Presentation on the topic of cheese production technology. General technology of cheeses. Defects in appearance

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Good afternoon

We present to your attention homemade cheese consisting exclusively of natural products. After all, it’s no secret that homemade products can never compare with store-bought ones. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our assortment.

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Advantages of homemade cheese over store-bought cheese

The main advantage of homemade cheese is its naturalness, since the composition uses morning milking milk and rennet, without adding preservatives, so the shelf life is short. Of course, such cheese is not suitable for supply to a store; any retail outlet is interested in profit from sales, and they definitely do not need the risks and possible losses from perishable products. Therefore, in the composition of cheese presented on store shelves, we often see various thickeners, flavors, preservatives, stabilizers and other chemicals, without which it is impossible to ensure a long shelf life and a presentable appearance. What are the benefits of such cheese? Homemade cheese contains many vitamins: B1, A, B6, B2, D and especially B12. Rich in proteins and calcium. The price-quality ratio of homemade cheese will pleasantly surprise you.

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Mozzarella is an unsalted soft young cheese, in the form of balls, with an ideal neutral taste and a specific structure, due to which it is slightly stretchy, which is ideal for making pizza. It is also used in the recipes of salads, lasagna, dumplings, pastries and desserts. Mozzarella cheese is great as a stand-alone snack that goes perfectly with white wine, berries and olives. The most popular salad with Mozzarella cheese all over the world is considered to be “Caprese”, in which tomatoes, cheese and basil are alternated in thick plates, and olive oil is used as a dressing. Mozzarella is stored in brine for no longer than the time indicated. If you take the product out of the package, it is best to transfer it to a glass container. In this case, the shelf life of the product is only 2 days. In the refrigerator, Mozzarella cheese should be stored on the warmest shelf; the freezer is not suitable for it.

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2. Halloumi

Halloumi is a quick-ripening, semi-hard pickled, delicately spicy cheese with a peculiar sour-milk taste and unusual aroma. It has an elastic structure, so Halloumi is best cut into layers and eaten with bread and vegetables. It has a high melting point and is suitable for frying or grilling. When fried, the cheese does not spread and melts very little, while acquiring an appetizing golden brown crust. Ideal with sweet white wine or cold beer.

Reblochon is a soft cheese with a so-called “washed rind.” The internal consistency of Reblochon is similar to Brie, and the spicy crust adds a very original note to its taste. Reblochon goes perfectly with dry white and red wines and champagne.

3. Reblochon

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4. Ricotta

Riccotta is a dairy product made from whey, which remains in abundance after the preparation of hard cheeses. It has a sweetish taste very similar to cottage cheese, only softer and with the taste of boiled milk. It is used to make tagliatelle (dumplings), added to lasagna, pies, and can be eaten simply as cottage cheese. Ricotta cooks well and forms a wonderful crust. It can be baked with any vegetables and fruits. This product goes well with Provençal herbs and white wine.

Caciotta is a semi-soft cheese with a delicate plastic texture; it melts perfectly and is considered an excellent sandwich cheese. It is served simply fresh, with herbs and olives added.

5. Caciotta

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6. Camembert

Camembert is a soft cheese with superficial white mold. The cheese is creamy, soft, and sometimes even runny. Tender, spicy, sweetish in taste, has the smell of fresh champignons. The main feature of Camembert is its ease of melting. After just a few minutes at room temperature, its center softens and begins to flow. When baked, Camembert quickly melts and softens its taste; it is good for making pies, pizza, hot sandwiches, or simply baking it as a whole piece with herbs or fruit. The creamy-sharp taste of Camembert is emphasized by young red wines.

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Brie is a soft cheese made from cow's milk with white mold; it has a delicate creamy taste with a subtle nutty aroma, which fully reveals itself in adulthood, when it acquires additional spicy notes. By the way, the sharpness of the cheese can be judged by the thickness of the heads - the thinner they are, the sharper the taste. It is usually served with white and red wine, and goes well with champagne. As an appetizer, brie pairs best with melon or green apples, but its flavor is also complemented well by nuts, berries, fresh vegetables and meat dishes. Before serving brie to the table, it must be kept for a while at room temperature, only then its aroma will fully develop and allow you to fully enjoy the exquisite meal.

