Lesson summary on the topic “Prophet Muhammad and the emergence of Islam” - ork, lessons. Why don’t Muslims celebrate the birth of the prophet ‘Isa, just as they celebrate the birth of the prophet of Allah Muhammad, peace be upon them both? Lesson topic: the birth of the prophet Jesus, peace be upon him

Plan - outline of a lesson on military-industrial complex in 11th grade

Lesson topic: Islam

Purpose of the lesson: To introduce the cultural and historical conditions of the emergence of Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammad.

To develop a sense of respect for the spiritual monuments of the peoples of the world.

Develop an interest in studying world religions
Type of lesson: Lesson - travel.

for the teacher:

board, chalk, multimedia presentation, notes; Handout;

for students:

Lesson plan.
1.Organizational part.

2.Repetition of the studied material

3.Explanation of new material

4.Summing up the lesson

5. Homework assignment

Progress of the lesson

2. What world religions do you guys know?.. \Christianity, Buddhism, Islam\

Name the regions of the globe where Buddhism is widespread \Central, South, Southeast Asia, East Asia\.

Basic form of Buddhist architecture?\ stupa\

What is Dhammapada? \sayings attributed to Buddha, containing the basic moral and ethical principles of early Buddhism\.

3. In the Hijaz - the western part of the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century, there was a process of unification of tribes to counter the aggressive intentions of neighboring countries: Iran and Byzantium. Often a religious motive was used for unification. The process was long, temples and gods of the most powerful families began to occupy the main position in society.

In Mecca - the commercial and cultural center of the Hijaz - the ancient temple of the Kaaba \\ dice, cube - in shape/ became the most important religious center of Western Arabia. In Mecca, the ancient Arabs held fairs that attracted many tribes. Fair time. Lasting four months a year, it was declared sacred. The Quraysh tribe, which dominated Mecca, obtained from the Arab tribes living nearby participation in fairs and pilgrimages to protected places in the vicinity of Mecca. The keys to the Kaaba and the instructions for worship were held in the hands of the Quraish; the descendants of the family retain this right to this day.

According to legend, Ismail, the son of Ibrahim, laid the foundation of the Kaaba and erected it. Then he settled in Mecca and his “numerous descendants” were expelled from Mecca by the Amalekite tribe. But the struggle of descendants for living space forced Ibrahim’s clan to scatter throughout the country: “no one left Mecca without taking a stone from the Sanctuary with them. And wherever they settled, they placed this stone and walked around it. So the cult of the Kaaba was the veneration of stones throughout Arabia.

The legend of the black stone tells of a petrified angel descended from paradise, who on the day of the Last Judgment will come to life and appear as an intercessor for the believers who kissed him.

Black stone - pieces of basalt - are embedded in the eastern wall of the Kaaba, fastened with a silver hoop at a height of one and a half meters. In the courtyard of the Great Mosque of Mecca there are the “lucky stone” and the “standing of Ibrahim” stone.

Among the many tribal gods in the 7th century, the god Allah, from the Arabic “ilah” - deity, the ancient god of the Quraysh tribe, came to the forefront.

Among the Arabs who lived in Mecca, there were followers of the ideas of early monotheism. This movement received the name: the movement of the Hanifs\truth seekers\. Among the seekers there were persons who pretended to be prophets - nabis. According to them, the truth they proclaimed was instilled in them by the supreme deity. In Mecca, such a prophet was the Quraysh Muhammad. He was orphaned early, hired himself as a shepherd, then became a clerk, accompanying trade caravans; Later, having married the rich widow Khadija at the age of 24, Muhammad managed her trading affairs.

He began his preaching work around 610, when he was about 40 years old. Muhammad's preaching did not receive support in Mecca, where the tribal priestly elite dominated. After the death of his wife and the head of his clan, who had a good attitude towards the newly-minted prophet-nephew, the clan was headed by an uncle who was irreconcilable with his activities.

