How to say good morning in Uzbek. Russian-Uzbek phrasebook for tourists (travelers) with pronunciation. Numbers and numbers

Uzbekistan is a treasure trove of architectural monuments, ancient cities, and the center of the Silk Road. Here you can still see the real oriental flavor - in Bukhara, Khiva and Samarkand. You can enjoy real Uzbek pilaf, prepared according to a recipe that is more than a thousand years old. Hotels in Uzbekistan are inexpensive, and dinner at a restaurant will not be ruinous. Russian language in Uzbekistan...

Travel phrasebook

The Russian-Uzbek phrasebook will definitely come in handy for travelers (tourists) planning to visit hospitable Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is a state in Central Asia, a republic. In the north and northeast it borders with, the southwestern border with, the southern with Afghanistan, the southeastern with and the northeastern with Kyrgyzstan.

Uzbekistan is a treasure trove of architectural monuments, ancient cities, and the center of the Silk Road. Here you can still see the real oriental flavor - in Bukhara, Khiva and Samarkand. You can enjoy real Uzbek pilaf, prepared according to a recipe that is more than a thousand years old. Hotels in Uzbekistan are inexpensive, and dinner at a restaurant will not be ruinous. The Russian language in Uzbekistan is a means of interethnic communication. Many ethnic Tajiks live in Samarkand and Bukhara, which is why they often visit these cities. But, if you can address the natives in Uzbek, you will certainly win them over. We have collected for you the most commonly used words and expressions of the Uzbek language, preserving the pronunciation as much as possible.

See also “”, with which you can translate any word or sentence into Uzbek (or vice versa).

Common phrases

Phrase in Russian Pronunciation
Welcome Khush Kelibsiz!
Come in Keering
Happy New Year Yangi Yilingiz Bilan
It's good that you came Kelib judah yahshi kilibsiz
We are always glad to see you Sizga hamma wakt eshigimiz ochik
I am at your service Men sizning hizmatingizga tayerman
What is your name? Ismingiz nima?
Wait a minute Bir dakika
Your face seems familiar to me Menga tanish kurinyapsiz
How are you doing? Yahshimisiz?
How are you? Ishlaringiz kalei?
What's up? Yahshi yuribsizmi?
Everything is fine? Hammasi joyds?
I heard you got married Yeshtishimcha uylanyabsiz
Please accept my best wishes Mening eng yakhshi niyatlarimni kabul kilgaisiz
What's happened? Nima buldi?
I wish a speedy recovery Men sizga tezda sogaib ketishingizni tilayman!
I have to go Yendi ketishim kerak
Bye Hair
See you on Sunday Yakshanbagacha
Please come again Yana Keling
Give my best wishes to your parents Ota-onalaringizga mendan salom aiting
Kiss the children from me Bolalaryngizni upib queing
Don't forget to call me Kungirok kilishni unitmang
Come to us Biznikiga keling
What time is it now? Soat necha?
Bye then Khair endi
How are you doing? Calaisiz?
Good morning Hairli tong
Good afternoon Hairly kun
Goodbye Hair
Bon Voyage Ok yul
Fine Yahshi
Welcome from Khush kelibsiz
I Men
You you Sep/siz
We Biz
He she U
They Ular
Can I help you? Sizga kandai yordam bera olmaman?
How to get there? U erga kandai boraman?
How far is it? Kancha uzoklikda zhoylashgan?
How long will it take? Kancha wakt pancake?
How much does it cost? Bu kancha turadi?
What it is? Bu nima?
What is your name? Sizning ismingiz nima?
When? Kachon?
Where/where? Kaerda/kaerga?
Why? Nega?