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Brynza is a cheese, usually white to slightly yellow in color, the taste and smell are fermented milk, moderately salty. The consistency is moderately dense, often hard, slightly brittle, but not crumbly. Bryndza has no crust, the surface is clean, smooth, with traces of serpyanka. It has proven itself excellent in light vegetable salads. Compared to other hard cheeses, the composition of feta cheese is much better balanced for the benefit of the human body: it contains less fat and more protein.

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Interesting facts about cheese

It is said that Salvador Dali was inspired to create the painting "The Flowing Clock" by Camembert (a soft type of cheese). After eating the cheese, the artist, sitting in front of the unfinished painting, thought about the taste of this cheese. Then the image of “spreading time” came to him. The belief that cheese is the favorite delicacy of mice is a misconception that is imposed on society by various cartoons (for example, “Tom and Jerry”). In fact, rodents do not like foods with strong odors (which cheese is one of), preferring grains and fruits. Queen Victoria of Britain (1837-1901) received a huge disk of Cheddar cheese weighing more than half a ton as a wedding gift. In the UK, a cheese rolling championship is held every year. The production of one kilogram of cheese requires 10 liters of cow or goat milk. In some countries, cheese is made from completely unexpected products, such as sour cream, peas, soy, pork or veal liver, and even iced sugar. According to scientists, the first appearance of cheese dates back to 3000-2800. BC, as it was found in Egyptian pyramids built during this time period. This product is also mentioned in Homer's Odyssey. The ancient Romans and Greeks actively traded cheese.

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  • Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    Hypothesis: Cheese is a product with high nutritional value, but some caution should be exercised when consuming it.

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    Relevance of the topic: The quantity, quality, range of food products consumed, the timeliness and regularity of food intake have a decisive influence on human life in all its manifestations.

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    Purpose of work: Conduct research on the benefits of cheese. Application of the received information in the process of practical training.

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    Objectives: 1. Study the literature on this topic. 2. Conduct an analysis of organoleptic indicators of cheese quality. 3. Conduct a sociological survey.

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    Results of the work and conclusions: This work can be used in the study of therapeutic, preventive and child nutrition, nutrition physiology.

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    Area of ​​practical application of the results: This work can be used in elective classes, debate lessons and practical classes.

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    Nowadays, the problem of nutrition is one of the most important social problems. Human life, health and work are impossible without nutritious food. In organizing proper nutrition, a primary role is given to dairy products. This fully applies to cheese, the nutritional value of which is due to the high concentration of milk proteins and fat in it, the presence of essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus salts necessary for the normal development of the human body.

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    Interesting facts about cheese Fact No. 1 Cheese is the enemy of the waistline, 70% of the calories in cheese are saturated milk fat, which clogs the arteries. One kilogram of cheese contains more cholesterol than 1 kg of meat. Fact #2 Cheese is a drug. A 30-gram piece of cheese contains about five grams of casein, which, when broken down during digestion, releases a whole range of opiates called casomorphins. Cheese also contains another drug-like substance similar to amphetamine - phenylethylamine. Fact #3 Cheese contains a lot of salts: it absorbs both the salts contained in cow's milk and the salt added directly during the manufacturing process. For example, 60 grams of cheddar cheese contains 350 ml. salt.

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    Fact No. 4 Eating cheese causes the development of osteoporosis, because. the salt contained in the product helps flush calcium from the body. Fact No. 5 Cheese normalizes blood pressure. Hypotonic patients need to drink a cup of coffee for breakfast and eat a sandwich with butter and rennet cheese. Fact No. 6 Blue cheese in the amount of 30 - 40 grams. per day is recommended by nutritionists to improve intestinal function, because beneficial bacteria enter the gastrointestinal tract; it also contains phosphorus salts and proteins enriched with amino acids necessary for the body. As well as special substances that protect human skin from the negative effects of sunlight.

