Military unit 10003

The Soviet secret services became interested in the supernatural and in particular the extrasensory abilities of a person almost immediately after graduation. civil war. But only at the end of the 1980s was it possible to somehow structure research in this area.

Yes, in last years During the so-called perestroika, a group of psychics contacted the Soviet military department, who very convincingly promised to help in solving many problems, in particular, preventing emergencies, searching for missing people, aircraft and ships, and treating wounded and seriously ill soldiers. Their proposal was carefully analyzed. As a result, on the initiative of the Chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Mikhail Moiseev, a new unit was formed - military unit 10003. Colonel Savin Alexey Yuryevich would be appointed commander of the unit. The entire staff of the unit consisted of 10 people who were distinguished by extraordinary and large-scale thinking and had extraordinary abilities for military affairs. At the same time, the comic title of the part appeared - “a thousand and three nights”, which meant that they were doing something frivolous and fabulous there. However, pseudoscientific and almost mystical parapsychology, with which, in fact, the part began, occupied a far from the main role in the activities of military unit 10003.

An important role in the creation of the unit was also played by the fact that in the United States of America in those years a group of scientists was actively operating, collaborating with the Pentagon and the CIA, which dealt with the problems of using human superpowers in the interests of american army and intelligence under the Stargate program. Its leader was the nuclear scientist Edwin May. In the research center, American scientists began to study the so-called far-sightedness, which is very similar to the Russian concept of clairvoyance. In particular, the possibility of using these abilities to carry out psychic communication with their submarines was studied. In addition, attempts were made, using the same abilities, to determine the coordinates of Soviet nuclear missile carriers in the ocean. The group's specialists were also involved in the search for missing people and criminals. Sometimes clairvoyants managed to achieve amazing results, one of which is that one of the psychics who worked in the group - Joseph McMonigle - felt that an unusual submarine was being built in the Soviet Union (in fact, he "saw" one of the Shark submarine missile carriers, which were built as part of the highly classified Typhoon project). But these assumptions turned out to be so incredible that military parapsychologists were not believed. The American government did not even allow the thought that something could exist in the USSR that was not known about. However, the scientists from Star Gates did not retreat, and in the end they were listened to by the intelligence officer of the naval forces Jake Stewart, on whose initiative the orbit of one of the satellites was changed so that it was above the place indicated by the psychic. The Union was sure that there were no foreign satellites over their territory, and therefore they brought one of the submarines into a specially built channel. The Americans, on the other hand, managed to obtain unique photographs, which served as the basis for the start of the vigorous activity of the American intelligence services. As a result, almost everything was known about Typhoon soon.

In addition, American psychics managed to find the wreckage of a secret Soviet reconnaissance aircraft in the African jungle. The equipment of this aircraft was of great value to the Americans, because the Soviet equipment at that time was the most modern in the world.

Thus, in 1989, a real battle flared up between Soviet and American specialists for obtaining priorities in the subconscious sphere, an area that opened up huge prospects for the creation of new types of weapons. This confrontation in the United States was called "psy-war".

It must be said that in the early 1990s, Edwin May visited the Soviet Union for the first time. During the meeting with Alexei Savin, the possibilities of organizing joint activities aimed at combating international terrorists were discussed. Initially, everything was fine, however, when the representatives of the two states managed to agree, and even the concept of a joint program had already been prepared, neither the American nor the Soviet government wanted to accept it. The reasons remain unclear to this day. Later, in 1995, the American Stargate project ceased to exist, since, according to the Pentagon, it was no longer needed due to the absence of the main enemy in the face of the USSR.

Alexey Yuryevich Savin was born in 1946 in Moscow in the family of a military man. From 1964 to December 2004 he served in the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Passed the way from the cadet of the Black Sea Higher Naval School. P.S. Nakhimov to lieutenant general - head of the department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Honored military specialist, doctor of technical and philosophical sciences.
Commander of the legendary military unit 10003, head of the Brain Wars programs (in American terminology).
Member of the fighting. He was awarded many orders and medals, including the Order of Courage.
Honorary Doctor European University, Academician Russian Academy natural sciences, European Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy Sciences, Italian Academy of Economic and Social Sciences.
Since 1989, the head of the program for the development of a new special weapons And military equipment, methods and means of non-traditional types of combat training and education, management of human psychophysical resources.
He has phenomenal abilities that allow him to test and correct the psychophysical capabilities of people. The author of the methodology for revealing the extraordinary abilities of people of different ages and professional activity. Developer of training programs for the elite of the Armed Forces and structures of departmental and state administration systems.
Creator of a new complex science - noocosmology, synthesizing the achievements of many social and natural disciplines.