In search of support, Muhammad turns to his mother's family, living in the city of Yathrib \later Medina\. The city was inhabited by various Arab tribes and Jewish tribes. Muhammad resettles his followers there, and after them he himself made the hijra - resettlement to this city. Here he meets his beloved ten-year-old wife Aisha, the daughter of a rich merchant.

The expulsion of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca led to increased fighting between the cities. The Muhajir community, together with Muhammad, organizes a grain blockade of Mecca, attacking caravans of Meccans even during the forbidden\haram\months, which are traditionally safe for Arabs.

The new faith takes on forms and a name: Islam \ submission, surrender to one god \. Those who accepted submission began to be called devotees - “Muslims”, Muslims\Hanifs\.

In addition to issues of faith, Muhammad had to turn to legal proceedings and law, trade, finance, family, marriage, which is reflected in the Koran.

In the medina it is determined in which direction the face of the person praying should be turned, that is, Mecca, the Kaaba, becomes the qibla of Muslims.

Annual fasts \saum, uraza, oruj\ came into being. in the month of Ramadan, in which Allah first sent down the “revelation” \part of the Koran\ to Muhammad, celebrate the festival of sacrifice \Kurban Bayram\, make a pilgrimage - Hajj in the month of Dhu-l-Hijjah, celebrate the annual festival of "ascension" \Miraj, Rajab- Bayram \ in the month of Rajab, on the 27th night of which the prophet made an instant journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and from there to the seventh heaven, to the throne of Allah.

The combination of old traditions with the teachings of Muhammad prepared the way for the capitulation of Mecca, which occurred in 630. Two years later, Muhammad and the Muhajirs of Medina made a pilgrimage to Mecca. In the same year 632, Muhammad died.

First, guys, I want to offer a short presentation. .

...And remember Maryam in the scripture.

So she withdrew from her family to an eastern place and built a curtain for herself before them.

We sent Our spirit to her, and before her he took on the guise of a perfect man.

...I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a pure boy...

"How can I have

boy? No man touched me and I was not a slut.”

He said: “This is what your Lord said: This is easy for me. And We will make it. She came with him to her people, carrying him.

This is Isa, the son of Mary, according to the word of truth, which they doubt.

a sign for people and Our mercy. This matter is settled."

And she carried him and went away to a distant place.

What do you guys think, the text of which source was heard, accompanied by the presentation? \children's answers\.

In continuing our conversation about Islam, we will turn to the source of this teaching.

The Medina community united with influential circles of Meccans who had lost the support of the murdered Iranian Shah Khosrow II, eventually forming an Arab theocratic state - the Caliphate. The caliphs represented the highest spiritual authority - the imamate, and the secular, political and military - the emirate. Already during their reign, the Koran began to be collected and compiled in Medina. To establish order in the conquered territories of the Caliphate and keep the Arabs in the official ideology of Islam, norms of Muslim law began to be developed, liturgical manuals were created, and the foundations of literature and holy books were laid. In 634, Caliph Abu Bekr instructed the Medinan Zeid ibn Thabit, who was a scribe in the last years of Muhammad's life, to collect the sayings of Muhammad and the stories of his contemporaries. Zeid, under the leadership of Omar, collected passages of the Koran from everywhere, written on parchment, on bones, on palm leaves, on pebbles, or stored in memory. The collection was given to Hefsa, the widow of the prophet, for safekeeping. It was called “es-sohof” and was intended for the private use of Abu Bakr and Omar. The rest of the Muslims continued to read the Qur'an from their own passages as they wished, and little by little the individual editions began to differ from each other, especially in spelling and language. Written in Kufic script, which does not have diacric marks to separate the Arabic letters in the script, the text could be read with different semantic meanings. Initially the suras were not titled.

The appearance of scattered sources of “revelations of Allah” containing different readings forced Caliph Osman in 644 to instruct Zeid ibn Thabit to prepare a single text of the Koran. The new edition was rewritten in four copies and sent to the most important centers of the Caliphate, it became canonical. One copy was left in Medina, others were sent to Kufa, Basra and Damascus. The remaining records of the Koran were ordered to be taken from their owners and burned in order to put an end to all disputes at once (and the sheets of Zeid himself were burned)

According to the teachings of Islam, the Koran is an uncreated book, existing from eternity, like the god Allah himself; she is his “word”. The Koran \in Arabic "al-Qur'an" from the verb to read aloud recitative \ - text in Arabic. Today there are several “schools” of reading the Koran that emerged in the 10th century.