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    Fact #7 Cheese is the enemy. The cheese product does not have any beneficial properties, because it only superficially resembles cheese, but in reality it is something else. It contains no more than 20% real milk, and the rest is fat and protein of non-dairy origin. Manufacturers use cheap oils: coconut, palm, rapeseed. These oils are converted into transozimeric and transgenic fats and subsequently cause cardiovascular diseases, cholecystitis, obesity, and atherosclerosis. Fact No. 8 Vitamin A contained in cheeses restores vision, skin, mucous membranes, and normalizes growth processes. Fact No. 9 Vitamin B2 produces energy in the body and normalizes tissue respiration. Fact No. 10 Vitamin B12 is involved in metabolism and eliminates anemia.

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    Organoleptic evaluation is usually necessary to determine the quality of cheese or the characteristics of cheeses when developing a new product, or to study consumer attitudes towards cheese. It is important to select an appropriate sensory evaluation technique and strictly control the test conditions to ensure the reliability of the results. Sensory analysis can be used to identify undesirable characteristics or defects of a cheese, to identify differences in the sensory characteristics of two or more cheeses, to evaluate differences between specific sensory characteristics of different cheeses, or to determine consumer preferences. Organoleptic quality indicators include shape, size, weight, appearance, taste, smell, consistency, pattern, dough color, packaging and labeling.

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    According to generally accepted parameters, each indicator of cheese is assigned the following number of points (total number - 100 points): Taste and smell ......45 Consistency ....25 Drawing .........10 Dough color .........5 Appearance ......10 Packaging and Marking……...5

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    Study of the organoleptic characteristics of feta cheese Quality indicators As a result of the study According to regulatory documentation Evaluation Appearance Crustless. The surface is clean and smooth. There are minor cracks. Has no crust. The surface is clean, smooth, with traces of serpyanka. Slight deformation of the bar and minor cracks are allowed 10 Taste and smell Clean, fermented milk, moderately salty, without foreign tastes and odors Clean, fermented milk, moderately salted, without foreign tastes and odors. 45 Consistency The dough is soft, moderately dense, slightly brittle, slightly crumbly. The dough is tender, moderately dense, slightly brittle, but not crumbly. 23 Figure There is no figure. There are 2 eyes on the cut. There is no picture. A small number of eyes and irregularly shaped voids are allowed. 9 Dough color The color is white, uniform throughout the mass. From white to faint yellow. Homogeneous throughout the mass. 5

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    Study of organoleptic characteristics of table cheese Quality indicators As a result of the study According to regulatory documentation Evaluation Appearance Does not have a rind. The outer layer is compacted. The surface is smooth, with traces of serpyanka. Has no crust. The outer layer is compacted. The surface is smooth, with traces of serpyanka or shape. Slight deformation of the bar and minor cracks are allowed 10 Taste and smell Pungent, salty, sour, without foreign odors. Spicy, salty, sour, without foreign odors. A slightly fodder taste with slight bitterness is allowed. 45 Consistency Dense, slightly brittle. Dense, slightly brittle. 25 Drawing On the cross-section there is a drawing consisting of angular-shaped eyes. When cut, the cheeses have a pattern consisting of round oval or angular eyes. 10 Dough color The color is white, in places with yellow tints, not uniform throughout the mass. From white to faint yellow. Homogeneous throughout the mass. 3

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    Study of the organoleptic characteristics of Suluguni cheese Quality indicators As a result of the study According to regulatory documentation Evaluation Appearance The rind is smooth, thin, without damage and without a thick subcortical layer, coated with special paraffin compounds The rind is smooth, thin, without damage and without a thick subcortical layer, coated with special paraffin compounds 10 Taste and smell Pronounced cheesy, sweetish-spicy. Pronounced cheesy, sweetish-spicy. 45 Consistency The dough is plastic, slightly brittle when bending, homogeneous. The dough is plastic, slightly brittle when bending, homogeneous. 25 Pattern When cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, oval or angular eyes. When cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, oval or angular eyes. 10 Dough color The color is white, in places with yellow tints, not uniform throughout the mass. The color is white, in places with yellow tints, heterogeneous throughout the mass. 3