As for military unit 10003, it continued its activities. The department received the highest level of secrecy. Its structure was organized in such a way that Savin reported directly to the Chief of the General Staff. The ministers of defense, meanwhile, knew practically nothing about the activities and results of research.

The department was financed according to a specially developed secret program, the author of which was the Minister of Finance Soviet Union Valentin Pavlov. He was also the most active patron of the group. About four million dollars were allocated annually for research. Moreover, this scheme turned out to be so successful that it worked without failures until 2003. As for the problems that were solved by the unit, it was very wide, and in addition to scientific, many problems of an applied nature were solved.

So, in the early 90s, it was possible to obtain extrasensory information about the possibility of an explosion of a nuclear facility in Glasgow, while it was not entirely clear where exactly the danger existed - either at some kind of power plant, or at a nuclear warhead. The information was brought to the knowledge of the British. Those, oddly enough, believed and started checking. As a result, literally last minutes managed to avoid a serious and very dangerous man-made and environmental catastrophe not only for Great Britain, but also for the whole of Western Europe. In addition, military psychics predicted an earthquake that occurred in Kamchatka in 1991.

Savin also managed to develop and introduce into the troops a special technique for the mass training of psychics. There was nothing like it anywhere in the world, since it was believed that not everyone had such abilities. Savin, on the other hand, was able to theoretically prove that superpowers can be developed in any normal person. In a number of military educational institutions, special courses were created, in which hundreds of future officers with parapsychological abilities were trained. The main objective of the courses was to give cadets the ability to memorize large amounts of information, to operate in the mind with large information flows and big numbers. In addition, it was necessary to develop high performance and unique capabilities of the human body, which would make it possible to withstand mechanical stress and extreme conditions. But these courses did not last long, and the officers turned out to be unclaimed, but only until the military conflict in Chechnya began. Specialists from military unit 10003 immediately said that the conflict could be settled in the bud and even offered their own plan to overcome the Caucasian crisis. However, Boris Yeltsin ignored their recommendations.

In 1995, Savin, along with his group, arrived in Chechnya. Military psychics assessed the current situation, conducted reconnaissance, determined the location of the militants' secret command posts, indicated the direction of possible terrorist attacks, predicted future developments, and took part in the interrogations of militants. This went on for two years. Military unit 10003 in Chechnya worked quite well, so in 1997 its status was upgraded from a branch of the General Staff to a special department. Savin received the rank of lieutenant general, and the range of tasks that military psychics were engaged in was significantly expanded. And the results of their research are simply shocking to the mind. common man.

However, the situation has changed radically with the advent of the new century. A new head of state appeared in Russia, and a new minister headed the military department. Despite the fact that hundreds of diversified research and academic institutions were involved in the work, at the end of 2003 Savin's unit was liquidated by special order, and the commander himself resigned in 2004. Military unit 10003 lasted a little over 15 years. The American project existed for about the same time. The results obtained by these two groups were largely similar, but at the same time very different. But what unites the leaders of these groups is the conviction that the time of wars is in the past, and the world must be built by the power of unity, and not by force.

In December 1989, a secret unit appeared in the General Staff - military unit 10003. Even the then Minister of Defense Dmitry Yazov did not know exactly what the employees of the new department were doing. Rumors were the darkest: allegedly military unit 10003 specializes in creating combat zombies, communicates with aliens, magicians and psychics.

Is it so? Aleksey Yuryevich SAVIN, the former head of the reserve lieutenant general of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, agreed to talk about the everyday life of military unit 10003.

Alexey Yuryevich, there are a lot of tales and fables floating around the unit you commanded. What did this military unit actually do?