The Koran consists of 114 sections \ suras \ of different lengths, the length of the suras decreases towards the end of the book, the suras are divided into verses, and each verse is called “ayet”, i.e. a miracle.

By genre, it is a collection of statements, sermons, legends and legal norms.

According to the prescription, a Muslim is obliged to pray five times daily (namaz), which is not reflected in the Koran, but appeared under the influence of the cults of Iran.

A close connection is visible in the Koran with Christianity. Much of the book is devoted to the prophets, whose names correspond to biblical characters. Among them: Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Lut (Lot), Ishak (Isaac), Ishmael (Ishmael), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Moussa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Ayyub (Job), Daud (David), Suleiman (Solomon), Ilyas (Elijah), Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus Christ, son of Mary).

I invite students to read some verses from the surahs of the Koran.

Christians and Jews are recognized as "people of the book", the Qur'an takes on the mission of correcting the distortions of prophecy in their teachings. And the unity of the legends is due to a single Semitic group of Arabs and Jews.

Mentioned in the Koran are spirits, demons created by Allah. The legend of the fallen angel Iblis, who turns Muslims away from their faith, gave rise to the ritual of “stoning the devil.”

The creature Dajjal, according to scripture, chained on a desert island, will establish his dominance on earth before the end of the world, whose kingdom will be destroyed by the coming of Isa ibn Maryam.

In the hierarchy of those close to Allah there are angels, through whom the connection between the seventh heaven and the underworld and the prophets is carried out. This is Jibril Gabriel\, Michael, Israfil, Israel.

Allah has 99 names; He works miracles on the hundredth unmanifested ones.

Allah's creation of the Universe lasted six days: “And we created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days, and no weariness touched us.” One of the hadiths provides the following information about the “universe”: “The earth is supported by the horn of a bull, and the bull is supported by a fish, and the fish is supported by water, and water is supported by air, and air is supported by moisture, and the knowledge of those who know ends with moisture.

The Quran says: “Allah created every animal from water. Some of them are those that walk on their stomachs, and some of them are those that walk on two legs..."

Adam became the first man: “the creator sculpted him from clay, then he leveled him and blew into him from his spirit and gave you hearing, sight and heart.” Adam was given the role of Allah’s “vicar” on earth, he was given the secret of the names of angels, one of whom did not bow to man and became fallen.

Among the names of prophets, a historical figure is mentioned in the Koran. But without a name, but by a nickname: Dhu-l-Qarnaina - Alexander the Great

The Koran regulates marriage relations and stipulates the property status of women. On behalf of Allah it is said: “We sent him down as an Arab lawmaker,” which contributed to the subsequent development of the Sharia legislative system.

In countries where Islam is the state religion, they swear and take oaths on the Koran.

The language of the Koran is considered divine, so for a long time the Koran was not translated into other languages. The first translations in Europe date back to the 12th century; in Russia, by decree of Peter I, the first Russian translation of the Koran by Postnikov from French was published in 1716, “The Alkoran about Mohammed or the Turkish Law.” Under Catherine II, the Arabic text of the Koran was published. The first translation from Arabic into Russian was made by the orientalist Sablukov in 1878.

Later Muslim traditions:

Hadith - sayings and actions of Muhammad \ 9 in \

Sunnah - holy tradition \ 9th century \ came from hadith

Khabar - legend, echoes hadiths

Tafsir - interpretation of the Koran.

4. Summing up the lesson.

We got acquainted with the religious culture of the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula, with the reasons for the emergence of a new teaching in this region, with its preacher. The teaching found followers and took its place among world religions. Studying the religions of the peoples of different regions of the earth is, first of all, getting to know the culture of these peoples, which allows us to better understand each people of the planet.
5. Homework: Prepare a message based on Muslim traditions.

Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, M., 2006

L.I. Klimovich Book about the Koran M., 1988

Praise be to Allah.


Belief in Allah and His messengers includes the belief that ‘Isa, peace be upon him, is a prophet and messenger whom the Great and Almighty Allah sent to the children of Israel. A person's faith will not be true until he believes in all the prophets of Allah and His messengers, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them. Allah Almighty said:

آمَنَ الرَّسُولُ بِمَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ رَبِّهِ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ كُلٌّ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَمَلَائِكَتِهِ وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ لَا نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِنْ رُسُلِهِ

The Messenger and the believers believed in what was sent down to him from the Lord. They all believed in Allah, His angels, His Scriptures and His messengers. They say: “We make no distinction between His messengers.” They say: “We listen and obey!” We ask for your forgiveness, our Lord, and we will come to you."(Surah 2 Cow, verse 285).

Ibn Kathir, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Believers believe in One Allah, the Self-Sufficient One, besides Whom there is no other God and Lord. They believe in all the prophets, messengers, all the Scriptures sent down from heaven to the servants of Allah, messengers and prophets. They do not differentiate between them, believing in some and leaving others. No, all prophets for them are truthful, God-fearing, walk the straight path and point to the good path(Tafsir Ibn Kathir. T. 1. P. 736).

‘Abd ar-Rahman al-Saadi, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Disbelief in some of them is disbelief in all of them, is disbelief in Allah(Tafsir al-Sa'adi. P. 120).


Celebrating the birth of the prophet (mawlid), may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is an innovation that neither the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, nor any of the companions did. And there is no news that the founders of the madhhabs saw this as permissible or desirable, not to mention their participation. Celebrating the birth of a prophet is a forbidden act, condemned, and an innovation.

The scholars of the Standing Committee said:

Celebrating (celebrating) the birth of a prophet is a forbidden innovation, since there is no evidence for this either in the Book of Allah or in the Sunnah of His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. None of the righteous caliphs and those who lived in better centuries did such a thing.(Fatawa-l-lyajnati-d-daima. T. 2. P. 244).

For more information, please refer to the answers to questions no. and no.

The birth of the prophet, which is celebrated by Muslims who do not have knowledge, is a newly invented custom that must be fought and prohibited. Therefore, citing the celebration of the birth of the Prophet as evidence of the permissibility of celebrating the New Year and Christmas is untenable from the very beginning. Since it is not permissible to celebrate the birth of a prophet, because this is an innovation in religion. What is compared to innovation is also innovation.


The celebration of the holiday by Christians, which they call Christmas, is an innovation and polytheism. A Muslim is not allowed to be like them, and ‘Isa, peace be upon him, is not involved in this holiday and the people who celebrate it.

For Muslims, celebrating this holiday is not only an innovation, but also likeness to Christians in that it is part of their religion. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Anyone who becomes like a nation becomes one of them(Abu Dawud no. 3512; al-Albani in Sahih Sunan Abi Dawud said that the hadith is authentic). Ibn Taymiyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said that the chain of transmitters of the hadith is good: “The least that this hadith indicates is the prohibition of being like them, although its external meaning implies the disbelief of the person who is like them. As stated in the words of Allah:

ومن يتولهم منكم فإنه منهم

“If any of you considers them to be your helpers and friends, then he himself is one of them” (Sura 5 “Meal”, verse 51)” (Iqtidau-s-syrat, p. 82).

Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: You learned that the main reason for the departure (distortion) of the religion of Allah and His laws, as well as the spread of unbelief and sins, is the assimilation of unbelievers. And the main reason for any good is the preservation of the customs of the prophets and their laws. Therefore, committing an innovation is considered a great offense in religion, even if there is no likeness in it. Then what about something in which they are both present?!(Iktidau-s-syrat. P. 116).

Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said: Congratulations on Christmas or any other religious holiday are prohibited according to the unanimous opinion of scholars, since this act indicates agreement with the customs of non-believers and contentment with their actions. Even if a person does not accept doing them himself, it is forbidden for a Muslim to be pleased with the deeds of unbelievers or to congratulate another on them. A Muslim is also forbidden to imitate the unbelievers and organize events on these occasions, exchange gifts, distribute sweets or cooked food, or turn this day into a day off, etc. After all, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “He who is like any people, became one of them" (Abu Dawud)(Majmu' fatawa wa rasa'il Ibn 'Usaymin. T. 3. pp. 45-46). Presented with abbreviations.

To get acquainted with the answer about participating with non-believers in celebrating their holidays, refer to the answers to questions No. and.

So, harm due to Muslims celebrating holidays dedicated to the beginning of the New Year arises for several reasons.

1. In the celebration of this day there is a similarity to unbelievers and polytheists, who are driven to celebrate this date by their disbelief in the Lord and polytheism. Also, this is not part of the Law that was given to the prophet ‘Isa, peace be upon him. Both their scholars and ours are unanimous that ‘Isa did not legitimize such events. This holiday is the result of a mixture of innovation and polytheism, and this result is accompanied by depraved acts that some sinners are known to commit on these days. Is it possible to be like them in this?

2. Celebrating the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is prohibited, because, as has been said, this is an innovation. It is impossible to judge by analogy, relying on it. If the basis of the analogy itself is not suitable, then the analogy becomes unusable.

3. Celebrating Christmas (New Year) is condemnable in any case. It is impossible to talk about permissibility, since this holiday is initially incorrect due to wickedness, unbelief and sins that occur during it. This cannot be compared with anything, and there is no way to make it permissible.

4. To make this false comparison by analogy true, we must reject it and say: Why don't we celebrate the birth of every prophet? Aren't all prophets messengers from Allah? But no one utters such words.

5. There is no exact knowledge about the birth of each prophet, there is no reliable news about the exact date of birth of our prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Historians disagree about the date of his birth and give different opinions; there are nine or more opinions. Therefore, commemorating the birth of the prophet is incorrect and invalid both from the point of view of Sharia and from the point of view of history. The celebrations of the births of our prophet and the prophet ‘Isa, peace be upon them both, have no basis.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Celebrating the night of the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is neither correct from the point of view of Sharia nor from a historical point of view(Fataua Nurun ‘ala-d-darb. T. 19. P. 45).

And Allah Almighty knows best.

Allah specifically points out to us in the Quran that the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him), from the very moment of conception and birth until his impending death, in all respects possessed amazing, miraculous characteristics that distinguished him from all people.

First of all, the prophet Isa (peace be upon him) was conceived and born, bypassing the natural stages of the birth of any person, for he was created without a father. Almighty Allah, even before his birth, through His angels informed his mother, righteous Maryam, about many wonderful features of her future child and the good news that he was sent to her by Allah to become the Messiah for the human race.

One of the features of the prophet Isa (m.e.) is that he is “a word from Allah.” ...After all, the Messiah, Isa, the son of Maryam, is the messenger of Allah and His word [Fulfill!], which He sent to Maryam, the spirit is from Him... (Sura An Nisa "a", 4:171) And the angels said: “O Maryam! Verily, Allah gives you good news about the Word from Him. His name is the Messiah "Isa, son of Mary. He [will be] revered, [chosen and glorious] in this world and the Hereafter and from those who are close [to Allah].” (Sura Al Imran, 3:45) The expression “word from Allah” is used in the Qur’an only in relation to the prophet Isa (m.e.).

Allah informed the righteous Maryam the name of the unborn child even before he was born. All people on earth receive their name from their parents, while the position of the prophet Isa was different: Allah called him the Word from Himself, giving him the name “Isa the Messiah.” This is one of the clear signs that the prophet Isa (m.e.) was born of a creation different from other people. Many miraculous phenomena from the life of the prophet, such as amazing deeds or ascension to Allah during his life, as well as his birth, testify to this difference. As you know, giving birth to a child is a complex process and requires very good care for the mother in labor. It is very difficult for a woman who is about to give birth to cope with it alone, without the help of an experienced assistant or medical intervention.