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    Study of organoleptic characteristics of Dutch cheese Quality indicators As a result of the study According to regulatory documentation Evaluation Appearance Does not have a rind. The surface of the cheese is covered with a polymer film that does not adhere tightly in places. Has no crust. The surface of the cheese is covered with a tight-fitting polymer film. 8 Taste and smell Pungent, salty, sour, without foreign odors. Moderately spicy, moderately salty, without foreign tastes or odors. A sour taste is allowed. 45 Consistency Dense, slightly brittle. Dense, slightly brittle. 25 Drawing On the cross-section there is a drawing consisting of angular-shaped eyes. When cut, the cheeses have a pattern consisting of round oval or angular eyes. 10 Dough color The color is white, in places with yellow tints, not uniform throughout the mass. From white to faint yellow. Homogeneous throughout the mass. 3

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    Study of the organoleptic characteristics of Swiss cheese Quality indicators As a result of the study According to regulatory documentation Evaluation Appearance The rind is strong, smooth, without damage or wrinkles, slightly rough with imprints from serpyanka. The crust is strong, smooth, without damage or wrinkles, slightly rough with imprints from sickleweed. 10 Taste and smell Pronounced cheesy, sweetish-spicy. Pronounced cheesy, sweetish-spicy. 45 Consistency The dough is plastic and homogeneous. The dough is plastic and homogeneous. 25 Drawing When cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round and oval-shaped eyes. When cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round and oval-shaped eyes. 10 Dough color From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout its entire mass. From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout its mass. 3

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    Study of organoleptic characteristics of Kostromskaya cheese Quality indicators As a result of the study According to regulatory documentation Evaluation Appearance The rind is smooth, thin, without damage and without a thick subcortical layer, covered with paraffin and polymer compounds. The crust is smooth, thin, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin and polymer compounds 10 Taste and smell Moderately cheesy, sour. Moderately expressed cheesy, sourish. 45 Consistency The dough is soft, plastic, homogeneous. The dough is soft, plastic, homogeneous. 25 Figure On a cross-section, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval-shaped eyes. On a cross-section, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round and oval-shaped eyes. 10 Dough color From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass. From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass. 3

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    Summary table of assessments of the organoleptic characteristics of brine cheeses Name Brand of the test sample Suluguni table cheese Appearance 10 10 8 Taste and smell 45 45 45 Consistency 23 25 25 Figure 9 10 10 Dough color 5 3 3 Packaging and labeling 5 5 5 Final score 97 98 96

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    Summary table of assessments of organoleptic characteristics of hard cheeses. Name of indicator Brand of the test sample Kostroma Dutch Swiss Appearance 10 10 10 Taste and smell 34.8 39.2 35.8 Consistency 23 24 24 Figure 8 8.2 9.2 Dough color 5 4.6 5 Packaging and labeling 5 5 5 Final score 83.8 91.0 89.0

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    Presentation - Cheeses

    Text of this presentation

    OP.02. Physiology of nutrition with the basics of food merchandising
    Shubina E.A.

    Cheese production
    To make cheeses, rennet is added to pasteurized and cooled milk and left to form a curd. The resulting curd is cut into cubes - small (for hard cheeses) and large (for soft cheeses). The whey is drained, the cheese grains are heated (second heating) to better separate the whey, then the cheese grains are shaped and pressed. When molding cheeses, they are marked by pressing casein numbers into the cheese dough, which indicate the number (numerator) and month of production (denominator), and the brewing number. To add flavor to the cheese, it is salted by rubbing the cheese heads with dry salt or immersing them in a saline solution, and sent to cold cellars for ripening. When ripened, cheeses acquire a characteristic taste, aroma, texture and pattern, due to the breakdown of proteins under the action of rennet enzymes, lactic acid bacteria and the formation of simpler easily digestible substances (amino acids, ammonia, aromatic substances) and carbon dioxide, which permeates the entire dense mass of cheese, forming eyes .
    Shubina E.A.

