launched war returned to its original position and hit its creators, the question of the destruction of Nazi troops and the German army became a matter of time, not probability. Historians attribute many different qualities to Adolf Hitler, of which perfectionism and the desire to achieve what he wanted at any cost, perhaps, buried the Third Reich. Hitler's closest associates sensed the inevitable more than the Fuhrer himself. Albert Speer, appointed Reich Minister for Armaments, felt the danger of imminent defeat especially well. Hitler set Speer an impossible task from the point of view of immediate implementation - to urgently move all German industrial enterprises that supply the army with equipment underground. Hitler's idea was simple - at a depth of several tens of meters, such factories could be completely safe. Unlike the Fuhrer, Speer understood well what such an adventure would cost Germany, but he could not refuse to carry out Hitler’s orders.
Brigadeführer Franz Xaver Dorsch, an experienced leader who brought together several military construction and support services under the single control and leadership of the Construction Directorate of the Todt Organization, was appointed to the position of curator of the unique construction project. Dorsch promised the Fuhrer that part of the large-scale project to transfer production facilities would be implemented within six months. Speer did not share Dorsch’s optimism about moving six large military-industrial facilities at once, because the creation of each such facility with an area of ​​at least 100 thousand square meters underground is incredibly difficult, even for the Third Reich.
In 1944, Hitler's plans began to take quite concrete shape. Under the Houbirg mountain in Nuremberg, construction began on one of the largest underground factories, where it was planned to evacuate the production of aircraft engines produced by the BMW company. The construction of the facility, codenamed “Dogger,” as well as the implementation of other large-scale construction tasks, became possible solely thanks to the slave labor labor of prisoners of war and concentration camp prisoners. Prisoners from the Flossenburg concentration camp were brought in to work at the Dogger facility, but even a huge number of prisoners only partially completed the task of constructing an underground aircraft factory. Work inside Mount Houbirg was not completed, but the scale of the project amazes the imagination of modern civilian and military builders. According to the plan, the tunnels inside the mountain were to be connected in several places for the best connection between the production facilities. The ventilation system for all rooms was thought out to the smallest detail and could operate completely autonomously for five to six months after the external power supply was cut off. After the surrender of Germany, all entrances to the facility, and, according to some sources, there were up to ten of them, were sealed and tightly welded. In total, according to experts, at least 8-10 thousand concentration camp prisoners died during construction work inside the complex.

The Germans still managed to complete another underground aircraft plant to a state of full readiness. The object, codenamed “Rock Crystal” (German: Bergkristall), was supposed to meet the Reich’s need for ultra-modern Messerschmitt Me.262 aircraft - the first jet fighters in the world. Information about the assembly lines of advanced fighters quickly reached the headquarters of American military intelligence, and one of the first sites where the Allied landing was sent was the underground aircraft plant "Rock Crystal". Almost a thousand fighters built here were paid for with the lives of thousands of prisoners of war. The minimum number of deaths during construction work on this site alone is estimated by historians at 18 thousand people. Other military facilities were organized in a similar way, such as Seegrotte near Vienna, on whose territory the He.162 fighters were assembled, and many other aviation facilities that were entrusted with the task of mass production of advanced jet aircraft. Underground rocket center The A-4 rocket, better known to the reader as the V-2, was one of those types of weapons on the use of which Hitler and the entire top of the Third Reich bet the life of an entire nation. For many years after the surrender of Nazi Germany, the truth about the technological breakthrough of German scientists was carefully hidden. The phenomenon of German scientists’ readiness to produce atomic weapons and delivery vehicles was studied for many years after the war in specialized research institutes around the world, including in the Soviet Union. The main violin in the destruction of one of the main enemies of Germany, Great Britain, was to be played by a unique ballistic missile that reached London in just over 6 minutes.

The secret missile center at Peenemünde was built taking into account all the security and secrecy considerations available to the Third Reich. Protected concrete launch pads, final and pre-assembly shops - everything was calculated with German precision and attention to detail. Soviet specialists, in particular, one of Sergei Palovich Korolev’s closest associates, Boris Evseevich Chertok, noted the high level of organization and thoughtfulness of the overall design. However, Peenemünde was only a research center where rocket technology was only tested.
Despite the impressive amount of scientific work, research and months of experiments, the rocket research center in Peenemünde suffered an unenviable fate. Data leaked to British intelligence regarding the progress of work near the island of Usedom put an end to the secrecy of the project, and in the summer of 1943, Allied aviation destroyed the RKC in Peenemünde during a carpet bombing. Soviet researcher Boris Chertok later wrote in his memoirs that, despite the scale of the damage, not a single building or structure was completely destroyed, and in many only the ceilings partially collapsed. This allowed for a detailed analysis of the remaining scientific equipment at Peenemünde and the restoration of surviving instruments, machines and key measurement and control systems.
After the destruction of Peenemünde, the German military drew their conclusions from the situation and began to design a missile plant taking into account the likely bombing of any duration and intensity. The Mittelwerk plant in Thuringia near Nordhausen became the largest and most complex project to create underground industrial production in the interests of Germany. The design capacity of the plant, as experts and historians note, was up to 30 V-2 missiles per day.

The size and complexity of the rocky mountain range in which construction of the Mittelwerk complex began left its mark on the process of attracting prisoners of war and concentration camp prisoners. Boris Chertok notes in his memoirs that the facility was distinguished by a unique, even by the standards of the SS and Gestapo, level of cruelty towards prisoners. For the slightest violation of the regime, the sentries shot the prisoners, whose bodies the surviving prisoners immediately took to the crematorium. The need for manpower for military construction inside the mountain was provided by the Dora concentration camp specially created for this purpose. “The secrecy of the construction was also determined by the attitude towards prisoners. Potentially, any prisoner involved in work at this facility was a carrier of valuable secret information, and, therefore, leaving him inside the facility at any cost was one of the duties of the SS. Many historians believe that the lion's share of prisoners brought to the facility died from hunger and overwork, but this is only partly true. The main cause of death was executions,” explains military historian Sergei Ryumin.
However, the matter was not limited to digging tunnels and other hard work, from which prisoners most often died within a few weeks. The production of the V-2 required an assembly line and a certain speed of operation, which would be sufficient to give the Reich as many missiles as the Fuhrer demanded. This requirement largely determined the effectiveness of the entire program to create “weapons of retaliation” and its real prospects.
Despite the fact that the missile warhead, instruments, engines, and much more were adjusted by German rocket specialists at the final stage of installation into the product, the mass assembly of housings, controls and other vital systems was entrusted to prisoners. The prisoners involved in assembling the rockets understood well that even a relatively small defect could cause a rocket to explode not only in the sky, but also on the launch pad; they diligently, to the best of their ability, took advantage of the opportunity and damaged key control elements.
Concrete and water
Germany's rapid occupation of all of Europe and, in particular, France made it possible to begin drawing up plans for a war at sea with the Reich's sworn enemy Great Britain. By the beginning of the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler and the command of the German army and navy were well aware that airstrikes against the British alone would not achieve any victory. The construction of naval bases for Kriegsmarine submarines in France opened up unprecedented scope for action. In fact, the entire Atlantic fell at the feet of the Nazis. Reinforced concrete again came to the rescue of Nazi builders, with the help of which one of the most famous objects of the Third Reich was created on the French coast - a submarine base in the port city of Saint-Nazaire.