However, righteous Maryam, who did not have the slightest experience in this matter, trusting in the Grace of the Almighty and His Will, alone coped with this difficult process. She walked up to the trunk of a palm tree, unable to endure the labor pains, and exclaimed: “How I wish I could die before this and be forgotten forever!” Then [Isa] called out from his bosom: “Do not be sad, your Lord has created a stream near you. So shake the trunk of the palm tree and fresh dates will fall on you. Now eat, drink and delight your eyes. If you see any person, then say : “Verily, I have made a vow of fasting to the Merciful and I will not speak to anyone today.” (Sura Maryam, 19:23-26)

Allah helped her with His revelations when the labor pains intensified. The Lord guided her, telling her what needed to be done, and provided everything so that the birth would take place in the easiest way and in the best conditions. This is a great blessing bestowed by Allah Almighty on righteous Maryam: When righteous Maryam returned to her parental home with her child, the baby prophet Isa (m.e.), people did not allow her to in any way explain what happened to her. The people invented a terrifying slander against Maryam and, building their assumptions and suspicions, accused the righteous woman of committing an unworthy and shameful act

The Gospel says that the Prophet Isa (Jesus) was born in Bethlehem, so this city is considered sacred for all Christians. [Maryam] came to her family carrying [the newborn]. They said: “O Maryam! You have made an unparalleled mistake. Oh, sister Haruna! Your father was not a bad person, and your mother was not a dissolute woman...” (Sura Maryam, 19:27-28)

While many of those who accused knew her from the day she was born, they also knew how devoted she and her family were to Allah, how God-fearing Imran’s family was. However, these cruel, unfair accusations against the righteous Maryam were a test from Allah. It was quite obvious that a woman who was extremely devoted to Allah and preserved her integrity would never have done what she was accused of. Accusations and sidelong glances from people were a special test for her, created by Allah. From the first minute of her birth, Allah Almighty always helped her in everything, creating the most righteous outcome in every matter.

Righteous Maryam knew that everything in this world is in the Will of Allah and only He will deliver her from all unfounded accusations and show her righteousness to everyone. For example, even in this situation, the Almighty gave relief to the righteous Maryam; He inspired her to observe a “vow of silence.” When people from her people came to talk to her, she had to remain silent, and if those who wanted to insult or accuse her approached her, she had to silently point to the baby Isa (ie). Thus, Allah eased her situation, relieving her of all grief with the words of people and keeping her from talking. However, the most correct answers to people’s questions began to be given by the baby Isa himself.

When Allah gave Maryam the good news about the upcoming birth of Isa (me), He also told her that the prophet Isa would talk in the cradle, as a baby:) He would talk to people [still] in the cradle, and already mature. He will be one of the righteous. (Sura Al Imran, 3:46) Thus, Allah Almighty granted Maryam relief here too, for the newborn baby miraculously began to talk and explained to people the position of his mother, the righteous Maryam, so that all the “guardians” of morality were forced to stop insults towards Maryam.

This event is described in the Koran as follows: She pointed to the baby, and they asked: “How can we talk to a child in a cradle?” ["Isa] said: “Verily, I am a slave of Allah. He gave me the Book and sent me as a prophet. And wherever I was, He made me blessed [for people], bequeathed to me the duty of prayer and zakat as long as I live." ;made me respectful to my mother, and He did not create me disobedient [to His Lord], deprived of [His] blessing.And there will be peace over me both on the day that I was born, and on the day that I die, and on the day when I am resurrected." (Sura Maryam, 19:29-33)

Undoubtedly, the ability to speak intelligently in a baby while still in the cradle is a miraculous event. But what was most surprising was that the baby Isa (me), as soon as he was born, knew something that no child could know. This miraculous event forced the children of Israel to admit that they were faced with an incredible phenomenon. All these miraculous events indicated that the baby in the cradle is the messenger of Allah. Allah Almighty granted righteous Maryam, who every moment of her life relied on the Mercy and Will of Allah, relief in all worldly trials. Allah, through the mouth of the baby, gave a firm answer to the slander that the people started against her, revealed an unprecedented miracle that plunged everyone into amazement and awe.