    Cheese production
    To protect the cheese rind from destruction and mold formation, cheeses are paraffinized, and some are covered with a polymer film such as saran. A production mark is applied to the surface of the cheeses: for cheeses with 50% fat content - a square, for 45% fat content - a regular octagon, for 30% fat content - a hexagon. Film-coated cheeses do not have a rind, so the amount of the edible part of the cheese increases by 6...7%; The drying out of cheese during ripening and storage is also reduced.
    Shubina E.A.

    Cheese production
    According to the method of milk coagulation, cheeses can be rennet, which is produced by coagulating milk protein with milk-clotting rennet enzyme, or fermented milk cheese, in which milk proteins are coagulated by lactic acid bacteria. Based on consistency, moisture content, and production technology, cheeses are divided into hard, soft, and brined. Processed cheeses are included in a separate group. In terms of fat content in dry matter, cheeses are produced with 45 and 50% fat content, less often with 20 and 30% fat content.
    Shubina E.A.

    Hard rennet cheesesCheeses pressed with a high second heating temperature (more than 50 °C)
    “Swiss”, “Altai”, “Soviet”. Cheeses contain fat in dry matter of at least 50%, moisture not more than 42%, salt 1.5...2.5%. “Swiss” cheese has the shape of a low cylinder and is produced for sale at an age of at least 180 days. "Altai" cheese has the shape of a low cylinder, at least 120 days. “Soviet” cheese has the shape of a rectangular block, at least 120 days. These cheeses have a strong rind, without damage and a thick subcrustal layer, coated with paraffin, polymer or combined compounds; serpyanka prints are allowed on the surface; “Swiss” cheese has a dry coating of grayish-white color. The taste and smell are clean, pronounced cheesy, slightly sweet, for “Altai”, “Soviet” cheeses - slightly spicy. The dough is plastic, homogeneous throughout the entire mass. Color from white to slightly yellow. When cut, the cheeses have a pattern consisting of round or oval-shaped eyes, evenly distributed throughout the mass. Cheeses from this group are recommended for breakfast and lunch. Imported cheeses included in this group include Emmental, Gruyère, Beaufort, Alpine and others.
    Shubina E.A.

    Shubina E.A.

    Cheeses pressed with a low temperature of the second heating (36...42 0C)
    “Dutch”, “Yaroslavl”, “Estonian”, “Poshekhonsky”, “Uglichsky”, “Kostroma”, “Stepnoy”. Cheeses of this group contain 45% fat in dry matter, except for “Dutch” with 50% fat, 44% moisture, and 1.5...3% salt. “Dutch” round cheese has a spherical shape, “Dutch block” cheese has a rectangular block, produced for sale at the age of 60 days. The taste and smell are moderately cheesy, sour, with some pungency in “Gollandskiy”, “Stepnoy”, and in “Estonskiy” - a slight spiciness. The dough is homogeneous throughout the entire mass, plastic, in “Kostromsky”, “Yaroslavsky”, “Uglichsky” it is slightly brittle at the bend. The color is from white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the entire mass. The cut pattern consists of round, oval or angular eyes. This group includes semi-hard cheeses with low fat content - “Litovsky”, which has the shape of a rectangular bar, “Pribaltiysky”, “Vyrusky” - a low cylinder. These cheeses contain 30% fat in dry matter, moisture 52...55%, salt 1.5...3%. Taste and smell - mild cheese, fermented milk; Slight bitterness and mild aftertaste are allowed. The consistency is dense, slightly brittle at the bend of the Litovsky and Võru cheese. No drawing is allowed. Among the imported cheeses, this group includes the cheeses “Gouda”, “Edam”, etc. Cheeses from this group are recommended as a seasoning for vegetable dishes and for breakfast.
    Shubina E.A.

    Shubina E.A.

