Day of Strategic Missile Forces. Strategic Missile Forces Day (Strategic Missile Forces Day) What date is the holiday of missile forces and artillery

At the very beginning of spring, on March 8, 2020, the inhabitants of planet Earth celebrate a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day.

In Russia, March 8 is a non-working holiday. In 2020, it falls on Sunday, which is already a “traditional” day off for Russians. Well, what about Monday? We tell you what kind of day it is - a weekend or a working day.

According to the law, if a non-working day in the Russian Federation falls on an official holiday, then the day off is transferred to the next working day.

Accordingly, Sunday March 8, 2020 becomes a public holiday, and the day off is moved to Monday March 9, 2020.

That is, March 9, 2020 in Russia is a day off or a working day:
* March 9, 2020 is a day off.

Also on this day there is another full moon, coinciding with one of the Supermoons of 2020. If we are lucky with the weather (there will be a clear sky), after sunset we will be able to observe a huge beautiful Moon.

In the future, a revision of pensions for length of service awaits working pensioners ( from August 1, 2020), and military pensioners from October 1, 2020.

We should thank a very specific branch of the military for the fact that our country has not yet been occupied and disappeared from the face of the Earth - namely, the Strategic Missile Forces. It is their presence and constant combat readiness that guarantees reliable protection of the Russian Federation from aggression by any of the world powers. Every day, thousands of military personnel - soldiers and officers - take up mandatory combat duty in missile silos and mobile complexes. It would be strange if such a power, capable of destroying all life on the planet, but standing exclusively guarding the world, would remain without its own memorable date.


Today, the status of this memorable day is regulated in accordance with a presidential decree establishing a list of military holidays, issued in 2006. But the history of this date is much older. It was chosen for a very specific reason - precisely on December 17, but back in 1959, the Rocket Forces, which had a strategic purpose, were first created.

Over the past years, they have repeatedly:

  • reformed;
  • resubordinated;
  • merged with other branches of the military and separated with them.

However, the tasks facing the Strategic Missile Forces did not change.

The first holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces (not to be confused with the Day of Artillery and Missile Forces) was established in 1995 by presidential decree dated December 10th. And the Decree of 2006 canceled the previous one, downgrading the status of the holiday to an ordinary memorable date, since the Strategic Missile Forces turned from a type of armed forces into a branch of the military. However, such a decrease did not affect the scale of the celebration.


  • those who sit at the launch consoles;
  • all military personnel ensuring the combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces;
  • civilian specialists;
  • support staff;
  • scientists from their own research institutes, available in the structure of the Strategic Missile Forces, higher educational institutions, factories that produce equipment for this type of troops, training grounds, etc.

This date is celebrated not only by those who served or are currently working in the Missile Forces, but also by civilian and military retirees who were involved in the Strategic Missile Forces in the past.

The scale of the event is evidenced by the fact of the annual reception in the Kremlin, organized on December 17. In all military units and branches of the military, ceremonial formations and meetings are held, awards are presented and new ranks are conferred. There are also traditions associated with the church - many divisional churches are given icons of St. Elijah of Muromets, who is the heavenly patron of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Every year our country celebrates the memorable day of the Russian Armed Forces - Rocket Forces and Artillery Day, according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

Rocket Forces and Artillery Day is celebrated to commemorate the services of artillery in the defeat of the Nazi invaders at Stalingrad, the first stage of which began with the counter-offensive of Soviet troops on November 19, 1942. Artillery played a key role in this counteroffensive.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1944, the merits of artillerymen were noted by the establishment of a holiday - Artillery Day. In 1964, the holiday was renamed the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery.

Artillery is considered one of the oldest branches of the military. The first information about Russian artillery dates back to 1382, when, when defending Moscow from the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, Muscovites used “mattresses” and “great cannons” - the first artillery pieces - against the besiegers. In the 16th century, artillery became an independent branch of the military, whose tasks included supporting the actions of infantry and cavalry in battle, and at the beginning of the 18th century it was divided into field (including regimental), siege and fortress. A century later, artillery regiments and brigades began to form.

