The essence and definition of the concepts “physical development”, “physical perfection”, “physical preparedness”, and their relationship. The essence and definition of the concepts “physical development”, “physical perfection”, “physical preparedness” and their interrelation

And human development in accordance with the requirements of life. Many modern people are not very developed in this regard. Of course, one could argue that the conditions of modern life do not require special strength. Nowadays, in order to live and earn money, it is enough to have mental abilities. But still, real joy in life is possible only if a person has a healthy body.

Physical perfection is the ideal that everyone should strive for in order to form a harmoniously developed personality. And at the same time, physical improvement must necessarily interact with moral and aesthetic education.

Developing your body for physical perfection

Body beauty? movements, good posture and harmony in proportions. All these qualities are indicators of physical perfection. Sports and exercises foster the desire to be whole and harmonious in movement. By training and developing our body, we subconsciously strive for aesthetic beauty. If it were not for these motives, playing sports would lose all meaning. In addition, physical perfection is precisely what has a beneficial effect on mental abilities.

The importance of physical development

We must always take care of our physical development if we want to support the body in this way. This is the only sure way to avoid early aging, only in this way can we strengthen and develop all parts of our body.

If muscles are inactive for a long time, they lose their elasticity and wither. This phenomenon is the opposite of the development process and is expressed in their flabbiness. Most often, such problems arise in people who lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. Such people get tired from any movement, and a weakened nervous system causes stress and other diseases.

Stress, in turn, negatively affects the functioning of internal organs, which is clearly expressed on the body of women in the form of cellulite. Our body, for example, through cellulite, gives us signals that we are leading the wrong lifestyle.

Indicators of a physically developed person

The concept of “physical perfection” is quite broad, and first of all it is associated with the level and nature of a person’s health, with his working capacity and his life expectancy. Good health gives a person the opportunity to quickly and painlessly adapt to various changes in life, everyday life and work. Physical perfection is exactly what helps to achieve increased performance.

If a person often gets sick throughout his life and dies early, then this is unlikely to indicate physical perfection. It is also worth noting that among those who are often sick, you can also find people in excellent physical shape. This means that perfection is not the same concept. The improvement of human nature in the broad sense of this concept largely depends on social factors.

Physical perfection

the highest degree of harmonious physical development (See Physical development) and comprehensive physical fitness of a person, optimally meeting the requirements of labor and other spheres of life. Achievement of F. s. on the scale of the entire society is possible under the conditions of socialism, in which the state takes care of the comprehensive physical development, protection and improvement of the health of the entire population, creating the most favorable natural and social environment for the moral and physical improvement of man. In a socialist society, physical education is an organic part of the national system of communist education, aimed at the formation of “... a new person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection” (CPSU Program, 1976, pp. 120–121).

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Physical perfection” is in other dictionaries:

    PHYSICAL PERFECTION- (from the Greek physis nature) the historically specific optimal level of development of a person’s physical qualities and abilities, aimed at achieving socially significant goals; one of the most important characteristics of harmonic... ... Aesthetics: Vocabulary

    physical perfection- fizinis tobulumas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Aukščiausias asmens kūno kultūros lygis, idealas. atitikmenys: engl. physical excellence; physical perfection vok. physical perfection, f; physische Vollkommenheit, f rus.… …Sporto terminų žodynas

    PHYSICAL PERFECTION- a historically determined level of physical development, health and motor fitness of a person, providing him with the best adaptability to life and work... Psychomotorics: dictionary-reference book

    Physical perfection- In the broadest sense of the word, there is a target essence of physical culture, which is the result of the purposeful formation of a harmoniously developed human body... Adaptive physical culture. Concise encyclopedic dictionary

    perfection- , a, cf. * “Physical perfection.” The name of the GTO badge /V degree. ◘ IV degree badge [GTO] “Physical perfection”. Youth, 1972, No. 4, 100 ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

    The process of change, as well as the totality of the morphological and functional properties of the organism. F.r. human condition is determined by biological factors (heredity, the relationship of functional and structural, gradual quantitative and... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Physical education- purposeful development of a person’s physical abilities, motor skills and abilities, contributing to his physical perfection as an integral quality of a comprehensively developed personality (see Comprehensive personality development). Physical... ... Scientific communism: Dictionary

    A concept that expresses the idea of ​​a certain higher standard with which the goals and results of a person’s efforts are correlated. In natural language, S. can be understood as the practical suitability of a thing for certain purposes, achievement... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Ready for work and defense. The "GTO" request is redirected here; see also other meanings. “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) physical education program in general education,... ... Wikipedia

    The "GTO" request is redirected here. See also other meanings. GTO “Ready for Labor and Defense” is a physical training program in general education, professional and sports organizations in the USSR, fundamental in a unified and supported ... Wikipedia


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Physical development– a set of morphological and functional indicators of the body that determine the reserve of its physical strength, endurance and capacity. The physical development of a growing organism is characterized by the process of formation, maturation (biological age) and morphofunctional state at each period of time. It obeys biological laws and depends on a complex of socio-economic and other conditions. Along with morbidity, fertility and mortality, physical development is one of the important indicators of the sanitary condition of the population.