Of course, most of what they say about military unit 10003 has nothing to do with reality. In fact, this part was mainly engaged in the study of human superpowers. And one of the main tasks was to create methods by which ordinary person can be endowed with unusual possibilities. So that he can remember a large amount of information, operate in his mind with large numbers and information flows. In a word, to reveal in him an outstanding creative potential and extrasensory abilities. And since the unit was still military, we hoped to find ways to endow a person with high performance and unique body capabilities that allow them to withstand extreme conditions and mechanical stress without harming health. Moreover, it was important for us to develop the phenomenal capabilities of a person inherent in him by nature, and not to simply collect people with extrasensory abilities from all over the country.

- How did the idea of ​​creating such a military unit come about?

In 1986, I was offered the position of a senior officer in the Armaments Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense, of course, I accepted. When I worked in this department, I happened to get acquainted with a large number of very unusual developments, many of which are still considered secret. So, in the last years of perestroika, a civilian group of psychics approached the USSR Minister of Defense with a proposal to use their abilities to search for missing ships, locate and treat people. I was tasked with understanding the effectiveness of the psychics' proposal. After doing research, I found that in 20% of cases, psychics showed a very good result. As a result, after my report to the Chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Mikhail Moiseev, the idea came up with the idea to create a direction for the development of extraordinary and extrasensory abilities of a person. I was offered to head this department, which then grew into management.

- How did the top leaders of the Ministry of Defense react to the creation of such a unit?

Yazov, when they reported to him about our work, said in his hearts: "With you and believe in hell, get out of my sight." Since then, in order not to provoke the wrath of the materialistic-minded leadership, we began to obey the Chief of the General Staff. And for the first 10 years of the unit's existence, no one even knew about our top-secret work.

- Did any of the Soviet leaders seriously support your research?

Finance Minister Valentin Pavlov became our most active patron. He provided funding for our work. With his suggestion, we organized an exhibition that told about possible methods of working with people to reveal their superpowers. Some time after the exhibition, Pavlov suggested that we create a super-elite that could pull the country out of the abyss into which it persistently fell. It was supposed to create super-advisers for the government and the Ministry of Defense. We were looking for talented young people all over the country. But, unfortunately, after the State Emergency Committee, these works had to be curtailed.

- And how did other military units treat your activities?

Differently. In March 1990, my group and I arrived in Star City. Then the cosmonaut detachment was led by pilot-cosmonaut Vladimir Shatalov. They talked about the possibilities of using extrasensory perception in the training of astronauts, but Shatalov said that he did not believe in mysticism. One of my assistants says: "Take a pencil and put it in your bent hand, and then let go." Shatalov did just that. The pencil rolled down. Then my assistant asked him to do the same, but this time the pencil literally stuck to the astronaut's hand. And no matter how he shook his hand, without a command, the pencil did not come off. So we convinced Shatalov that paranormal things do exist.

- Have you had other successes? For example, did your predictions and predictions come true?

Yes. In 1991, I was asked to calculate the seismic situation in Kamchatka, where serious military exercises were planned. Soon I brought the Chief of the General Staff a map with marked places of the alleged earthquakes, and he handed it over to the responsible general. But the general, apparently not taking into account the source of information, sent a coded message to the troops with instructions to prepare for an earthquake. As a result, military families began to leave places, a banal panic began. At the same time, seismologists did not predict anything extraordinary. I got a call from the apparatus of the Minister of Defense and was told that if there was no earthquake, then I would have serious troubles. But exactly at the appointed hour, the earthquake happened.

- Tell me, is it true that your unit was looking for contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations?

We did not deal directly with this topic, but sometimes we were attracted as experts. Once in the summer of 1991, one of the psychics Mark Melhiker and a group of his associates in different cities of the USSR came to the conclusion that aliens should land in the town of Zarafshan near Tashkent at a certain time, seeking contact with our civilization. Somehow, Gorbachev found out about this and ordered Yazov to look into it.

It is noteworthy that the aliens demanded through psychics to turn off the air defense systems in the landing area, and this could only be done with the approval of Gorbachev. I don’t know if the air defense was actually turned off, most likely not, but we flew by helicopter to the area of ​​​​the alleged landing of the alien ship. We sat down in the desert, waiting ... But no one arrived.