The monumentality of the structure can be felt without even visiting the former submarine base. Just estimate the size. 300 meters long, 130 wide and 18 high. In addition to arranging 14 docks for parking submarines, experts also paid special attention to the roof structure, which protected the facility from bombing.
“The roof structure is a kind of “pie with air gaps.” Reinforced concrete of different thicknesses alternates with steel beams and air “pockets”, with the help of which, in the event of a bombing and being hit by aerial bombs, the structure more effectively “extinguished” the energy from the explosion. It’s difficult to calculate the strength of airplanes and bombs, but the base in Saint-Nazaire would have withstood the same raid as the research center in Peenemünde without problems,” explained military historian Sergei Ryumin. The only case associated with a relatively successful attack on the facility occurred on 28 March 1942.
The British landing force, using a ship loaded with explosives, disabled the only dry dock of the complex in Saint-Nazaire, literally ramming it with a huge destroyer. The submarines themselves, hidden in canisters behind a multi-meter layer of concrete, were not damaged during the attack.
Atlantic Wall and underground cities

The Germans carefully prepared for the defense of the coastal regions of Europe. The palm in terms of preparation in this regard can only be conceded to the transfer of troops to the east, to the borders of the USSR. The Atlantic Wall is rightly assessed by historians and experts in the field of military construction as the largest construction project in the entire history of the Reich. Only then can we consider the design and creation of the “Wolf’s Lair” bunker and other “special objects”. At its core, the “Atlantic Wall” is nothing more than a continuous network of long-term coastal fortifications, equipped with artillery batteries and other heavy weapons, including anti-aircraft weapons, to repel any allied landing attack. Along the entire coastline from Spain to Norway, it was planned to build special fortified areas with underground storage facilities and warehouses. One of these “underground cities” was discovered relatively recently. Journalists from the British newspaper Daily Mail published photographs of the “Nazi city” of almost three and a half thousand soldiers on May 18, 2017. The facility near the village of Scheveningen is striking in its scale - the only thing missing is an artillery battery with naval guns. Amazingly, in the 75 years that have passed since the creation of these structures, most of the concrete bunkers are in excellent condition, not to mention the safety of the premises inside the complex. According to the Daily Mail, an entire SS garrison could comfortably reside here - 3,300 soldiers with weapons, equipment and ammunition necessary to repel a massive attack from the sea. 100,000 cubic meters of reinforced concrete, 900 rooms of various sizes were equipped not only with tunnels through which kilometers of communication cables were laid, but also with autonomous life support systems. The construction of the “Great German Wall” was supervised by none other than Fritz Todt, who, among other positions, held the post of Reich Minister of Arms and Ammunition. Under his leadership, another large-scale project was carried out - the construction of the “Western Wall” - a fortified area on the border of Germany and France. Over the past few years, a research group, which includes not only historians, speleologists and experienced engineers, but also military specialists, has found about 500 different objects on the European coastline alone. Experts note that, despite the length of the coastline of Europe and the size of the continent as a whole, only 20% of the probable number of all constructed objects are located “on the surface,” that is, in already known areas where specialists of the Third Reich were active. According to experts, it may take the next 50 years to study the remaining secret bunkers and search for underground cities.

Military awards of the Third Reich. Honorary sleeve shields

Wehrmacht machine gunner, awarded an honorary sleeve shield “for the Crimea”

A special and original type of awards in the Wehrmacht were the so-called honorary sleeve shields. These were metal signs in the shape of a shield, worn above the elbow on the left sleeve (there were no fabric versions of shields, unlike orders). Shields were awarded to military personnel who took part in a certain campaign or, more often, found themselves in a difficult situation (encirclement, heavy defensive battles) and earned the gratitude of the Fuhrer and the High Command. Honorary shields filled a gap in the Reich's award system caused by the almost complete absence of campaign awards (with the exception of the Eastern Medal). To some extent, they were an analogue of some Soviet medals, for example, “For the defense of Stalingrad”, “For the defense of Moscow”, “for the capture of Berlin”, etc. The following is a description of the shields in the order in which they were established.

Narvik shield

Two versions of the Narvik shield: silver for the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe, golden for the Kriegsmarine