    Self-pressing cheeses, with a low second heating temperature, ripening with the participation of cheese mucus microflora
    This group includes cheeses “Latvian”, which have the shape of a block with a square base, and “Pikantny” - a rectangular block. “Latvian” cheese contains 45% fat in dry matter, 48% moisture, 2...2.5% salt, “Pikantny” cheese contains 55% fat, 44% moisture, 2...2.5% salt. The taste and smell are distinctly cheesy, slightly ammoniacal; for “Spicy” the presence of slight bitterness and a fodder taste is allowed. Color ranges from white to faint yellow. The dough is soft and plastic. The eyes are irregular, angular, slit-shaped, evenly spaced. Among imported cheeses, this group includes Tilsit and Brik cheeses. These cheeses are recommended for coffee, cocoa, and tea.
    Shubina E.A.

    Shubina E.A.

    Cheeses pressed with a low second heating temperature and a high level of lactic fermentation
    The cheeses of this group differ from the previous groups of cheeses in that the cheese grains undergo ripening (cheddarization) before molding for several hours at a temperature of 33... 35 ° C. The cheese mass becomes soft and separates. This group includes “Cheddar” and “Russian” cheeses. Cheddar cheese contains 50% fat in dry matter, 42% moisture, and 1.5...2% salt. The film adheres tightly to the cheese, the surface is clean. The taste and smell are cheesy, sour, light spice is allowed. The dough is plastic, homogeneous, slightly incoherent is allowed. Color ranges from white to faint yellow. There is no drawing, a small amount of voids is allowed. Rossiyskiy cheese is produced in the form of a low cylinder or a rectangular block. Cheese contains 50% fat in dry matter, 43% moisture, 1.3...1.8% salt. When producing this cheese, the mass is not completely cheddarized. The taste and smell are distinctly cheesy, slightly sour. The dough is soft, plastic, slightly dense. Color from light yellow to yellow. The section has a uniformly spaced pattern consisting of irregular, angular, slit-shaped eyes. These cheeses are used for sandwiches and served for breakfast.
    Shubina E.A.

    Shubina E.A.

    Soft rennet cheeses
    This group of cheeses differs from hard cheeses in their higher moisture content (46...60%) and more delicate consistency. When they ripen, molds and mucus-forming bacteria take part. These cheeses are produced without second heating, by self-pressing. Cheeses that ripen with the participation of cheese mucus microflora on the surface This group includes Smolensky cheese. The taste is pungent, slightly ammoniacal. The consistency is delicate, slightly spreadable, oily. The dough is smooth, without eyes or with small irregularly shaped eyes. The color of the dough is from white to slightly yellow.
    Shubina E.A.

    Cheeses ripened with the participation of mold cultures growing in the dough
    Roquefort cheese belongs to this group. Taste and smell - hot, salty, peppery. The dough is tender, buttery, slightly crumbly. When cut, blue-green mold should be distributed throughout the entire mass of cheese. The color of the dough is from white to slightly yellow.
    Shubina E.A.

    Cheeses ripened with pure cultures of surface white mold
    This group includes Russian Camembert cheese. The cheese has a delicate, uniform consistency; there is white mold on the surface. The cheese has a pure sour-milk taste with a slightly mushroom flavor and slight bitterness; color from white to light yellow. Soft rennet cheeses stimulate the appetite and can be consumed before lunch or for breakfast. This group of imported cheeses includes Brie, Gorgonzola, Stilton and others.
    Shubina E.A.

    Shubina E.A.