Allah said that those people who do not stop their accusations and insults against the righteous Maryam, refusing to accept Divine miraculous signs, will meet the great punishment of Allah (Sura Nisa, 156-157).

Course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures" Topic: Prophet Muhammad and the emergence of Islam Objectives: To know the main events in the life and work of the Prophet Muhammad. Lesson progress 1. Emotional mood for the lesson - Hello, guys! - Assalaam maleikum! - Please tell me why I greeted you like that today? - Sit down and discuss with your shoulder partner why today’s lesson began with such an unusual greeting? (1 min) - Many have already finished the discussion, I would like to know your opinion. (This is how Muslims greeted each other. We are studying the history of the religions of other peoples, now we will talk about Islam) - Absolutely right, guys. This is a greeting with wishes of peace and goodness - Assalam malikum! This is how Muslims all over the world greet each other, shake hands when they meet and wish peace and goodness. This greeting is determined by tradition and religion. Of course, you are right, today we are getting acquainted with the new religion of Islam. In previous lessons we became acquainted with the history of Christianity, the spiritual and moral values ​​of Christian culture and, above all, Orthodox culture. 2. Checking homework - Let us repeat the topic of the previous lesson. Test, work in pairs. Check 1 Divine services are performed by A) Priests B) Church servants and parishioners B) Parishioners D) another answer 2 Church holidays include A) Christmas B) Easter B) Baptism D) All answers are correct 3 Banners with sacred images are called A) Banner B) Banners B) Flag D) Standard 4 Fasting is - A) Abstaining from food of animal origin B) Abstaining from food of plant origin C) Abstaining from food D) Abstaining from drinking 5 Special rituals are called A) secret B) sacraments B) hiddenness D) another answer 6 The baptism of a person in the Orthodox Church occurs with A) Fire B) Earth B) Wind D) Water 7 Confession is A) Repentance B) Communion B) Wedding D) Baptism 8 What do the bride and groom exchange during a wedding A) Wreaths B) Rings B) Families D) Nothing 9 Who created the sacrament of communion A) Priests B) Apostles B) Jesus Christ D) Another answer 10 The main church service is called A) Prayer B) Liturgy B) Procession D) All answers are correct 3. Work on topic - You and I know that every religion has its own founder. - Do you know very well who was the founder of Christianity? (Jesus Christ) - When we talk about Islam, we immediately remember the name Muhammad, which is translated as “glorified.” The life of one or another founder of a religion is reflected in the holy books and has important key events. - Today we will get acquainted with the initial pages of the Prophet Muhammad. - Guys, now I’m telling you a prophet, but who is a prophet? How do you understand the meaning of this word? I ask now, turn to your partner on the shoulder and discuss who the prophet is, numbers 1 and 3 begin. - Thank you, you have finished, these are your initial ideas... - Okay, now read in pairs who the prophet is from my judgments. - Let's summarize, so who is a prophet - a person who is considered a believing messenger of God and through him the text of the holy book of Muslims, the Koran, was transmitted. Prophets are people chosen by Allah who received revelations from Him and preached the true religion to people. The first prophet was the first man - Adam. For Muslims, the last prophet is Muhammad. Muhammad was born in Arabia, in the city of Mecca. Arabia is located on the Arabian Peninsula - the southwestern part of Asia. The peninsula is surrounded by the Persian Gulf to the east, the Red Sea to the west, and the Indian Ocean to the south. In the north are now the states of Iraq and Syria. Much of Arabia is covered with deserts, where the climate is dry and hot. - And now we will work with the contour map. I invite everyone to take a piece of paper and color the territory of Arabia. Think about what color we need to take (yellow or orange, since the territory is a desert). - I already told you in which city Muhammad was born, who remembers? In Mecca, that's right. Mark Mecca on your map and also, guys, mark the city with which you and I will get acquainted - Medina. Try to remember these city names. - Where is Arabia located, since it has a hot and dry climate, of course, in Africa. Put the outline maps aside and read about Arabia in the textbook on page 64, very interesting information about how they lived and what the inhabitants did. - And now I suggest that in the group, one by one, tell you what you learned from the material in the textbook. They start 1 number, I listen carefully to the rest