One of the pilots began to make fun of Melchiker. To which the psychic offered to put him into a state of hypnosis and give him the opportunity to communicate with aliens. The pilot, laughing, agreed. After immersing himself in hypnosis, the pilot began talking to someone, expounding complex scientific theories. Coming out of hypnosis, he could not repeat them. After this incident, if we tried to make contact with alien civilizations only through extrasensory perception.

Finance Minister Valentin Pavlov proposed creating a super-elite that could pull the country out of the abyss into which it had fallen. Talented youth were sought throughout the country.

Today there is a lot of talk about psychotronic weapons, with which you can program any person. How justified are these rumors?

We worked on the issues of psychic intelligence and ways to protect against it. However, after conducting a series of studies, they came to the conclusion that it is practically impossible to “drive” into the head of the president of a country a program that he would unquestioningly carry out. Even for such a theoretical impact, special conditions are needed: time, a relaxed psychological attitude, a special environment. Moreover, the president is most often a strong-willed person who himself zombies anyone you want.

- And what is military unit 10003 doing today?

In 2004, I retired. So what about future fate part, as well as about its research, I, unfortunately, do not know anything.

Interviewed by Dmitry SOKOLOV
“Mysteries and Mysteries. Steps» December 2012

And now your attention is invited to an article about the same, published in September 2016:

Military unit 10003: location, secret methods, employees and military personnel. Training according to the methodology of military unit 10003: reviews

How to improve the quality of life and reveal your inner abilities? How to accelerate the achievement of the goal and learn how to make the right decisions? How to get rid of fear, irritation and anxiety? Finding answers to these questions will help a special technique used by the intellectual club "Team 10003".

How it all began?

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the years of perestroika became a period of collapse and timelessness for many. On the foreign policy post-Soviet countries increasingly felt the hostile influence of NATO and the United States of America. Cooperating with the Central Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon in the Stargate program actively developed psi-attack technologies that make it possible to exert an energy-information effect on the enemy. They are called "Brain Wars".

Until the 1980s, the Soviet Union also conducted its own research in the field of supernatural abilities, but they were not systematic. The collapse of the USSR and the need to protect the head of state from Western psi-attacks led to the intensive development of human extrasensory abilities by the Soviet special services. The government and the Ministry of Defense needed a super-elite - people with phenomenal abilities.

First result

After the collapse of the USSR, one of the tasks of the Stargate overseas program was to incite hostility between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. The result of the conflict provoked by American military psychics would be a bloodless Russia and a weakened China, which could eventually end in a global nuclear missile war. The Kremlin officers - parapsychologists - managed to prevent this.

Why was military unit 10003 created?

On the initiative of the Chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Mikhail Moiseev, military unit No. 10003 was formed in 1989. Since that time, an active confrontation began between the USA and the USSR in the subconscious. This military unit was formed to assist in solving many specific problems. leader government programs A well-deserved military specialist, a prominent anthropophenomenologist, Lieutenant General A. Yu. Savin, became a confrontation with a potential enemy in the field of the psychosphere.

Employees and servicemen of military unit 10003, using their phenomenal abilities, worked in four directions:

1. They prevented emergencies, searched for missing people, criminals, warehouses with weapons and ammunition, aircraft and ships, treated wounded and sick soldiers.
2. Analyzed the programs of psi-wars by NATO and the USA.
3. We worked on creating our own methods of energy-information influence.
4. Developed the intuitive and intellectual abilities of "special operators" - top-level analysts, whose capabilities were much more effective than those of mediums and telepaths.

In the military unit, they were engaged in the formation of an outstanding creativity and psychic abilities. Specially, psychics were not recruited into Savin's group.

Who developed psychotechnics in the USSR?

The basis of the methodology in military unit 10003 was various achievements in the field of the supernatural Siberian, Tibetan, Altai and Asian cultures. Diverse research and academic institutions were engaged in the analysis and creation of energy-information impact techniques: the Bolshoi and Medical Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, the Ministry of Defense and Industry, Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Institutes of Philosophy and Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. Employees of these organizations carried out their part of the research without having any idea about who they work for. This is due to the fact that the activities of military unit 10003 were classified. As a result, in a short period of time, the military leadership of the USSR had necessary information on the strengths and weaknesses of psi-programs in Western countries and the United States.