Physical education– this is a type of education, the specific content of which is teaching movements, nurturing physical qualities, mastering special physical education knowledge and forming a conscious need for physical education activities

Physical perfection- This is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development and physical fitness of a person, optimally meeting the requirements of life.

The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

1) good health, which provides a person with the opportunity to painlessly and quickly adapt to various, including unfavorable, living, working, and everyday conditions;

2) high general physical performance, allowing to achieve significant special performance;

3) proportionally developed physique, correct posture, absence of certain anomalies and imbalances;

4) comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding one-sided human development;

5) possession of a rational technique of basic vital movements, as well as the ability to quickly master new motor actions;

6) physical education, i.e. possession of special knowledge and skills to effectively use one’s body and physical abilities in life, work, and sports.

At the present stage of development of society, the main criteria for physical perfection are the norms and requirements of government programs in combination with the standards of the unified sports classification.

Sport(English sport, abbreviation from the original Old French desport - “game”, “entertainment”) - the activity of people organized according to certain rules, consisting of a comparison of their physical and (or) intellectual abilities, as well as preparation for this activity and interpersonal relationships, arising in its process. Sport is a specific type of physical or intellectual activity performed for the purpose of competition, as well as targeted preparation for them through warm-up and training. In combination with rest, the desire to gradually improve physical health, increase the level of intelligence, obtain moral satisfaction, the pursuit of excellence, improve personal, group and absolute records, fame, improve one’s own physical capabilities and skills, sport is intended to improve the physical and mental characteristics of a person.

Features of the stage of resulting development of actions: tasks, means and methods, features of methodology and technologies in the pedagogical process.

Targetfurther development of motor action, which leads to the formation of a strong motor skill.

Problems to be solved:

1. Achieve stability and automaticity in performing a motor action.

2. To achieve the performance of a motor action in accordance with the requirements of its practical use (necessary effort, rational rhythm and tempo, accuracy, efficiency, economy, etc.)

3. Ensure variable use of the action depending on the prevailing external conditions for performing the action.

Indicative basis of action at this stage it seems to be collapsing - some of the support points on which attention was previously concentrated are now removed from the sphere of constant awareness (which does not exclude the possibility of taking them back under conscious control when circumstances require it).

Along with the methods standard-repetition exercise methods are used more widely than at the previous stage variable interval exercise with various techniques for changing parameters and operating conditions.

The share of combined varieties of methods of performing motor actions is increasing - repeated alternating and interval exercises with hard and other rest intervals.

Game and competitive methods are used more widely.

Repeated reproduction of a learned action also serves as a factor in the development of motor qualities (strength, speed, endurance, etc.), which determine its effectiveness.

This is ensured by the following methodological techniques:

The use of additional resistance and weights during exercise, alternating with exercises without resistance and weights.

Stimulating the speed and tempo of movements using external sensory guidance, technical means and facilitating external conditions (light and sound leaders, simulators, inertial forces, ground reaction, etc.).

Performing exercises against the background of fatigue created by previous loads and reducing rest intervals between repetitions.

Ideomotor exercise is used as a way of self-tuning for the perfect execution of a motor action in a condensed, abbreviated form, focusing on the key points and conditions for its implementation, as well as a way of self-analysis and correction of mistakes.

Warning and error correction:

Excessive, overly accentuated and prolonged concentration of attention on control over the details of an action, which inhibits its automation. This is excluded when using methodological techniques that help switch attention to its result and variable conditions of action, including it in gaming and competitive situations.

Violation of the measure in the use of a standard-repetitive exercise, which results in excessive stereotyping of the skill; or, on the contrary, a violation of the measure in varying the exercises and the conditions for their implementation, as a result of which an insufficiently stable skill is formed.

Violation of the measure between practicing a motor skill and developing physical qualities.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure a harmonious combination of improving the technique of action and nurturing the motor qualities that determine its effectiveness.

