How to treat a hematoma from an injection into a vein. Bruise from an injection into a vein. Traditional methods of treatment

In the treatment of some diseases, injections of drugs cannot be avoided. However, in some cases very unpleasant consequences appear after such treatment - bruises on the buttocks. Most often this is the effect of rapid administration of the drug. Bruises and bumps can appear from a single injection or as a result of multiple intramuscular manipulations.

Main reasons

In some cases, the cause of bruises on the buttocks after injections is overly sensitive skin or very fragile capillaries. Some patients have a fairly large layer of subcutaneous fat, and this is the cause of the hematoma.

Possible reasons also include:

  • poor blood clotting in the patient;
  • long-term use of blood thinners;
  • close location of blood vessels to the surface of the skin.

But, according to statistics, these factors very rarely lead to bruises, and the inexperience of medical personnel and negligence in their duties is the main reason for the appearance of a hematoma after injections.

Allergic reaction

This symptom needs to be placed in a separate category. If you are allergic to a certain drug, then it is not necessary that there will be a bruise. But if redness appears at the injection site, itching is observed, choking, coughing and there is a lack of oxygen, then you should immediately consult a doctor; most likely, the patient is allergic to a certain drug.

Treatment of anemia

You need to know that iron supplements that are administered intramuscularly will certainly leave bruises. Although they actually aren't, it is a natural pigmentation that can take months to resolve and may be permanent. Therefore, when treating anemia, intramuscular administration of drugs is rarely prescribed, only in extreme cases.

Rules for manipulation

To prevent the appearance of bruises from injections on the buttocks, the area is conventionally divided into 4 parts. The drug is injected into the right or left upper section.

If several drugs are administered at a time, they should not be administered into one buttock, as this will inevitably lead to the appearance of a hematoma.

During the administration of injections, the patient is required to relax the muscles of the buttocks as much as possible.

What measures are prohibited

If a bruise appears on the buttock after an injection, then under no circumstances should you heat the area, as such actions can lead to serious complications. It is not allowed to place a new injection in a place where there is a hematoma, much less a lump. If the inflammatory process has begun, squeezing out the pus is not allowed.

You can use medications and folk remedies for bruises only after consulting a doctor.

When to seek medical help

If the area of ​​the bruise begins to increase, or inflammation appears, then you should definitely see a doctor. A very dangerous condition in which the patient experiences increased fatigue and a rise in body temperature. Another dangerous symptom is the appearance of discharge with pus at the site of the hematoma.

In no case should you underestimate even the mildest symptoms, as they may indicate the development of a serious complication, which is best prevented in advance.

Methods for eliminating hematomas

The most common way to eliminate a bruise on the buttock is an iodine mesh. However, the mesh must be applied several times throughout the day.

The second popular method is to apply a compress of fresh cabbage, or rather a leaf. The leaf of the plant must first be bleached and lubricated with honey, and applied to the problem area. It is necessary to keep such a compress throughout the night, having previously secured it with a bandage.

Drugs from the pharmacy

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a fairly wide range of drugs that can get rid of hematomas.

Vishnevsky ointment. This is a fairly old and proven remedy that has a resolving and anti-edematous effect. In addition, the ointment will reduce pain.

Heparin ointment. The active ingredient is heparin, which is considered the most effective remedy for eliminating bruises on the butt and other parts of the body. The ointment also contains benzocaine, an anesthetic that relieves pain well.

"Troxevasin" or "Troxerutin". With regular use of one or another ointment, the bruise will quickly disappear, since drugs with the active ingredient troxerutin quickly relieve the inflammatory process and reduce swelling.

Gel “Badyaga”, “Badyaga Forte”. These drugs have an intense absorbable effect, soften and moisturize the skin well.

How to remove bruises on the butt? You can also use magnesium sulfate, in which a tampon is moistened and applied to the hematoma for the whole night, fixing it with an adhesive plaster.

In addition, you can use other ointments and gels that help reduce hematomas: “Bruise-off”, “First Aid” and others. Ointments containing vitamins P, C and K also help to cope with the problem. You should not use several ointments at once, buy one and use it.

What does traditional medicine offer?

Along with cabbage leaf and iodine, you can use rice, or rather rice water, to get rid of a bruise on the buttock. A small piece of gauze is soaked in the liquid and applied overnight to the area where the hematoma is located.

At night, you can make a compress of red clay mixed with salt and diluted water. You can use ordinary honey, which must be slightly warmed before applying to the hematoma. You can mix honey with grated horseradish in a 1:2 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to the injection site and secure.