Team leader

Military unit 10003 was a staff of ten people with extraordinary thinking and military skills. The head of the unit, Doctor of Philosophical and Technical Sciences, military specialist Savin Alexey Yuryevich went from a cadet of the Black Sea School named after. P. S. Nakhimov to Lieutenant General of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 1989, he began to lead military unit 10003. General Savin A. Yu. became the developer of a new non-traditional program for combat training and training of elite special forces of the Russian Federation. The complex science created by this man - noocosmology - synthesized the achievements of many disciplines.

Savin became the organizer of the work to solve the problem of determining the nature of human capabilities. He created unique technique revealing the extraordinary abilities of people, which was subsequently introduced into the troops. Thanks to Savin, mass training of military personnel, and later civilians, including children and the elderly, began in the USSR. Alexey Yuryevich substantiated theoretically and proved in practice that any naturally normal person without any problems discovers and develops real superpowers.

How is the part organized?

Military unit 10003 had the highest level of secrecy. Even the ministers of defense knew nothing about the work of Colonel Savin's department. Only the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Mikhail Moiseev, was aware of the activities of the unit, who was subordinate to the head of military unit 10003.

Secret techniques made it possible to develop great abilities in a person. Significant funds were required for their development and implementation. The head of the General Staff at the disposal of A. Savin was allocated a service apartment. The room was equipped with government communications and equipment necessary for the research work of employees of military unit 10003. The location of the headquarters at that time was the Kropotkinskaya metro stop area. Later, the head of the unit acquired other reference points - various headquarters, research institutes, military and civilian institutions.


This issue was dealt with by the active patron of the Savin group, the Minister of Finance of the USSR Valentin Pavlov. To finance military unit 10003, a secret program was specially developed, according to which every year the state research work four million dollars. According to an established and secret scheme, transfers were carried out until 2003.

What was the idea behind Savin's method?

Contrary to the prevailing opinion that not everyone has psychic abilities, the head of military unit 10003 proved the opposite: after a course of study, any normal person could develop unique abilities in himself. The courses, through which hundreds of officers passed, were carried out in closed military educational institutions. Training according to the methodology of military unit 10003 gave its first results: the cadets memorized a significant amount of information, operated in their minds with large numbers. In addition to the increased working capacity of the brain, the officers, without harm to their health, developed unique body capabilities hidden for an ordinary unprepared person. The cadets increased their resistance to external mechanical influences, which made it possible to use it in extreme conditions.

Achievements of military psychics

In the first years of the group's activity, employees of military unit 10003 received psychic information about the upcoming explosion at a nuclear facility in Glasgow. It remains unclear where the threat comes from. The danger to the British could be a nuclear warhead and a power plant. Reported in time to Western experts, information about a possible explosion prevented ecological catastrophe in Europe.

Also, employees of military unit 10003 predicted an earthquake that happened in Kamchatka. In addition, they developed their own version of the solution to the conflict in the Caucasus. Unfortunately, B. Yeltsin did not take advantage of the recommendations of his employees, which led to a military crisis in Chechnya. Arriving in the Caucasus, Colonel Savin, together with his subordinates of military unit 10003, identified the location of the command centers Chechen fighters assisted with interrogations. The group assessed the situation and made predictions about future events.

As a result of the effective two-year work of military unit 10003 on the conflict in the Caucasus, its status has increased. Since 1997, the military unit of Colonel Savin, which was considered a branch of the General Staff, received the status of a special department. The leader himself was promoted.

End of project

The military unit of General Savin worked for 15 years. Since 2000, the process of declassifying some of the provisions of the methodology began with their gradual adaptation to civilian life. Now they have begun to be used not only in law enforcement agencies, but also in educational institutions, private business structures. In 2003, by special order, military unit 10003 was liquidated, and its commander resigned. Thus the work was completed secret project created at the most critical moment for the country. Psychic officers saved the state from inevitable ruin and collapse, and their numerous discoveries in the field of the phenomenal became the basis for psychological training.