Phrase in Russian Pronunciation
No I can't do this Men kila olmayman
No way Hatch-da
Pump doesn't work Islamayapti pump
The mechanism is not working Yahshi Emas mechanism
Sorry I can't help Kechiring, yordam kilolmayman
No Yok
Of course not Yok, albatta
It's not even discussed Bu tugrida gap ham bulishi mumkin emas
It is forbidden Mumkin emas
This is wrong Bulmagan gap
Oh no Yok, yoge
In no case Iloji yok
Never! Heche cachón!
Stop making noise! Shokin Kilmasangiz!
I don't know Bilmadim
No promises Suz berolmayman
Yes Hoop
Let's see Kuramiz
Sorry, I'm busy Kechirasiz, bandman
I've got my hands full Meni ishim boshimdan oshib yotibdi



Numbers and numbers

Days of the week


Phrase in Russian Pronunciation
Beef They say gushti
Chicken Tovuk
Cold Sovuk
Drink Ichmok
I have no Menda yuk
Eat Bor
Excuse me Kechirasiz
Exit Chikish
Woman Ayol
Fish Balik
Fruits Meva
Do you have it?.. Sizlarda...bormi?
Hot Issik
Sorry Uzramiisiz
Man Erkak
Meat Gusht
Money Pool
Mutton Kui gushti
No Yook
Please Markhamat/Iltimos
Pork Chuchka gushti
Salt Ace
Shop Dukon
Sugar Shakar
Thank you Rakhmat
Toilet Khojathona
Wait Kutib touring
Want Khokhlash
Water Suv

What to do when you go to another country but don’t know the language at all? Of course, you need to use a dictionary. This Russian-Uzbek and Uzbek-Russian phrasebook will be very useful when traveling, as it contains all the necessary information. With its help, you can easily communicate with native speakers without experiencing much difficulty in everyday situations.

There are common phrases that people say to each other every day, and those that you need to know to check into a hotel, go to a restaurant or go on an excursion. The book contains a list of phrases that you need to know when exchanging currency and performing other banking transactions, when traveling on public transport. It also includes health phrases to help you stay safe. The phrasebook is convenient and easy to understand, it contains information about the country, some historical information, and data on geographical location. It tells about politicians, scientists, the economy and resources of the country, which allows you to learn more about the country and its characteristics.

On our website you can download the book "Russian-Uzbek and Uzbek-Russian phrasebook" for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

“Russian-Uzbek thematic dictionary. 9000 words" will be useful to anyone who is studying the Uzbek language or planning to visit another country. This dictionary contains words that relate to the most frequently discussed topics. Conveniently, they contain Russian transliteration, which makes it easier to understand the pronunciation. Although at the beginning of the book basic phonetic rules are given so that you can understand how to read those words that are not in the dictionary.

The book includes more than two hundred topics covering different areas of human life. There are verbs, basic prepositions, numbers, greetings, days of the week, months, colors. Separate sections will allow you to learn how to talk about a person, his appearance, character, lifestyle, nutrition and well-being, and his family. Topics related to housing and city institutions will help you better navigate in finding the right places. There are also words here that will ensure the understanding of your interlocutors when talking about a person’s activities, his profession, work, study, business. Words on the topic of art, tourism and entertainment are highlighted separately. The dictionary also contains words that describe the planet and its nature, animals. All this will allow you to communicate on almost any topic, so the dictionary can be used not only for learning, but also directly while traveling.

On our website you can download the book "Russian-Uzbek Thematic Dictionary. 9000 Words" for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Uzbekistan is an ancient state located in the very center of Central Asia. Uzbekistan has UNESCO heritage cities: Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. These cities are the places most visited by tourists. Each of these cities is imbued with history and ancient architectural monuments. Anyone who has any interest in history knows that Uzbekistan is the cradle of Central Asia, and there is something to see in this republic.

Everything here is thought out for any type of tourism, from extreme recreation in the Chimgan and Nurata mountains to elite five-star hotels in Tashkent. It would seem that everything could go wrong. However, there is something that can have a detrimental effect on your holiday - not knowing the Uzbek language. In order for your stay in Uzbekistan to be remembered only by positive moments, we offer to download an excellent Russian-Uzbek translator on our website, you can do this completely free of charge. This translator consists of the most important and necessary words and phrases for tourists, and is divided into topics so that you can quickly find the appropriate words. Below is a list of these topics and their brief descriptions.