Russian artillery has confirmed its strength and high fighting qualities at all times - in the battles of Russian princes, in the Battle of Poltava, during the capture of Izmail, in the Battle of Borodino, in the Russian-Japanese and on the fronts of the First and Second World Wars, always making a decisive contribution to the achievement of a common victory.

And today, missile forces and artillery are one of the branches of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces, which are the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy during combined arms operations (combat operations). Organizationally, they consist of missile, rocket, artillery brigades, including mixed, high-power artillery divisions, rocket artillery regiments, separate reconnaissance divisions, as well as artillery of combined arms brigades and military bases. Units and divisions of the missile forces and artillery are organizationally included in other types and branches of the Russian Armed Forces and other “power” structures.

The main tasks of the missile forces and artillery are: gaining and maintaining fire superiority over the enemy; defeat of its nuclear attack means, manpower, weapons, military and special equipment; disorganization of systems for command and control of troops and weapons, reconnaissance and electronic warfare; destruction of long-term defensive structures and other enemy infrastructure; covering open flanks and joints; participation in the destruction of enemy air and sea landings and others.

In peacetime, missile troops and artillery stand guard over the Fatherland and protect the borders of their native country. And on their professional holiday, these warriors have the opportunity to attract the attention of all of Russia. To celebrate their day, they organize demonstration exercises, shooting and parades.

Happy Rocket Forces Day!
I only wish the best.
Not knowing attacks and defeats,
More personal achievements.

Awards, medals, orders,
Have calm peaceful days and dreams.
May your sky be clear
And the look is cheerful and radiant.

And in your personal life, let everything be -
Wife, family, relatives,
Car, cottage and apartment.
I wish you happiness and peace!

Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery of the Republic of Belarus. Artillerymen and missilemen of the Soviet Union, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan annually celebrate their holiday on November 19th.

Rocket Forces and Artillery Day

Artillerymen and missilemen of the Soviet Union, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan annually celebrate their holiday on November 19th. For the rocketeers of the Strategic Forces, the holiday begins a month after this date - December 19.

Due to the same numbers in memorable dates, civilians often confuse the latter with birthday people.

To avoid this confusion and clarify the situation on this issue, I’ll tell you about Artillery Day. This is exactly what the holiday, celebrated on November 19, was called until 1964.
Many people know that the date of honoring the artillerymen coincides with the start of the counter-offensive of the Red Army and the defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad. And indeed it is.
It was on November 19, 1942, with the powerful artillery preparation of the Red Army, that a military operation codenamed “Hurricane” began, which is known to everyone as the Battle of Stalingrad. During this battle, thanks to powerful artillery fire from all artillery systems and installations, a radical turning point occurred in the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter referred to as the Second World War), and subsequently in the Second World War. Every day of combat operations, starting from November 19, 1942 until the complete victory over Nazi Germany, was marked by unforgettable exploits of Soviet artillerymen.

However, few people know their heroes, and only a few will name their exploits.

So I remembered the twice-hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Stepanovich Petrov, who, being the deputy commander of one of the artillery units, showed courage and heroism when crossing the Dnieper River, near the city of Kyiv. For these qualities, shown by Petrov in the battle with the Nazis, the Soviet officer received the highest title of Hero of the Soviet Union in December 1943.

Another fighter would have stopped there, but not V.S. Petrov. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Captain Petrov was seriously wounded during the attack and military doctors amputated both of his arms. However, despite these circumstances and the prohibition of doctors, the officer completed treatment and returned to the active army. Some time later, in April 1945, commanding an artillery regiment, our Hero distinguished himself again. For his heroism and courage, Vasily Stepanovich Petrov was nominated for the second star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. And such a hero is not the only one. Along with Petrov, another officer became twice Hero of the Soviet Union - Afanasy Petrovich Shilin, who showed heroism in battles with the Nazis during the crossing of the Dnieper and Oder rivers.
In total, according to official data, 1885 artillerymen became Heroes of the Soviet Union, including 48 Belarusians.