Psychological training "Team-A"

The author's technique of A. Savin has proved its effectiveness in the years cold war. The results obtained during the activities of the military unit 10003 formed the basis of the psychological training “Team-A”, which is conducted by Alexei Savin. The technique is based on the internal intellectual potential of a person, on his desire for self-improvement. Training through self-concentration makes it possible to activate intuitive abilities and expand the horizon of inner vision, as a result of which a person can easily and quickly achieve his goal.

Stages of learning and limitations

Training consists of several main parts:

- Master Class. Acquisition of basic skills.
- Independent improvement by comprehending the received information about the philosophy of the universe.
- Workshops.

As for the restrictions, they are as follows:

1. People with mental disabilities are not allowed to take courses.
2. The presence of children is prohibited in the classes of the adult group.
3. When working with a children's group, the presence of a parent is allowed.
4. It is forbidden to conduct video recording of courses.
5. It is undesirable to use tablets, phones and laptops during the training.

What can you learn after attending the course?

Specialists led by A. Savin achieved high results in the training of law enforcement officers, special services and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as civilians who were trained according to the methodology of military unit 10003. A person who attends the courses acquires many useful skills:

- He is able to create a psychological portrait of a person using his photograph, personal items, initials, handwriting or painting. Also carry out health checks.
- The individual is able to determine psychological condition both the individual and the whole team.
- Reveals the hidden targets of the enemy.
- He is able to find in himself reserves of strength in the performance of professional duties.
- A person knows how to predict and correctly assess life situations.
- Heals with hands or eyes.
- Can develop creative abilities: operate with extensive information flows or numbers, write scientific papers.

How to improve the quality of life and reveal your inner abilities? How to accelerate the achievement of the goal and learn how to make the right decisions? How to get rid of fear, irritation and anxiety? Finding answers to these questions will help a special technique used by the intellectual club "Team 10003".

How it all began?

The collapse and years of perestroika for many became a period of collapse and timelessness. In foreign policy, the post-Soviet countries increasingly felt the hostile influence of NATO and the United States of America. Cooperating with the Central Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon in the Stargate program actively developed psi-attack technologies that make it possible to exert an energy-information effect on the enemy. They are called "Brain Wars".

Until the 1980s, their research in the field of supernatural abilities was also carried out, but they were not systematic. The collapse of the USSR and the need to protect the head of state from Western psi-attacks led to the intensive development of human extrasensory abilities by the Soviet special services. The government and the Ministry of Defense needed a super-elite - people with phenomenal abilities.

First result

After the collapse of the USSR, one of the tasks of the Stargate overseas program was to incite hostility between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. The result of the conflict provoked by American military psychics would be a bloodless Russia and a weakened China, which could eventually end in a global nuclear missile war. The Kremlin officers - parapsychologists - managed to prevent this.

Why was military unit 10003 created?

On the initiative of the Chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Mikhail Moiseev, military unit No. 10003 was formed in 1989. Since that time, an active confrontation began between the USA and the USSR in the subconscious. This military unit was formed to assist in solving many specific problems. Honored military specialist, prominent anthropophenomenologist, lieutenant general A. Yu. Savin became the head of state programs for confrontation with a potential adversary in the field of the psychosphere.

Employees and servicemen of military unit 10003, using their phenomenal abilities, worked in four directions:

  1. They prevented emergencies, searched for missing people, criminals, warehouses with weapons and ammunition, aircraft and ships, treated wounded and sick soldiers.
  2. We analyzed the programs of psi-wars by NATO and the USA.
  3. We worked on creating our own methods of energy-information influence.
  4. They developed the intuitive and intellectual abilities of "special operators" - top-level analysts, whose capabilities were much more effective than those of mediums and telepaths.

They were engaged in the formation of extraordinary creative potential and extrasensory abilities among officers. Specially, psychics were not recruited into Savin's group.

Who developed psychotechnics in the USSR?

The basis of the methodology in military unit 10003 was various achievements in the field of the supernatural Siberian, Tibetan, Altai and Asian cultures. Diverse research and academic institutions were engaged in the analysis and creation of energy-information impact techniques: the Bolshoi and Medical Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, the Ministry of Defense and Industry, Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Institutes of Philosophy and Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. Employees of these organizations carried out their part of the research without having any idea about who they work for. This is due to the fact that the activities of military unit 10003 were classified. As a result, in a short period of time, the military leadership of the USSR had the necessary information about the merits and weaknesses of the psi programs of the Western countries and the United States.