    Brine cheeses
    They do not have a crust; they mature in brine. The salt content in them reaches from 3 to 8%, fat - 45%, water - 50... 55%. These cheeses are made from sheep, goat, cow's milk or a mixture of them. Brine cheeses include “Kobisky”, “Osetinsky”, “Gruzinsky”, “Stolovy”, “Imeretinsky”, “Karachaevsky” cheeses, and feta cheese. These cheeses are produced without cheddaring or melting the cheese mass. Brine cheeses with cheddarization and melting of the cheese mass include “Suluguni” and “Layered” cheeses. The technology of these cheeses does not include pressing or ripening operations; Cheese sales period is 25 days. The cheeses have a moderately salty, clean, sour-milk taste. The dough is dense, slightly brittle, for feta cheese it is moderately dense, tender, and not crumbly, for Suluguni it is dense, layered, and elastic. A pattern on the section in the form of eyes of various shapes and sizes; In feta cheese and Suluguni cheese, voids of irregular shape are allowed. These cheeses are used as a snack. Among imported cheeses, this group includes cheeses “Feta”, “Domiati”, “Mozzarella”, etc.
    Shubina E.A.

    Shubina E.A.

    Fermented milk cheeses
    These include “Green” cheese, which is made from skim milk fermented with a starter of lactic acid bacteria. The curd (ciger) is separated from the whey, and after ripening, salt and ground leaves of the sweet clover herb are added, due to which the cheese has a greenish color. A head of cheese in the form of a truncated cone weighing 100...200 g. The cheese has a dense consistency, a rough surface, and does not have a pattern at the break. The taste is sharply salted with the smell of sweet clover. The cheese contains 40% moisture, 6.5% salt, 2.5% sweet clover. Packed in foil with a parchment lining. Green cheese is also produced in the form of powder in bags.
    Cheese "Green"
    Shubina E.A.

    Processed cheeses
    Processed cheeses are produced from various types of natural cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk powder, butter, with or without spices, by heat treatment with the addition of melting salts (sodium phosphate and sodium citrate). More than 40 types of processed cheese are produced in our country: “Yantar”, “Druzhba”, “Leto”, “Chocolate”, “Nut”, “Cherry”, sausage “Caucasian” and “Okhotnichiy”, “Coffee”, “Kostromskoy” , “Cheese with mushrooms for soup”, “Cheese with onions for soup”, etc. The fat content in them is 30, 40, 45, 50 and 60% (on a dry basis). Processed cheeses have a color from slightly yellow to yellow, uniform throughout the entire mass, while cheeses with spices have the inclusion of spices; pronounced taste and smell of the cheese from which they are made, or the taste of added additives; The consistency is homogeneous, tender, dense, and in some cases slightly spreadable. In cooking, cheeses are widely used as cold appetizers, for sandwiches, when baking many dishes, and boiled pasta is sprinkled with grated hard cheese.
    Shubina E.A.

    Shubina E.A.

    Cheese quality requirements
    Depending on quality, hard rennet cheeses are divided into premium and 1st grade. Cheeses “Russian”, “Poshekhonsky”, “Pikantny”, low-fat cheeses, soft rennet, brine and processed cheeses are not divided into varieties (GOST 7616 - 85). The grade of cheese is determined organoleptically according to a 100-point system, in which each indicator is given a certain number of points: taste, smell - 45, consistency - 25, pattern - 10, dough color - 5, appearance - 10, packaging, labeling - 5 points. Depending on the amount of points, cheeses are assigned to a certain grade: highest - with a total score of 100...87 points, including 37 points for taste and smell; to the 1st - with a total score of 86... 75 points, including at least 34 points for taste and smell. Cheese defects include weak taste and aroma, bitter taste, food taste; crumbly, loose consistency, lack of pattern; cracks in the rind, etc. Cheeses with foreign impurities in the dough, those that have lost their shape, affected by subcortical mold, etc. are not allowed to be accepted. The content of residual amounts of pesticides, heavy metals and arsenic must not exceed the approved standards. Coli bacteria are not allowed.
    Shubina E.A.

    Cheese storage
    Hard cheeses are stored at a temperature of (4 ± 2) °C and a relative air humidity of 85...87% - 15 days, processed cheeses - 10, soft, pickled, "Russian Camembert" - 5 days.
    Shubina E.A.

    Information sources - pictures by Z.P. Matyukhin “Commodity research of food products”. M.: publishing house "Academy", 2013
    Shubina E.A.

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    Slide captions:

    Cheeses are a high-calorie protein product obtained by coagulating milk, followed by processing and ripening of the curd.