50 generals, natives of modern Belarus, who led artillery units and formations located in the directions of the strike, earned universal respect and Eternal Glory.

10 Belarusian artillerymen became full holders of the Order of Glory.

The artillery of the Soviet Union was rightly called the “God of War.”

For military merits in the Second World War, over 2 thousand artillery units were awarded orders, 1200 received honorary titles, and over 500 received Guards titles.
It is also interesting that the sons of Stalin and Chapaev, who served as artillery officers, took part in the liberation of Belarusian lands from the fascist invaders.

Undoubtedly, today there are many holidays that are directly related to the whole country. The military, as a rule, celebrates all events related to any branch of the military. Rocket Forces Day in 2017, what date and year they were created is of interest to many.

Missile Forces and Artillery Day - a little history of the holiday

So, if we touch on our history, we can safely note that these troops found their name back in 1964. We can immediately say that such a day is not a red number on the calendar, which is why it is not official. But in our country there are many professional holidays. The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery belongs to these, but on what date in 2017 such an event should be celebrated, we can immediately stipulate that the long-awaited and unusual day of the missilemen will come on November 19th.

I would like to emphasize the facts that our country, thanks to the combat readiness of this type of troops, has reliable protection and strong support for the Russian Federation. Strong and courageous troops are able to protect the country from any onslaught of world powers. Every day, thousands of people honor their service in the army, and, of course, it would be unfair to forget about such a professional and honorable day for everyone, especially since the memorable date originated a long time ago and is proudly celebrated by the whole country, although it is not official.

Artillery is one of the oldest branches of the military. In 1382, artillery pieces were used for the first time and were used exclusively against enemies. If we touch on past years, we can safely note that such troops experienced many changes, that is, they were reformed, merged and separated with other branches of the military, but the tasks assigned to them remained unchanged.

Who celebrates the holiday of the missile forces

Professional Day is celebrated not only by military personnel, but also by everyone who is directly involved in the development of equipment, specialists and scientists producing equipment, as well as many other workers who work for the benefit of their homeland, developing various types of weapons and much more.

Rocket Forces and Artillery Day is celebrated in the third autumn month, which date is also known, namely November 19. On this occasion, specially trained troops have their own history, which is passed on to the new generation from year to year. The history of the holiday can tell how once upon a time such an industry as rocketry appeared, and only then the rocket unit and artillery were formed.

Next, the state tried its best to increase and raise its missile potential with a combination of trained personnel. Which had to have the ability to control their own forces, as well as solve tasks regardless of the location of the object. Moreover, these forces were reliable, strong and resilient, because it was simply impossible to do otherwise.

How can you celebrate a revered holiday?

The solemn day of this holiday should certainly be celebrated with family and friends. Almost all military personnel spend this special day with their family. Indeed, due to their difficult chosen profession, such people are often absent from home, so for their professional celebration they want to be with their family.

Of course, men usually decide for themselves how to spend such a day and most often their choice falls on a festive dinner, which the hostess of the house happily prepares, and her loved ones help her with this. After all, Missile Forces Day 2017 is already known what date it will be and you can slowly prepare for this celebration.

The festive atmosphere should satisfy all guests, so many often prepare various treats and entertainment. Although it is precisely on such a holiday that men also like to relax in nature, while also organizing music. After all, every person probably knows that there is no better way to relax than in nature. But here you need to guess the weather, because in a frosty blizzard it will not be very comfortable outside.

Rocket Forces and Artillery Day is undoubtedly a men's holiday, so the prepared dishes must be made from meat (for example), and treats cooked on the grill will clearly become the crowning masterpieces of culinary delight, baked potatoes are also suitable.

Such serious troops consist mainly of patriots, their own business, where there is a clear head and strong, reliable hands, so the holiday can be organized by inventing and acting out scenes where humor will be present, and also, if desired, everyone can take part in practical jokes.

If the weather conditions suddenly fail and leaving the house for nature is not possible, then you can organize a festive party in a restaurant. You can invite your loved ones and relatives there, and in this way arrange a surprise for the stronger half of the solemn holiday. After all, they will probably gladly accept such an invitation.

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