Team leader

The military unit 10003 was a staff of ten people with extraordinary thinking and abilities for military craft. The head of the unit, Doctor of Philosophical and Technical Sciences, a military specialist has gone from being a cadet of the Black Sea School. P. S. Nakhimov to Lieutenant General of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 1989, he began to lead military unit 10003. General Savin A. Yu. became the developer of a new non-traditional program for combat training and training of elite special forces of the Russian Federation. The complex science created by this man - noocosmology - synthesized the achievements of many disciplines.

Savin became the organizer of the work to solve the problem of determining the nature of human capabilities. He created a unique technique for revealing the extraordinary abilities of people, which was subsequently introduced into the troops. Thanks to Savin, mass training of military personnel, and later civilians, including children and the elderly, began in the USSR. Alexey Yuryevich substantiated theoretically and proved in practice that any naturally normal person without any problems discovers and develops real superpowers.

How is the part organized?

Military unit 10003 had the highest level of secrecy. Even the ministers of defense knew nothing about the work of Colonel Savin's department. Only the head of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Mikhail Moiseev, was aware of the activities of the unit, who was subordinate to the head of military unit 10003.

Secret techniques made it possible to develop great abilities in a person. Significant funds were required for their development and implementation. The head of the General Staff at the disposal of A. Savin was allocated a service apartment. The room was also equipped with the equipment necessary for the research work of employees of military unit 10003. The location of the headquarters at that time was the Kropotkinskaya metro stop area. Later, the head of the unit acquired other reference points - various headquarters, research institutes, military and civilian institutions.


This issue was dealt with by the active patron of the Savin group, the Minister of Finance of the USSR Valentin Pavlov. To finance military unit 10003, a secret program was specially developed, according to which four million dollars were allocated each year by the state for research work. According to an established and secret scheme, transfers were carried out until 2003.

What was the idea behind Savin's method?

Contrary to the prevailing opinion that not everyone has psychic abilities, the head of military unit 10003 proved the opposite: after a course of study, any normal person could develop unique abilities in himself. The courses, through which hundreds of officers passed, were carried out in closed military educational institutions. Training according to the methodology of military unit 10003 gave its first results: the cadets memorized a significant amount of information, operated in their minds with large numbers. In addition to the increased working capacity of the brain, the officers, without harm to their health, developed unique body capabilities hidden for an ordinary unprepared person. The cadets increased their resistance to external mechanical influences, which made it possible to use it in extreme conditions.

Achievements of military psychics

In the first years of the group's activity, employees of military unit 10003 received psychic information about the upcoming explosion at a nuclear facility in Glasgow. It remains unclear where the threat comes from. The danger to the British could be a nuclear warhead and a power plant. Reported in time to Western experts, information about a possible explosion prevented an ecological catastrophe in Europe.

Also, employees of military unit 10003 predicted an earthquake that happened in Kamchatka. In addition, they developed their own version of the solution to the conflict in the Caucasus. Unfortunately, B. Yeltsin did not take advantage of the recommendations of his employees, which led to a military crisis in Chechnya. Arriving in the Caucasus, Colonel Savin, together with his subordinates of military unit 10003, identified the location of the command centers of Chechen fighters and helped conduct interrogations. The group assessed the situation and made predictions about future events.

As a result of the effective two-year work of military unit 10003 on the conflict in the Caucasus, its status has increased. Since 1997, the military unit of Colonel Savin, which was considered a branch of the General Staff, received the status of a special department. The leader himself was promoted.

End of project

Generala Savina worked for 15 years. Since 2000, the process of declassifying some of the provisions of the methodology began with their gradual adaptation to civilian life. Now they have begun to be used not only in law enforcement agencies, but also in educational institutions, private business structures. In 2003, by special order, military unit 10003 was liquidated, and its commander resigned. Thus, the work of the secret project, created at the most critical moment for the country, was completed. Psychic officers saved the state from inevitable ruin and collapse, and their numerous discoveries in the field of the phenomenal became the basis for psychological training.