The Narvik Shield, designed by Munich professor Klein, was established on August 19, 1940. It was intended to be awarded to all Wehrmacht soldiers who took part in the capture and subsequent defense of the important port city of Narvik in Norway. The battles for this city lasted 2 months (from April 9 to June 9, 1940). The initially successful actions of the Germans allowed them to take the city, but the subsequent defeat of the German squadron by the British in Narvik Bay forced the Germans to leave the port on May 28 and retreat to the mountains. However, the crushing blow dealt by Germany in the West during the French Campaign, which began on May 10, 1940, forced the Allies to evacuate their troops under difficult conditions, and General Dietl's mountain riflemen reoccupied Narvik on June 8. For those soldiers who survived this difficult struggle, the Narvik Shield was established.
The sign had the shape of a shield, above which was an eagle sitting on a wreath with a swastika. The eagle's wings are lowered, its head is turned to the right. Under the eagle at the top of the shield is the inscription “NARVIK”, enclosed in a frame. Most of the shield is occupied by the image of a crossed propeller and a sea anchor, behind which is an edelweiss flower. Above them in the corners of the shield are the numbers “19” and “40”. The drawing symbolizes the three branches of the armed forces: the Luftwaffe, the Kriegsmarine and the mountain units of the ground forces.
The badge was minted from a sheet of metal, usually zinc, although early examples were made of copper. Unlike all other shields, this one had two versions or even degrees: silver and gold. Shields in silver were intended for representatives of the Luftwaffe and ground forces, while gilded ones were exclusively for sailors who had suffered huge losses (in addition, this corresponded to the instrument color of the uniform of German military sailors). The badge was attached to a piece of cloth whose color matched the color of the recipient's uniform.
The shield was worn above the elbow on the left sleeve. It was either sewn on or, if there was no fabric backing, attached using four flat bendable pins soldered on the back side and a plate with holes for them. Each recipient of the shield received three copies so that it could be worn on different types of uniforms. In case of death, the award in one copy was sent to the next of kin. The first award took place on March 21, 1941. On this day, Colonel General Eduard Dietl, who commanded the German mountain riflemen in the Norwegian operation, received the shield from the hands of the Fuhrer.
It should be noted that this was the first award in the form of a shield in the German award system during the Second World War. It was valued very highly, which was facilitated by the small number of its owners. For example, approximately 100 thousand people each received the Demyansk and Kuban shields, while only 8,577 people received the Narvik shield. Of these, 2,755 were infantrymen and rangers (posthumously 96), 2,161 Luftwaffe soldiers (posthumously 410), 3,661 Kriegsmarine sailors (posthumously 432).

Kholm shield

The Kholm Shield was established on July 1, 1942 as a reward to those Wehrmacht soldiers who fought in the so-called “Kholm Pocket” during the winter and spring of 1942. This “pocket” was formed on January 21, 1942 as a result of a powerful counter-offensive by Soviet troops (Toropetsko-Kholm offensive operation). As a result, several thousand Wehrmacht soldiers and police were surrounded in the small town of Kholm on the Lovat River in the Kalinin region. Hitler immediately ordered the organization of air communications with the encircled group, which made it possible to transport many wounded to the German rear by Luftwaffe aircraft during the defense. The 5,000-strong German garrison had several 80-mm mortars and light field guns at its disposal. They were supported by long-range artillery, firing at the direction of observers in the “pocket.” Over the course of three months, the relatively small German garrison of Kholm repelled about 100 Soviet infantry attacks and 42 tank attacks. On May 5, 1942, the encircled Kholmsk group of Germans made a breakthrough and, having lost 1,550 people killed, made a hole in the ring of Soviet troops, uniting with their troops. In honor of this event, the Wehrmacht High Command established the Kholm Shield.
The appearance of the shield was proposed by the commander of the police battalion, Schlimmer, and finalized by Professor Klein. The badge had the shape of a classic German shield with a pointed base, framed by a protruding frame. Almost the entire surface of the shield was occupied by a right-facing eagle with lowered wings, clutching an Iron Cross with a swastika in the center in its talons. The eagle's wings are so long that they reach the base of the cross. The relative size of the swastika on the cross was larger than usual. At the bottom of the shield there are two inscriptions: “СНОЛМ”, below “1942”. Sign dimensions: height 65 mm, width 40 mm.
Like other shields, the Kholm shield was attached to an oval-shaped fabric backing, matching the color of the uniform. The sign itself was minted from a metal plate, mainly zinc, and covered with silver paint. Since two companies were engaged in the production of the Kholm shield, there were two varieties of this sign, differing in the size of the word “CHOLM” and the number of pins on the reverse side: three or four. The shield, like the others, was worn on the left sleeve.
The shield was awarded to all servicemen surrounded in the “Kholm Pocket”, as well as to those who contributed to their defense and breakthrough: Luftwaffe pilots and a number of Kriegsmarine sailors who were used on the Lovat River. Approximately 5,500 people were nominated for the award - the smallest number of shields of any type awarded, making the Kholm Shield the rarest. The commander of the besieged garrison, Major General Theodor Scherer, in addition to the shield, received the Knight's Cross with oak leaves.

Demyansk shield

The Demyansk Shield was established on April 25, 1943 as a reward to those who were surrounded in the Demyansk Pocket on the Soviet-German front in 1942. The Demyansk pocket was formed on February 8, 1942, when Soviet troops encircled a German group (mainly parts of the II Army Corps) in the area of ​​​​the small city of Demyansk on the northern Eastern Front, approximately 100 miles northeast of the city of Kholm. 5 Wehrmacht infantry divisions, the 3rd SS Division “Totenkopf” and a number of auxiliary units (about 100 thousand people in total) were surrounded. The group was commanded by Infantry General Count Walter von Brockdorff-Allefeld. The encircled group desperately defended itself, pinning down three Soviet armies; Communication with the main forces was carried out only by Luftwaffe aircraft. By April 21, 1942, the Germans managed to break through the blockade in a narrow area, the defense of which was taken over by the SS Totenkopf division. This thin “umbilical cord” connecting the encircled group with the main forces was stubbornly defended by the SS men, who suffered huge losses, for a whole year! Only in April 1943 did the last “Demyansk encirclement” emerge from the cauldron and join forces with the main forces. For the defense of the released “isthmus”, the commander of the “Dead’s Head”, SS Obergruppenführer Theodor Eicke, received Oak Leaves for his Knight’s Cross and the Demyansk Shield established in honor of the “encircled people”. Following Eicke, other Wehrmacht soldiers began to be awarded this shield. The Demyansk Shield was awarded if one of the following conditions was met:
being surrounded near Demyansk for at least 60 days;
injury or frostbite received there;
courage shown in defensive battles;
at least 50 sorties to service an encircled group (for Luftwaffe pilots).
Lists of candidates were compiled by unit commanders until December 31, 1943; awards ceased on July 4, 1944. The total number of awards is estimated at 100 thousand. The soldiers who received the Demyansk Shield were no less proud of it than they were of Germany's most respected military awards - the Iron Crosses of both classes.
Each recipient had the right to five copies of the shield, and in the event of death, the shield in one copy and the certificate for it were sent to the next of kin. The badge was worn on the right sleeve of the uniform below the shoulder, and in the case of a soldier from the SS troops - above the eagle. At the top of the shield was an eagle with drooping wings and a wreath with a swastika in its talons. On the sides of the eagle are two trapezoidal log pillboxes with embrasures, below is the inscription “DEMJANSK” in a frame. On the shield itself there is an image of an airplane flying towards you and two crossed swords, under which is the inscription “1942”. The plane in this case symbolized the air bridge, with the help of which the life and combat effectiveness of the encircled German units was maintained in the first months of the complete blockade, and the pillboxes - a strong defense. The shield was attached to an oval piece of fabric matching the color of the recipient's uniform.