(Jesus) has a very high status among the prophets in the Quran. Unlike other prophets who, by the will of Allah, performed a miracle, Isa himself was a miracle, since he was born from an immaculate conception. The Almighty describes him and his mother Maryam in the Koran:

“We breathed into her through Our spirit (Jibril) and made her and her son (Isa) a sign for the worlds” (21:91).

At the same time, the Koran describes that Jesus was given signs, like other prophets: “We gave Jesus the son of Mary clear signs” (2:87).

  • Meal from heaven

The fifth chapter of the Koran, named after the miracle of Isa, tells how his followers asked him to ask the Almighty to send down a table of treats.

So the apostles said: “O Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Can your Lord send us a meal from heaven? He said: "Fear Allah if you are believers." They said, “We want to taste it so that our hearts will be at peace, so that we will know that you have told us the truth, and so that we will be witnesses of it.” Isa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), said: “O Allah, our Lord! Send us a meal from heaven, which would be a holiday for all of us, from first to last, and a sign from You. Give us sustenance, for You are the Best of those who give sustenance” (5:112-14).

People asked for a meal that would be a holiday for them, also called the Eucharist, the Last Supper, the Lord's Supper. The Synoptic Gospels tell us that on the first day of unleavened bread, Jesus sent two disciples, Peter and John, into the city, that is, Jerusalem, to prepare the Passover (Passover meal), and they prepared it. In the evening, Jesus sat down with twelve disciples for a meal, during which He predicted the betrayal of one of them. At the Last Supper, Christ established the main sacrament of the Christian faith - the Eucharist, which translated from Greek means “thanksgiving.”

  • Talking baby

One of the miracles described in the Koran, but not described in the Bible, is that Isa spoke while still in the cradle to protect his mother Maryam from people who accused her of dishonor.

People attacked her with the most serious accusations. In response to this, Maryam only silently pointed to the baby. And then baby Isa spoke.

“He will speak to people in the cradle and to adults, and he will become one of the righteous” (3:46).
Isa told the people:

“Verily, I am a slave of Allah. He gave me the Scripture and made me a prophet. He made me blessed wherever I was and commanded me to perform prayer and give zakat as long as I live. He made me respectful to my mother and did not make me arrogant and unhappy. Peace be with me on the day I was born, on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life” (19:30-3).

  • An animated bird

The Koran speaks of a miracle granted only to Isa, which is similar to how the Almighty himself created Adam. In the Qur'an, Isa says:

“I have brought you a sign from your Lord. I will create for you the likeness of a bird out of clay, I will blow on it, and it will become a bird by Allah’s permission” (3:49).

Healing the Blind and the Leper

Just like in the New Testament, the Koran speaks of Isa’s healing of the blind and sick.

“I will heal the blind (or blind from birth; or having weak eyesight) and the leper” (3:49).

  • Reviving the Dead

“And I will give life to the dead by Allah’s leave” (3:49).

Just like the creation of the bird by Isa, this miracle does not comply with the laws of nature. Thanks to this miracle, the Jews believed in the prophecy of Isa. This miracle is one of the most incredible.

  • Inventory knowledge

Isa was given the miracle of knowing what people ate and what they had in store for the future.

“I will tell you what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed, in this there is a sign for you, if only you are believers” (3:49).

  • Discovery of truth

Like other prophets, Jesus was given miracles to convince unbelievers of his righteousness, not to demonstrate his capabilities. The Koran says:

“Indeed, there is a sign for you, if you are believers” (3:49).

All these miracles were created only by the will of Allah, without whose desire they would never have happened. The Koran says:
"...by Allah's permission" (3:49).

“And those who disbelieved and rejected Our signs will be the inhabitants of Hell” (5:10).

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