Common phrases

WelcomeKhush Kelibsiz!
Come inKeering
Happy New YearYangi Yilingiz Bilan
It's good that you cameKelib judah yahshi kilibsiz
We are always glad to see youSizga hamma wakt eshigimiz ochik
I am at your serviceMen sizning hizmatingizga tayerman
What is your name?Ismingiz nima?
Wait a minuteBir dakika
Your face seems familiar to meMenga tanish kurinyapsiz
How are you doing?Yahshimisiz?
How are you?Ishlaringiz kalei?
What's up?Yahshi yuribsizmi?
Everything is fine?Hammasi joyds?
I heard you got marriedYeshtishimcha uylanyabsiz
Please accept my best wishesMening eng yakhshi niyatlarimni kabul kilgaisiz
What's happened?Nima buldi?
I wish a speedy recoveryMen sizga tezda sogaib ketishingizni tilayman!
I have to goYendi ketishim kerak
See you on SundayYakshanbagacha
Please come againYana Keling
Give my best wishes to your parentsOta-onalaringizga mendan salom aiting
Kiss the children from meBolalaryngizni upib queing
Don't forget to call meKungirok kilishni unitmang
Come to usBiznikiga keling
What time is it now?Soat necha?
Bye thenKhair endi
How are you doing?Calaisiz?
Good morningHairli tong
Good afternoonHairly kun
Bon VoyageOk yul
Welcome fromKhush kelibsiz
You youSen, siz
He sheU
Can I help you?Sizga kandai yordam bera olmaman?
How to get there?U erga kandai boraman?
How far is it?Kancha uzoklikda zhoylashgan?
How long will it take?Kancha wakt pancake?
How much does it cost?Bu kancha turadi?
What it is?Bu nima?
What is your name?Sizning ismingiz nima?

Walking around the city

At the restaurant

BeefThey say gushti
I have noMenda yuk
Excuse meKechirasiz
Do you have...?Sizlarda...bormi?
MuttonKui gushti
PleaseMarkhamat / Iltimos
PorkChuchka gushti
Thank youRakhmat
WaitKutib touring


No I can't do thisMen kila olmayman
No wayHatch-da
Pump doesn't workIslamayapti pump
The mechanism is not workingYahshi Emas mechanism
Sorry I can't helpKechiring, yordam kilolmayman
Of course notYok, albatta
It's not even discussedBu tugrida gap ham bulishi mumkin emas
It is forbiddenMumkin emas
This is wrongBulmagan gap
Oh noYok, yoge
In no caseIloji yok
Never!Heche cachón!
Stop making noise!Shokin Kilmasangiz!
I don't knowBilmadim
No promisesSuz berolmayman
Let's seeKuramiz
Sorry, I'm busyKechirasiz, bandman
I've got my hands fullMeni ishim boshimdan oshib yotibdi




Days of the week

Common phrases are words and phrases that are useful in everyday life. Here there is a translation of words that can be used to get to know citizens of Uzbekistan, words of greeting, farewell and many other phrases that will be very useful to you during your travel.

Refusal – phrases and words with which you can refuse something to representatives of the local population. Also, a very necessary and useful topic.

Consent is the exact opposite of the Refusal theme. By opening this topic, you will find suitable words of agreement to any proposal, in different forms.

Telephone is an incredibly important and useful topic that will allow you to communicate on the phone with someone in your local community. For example, you can call a taxi, order lunch in your room or call a maid, and much more.

Numbers – a list of numbers, their correct pronunciation and translation. Knowing what this or that number sounds like is very useful, because you will make purchases, pay for taxis, excursions and more.

Days of the week - a topic in which you will find how to correctly translate and sound each day of the week.

Restaurant – while walking around the city, you will probably want to stop by a restaurant to taste national dishes or just have a cup of tea or coffee. But in order to place an order, you need to know how to do it in Uzbek. This topic will help you cope in such a situation.

Orientation in the city - phrases and words that sooner or later you will need during your trip.

Thanks to this theme, you will never get lost, and even if you do get lost, you can easily find the right path by asking the locals where to go.

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