Crimean shield

Crimean shield - front and back views

The badge was established on July 7, 1942 to commemorate the occupation of Crimea. The Crimean Shield was awarded to soldiers and officers of the 11th German and 3rd Romanian armies who participated in the Crimean campaign. The criteria for receiving the award were as follows:
service in Crimea for at least 3 months;
participation in at least one major battle;
wound received in Crimea;
an act of bravery performed in the battles for the peninsula.
The award was in the shape of a shield with a rounded base and a national eagle at the top. On the sides of the wreath with a swastika are the years “1941-1942”. The surface of the shield is decorated with a map of Crimea with rivers, six main cities in the form of circles and the inscription “KRIM”. A protruding edge runs along the edge of the shield.
The shield was attached with flat tendrils, soldered on the reverse side to a piece of fabric, also in the shape of a shield, and sewn onto the left sleeve below the shoulder. The color of the fabric matched the color of the uniform. Each recipient of the shield was entitled to five copies of it, but could buy more if necessary, certifying his right with an award document. The Crimean shield was worn on any type of military uniform, as well as on brown party uniforms.
There was also a version of the shield made of pure gold; it was presented to Marshal Antonescu in recognition of the role of the Romanian army in the conquest of Crimea. Field Marshal General Erich von Manstein had the same golden shield, to whom it was presented by his colleagues. The image of a golden shield also adorned his official plane.
The total number of shields produced is estimated at 150-250 thousand pieces, the number of recipients is about 100 thousand people.

Kuban shield

The Kuban Shield was established on September 21, 1943 in memory of the bloody battles for the Kuban bridgehead. There, thanks to the stubborn resistance and perseverance of the soldiers of the 17th Army (commanded by Colonel General Richard Ruoff), which was part of Army Group A of Field Marshal Ewald von Kleist, the withdrawal of German and Romanian troops from the North Caucasus was ensured. This resistance removed the threat of encirclement and complete destruction of these troops after the defeat of the 6th German Army at Stalingrad. After all, the encirclement and capitulation of the 6th Army in Stalingrad in February 1943 ensured a powerful Soviet offensive, which threatened the encirclement of most of the group in the Caucasus and part of Army Group Don. Having created a line of defense between the Sea of ​​Azov and the port of Novorossiysk, the Germans for several months desperately resisted the attempts of the Soviet army to break through their defenses. Ultimately, Russian successes in other sectors of the Eastern Front forced Hitler to begin the withdrawal of the German and Romanian armies to Crimea through Kerch on September 4. On October 9, 1943, Kuban was liberated by the Soviet army. However, despite the defeat, to commemorate the heroic struggle for the Kuban bridgehead, Hitler established the Kuban Shield for those who fought for the Kuban bridgehead on land, air and sea. The criteria for awarding the Kuban Shield to Wehrmacht soldiers were as follows:
service for 60 days at the Kuban bridgehead;
injury received during service on the bridgehead;
participation in a major combat operation on the bridgehead.
For Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe military personnel, there was a rather complex system for collecting “points”, upon reaching a certain number of which they would be awarded.
The Kuban shield was worn on the left sleeve of the uniform. Externally, the Kuban shield is similar to the Crimean one. At the top of the shield is an eagle with spread wings with a traditional wreath and swastika. The lower part of the shield is rounded. To the left of the wreath are the numbers “19”, to the right - “43”. Below in the frame is the inscription “KUBAN”, even lower is a stylized image of the jagged defense line. On both sides of the line there are inscriptions on the map: “KRYMSKAJA”, “LAGUNEN” and NOWOROSSIJSK” - the names of the bridgeheads for which the most fierce battles took place.
The badge was made by stamping from sheet metal (mostly zinc), which was then coated with bronze. With four teeth soldered on the reverse side, the shield was attached to a fabric backing the color of the uniform. In this case, a special plate with holes was used, repeating the contour of the shield, pressed against the fabric from the reverse side.
Each recipient received five copies of the shield, and also had the opportunity to order a larger number if they had the appropriate award documents. In the event of the death of the awardee, one shield was handed over to relatives along with an award certificate.

The honorary sleeve shields described above were officially approved awards of the 3rd Reich, the awarding of which was carried out en masse and was documented. However, in addition to these official awards, there were several other honorary shields. Some of them were approved by management, but for some reason were not produced or were produced handicraft, by hand - by the awardees themselves. Other shields were never approved by the German government, but were the result of the initiative of the commanders of individual garrisons and units (at the very end of the war) and therefore cannot be considered state awards. Two more shields stand out, which are in circulation among collectors today, but there is simply no information about the existence of these shields in official documents...

Warsaw Shield

The Warsaw Shield is a rare example from a series that was started but never continued

The Warsaw Shield was established on December 10, 1944 for military personnel of the Wehrmacht, SS, Luftwaffe and auxiliary units who took part in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising from August 1 to October 4, 1944.
The award criteria were: participation in hostilities in Warsaw for at least 7 days; injury received during combat operations; an act of bravery in battle; service for 28 days in a combat zone for support personnel; 20 combat missions (for Luftwaffe pilots).
The shield was prepared for production, but the equipment for it was destroyed during an Allied air raid, and mass production never began.