    According to the method of milk coagulation, cheeses are divided into: Rennet - hard, soft, pickled, processed (processed); Fermented milk.

    Hard rennet cheeses Swiss cheese Dutch cheese Cheddar-type cheeses Latvian cheese Kuban cheese

    Soft rennet cheeses Dorogobuzh cheese Snack cheese Roquefort type cheeses Unripened cheeses Cream cheese Coffee and Tea cheeses

    Pickled cheeses. Brine cheeses include feta cheese and Caucasian cheeses. They have no rind and are stored and ripened in brine. Bryndza is produced by curdling sheep's or cow's milk and rennet. Taste: sour milk, salty. The consistency is slightly brittle but not crumbly. Ripening period is 20-60 days. Suluguni is produced from cow, sheep, goat and buffalo milk. The taste is fermented milk, the ripening period is one day. Ossetian cheese is a cylinder weighing 5-6 kg with a slightly convex surface and rounded edges.

    Fermented milk cheeses. Green cheese is made from skim milk fermented with lactic acid starter. Mix with salt and dried, ground blue clover leaves. The cheese has a grayish-green color. Ripening time is 1-1.5 months.

    Processed cheeses. The production of processed cheeses allows for the rational processing of secondary dairy raw materials, cheeses that are non-standard in composition, appearance, and consistency. Various cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter and other dairy products, as well as melting salts are used.

    Processed sliced ​​cheeses Processed pasty cheeses Processed sweet cheeses

    Sausage smoked cheese Processed cheeses for lunch Processed canned cheeses

    The consistency of high-quality cheese should be homogeneous and quite plastic, although much depends on its type. For example, Chedar is softer and even spreadable. Yaroslavl, Latvian and Kostroma cheese are harder, but quite tender. Dutch cheese has a relatively brittle consistency. And the hardest are Caucasian, Gorno-Altai and Swiss cheeses. The color of high-quality cheese should be uniform, but the shades can be different, from white to yellow. In this case, the pattern on the cut depends on the type of cheese. These can be large eyes of a round or oval shape, as, for example, on Swiss cheese, or small eyes, as on Dutch cheese. Russian cheese usually has an uneven pattern consisting of irregularly shaped eyes. But Cheddar and many other cheeses normally have no pattern at all. The taste and smell of fresh cheese should be pure. Depending on the type of cheese, its taste can vary from sweetish, characteristic of Swiss cheese, to sharp and sour, which is characteristic of Dutch cheese. Requirements for the quality of cheeses also prescribe the level of fat, salt and moisture in them. So hard cheeses must have a fat content of at least 45% for full-fat varieties and 20% for semi-fat ones. The moisture in the cheese should be no more than 48%, and the salt should be about 2-3%.

    Cheese quality assessment. Typically, examination of the quality of cheese is carried out after it reaches maturity. All cheese is carefully inspected and a sample is taken. The general assessment of the quality of cheeses is carried out according to organoleptic indicators, as well as the chemical composition of the product. As you know, depending on quality, cheeses are divided into premium and first grade. Russian, Poshekhonsky, Lithuanian and semi-hard cheese varieties do not participate in this division. All other hard cheeses are rated on a 100-point scale. And depending on the points scored, they are assigned to one of two categories. If a cheese scores 87-100 points, it belongs to the highest grade. If 75-86 points - to the first. If a cheese does not score 75 points, it should not be allowed on sale at all. This cheese is processed. The quality indicators of cheeses are assessed in the following ratio. Taste and smell are the most important, they score a maximum of 45 points, consistency scores 25 points, appearance and cut pattern score 10 points each, color and packaging score 5 points each. If the taste of a cheese does not reach 34 points, it cannot be classified in the first category, even if it passes all other characteristics. This cheese is not on sale. Cheese may also be rejected if at least one of the quality indicators does not meet the standard. But if the cheese is made from fresh milk, using good bacterial starters and carefully observing the technological regime, it turns out to be of high quality.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


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