Control over the formation of a skill and its improvement:

Such control includes determining its overall effectiveness and the qualitative aspects of the skill, on which its reliability and effectiveness depend.

Overall effectiveness of the action– assessed in tests and competitions, the results of which are compared with tabulated standards. Here only the external effectiveness of the action is determined, but the individual components on which its practical effectiveness depends are not identified.

Criterion for the effectiveness of an action technique are derived based on a comparison of its effectiveness during holistic reproduction and the so-called motor potential, assessed in the test, which is a simplified version of the action. For example, based on the result of jumping up with a push of two legs from a place, motor potential in high jumps is assessed. The effectiveness of an action technique can be judged in running by the ratio of the duration of the flight and support phases or by the ratio of the length and frequency of steps.

Degree of automation of movements– is assessed by the success of performing exercises that require switching attention during the course of the action from itself to certain objects and tasks. For example, performing exercises related to the limitation of visual and exteroceptive control or in the process of performing an exercise, analyzing external conditions for solving additional tasks of motor activity.

On the degree of reliability of the acquired skill judged by its stability in the face of disturbing factors and by its appropriate variability in changing conditions, which is revealed through appropriately organized control exercises.

The combination of these criteria and control tests makes it possible to comprehensively monitor the progress of the formation and improvement of a motor skill at the final stage of practicing the action.

PHYSICAL TRAINING is the process of developing physical qualities and mastering vital movements. There are general and special physical training.

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change throughout the life of an individual of the morphofunctional properties of his body and the physical qualities and abilities based on them.

PHYSICAL PERFECTION is a historically determined ideal of a person’s physical development and physical fitness, optimally meeting the requirements of life.


The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

1) good health, which provides a person with the opportunity to painlessly and quickly adapt to various, including unfavorable, living, working, and everyday conditions;

2) high general physical performance, allowing to achieve significant special performance;

3) proportionally developed physique, correct posture, absence of certain anomalies and imbalances;


4) comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding one-sided human development;

5) possession of a rational technique of basic vital movements, as well as the ability to quickly master new motor actions;

6) physical education, i.e. possession of special knowledge and skills to effectively use one’s body and physical abilities in life, work, and sports.

SPORT represents competitive activity itself, special preparation for it, as well as interpersonal relationships and norms inherent in it.

THE PURPOSE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION is to optimize the physical development of a person, the comprehensive improvement of the physical qualities inherent in everyone and the associated abilities in unity with the education of spiritual and moral qualities that characterize a socially active person; to ensure on this basis that every member of society is prepared for fruitful work and other activities.



Ø Optimal development of physical qualities inherent in humans;

Ø Strengthening and maintaining health, as well as hardening the body;

Ø Improving physique and harmonious development of physiological functions;

Ø Long-term maintenance of a high level of overall performance.



Ø Formation of various vital motor skills and abilities;

Ø Acquisition of basic knowledge of a scientific and practical nature.



Ø Development of moral qualities (hard work, perseverance, courage);

Ø Formation of ethical and aesthetic qualities of the individual;

Ø Development of intelligence;

Ø Development of psychomotor function.

Education methods

Ø THE METHOD OF PERSUASION is to explain to students the norms of behavior and established traditions:

a) PERSUASION BY THE WORD (explanation, proof, refutation, comparison, juxtaposition, analogy, reference to authority, etc.)

b) PERSUASION BY ACTION (showing the student the value and significance of his actions and deeds; assigning practical tasks, analyzing life phenomena that refute erroneous views; personal example of a teacher (trainer), etc.)

Education methods

Ø EXERCISE METHOD (method of practical training) consists in such an organization of everyday life and activities repeated many times by a person that allows one to improve behavioral skills in various situations, increasing consciousness. The basis of habituation is exercise in certain moral and volitional manifestations.

Ø GOOD EXAMPLE. The essence of this method is the purposeful and systematic influence of the teacher (trainer) on students by personal example, as well as all other types of positive examples designed to serve as a role model, the basis for the formation of ideal behavior and a means of self-education.

Education methods

Ø INCENTIVE METHOD is a specific, ordered set of techniques and means of moral and material stimulation that actively help a person to realize the degree of work in achieving a common goal, to comprehend his behavior, to consolidate positive character traits and useful habits.

Ø METHOD OF PUNISHMENT (COERCTION) – a system of means and methods of influencing those involved who violate laws and moral norms, in order to correct their behavior and encourage them to conscientiously fulfill their duties.