Lapland shield

Lapland shield, hand-made in a prisoner of war camp after the end of hostilities.
That's why there is no swastika under the eagle

The Lapland Shield was the last officially established award shield. This award was intended for the soldiers of the 20th Mountain Army under the command of General of the Mountain Troops Franz Böhme, who since November 1944 had to fight on two fronts: against the British and the Soviet troops. The shield was officially approved on May 1, 1945, the day after Hitler's death. And a week later (May 8), the 20th Army surrendered to the British. The award criteria were set as follows: service in the 20th Army for 6 months; injury received during service; display of courage in battle.
Entries about the awarding of the shield began to be made in the soldiers' books at the beginning of April, since it was believed that it would no longer be possible to receive the original award. However, after the cessation of hostilities, the British allowed prisoners of war to wear awards and even allowed the production of the Lapland Shield to be established in prison camps by the prisoners themselves. Shields were made handicraft from any available materials: zinc, aluminum, tin, etc. It should be noted that the quality of the shields made in this way was quite low. Even though the shield was awarded after the war, the Lapland Shield should be considered an award of the Third Reich, since it was officially approved before the surrender of Germany.

Dunkirk shield

The Dunkirk Shield was awarded to military personnel and support personnel at the Dunkirk naval base. Dunkirk was completely surrounded in June 1944, after the landing of Allied troops in France, and, in accordance with Hitler's orders, was to be held to the last soldier as a strategically important port. The 226th Infantry Division and its support personnel, totaling about 15,000 men, under the command of Rear Admiral Frisius, were surrounded. Despite the almost complete isolation from the main forces, on April 5, 1945, the garrison carried out an operation codenamed “Blücher”, which, although it was a small-scale attack, due to its surprise, was a rather unpleasant surprise for the allies and forced them to retreat. Not a single counterattack by British or Czech forces was successful.
The Dunkirk Shield was only approved by the commander of the Dunkirk garrison, Rear Admiral Frisius, and was never approved as an official award. Data on the number of recipients and the criteria for awarding have not been preserved, but nevertheless there are documents that record the awarding of the Dunkirk Shield.

Lorient Shield

The date and circumstances of the establishment of the Lorient Shield, like the Dunkirk Shield, are precisely unknown, but presumably the first awards were made at the end of 1944. The Lorient shield marked the garrison soldiers and personnel of the Lorient naval base, which was completely surrounded after the Allied landing in France. The 26,000-strong garrison under the command of Artillery General Wilhelm Fahrmbacher was ordered by Hitler to hold the base at all costs. The Allies did not dare to storm a well-fortified base with a system of fortifications, surrounded by numerous minefields, but only subjected it to periodic shelling from land and sea and bombing from the air.
The shield was made handicraft: on its own from any available materials. Accurate statistics on the number of recipients have not been preserved, but presumably more than half of the garrison were among them. This award was never approved at the official level; its production was approved only by the garrison commander, General Farmbacher.

Balkan shield

A rare example of the Balkan shield, produced in a very small series

The Balkan shield was supposed to be awarded to military personnel who took part in fierce battles with partisans in the Balkans. The design of the shield was developed by Benno von Arent and proposed to Hitler in early 1945, but its mass production never began, although there is a version that about 250 awards of the Balkan Shield were made by SS Ober-Scharführer Friedrich Olesch of the SS Prinz Eugene Division .

Stalingrad shield

Projects of the Stalingrad Shield: on the left - Ernst Eygener, on the right - Field Marshal Paulus

On October 2, 1942, Hitler ordered the establishment of a shield to reward soldiers of the 6th Army in memory of the battles for Stalingrad. The design for the Stalingrad Shield was developed by Ernst Eygener, artist of the 637th Propaganda Company, but it was rejected because the design was too dark (an image of a killed German soldier wearing a crown of barbed wire). The second version of the Stalingrad shield was developed by Field Marshal Paulus himself. It depicted a soldier against the backdrop of a river with the inscription “WOLGA”. However, none of these shields were ever approved or put into production after the complete defeat and capitulation of the 6th Army - in principle, there was simply no one to reward.

Arnhem shield

Arnhem Shield - a modern falsification

Despite the fact that today such a shield is offered for purchase to collectors, in fact there is no information about whether there was even a design for a shield in memory of the battles of Arnhem. Most likely, this shield should be considered not as a real-life military award, but as a modern falsification to lure money out of “dummies” who are just starting to collect awards and do not yet understand the issue well.

Memel shield

This is another example of a sleeve shield that has been talked about but no one has seen. There are rumors that allegedly in the 60s one collector had a copy of a real metal shield, and a sketch was allegedly made from it. However, the fact that over the past decades not only the shield itself, but also no documents or photographs about it, has been discovered speaks in favor of the opinion that the Memel shield is nothing more than a fiction.

Colonel of the mountain ranger division “Edelweiss”, awarded two honorary sleeve shields - “For Narvik” and “For Crimea”




Two members of the German Bundestag from the Christian Democratic Party, Karl-Georg Fellmann and Sylvia Pantel, announced that they are nominating Chancellor Angela Merkel as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. And at our gates there is a pig-hog...

Have you ever seen a snake on a branch with cheese in its mouth, like a crow? Here I am - no.

Adolf Hitler also applied for the Peace Prize: in 1939, a Swede, also a deputy, proposed his candidacy. If you take into account the circumstances, it turns out, by circumstance: Merkel is Hitler of the 1939 model, this is the Fourth Reich.

In world history, the Germans were not seen as peacemakers. Never. It’s another thing to start wars. This is the signature business of the Germans. After all, NATO was not created to “contain the Russians,” but collectively, everyone would gather together and restrain the Germans from new wars in Europe.

Don’t pretend: if Merkel now had 294 divisions, like Hitler had in 1941, and we would have, like then, Panzer plywood and percale planes, the Fourth Reich, with all the countries of Europe, like in 1941, still in the past year, on “tigers” and “panthers”, at least she would have driven to the Kiev Maidan, or even to Smolensk...

(The Nazi salute, the Hitler salute (German: Hitlergruß) in the Third Reich consisted of the so-called “Roman salute” Raising the right arm at an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the palm straightened; among high ranks - half-bent; privates or in front of senior ranks - fully straightened and silent exclamations. Heil Hitler! - “long live Hitler, glory to Hitler”, usually rendered in Russian as Heil Hitler) or simply dumb. Heil!. When greeting the Fuhrer himself, he was usually not referred to in the third person, but was said Heil! or Heil, mein Führer!. It was an expression of Hitler's adoration. It was accepted in government institutions, the NSDAP, the SS... The Nazi salute is used by neo-Nazis in a historical or modified form; The number 88 is used as a replacement for Heil Hitler by many on the far right.