A rather unconventional recipe with laundry soap and a candle. The components are grated, mixed with nutria fat (proportions - 1 to 1), slightly heated and applied to the bruise site, followed by fixation with foil.

Baking soda is suitable, mixed with dimexide and water (4:1:1). Gauze is soaked in the mixture and a compress is made from it, which is placed on the injection site, having previously treated the area with a cream of a thick consistency. You need to put a film on top and fix it for the whole night. Carry out the procedure until the bruise completely disappears.

After administering the drug, you can do a light massage for several minutes. Over time, the bruise will change its shape and color, but there is no need to be afraid of this, this is the norm.

It should be remembered that at the first manifestations of irritation or an allergic reaction to any ointment, you must immediately stop treating the injection site.

Device "Darsonval"

How to treat bruises from injections on the butt? It is unlikely that you will find a Darsonval device at home, but if you regularly visit a beauty salon, then most likely there is such a device there. It works great on bruises. Although each body reacts differently to this physiotherapy. The main danger of the procedure is that if there are malignant neoplasms, and the patient does not know about it, then darsonvalization can provoke their growth.

Preventive actions

In order not to decide the question of how to treat a bruise on the buttock, it is better to adhere to some simple rules when carrying out manipulation. First of all, after the injection, a cotton swab moistened with alcohol must be kept at the injection site for 5 minutes. The needle itself from the syringe, if the procedure is done at home, should be inserted neither too slowly nor too quickly, then the risk of bruising is reduced.

Before therapy with intramuscular administration of drugs is carried out, you can take drugs that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but it is better that such medications are recommended by a doctor.

It is best to purchase syringes that have pistons (black gasket). Such syringes inject the medicine into the muscle in a thin stream and significantly reduce the risk of damage to blood vessels.

Some nurses are said to have a light hand. As a rule, this phrase means that the employee is excellent at placing. They are painless, and no marks remain on the patient after the procedure. If you can't choose a sister to be yours, watch what she does. If you feel severe pain or burning during the injection, tell your healthcare professional. There is a high probability that the needle also injured the posterior wall of the vein.

Hold the fleece

After the injection, the nurse applies a cotton swab to the crook of the patient’s elbow, asks him to bend his arm and hold it in this position for 10-15 minutes. Do not neglect this recommendation and do not throw away the cotton wool immediately after you notice that the bleeding has stopped. If you wait the prescribed time, a hematoma will not form at the injection site. Young children who have difficulty holding their arm still are often given a tight bandage to prevent bruising.


If after the injection you have a hematoma on your arm, it can be removed with an alcohol compress. Take a piece of bandage, moisten it with vodka or alcohol diluted half with water, and apply it to the bruise. Place polyethylene on top, then a layer of cotton wool to avoid injury to the skin, then bandage the elbow. The bandage should be worn for at least half an hour. If the bruise does not go away the first time, the procedure can be repeated the next day.

Iodine mesh

An iodine mesh will help remove a bruise. Take a cotton swab, soak its tip in iodine and draw several longitudinal and transverse stripes on the bend of your elbow. If desired, the treatment can be repeated, but you should not draw an iodine grid more than once a day.


Ointments such as Troxevasin and heparin ointment work well with hematomas. However, before using the product, make sure that you are not allergic: apply a small amount of ointment to the crook of the elbow on your healthy arm. If you do not experience any redness or swelling, feel free to apply to the affected area.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

In most cases, a hematoma after intravenous injections goes away on its own, and you can only speed up this process. But sometimes you still need to consult a doctor. You should consult a specialist if the bruise does not disappear, or if a lump has formed at the injection site, the affected area

After an intramuscular injection or taking blood from a vein, bumps or bruises sometimes form. The color of the resulting hematoma initially varies from purple to dark, and during resorption it can become green or yellow. Lumps and bruises after injections, in the absence of complications, disappear within 1 or 2 weeks if you use a special ointment or treat them with traditional methods.

Hematoma and lump after an injection: how they appear and what they mean

The occurrence of bruises from injections is explained by damage to blood vessels, as a result of which blood accumulates under the skin in nearby tissues. No one is immune from this disease, but people with blood diseases are most susceptible to the formation of hematomas.

Bruises after injections can vary in size and are often accompanied by pain. Large hematomas appear when a vein in the arm is punctured, as well as a vessel in the buttock.