Basic Concepts

PHYSICAL EXERCISES are those motor actions (including their combinations) that are aimed at implementing the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws.

The word “physical” reflects the nature of the work performed (as opposed to mental), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

The word “exercise” means the directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the way of performing this action.

Basic Concepts

PHYSICAL EXERCISE TECHNIQUES are methods of performing motor actions with the help of which a motor task is solved expediently with relatively greater efficiency.

Basic Concepts


Ø SPATIAL (position of the body and its parts (initial position and operational posture during the movement), direction, amplitude, trajectory);

Ø TEMPORARY (duration of movements and tempo);

Basic Concepts


Ø SPACE-TEMPORAL (these are speed and acceleration);

Ø DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS reflect the interaction of internal and external forces during movements. Internal forces are: active contraction forces - muscle traction, elastic forces, elastic resistance to stretching of muscles and ligaments, reactive forces. External forces include support reaction forces, gravitational forces (gravity), friction and resistance of the external environment (water, air, snow, etc.), inertial forces of moving objects, etc.

Physical qualities






Ø STRENGTH is a person’s ability to overcome external resistance or resist it through muscle effort (tension).

Ø STRENGTH ABILITIES are a complex of various human manifestations in certain motor activities, which are based on the concept of “strength”.

Ø ABSOLUTE STRENGTH is the maximum force exerted by a person in any movement, regardless of the weight of his body.

Ø RELATIVE STRENGTH is the strength exerted by a person in terms of 1 kg of his own weight. It is expressed as the ratio of maximum strength to a person’s body weight.


Ø The first task is the general harmonious development of all muscle groups of the human musculoskeletal system. It is solved by using selective strength exercises. Outwardly, this is expressed in the corresponding body shape and posture. The internal effect of using strength exercises is to ensure a high level of vital body functions and physical activity.

Ø The second task is the diversified development of strength abilities in unity with the development of vital motor actions (skills). This task involves the development of strength abilities of all main types.

Ø The third task is to create conditions and opportunities (base) for further improvement of strength abilities within the framework of practicing a specific sport or in terms of professional applied physical training.

Theory and methods of physical training

THEORY - a system of principles, laws, categories, concepts, concepts that describes any relatively homogeneous, integral phenomenon - a system or its elements, functions.


general physical preparation involves the diversified development of physical qualities, functional capabilities and systems of the athlete’s body, the coherence of their manifestation in the process of muscle activity.


Special physical training characterized by the level of development of physical abilities, capabilities of organs and functional systems that directly determine achievements; in your chosen sport.


The physical fitness of an athlete is closely related to his sports specialization. In some sports and their individual disciplines, the sports result is determined primarily by speed and strength capabilities, the level of development of anaerobic productivity; in others - aerobic performance, endurance for long-term work; thirdly, speed-strength and coordination abilities; fourthly, the uniform development of various physical qualities.



1. A technique, a method of action to achieve something.

2. Tool (object, set of devices.)

Means for developing strength qualities

Used as fixed assets physical exercise, purposefully stimulating an increase in the degree of muscle tension due to increased burdens.

Load concept

Load is additional compared to rest DEGREE functional activity of the body introduced by performing the exercise (or exercises), as well as the degree of difficulty endured.

The concepts of “external” and “internal” side of the load

Outer side

Form of the exercise.

Weight on the projectile

Duration of the exercise

Overcoming the distance

Travel speed

Inner side

Oxygen consumption

Pulmonary ventilation

Specific muscle work

Energy cost

Load Characteristics

Load volume


Total weight of weights

Total number of movements

Total Pulse Cost (Telemetry)

Energy cost (telemetry)

Load Characteristics

Load intensity

Travel speed

One-time weight

Work power

Pulse intensity (ratio of heart rate to duration of exercise)

Energy cost

Intensity zones




Intensity zones

Intensity zones % fat use

Relationship between intensity and volume

The relationship is inversely proportional - the higher the intensity of physical activity, the less its volume.

The concept of occupational density

The density of the lesson is the ratio of the time spent performing the exercise to the total time of the lesson.