The lively cow simply doesn’t have 294 Nazi divisions yet. But they will definitely be there. The truce that Merkel is forcing out (twice) in Minsk, Germany, like Stalin did in 1941, is necessary to win one year from Hitler. In 1942 " We will meet the enemy in Stalin’s way!”... Hitler then darned Stalin in time.

Now the Fourth Reich needs to buy time to mend Putin and Russia. Those 294 divisions are being put together. Money for war is increasing. The information war against Russia is promoted according to the schemes of Goebbels and his propaganda ministry. Fourth Reich: “We are peaceful people” because they don’t have 294 divisions now. They collect them as “cannon fodder” throughout the Baltic states, the Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova – throughout Eastern Europe.

Greetings from Belgrade:

For a short time NATO The bombing of Srbia in 1999, the American general visited the War Museum near Beograd.
The general was very tired of the museum, a retired young Srpsk officer, and was he going to fight against all the power in the world.

The officer agrees:
- I don’t know, we never fought with Russia.

Soon after the bombings NATO to Serbia in 1999, American general visited military museum in Belgrade.
Americangeneral asked one of the guides museum, former Serbian officer:

- Was it difficult to fight against the greatest power in the world?
The officer replied:
- I don’t know, we will never fight with Russia.

Greetings from the USA.

Influential American publication The National Interest published analytical material on the four most powerful European armies. After the disappearance of the “Soviet threat,” the military muscles of many European states atrophied, this is the conclusion made by the famous military analyst Dave Majumdar. And today, according to the expert, it is the Russian army that represents the most powerful military force in Europe.

In addition to the Russian one, according to the publication, there are three more powerful armies in Europe. The American magazine gave second place in the unofficial ranking of combat effectiveness to France.

The UK closes the top three.

Germany closes the list of European military giants.

Of course, there is a lot of global information war, the United States is at war with the Fourth Reich. They want to portray Germany as a “paper tiger,” but today Germany produces the best tanks in the Western world: Bars-2, Leopard-3. The states are very eager to bring their anti-tank inventions to Ukraine. It will be hard to test it in action - on our tanks. Or maybe in German? The German army is distinguished by excellent equipment and training.

I like Serbian humor.

The Fourth Reich needs a war in Ukraine in order to scare the hell out of all sorts of Benelux and Slovenia - all of Eastern Europe - Ober always moves correctly in order to drive them into those 294 divisions of “Drang nach Osten”.

In order for Europe to prevent the Fourth Reich - to have 294 only infantry divisions, which made up about 80% of the total number of Wehrmacht ground forces, like Hitler - to protect Europe from the Russians and “Judeo-Bolsheviks”. With Hitler, as part of the Wehrmacht, all of Europe went to Moscow. Now all of Europe is the Fourth Reich. Is there a new “Drang nach Osten” on the way? Work is underway on the mistakes of 1945.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said during an official speech in Berlin on Thursday, January 15, that anti-Semitism is a civic duty in Germany. The newspaper Rheinische Post writes about this.

Dorenko is surprised:

“Anti-Semitism is the duty of the Germans.” Was it by chance that Merkel said this out loud? Or is it misanthropy under the shell of the Germans. They are animals inside."

They are Germans inside.

“What is under the shell of the Germans? Misanthropy?

75 percent think YES.”

Anti-Semitism is our governmental and civic duty, Merkel said in a speech to the Bundestag, Germany's federal assembly, adding that this also applies to "attacks on mosques."

Also, for the first time in the post-Nazi history of Germany, Merkel announced that she would send her soldiers to Ukraine, “having ceased to be afraid of analogies with the Second World War.”

“Or maybe everything is much worse? And, seeing the neo-Nazi torchlight processions in Kiev, the burning of books, the murders and torture of “non-Aryan Coloradans,” Germany condones them not because of the need to follow the Western line of propaganda, but because of the desire to awaken a new Reich? "- write the media"

Now, according to the NATO quota, Germany has the right to an army of approximately 200 thousand. This is almost 25-30 times less than the Wehrmacht in 1941.

Why is Merkel, the peacemaker, foaming at the mouth, against US arms supplies to Ukraine?

The USA, like cats, marks foreign territory. The Zionist USA has been doing this for a long time, throwing “Rothschild soldiers” to Kiev - dollars, planes, weapons by “steamers” and horned devils from Blackwater. Germany even today sees Ukraine led by the new Reich Commissioner Erich Koch.

Otto von Bismarck about Ukrainians

“There is nothing more vile and disgusting than the so-called “Ukrainians”!
This rabble, raised by the Poles from the most vile scum of the Russian people (murderers, careerists, intelligentsia groveling before power), is ready to kill their own father and mother for power and a profitable position! These degenerates are ready to tear apart their fellow tribesmen, and not even for the sake of profit, but for the sake of satisfying their base instincts, nothing is sacred for them, betrayal is the norm of life for them, they are wretched in mind, malicious, envious, cunning with a special cunning. These nonhumans have absorbed all the worst and basest things from the Russians, Poles, and Austrians; there is no room left for good qualities in their souls. Most of all they hate their benefactors, those who did good to them and are ready to grovel in every possible way before the powers that be. They are not adapted to anything and can only perform primitive work, they would never be able to create their own state, many countries chased them like a ball throughout Europe, slave instincts were so ingrained in them that they covered their entire essence with disgusting ulcers!

Do you think that Reich Chancellor Merkel treats Ukrainians as exactly the same?

Maybe the Fon didn't say that. But after all, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is supposedly a fake, but according to them, it’s more than 100 years old, and the world is going somewhere.

They refute everything except the “Rules of the Freemasons”, which are very similar to the original source of the “Protocols...”.

Masonic instructions

Since the available theoretical and methodological materials of the Masons were quite lengthy, there was a practical need for briefly and clearly formulated instructions.

One such instruction, called “25 Principles of the Illuminati,” was developed in 1776 by the leader of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt. Since the instruction is completely consistent with the real politics of the Freemasons, which is at the same time the obvious modern politics of the backstage, and therefore of the West, by this instruction one can judge Masonic morality and the morality of the backstage.

25 Illuminati Principles

1. Take advantage of the fact that, in general, people are more inclined to evil than to good.

2. Preach liberalism.

3. Use the idea of ​​freedom to provoke class wars.

4. Since the goals of the Illuminati are justified, absolutely all means must be used to achieve them.

5. The right to lie is legal.

6. Our resources and their strength must remain invisible until the very moment when they acquire such power that no force or intrigue can undermine them.