A lump occurs when medication accumulates under the skin, especially if it is oil-based. The drug should be distributed evenly throughout the tissues. If this does not happen, a lump appears on the buttock. It is characterized by pain when pressed and redness.

Causes of bruising from injections

Bruises from any injections or after taking blood from a vein are not always associated with the physiological characteristics of the body and diseases. They may be the result of incorrect tactics by the nurse or any person who administered the injection.

Factors contributing to the formation of hematomas:

  1. Fast or too slow rate of drug administration into the buttock
  2. Puncture of the anterior and posterior wall of the vein during injection due to incorrect or careless actions of medical personnel
  3. Bleeding disorder
  4. Using low-quality needles
  5. The veins on the arm and the vessels in the muscles on the butt are located close to the surface of the skin
  6. Thin walls of blood vessels
  7. Using a needle that is too short
  8. Inserting a needle into the buttock to an insufficient depth, causing the medicine to be slowly absorbed
  9. Bruises from intramuscular injections or blood collection are inevitable if the patient spends little time holding his arm bent at the elbow.

Prevention of complications

You can avoid unwanted consequences from injections, such as a bruise or bump, by following simple rules:

  • During the injection, the muscles on the butt need to be relaxed as much as possible.
  • The syringe needle for intramuscular injections should be inserted two-thirds
  • Use thin needles for IVs or when drawing blood from a vein
  • The medicine should be administered smoothly, without jerking
  • Keep the tampon (cotton wool) on the injection site for at least 10 minutes
  • You should not lie down or sit down immediately after an intramuscular injection; it is recommended to walk for at least 5 minutes
  • Use syringes with a black gasket on the plunger. They allow you to administer the medicine in a thin stream without damaging blood vessels or veins.

Lumps under the skin and bruises after any injection remain much less often if you entrust them to a specialist. The nurse can select the desired length of the needle, taking into account the patient’s build and age.

Taking precautions during injections is much easier than treating bumps and bruises after injections.

Bruises from injections: how to treat?

You can speed up the resorption of bruises by using medications or traditional recipes. Medications that are recommended to treat hematomas and lumps include:

  1. Troxevasin ointment ─ quickly relieves swelling, promotes speedy healing
  2. Heparin ointment ─ promotes the resorption of blood clots formed in tissues, relieves inflammation caused by intravenous injection
  3. Bodyaga. The ointment relieves pain and eliminates traces of bruising
  4. Iodine. To avoid burns, the product is applied to the lump or hematoma with a cotton swab in the shape of a mesh.

Many experts recommend using the Darsonval apparatus. It helps eliminate bruises after injections, improves lymph flow and strengthens blood vessels.

Traditional methods:

  1. Alcohol compress. To prepare, you need to mix vodka and alcohol in small quantities. Soak gauze (cotton wool) in the resulting liquid, apply it to the area with the hematoma and insulate it with plastic wrap. The compress needs to be kept for half an hour
  2. Apply a cabbage leaf, previously washed and smeared with honey, to the bruise at night
  3. Mix salt and clay powder (red or green) with water to form a stiff dough. Make a cake and apply it to the sore spot overnight.

Bruises caused by injections should not be treated at home if:

  • The hematoma became hot
  • The lump does not go away and turns red
  • Signs of the onset of the inflammatory process are noticeable.

In such cases, consultation with a doctor is required.

A common situation is that after undergoing a course of treatment, undergoing tests, or simply one-time intravenous or intramuscular injections, a person is faced with such an unpleasant and sometimes painful phenomenon as a bruise at the injection site. Most often, a bruise occurs due to the penetration of an injection needle into a blood vessel or due to too rapid administration of the drug. When a medicine is quickly injected into a vein or muscle, it often does not have time to spread evenly throughout the tissue and begins to compress nearby blood vessels. Under pressure, fragile vessels burst, and blood from them begins to pour out under the skin. The thickness and elasticity of a person’s veins, their visibility through the skin and the general condition of the vessels also play a role.

Sometimes a bruise after an injection into a vein occurs due to the inexperience of the medical professional performing the procedure. Often a bruise is formed due to the characteristics of the injected drug itself; such side effects are usually caused by oil-based drugs.

Hematoma after an injection into a vein is a common occurrence

What to do if a bruise appears

It is worth noting that a bruise after injections very rarely poses a danger to human health and is only a temporary aesthetic flaw.

The size and intensity of the color depends on the amount of blood that gets under the skin. However, even the appearance of a bruise is often undesirable, so people often have the question “How to remove a bruise after an injection into a vein?”