Basic Concepts

Fatigue is a physiological state of a person that occurs as a result of intense or prolonged work, which is expressed in a temporary decrease in performance. There are muscular (physical) and central (neuro-mental) fatigue. When working hard, they come together. Fatigue is characterized by a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, impaired coordination of movements, an increase in energy consumption to perform the same work, impaired memory, speed of information processing, concentration, etc. Fatigue is subjectively felt by a person in the form of tiredness, which, in addition, is caused by the need in a dream. Fatigue makes a person want to stop working or reduce workload. Fatigue during heavy physical work is associated with the accumulation of certain metabolic products (for example, lactic acid) in muscle fibers. Rest, especially active rest, leads to restoration of muscle performance. This is due to the removal of lactic acid and the restoration of energy reserves in the muscle

The degree of fatigue according to external signs

Changing skin colors


Quality of the exercise



General health

Rest Intervals

Rest between sets



Mini-max interval

Rest between classes



Basic Concepts

Methodology- this is, as a rule, some kind of ready-made “recipe”, algorithm, procedure for carrying out any targeted actions. Close to the concept of technology.

(from Greek methodike set of methods) English. those thodics; German Methodik. A set of methods and techniques for the expedient implementation of any activity.

Methodology for conducting the lesson

Lesson form

Lesson structure

Determination of specific goals and objectives

Determination of means and methods based on principles

Determination of technical and methodological support for the lesson

Principles and methods of strength training.

Principle or beginning (lat. principium, Greek αρχή) - in theoretical philosophy, that which unites in thought and in reality a known set of facts.

1) beginning - the basis of the basic starting position of any theory, teaching, science, worldview, political organization.

2) A person’s inner conviction, which determines his attitude to reality, norms of behavior and activity.

3) The basis of the device or operation of any device, machine, etc.

Method(from the Greek μέθοδος - “way”) - a systematized set of steps, actions that must be taken to solve a certain problem or achieve a certain goal.

"Do no harm"

Indications and contraindications, restrictions in adaptation to physical activity are taken into account.

The principle of accessibility.

The availability of funds in coordination, functional terms, and to meet spiritual and intellectual needs is taken into account.

The principle of biological expediency.

Taking into account the specificity of the body's reactions to training influence.

Program-target principle

Process planning is carried out from the content of goals and objectives.

Implementation of the program-target principle

The principle of integration.

Accounting for all accumulated knowledge, statistics and practical experience in sports and exercise therapy.

The principle of interaction between human mental and physical forces.

Unity of spirit and body.

Controlling the body through psychological techniques.

The principle of individualization.

It is implemented in an individual approach, taking into account psychological and physiological aspects.

Implemented directly during personal training.

The principle of sexual differences.

Takes into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of the sexes.

The principle of age-related changes in the body.

When developing fitness programs, the age characteristics of a person are taken into account.

The principle of beauty and aesthetic expediency.

The most important criterion in the selection of the products used is aesthetics.

The principle of harmonization of the entire system of human value orientations.

Creation of a conceptual platform for a healthy lifestyle.

A person’s understanding of the higher aspects of existence (the meaning of life, its goals, ways of self-realization, agreement with one’s conscience, etc.)

The principle of biorhythmic structure.

Rhythm is the basis of all biological connections.

Accounting for biorhythms (daily, monthly, annual...)

Main methodological directions

1. Exercises with weights NOT reaching near-maximum values.

2. Exercises in which the weights approach the maximum.

Extensive exposure methods


It is impossible to fully recreate that specific way of functioning of the muscular and other body systems in which these abilities are maximally manifested.


The volume of muscular work significantly activates metabolic and trophic processes (muscle volume, strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, no injuries.)

Intensive methods


Not suitable for children.

Risk of injury.

They do not allow to stimulate morpho-functional changes in muscles. Self-control is difficult.


They guarantee a high degree of development of their own strength abilities. Their rapid progressive change.

Basic methods of developing physical qualities.

Uniform. Characterized by a uniform load throughout the exercise.

Variable method

It is characterized by a changing load or a change in motor actions (exercises).

Interval method.

Characterized by intervals of exercise and rest.


It is characterized by changing load and time intervals for performing exercise-rest.

Repeat method

Characterized by repetition of an exercise in compliance with all its standards.


It is characterized by repetition of the exercise with a clear regulation of rest time.

Competitive method

It is characterized by the creation of competition conditions, as a result of which the maximum effect from performing the exercise is achieved.


A strength exercise is the repeated performance of monotonous motor actions at a relatively low pace (1 cycle per 1-5 s) and significant external resistance (more than 30% of the maximum voluntary effort). Note that the concept of exercise is often used as a synonym for a holistic motor action, for example, lifting a barbell from a starting position and returning to it.

Classification of strength exercises


Exercises with strictly dosed external weights

Provided through special projectiles

Exercises with loosely dosed external weights

The weight is not limited and in certain cases varies regardless of the will of the person performing the exercise.

Exercises with weights with your own body.

Self-resistance exercises.