7. Distract the attention of the crowd based on its psychology in order to control the masses.

8. Use alcohol, drugs, corruption and all social vices to systematically corrupt youth.

9. Seize property by all means.

10. Use the slogans of “equality, freedom, brotherhood” and put them into the mouths of the masses to wage psychological warfare.

11. Direct the course of wars so that the people of both warring parties become even more deeply in debt, and hold peace conferences in such a way that neither of the warring parties receives territorial rights.

12. Members (of the Illuminati order) must use their wealth to ensure that candidates are allowed into power who will be obedient to their demands; they are to be used as pawns in a behind-the-scenes game. Their advisors must be raised and trained in the ways of ruling the world from childhood.

13. Control the press.

14. After the formation of traumatic situations, (our) agents should appear and present themselves as the saviors of the masses.

15. Create industrial crises and financial panics, unemployment, famine, food shortages and use this to control the masses or crowd in order to eliminate all those who stand in (our) way.

16. Infiltrate secret Masonic organizations to use them for Illuminati purposes.

17. Explain the value of systematic deception, use high-flown slogans and phrases, and make lavish promises to the masses, despite the fact that they are not feasible.

18. Develop detailed plans for resolving problems, discuss the rules of street fighting necessary to quickly subjugate the population.

19. After the end of the wars, use (our) agents as behind-the-scenes advisers and use secret diplomacy to establish control (over the warring parties).

20. Create huge monopolies seeking to control through a world government.

21. Use high taxes and unfair competition to destroy the economy through the seizure of raw materials. Organize discontent among workers and subsidize their competitors.

22. Develop weapons and build forces (police and soldiers) to protect our interests and needs to the extent necessary.

23. Leaders and members of a one world government shall be appointed as directors.

24. Infiltrate all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of fooling, defeating and corrupting the youth of society by teaching them theories and principles which we know to be false.

25. National and international legislation must be used to destroy civilization and enslave and control people

Masonic instructions. But this is also the charter of the SS. Circumstances of discovery of the Masonic instructions. In 1875, a Freemason courier was reportedly struck by lightning while en route from Frankfurt to Paris. A Bavarian Illuminati directive document was discovered in his possession, outlining their plan. In modern circulation, the document appears under the name “The New Testament of Satan.” Read and compare with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The main symbol of the Illuminati and... SS.

The Austrian government plans to ban "Nazi" license plates


At a meeting of the Austrian Cabinet of Ministers, the issue of banning the use of Nazi and neo-Nazi combinations of letters and numbers on car license plates was considered. A proposal to ban “Nazi” registration plates was made by Austrian Transport Minister Alois Steger.

During his speech, the minister gave several examples of such combinations. Sterge proposed banning the numbers 18 – the numerical symbol of Adolf Hitler’s initials, 88 – the “Heil Hitler” greeting accepted among neo-Nazis, and 311 – the Ku Klux Klan. He proposed banning the issuance of license plates containing the letter combinations NSDAP (abbreviation for National Socialist German).

FourthThe Reich did not emerge from the bunkers of the Third Reich, not from the cities of the Second Reich, and not even from the forests and caves of the First Reich. He is like that cat that walks on its own. He is not Sephardic. He is not Ashkinazi. He is not Zionist.

The Reich took shape as an idea in 1776 from the Bavarian bookworm Weishaupt.Society or Order of the Bavarian Illuminati (German) der Illuminatenorden ) - German secret society XVIII century, founded on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt by the philosopher and theologian Adam Weishaupt, Illuminati (German). Illuminatenorden, from Lat. illuminati ) or "enlightened"

“Sometimes it’s worth agreeing to the role of a servant in order to one day become a master.” (Adam Weishaupt)

The Reich is not a nation, not a state. The Reich is an order, a lodge, a phalanx, a gang and a raspberry, such as Blackwater, or the French Legion, or the Solntsevskys.

For my taste, I would not prevent the US from attacking Ukraine. Well, firstly, you can’t even use an electric razor from the USA without a special attachment. Secondly, it is known that all the foremen in the ranks of the Red Army and the SA, let’s say, were lads from Ukraine, served in warehouses and soldiers’ canteens, and the foremen of the company had the same bread position. "Shelmenko orderly."

Yatsenyuk says that Auschwitz was liberated by Ukrainians. Wiesenthal proves that Auschwitz and all other concentration camps were guarded by Khokhlov boys.

There is no need to look at the war in Ukraine from the bell tower of Ivan the Great. Third, « Let's not see the small ones" -

In Ukraine, the Zionist USA and the Fourth Reich are fighting among themselves. Personally speaking, then conditionally: Obama and Merkel.

Now it wouldn’t hurt for us to confirm a slightly adjusted “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” with Merkel. Help the Fourth Reich expel the Zionist army from Europe as Bolsheviks in disguise. Remember, Hitler called for an attack on the USSR:

“Let’s liberate the Russians from the Jewish-Bolsheviks!”

When the Fourth Reich finally drives the Zionist troops across two oceans - into the borders of the United States, it will be necessary to come to an agreement with the United States about a new interpretation of Lend Lease.

Angela Merkel:

“It will be extremely difficult to achieve peace in Ukraine...”

The new “Lend Lease” is to ensure that the fourth Reichne will fool you and will not jump on Moscow again. He must be doing the seder in England, in the USA.

“Vice President Joseph Biden, on the eve of the European tandem’s visit to Moscow, met with the Chairman of the European Council, the Pole Tusk, and said in Levitan’s voice:

“Putin's troops are moving across the fields of Ukraine while he himself talks about peace plans... This is precisely the moment when the United States and Europe must stand together and stand firm. Russia cannot be allowed to redraw the map of Europe, and that is exactly what it is doing now. Therefore, we, the United States and Europe, must stand as one in support of Ukraine.”

Biden and I live on different planets. For them we are aliens, but for us they are also from the zoo.

By the way, this “united” is the same as if a platoon of SS men were gathered in the synagogue for the Passover Seder (Heb. סדר ‎, seder, “order”), and the rabbi would fill their ears about the God-wornness of the Jews, and the SS men would diligently write down this nonsense in their notebooks.