In most cases, you can simply wait for the bruise to go away on its own. The disappearance of the simplex will not take much time - first it will turn yellow, and then the affected area will again acquire a normal color. Consultation with a doctor is necessary in the following situations:

  • if there is a painful lump at the injection site that noticeably increases in size;
  • the injection site has an elevated temperature;
  • swelling of nearby tissues also increases and causes concern.

These symptoms may be a sign of the development of a purulent abscess or sepsis, and without timely medical care from a qualified surgeon, this situation can have serious consequences.

The cause of the bruise is the very rapid administration of the medicine

A bruise after an injection into a vein, what should a person do? You can get rid of a hematoma using numerous medicinal methods or folk recipes. Whenever choosing a treatment method, it is advisable to start taking vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessels and reduces the risk of damage.

Iodine mesh for hematoma


  1. A reliable and proven way to get rid of a post-injection hematoma is to apply a light iodine mesh to the damaged area. During the day, 1-2 times at approximately equal intervals of time, you need to draw a mesh of iodine with a cotton swab. The application of the mesh can be accompanied by light massaging movements of the fingers. This method cannot be used for allergic reactions to iodine.
  2. Bandage with a medicinal solution of dimexide. The drug is mixed with vodka in a 1:1 ratio, and then the composition is additionally diluted with distilled water (1:4). The procedure should be carried out once a day. The damaged area should first be lubricated with baby cream. A small gauze pad should be moistened with the prepared solution with dimexide and placed on the bruise. The compress is covered with clean polyethylene on top and is not removed for 7-8 hours.
  3. The bruise after the injection can be lubricated with heparin or troxerutin pharmaceutical ointment.
  4. Bodyaga cream or gel, a compress made from a mixture of pharmacy red clay and salt, have a good effect.
  5. Lyoton-gel can help solve the problem. Its active components reduce skin inflammation, improve blood microcirculation in blood vessels and promote normal tissue metabolism.
  6. The ointment “Troxevasin”, the drug “First aid for bruises and bruises” and the gel “Bruise-off|” strengthen the vascular walls and help bruises to quickly resolve. Each drug has detailed instructions for use. 7. To get rid of bruises after an injection, doctors recommend applying magnesium lotions. Magnesia helps the bruise to quickly resolve without visible marks.

Traumeel ointment relieves hematoma

Folk remedies

  • The most effective folk recipe, which anyone can easily use at home, is a compress of fresh white cabbage leaves. For the best effect, the cabbage leaf should be slightly beaten so that it releases its medicinal juice. Then a soft piece of cabbage should be smeared with honey and placed on the hematoma for 7-8 hours. The sheet will be conveniently fixed on the damaged area using a small piece of gauze and a fabric patch.

Propolis tincture for bruises

  • Flatbreads made from honey and rye bread are considered a good remedy for therapy. You can also prepare a mixture of honey, rye flour and mustard in a ratio of 2:4:1. The cakes should be changed 2 times a day.
  • You can also lubricate the hematoma with warm honey. Cover the affected area with polyethylene and leave for 7-8 hours. Honey can be mixed with grated radish.
  • A good way to get rid of a bruise after an injection is a compress with burdock. Burdock helps to quickly relieve inflammation. To do this, the sheet is thoroughly washed from street dust, treated with boiling water and dried with a napkin. One side of the sheet is smeared with honey and placed on the affected area.
  • If you do not have the necessary components at hand to treat a hematoma, you can use this method. Take some ice from the freezer, wrap it in plastic and a towel on top, and apply it to the bruise several times a day for 15-20 minutes.

In order to avoid such situations, it is better to entrust injections only to qualified medical professionals or people who are familiar with the technique of performing intravenous and intramuscular injections.

No matter how skilled the injection specialist, bruising after injections is common. They arise as a result of needle damage to blood vessels, which have their own location characteristics for each person. The fragility of the vascular wall and blood clotting also play a role. And yet, to a certain extent, you can avoid bruises, and if they appear, you need to be able to take measures to quickly resolve them.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

The everyday expression “bruise” includes 2 concepts:

  1. Bruising, when spilled blood saturates the tissue, such a bruise resolves more easily and can be treated more quickly.
  2. Hematoma, when blood separates tissue, forming a limited cavity. In these cases, resorption is not always successful, and intervention is often required to remove blood. Hematomas are also prone to suppuration and abscess formation.