Overcoming nature

Inferior character

Local and regional

Total - total impact


Ø On the arm muscles

Ø Legs

Ø Abdominal press,

Ø Backs, etc.


Ø speed-strength types of exercises, characterized by maximum power of effort (short distance running, jumping, throwing, etc.);

Ø cyclic endurance exercises (middle and long distance running, cross-country skiing, swimming, etc.);

Ø exercises that require high coordination of movements (acrobatic and gymnastic exercises, diving, figure skating, etc.);

Ø exercises that require complex manifestation of physical qualities and motor skills in conditions of variable modes of motor activity, continuous changes in situations and forms of action (sports games, wrestling, boxing, fencing).



Ø Cyclic;

Ø Acyclic;

Ø Mixed.


Ø Maximum;

Ø Submaximal;

Ø Big;

Ø Moderate.


Ø Competitive;

Ø Specially preparatory;

Ø General preparatory.

Particular principles of strength training.

In unity with the education of basic movements. abilities in the process of physical education, the improvement of bodily forms and qualities is ensured. A significant role is played by the systemic influence on the formation and condition of posture, body flexibility and body proportions that can be adjusted.

Distinguish the main form of posture manifestation, expressed in an upright posture, and operational posture, i.e., variable forms of manifestation of posture in conditions of work, sports and other activities (work posture, boxer posture, fencer posture, runner posture, etc.). When fixing normal posture in the main stance, the head is held without tilting to the side, the chest is turned out, the stomach is tucked, the legs are extended as close as possible to the vertical, the generally straightened body is fixed without unnecessary stress - with minimal, compared to other vertical stands, efforts. Under favorable conditions, posture of this type is formed and stabilized already in the first age periods of an individual’s development, but does not remain unchanged. In a complex of internal factors, its status is directly determined mainly by the following:

Reflex mechanisms for maintaining posture and its general regulation by the higher parts of the central nervous system.

Tonic and phase-tonic properties of the muscles that fix the posture

Supportive, spring and plastic properties of the skeleton, as well as the interaction of its links.

Posture education technique: 1. Formation and consolidation of the “basic stance” skill, for this you need to formulate an idea of ​​posture and feel it. (Methods - verbal, visual, feeling) 2. Mastering and consolidating the skills of rational posture in motor actions.

External signs of posture. In this case, they mean mainly the external expressed signs of the main posture of upright standing (position of the head, torso, legs, the visible form of their relative position, etc.)

Under flexibility understand the morphofunctional properties of the musculoskeletal system, which determine the degree of mobility of its parts. The flexibility meter is max. amplitude (span) of movements. A high level of mobility in the joints facilitates the acquisition and improvement of new motor skills, protects the musculoskeletal system from injuries, helps reduce muscle tension when performing movements, and facilitates the implementation of speed, strength and coordination abilities.

They distinguish active flexibility(manifested as a result of one’s own muscular efforts) and passive(identified by applying external forces to a moving part of the body - gravity, efforts of a partner, etc.).

To increase flexibility, exercises with an increased range of motion (stretching exercises) are used. They are divided into active UPR., active-passive and passive. In passive UPR. the maximum amplitude is achieved due to the effort exerted by the partner. IN active-passive movements, an increase in amplitude was achieved due to the body’s own weight (splits, stretching while hanging on the crossbar). active UPR. relation to swings, slow movements with maximum amplitude, static stress while maintaining posture.

Methodology for developing flexibility based on the use of stretching exercises. Means: usually simple exercises, bending, swinging movements, with self-grabbing, with external help. The training effect of such exercises is explained by the phenomenon of workability, i.e. the ability of muscles to reflexively release individual links of the kinematic network.

Methodological conditions of use:

1) mandatory warm-up before performing exercises

2) set specific goals

3) exercise for stretching is performed in series, lastly for the upper. limbs, for the trunk, for the lower limbs

4) between stretching series, perform a relaxation exercise

5) when performing exercises, gradually increase their amplitude

6) the main method of developing flexibility is repeated

7) use mental attunement, active self-hypnosis and creative activity

8) in training In the process aimed at developing active dynamic flexibility, it is advisable to first perform exercises to improve passive flexibility, then actively dynamic.

For the effective development of mobility in joints and to avoid injuries, UPR. flexibility exercises should be performed after a good warm-up (after a warm-up or at the end of the main part of a training session on land or between individual approaches to strength exercises). Stretching the muscles and tendons after strength training. reduces tonic tension of the muscle center and helps to increase the rate of recovery after exercise.

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