What kind of unity is the USA, which for the Third Reich was always just a synagogue with bedbugs that needs to be burned, with the Fourth Reich - the heir and successor of the Third Reich, which remained in history as a world holocaust, not of Jews - of humanity?

Biden: either a fool or a loser. What is his son doing in Ukraine now? Oil and gas.

V. Vysotsky.

Soldiers of the group are walking through Ukraine

"Center" Ukraine.

A soldier is always healthy

The soldier is ready for anything -

And dust, like from carpets,

We are driving out of the way.

And don't stop

And don’t change your legs, -

Our faces are shining

Boots sparkle!

Across the scorched plain -

Meter behind the meter -

Walking through Ukraine

Soldiers of the "Center" group.

First second...

First second...

First second,

First second,

First second...

And everything is blooming before us,

Everything is burning behind us.

There is no need to think - he is with us

Who will decide everything for us.

Cheerful - not gloomy -

Let's go home -

Blonde brides

We will be rewarded!

Everything is ahead, and now -

Meter behind the meter -

Walking through Ukraine

Soldiers of the "Center" group.

Reckon on "first or second"!

First second...

First, step forward! - and to heaven.

First second...

And every second one is also a hero, -

He will follow you to heaven.

First second,

First second,

First second...


But the Pole Tusk is even more funny:

25 Feb

Head of the European Council Donald Tusk:

"Of course, we need to discuss at the summit (March 19-20 EU - ed.) a more proactive strategy. But we need to remember that this will only make sense if we are united."

According to him, “without unity there will be no strategy to successfully (solve) this problem.” "The first reason is practical."

"All actions, I mean, for example, sanctions, need consensus. Therefore, unity is not just my dream, it is a practical condition for doing something. But the second reason why we talk about unity all the time is because "I deeply believe, and I don't think this will surprise you, that one of the most important goals of President (Russian Federation Vladimir) Putin is to divide Europe and the entire Western community, which is why I am so obsessed with unity between member countries and the broader perspective," cried the President of the European Council.

The humor is that the Pole Tusk knows for sure: Poland is like in 1942, by the Fourth Reich, and who is here, sitting up to his ears in shit, to call the Pole to unity? Against whom together, together? Tomorrow the Fourth Reich will again, as in 1939, sign the “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” with Russia. This is the logic of events in Europe. Nothing but Europe. Poland voluntarily fell under the boot of the fourth Reich, as it was then the third, now joining NATO-Reich and the EU-Reich. Every day England is going to leave the EU, because this is the fourth Reich. One can only assume that the Pole’s cry for unity is an oath of loyalty and devotion to the Polish Zionist States and England. Something like a cry: save me, but as much from Putin as from REICH Chancellor Merkel.

Only a blind person does not see that Poland, as part of the United States and England, is actively fighting in Ukraine against the Fourth Reich, but... purely in Polish. Poland is a large international speculator. The Polish military department, since 2009, has purchased at bargain prices a gigantic amount of used weapons and military equipment, including from Russia, Germany, the USA, France... People around were surprised: why do you, Poland, have such a glutton that you will be with this do?

Today, the main buyer of weapons from Poland is Ukraine. At market prices, Ukraine pays regularly. Money for these weapons purchases is regularly delivered to Ukraine by transport planes from the United States. For the intended purpose, almost immediately - in transit to Warsaw.

For example, the entire Baltic region works according to this scheme.

Direct deliveries of weapons from the United States to Ukraine will begin when Polish warehouses are empty of used goods “purchased” in 2009-2014.

But this is not necessary either. There is an international speculator for this “thing” - Poland. And the United States will continue to bullshit the world information war every morning, saying that they are about to make a decision on direct supplies of lethal weapons to Ukraine. But they will not do this. For what? There are speculators in Poland. They sell through him. It is called: two US wars: one is informational around Ukraine, the second is through Poland with lethal weapons in Ukraine.

In Germany they are now publishing Mein Kampf with commentaries. The type of academic publication, including for universities and other educational institutions, libraries, should become a reference book for soldiers and officers.

Representatives of the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich (Bavaria) announced their intention to publish the banned book.

Project leader Christian Hartmann emphasizes that this will be a “classic scientific publication” with an introduction and commentary from experts.

Bavarian government...

(Many conspiracy theories have been associated with the Bavarian Illuminati and secret societies in general. Most often, the thirst for world domination, total control over human, scientific and financial resources is cited as the motivation for secret societies)

stated that a publication would be published for students and for scientific institutions, equipped with detailed comments by historians.

Remember the Bavarian Illuminati.

“The Institute of Contemporary History has many years of experience publishing historical evidence, including Hitler,” Hartmann said. “We published Hitler’s speeches, notes and orders in 12 volumes from February 1925 to January 1933.”

Hitler's accomplices are also catching up:

In Turkey - "Mein Kampf"

fourth on the bestseller list

“This book was first published in Turkey in 1939, and is now published in almost a dozen editions. Turkish political scientist Doğu Ergil ( Dogu Ergil ). emphasized that the increased interest in Hitler is observed against the backdrop of anti-American sentiment. What are we talking about? The war of the Fourth Reich with the Zionist USA is called “backdrop” here

Ultimately, the point is not in this book, as such, now in the Zionist media they write such misanthropic things that Hitler’s book is among them a waste material.

The re-release of “Mein Kampf” is like a semaphore, a signal - a gathering, a roll call, like an “ay” in the forest, like a fighter who has jumped into the ring.

"From Kuban to Volga

We are horses getting ready for a hike...

Along familiar roads

For the beloved (Heil Hitler!)

We are war horses let's lead!».

What kind of snuff box is the Illuminati from, are they today in Germany - the CDU-CSU, the fourth Reich, and yesterday - the SS, Ananerbe, the third Reich?

Nsome: the society (or order) of the Illuminati was formed in XI century by Joachim of Flora. It supposedly existed until 1507 - initially professing the Christian doctrine of universal equality, and ending with transformation into a sect of robbers and rapists.

Others: the Illuminati society was founded (and in the same 11th century!) by the well-known Hasan ibn Sabbah, the head of the Ismaili sect, or assassins (they were also called hashishins, since they all used hashish). These were real murderers.

Agrees on the main thing.

“Soldiers of the group are walking across Ukraine


... Time to sign the “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.”


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