In medical practice, bruises are caused by various injections, diagnostic tests, and vaccinations.


A bruise may form at the site of subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous administration of the drug. Subcutaneous injections are made along the outer surface of the middle and lower third of the shoulder, in the middle parts of the abdomen, intramuscular in the upper outer quadrant of the buttock, in the middle third of the thigh along the front surface.

These areas of the body are selected in places where there is no danger of damage to large vessels, but small vessels can also lead to the formation of a bruise or hematoma. Intramuscular hemorrhages are located deeper, so at first it is not a bruise that forms, but a compaction that is easy to palpate. If such a “bump” does not resolve for a long time and hurts, this indicates the formation of a hematoma and its inflammation.

Intravenous injections are performed in areas where veins are close to the skin. The cause of bleeding is the punctured vein itself: either it is pierced through, or after removal of the needle, the time of compression of the injection site is not enough for the formation of a blood clot. Hemorrhage in these cases can be quite significant.


Bruises from IVs are common. Leaving a needle in a vein for a long time injures it, especially when the needle is poorly fixed to the skin. On the other hand, drip administration of solutions is more often carried out by seriously ill patients who already have problems with blood vessels and blood clotting. It is possible to develop a hematoma in the cubital fossa, as evidenced by swelling of the forearm.

Diaskintest and mantoux test

These tests are carried out to diagnose tuberculosis: with Mantoux, weakened bacilli are injected, for Diaskintest, a tuberculosis allergen is used. The technology for both tests is identical - 0.1 ml of solution is injected intradermally on the anterior surface of the forearm. An indicator of correct administration is the appearance of a “lemon peel” area.

After Diaskintest and Mantoux there should be no bruises if they are performed technically correctly. There may be slight subcutaneous hemorrhage if the solution is injected deeper into the subcutaneous tissue.

Flu shot

The flu vaccine is administered subcutaneously in the area of ​​the outer shoulder or front of the thigh. Any noticeable hemorrhages after such injections are very rare. The introduction of needle-free injectors for flu vaccinations eliminates the problem of vascular damage and bruising.

Medicines to relieve bruises

To speed up the process of resorption of hemorrhages, topical medications are used:

  • Troxevasin gel— improves the microcirculation process, quickly relieves swelling, restores damaged blood vessels and accelerates the resorption process up to 4-5 days, applied 2-3 times a day to the affected area;
  • gel troxerutin– an analogue of troxevasin, containing vitamin P, which strengthens blood vessels, the use is similar;
  • heparin ointment is an anticoagulant, resolves clotted blood, blood clots, improves blood circulation, applied to the bruise area 1-3 times a day with light rubbing;
  • Trombless ointment – ​​contains heparin, the application is similar.

The simplest pharmaceutical products that are found in every home are also suitable - 5% tincture of iodine and alcohol. Using a stick, draw an iodine grid over the bruise, lightly grabbing the healthy area around it, and after the drawing has faded, it is applied again.

Alcohol compresses are applied under the film, moistening a napkin with 96° alcohol diluted in half with water. Keep the compress for 1.5-2 hours, repeating 2-3 times a day. Helps well magnesia compress: dilute the powder with water in a ratio of 1:10, place a moistened napkin on the bruise, cover with film, change every 2-3 hours. It should be noted that there is an allergic reaction to magnesium.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine is used in the form of compresses and lotions:

  • badyaga - dry powder is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:2, a napkin is moistened, a compress is applied every 12 hours, the result is visible already on the 2nd day;
  • radish with honey - grated radish is mixed with honey in equal parts, a compress is applied, as with badyagi;
  • cabbage leaf - washed fresh leaf is applied overnight, covered with film;
  • burdock leaf - pre-dipped in boiling water and applied as a compress, just like cabbage leaf.

How long it will take for a bruise to resolve depends on its size, depth and the correct treatment. On average, this period can vary from 2-3 days to 2 weeks.


Much of the prevention of bruising depends on the injection technique, so it is better not to take risks, but to contact qualified personnel. The patient himself can also prevent hemorrhage by observing the following rules:

  • hold the cotton wool at the injection site for at least 10 minutes, pressing it lightly;
  • do not massage or rub the injection site;
  • After an injection into the buttock, you should not sit down for 15 minutes; it is better to walk or lie down.

To make the resorption of bruises after injections faster, it is better to consult a doctor, he will recommend the most suitable ointment or cream in this case, or traditional medicine.

How to deal with needle bumps at home

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