Psychological training "Team-A"

The author's technique of A. Savin proved its effectiveness during the Cold War. The results obtained during the activities of the military unit 10003 formed the basis of the psychological training "Team-A", which is conducted by Alexei Savin. The methodology is based on inner man on his desire for self-improvement. Training through self-concentration makes it possible to activate intuitive abilities and inner vision, as a result of which a person can easily and quickly achieve his goal.

Stages of learning and limitations

Training consists of several main parts:

  • Master Class. Acquisition of basic skills.
  • Self-improvement by comprehending the information received about the philosophy of the universe.
  • Workshops.

As for the restrictions, they are as follows:

  1. People with mental disabilities are not allowed to attend the courses.
  2. Children are not allowed in adult classes.
  3. When working with a children's group, the presence of a parent is allowed.
  4. Video recording of courses is prohibited.
  5. It is undesirable to use tablets, phones and laptops during the training.

What can you learn after attending the course?

Specialists led by A. Savin achieved high results in the training of law enforcement officers, special services and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as civilians who were trained according to the methodology of military unit 10003. A person who attends the courses acquires many useful skills:

  • He is able to create a psychological portrait of a person using his photograph, personal belongings, initials, handwriting or painting. Also carry out health checks.
  • The individual is able to determine the psychological state of both the individual and the entire team.
  • Reveals hidden enemy targets.
  • He is able to find in himself reserves of strength in the performance of professional duties.
  • A person knows how to predict and correctly assess life situations.
  • Heals with hands or eyes.
  • Can develop creative abilities: operate with extensive information flows or numbers, write scientific papers.

In 1989, one of the most secret units, military unit 10003, appeared in the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces.
A secret “psy-war” “began” with the fact that a group of psychics turned to the USSR Ministry of Defense, who “guaranteed” with oaths like “so that I die” help in solving many problems: searching for missing ships and aircraft, preventing various emergencies, treating seriously ill patients and seriously wounded soldiers. Not dismissed. As a result, the then Chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Mikhail Moiseev, proposed the formation of this same military unit 10003. Colonel Alexei Savin was appointed commander, by his personal order, while he was assigned the position of a general.

"Psychic" Alexey Savin

At the same time, in the United States in the CIA, "psychics" began "work" in the framework of the Stargate project.

The "battle" of our and American "psychics" called "psy-war" began.

Initially, department 10003 was set to the highest level of secrecy. Savin received the right to report directly only to the Chief of the General Staff. Even the ministers of defense did not have detailed information about the activities of this unit - they just so cleverly organized its hierarchical subordination. The financing scheme for military unit 10003 was personally developed by the then Minister of Finance of the USSR Valentin Pavlov.

Savin introduced mass training of psychics into the troops. He proved that any person without any problems discovers and develops real superpowers.

Savin considered his main achievement to receive "psychic information" about a possible nuclear explosion in the Glasgow area. The information was allegedly brought to the attention of the British, and they allegedly literally at the last moment were able to prevent a man-made and environmental catastrophe. The explosion allegedly could have occurred at one of NATO's nuclear facilities.

In 1997, the military unit, the former department of the General Staff, was transformed into a special department, that is, the status of the unit increased significantly. Savin was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general, many employees were awarded military orders.

Military unit 10003 achieved results that are truly transcendent for the perception of the human mind. About a hundred academic institutes and various specialized research institutes were involved in the general work.
However, at the end of 2003, the army leadership found signs of reasonableness, and part 10003 was eliminated.

Both the generals and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the President of Russia are believers, but they consult with academicians, and there are the same believers. There is no one to resist obscurantists ... Of course, foreign military and government officials of the highest rank are greedy for crazy "discoveries" ..

In England in the thirties, the inventors of the "death rays" appeared. In absolute secrecy, tests were carried out at the test site. Thirty meters from the ray generator, a peg was driven into the ground and a hare was tied to it. The installation was turned on. The hare was dying. The British military fought in ecstasy. One professor saved them from ruin. He suddenly threw himself under the beam. And when the generator was turned off, the hare still died. As it turned out, before tying the animal to a peg, the laboratory assistant imperceptibly injected poison into it.

In the mid-1950s, the military came to the Institute of Physical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and reported that antigravity research had begun in America. The US Air Force allocated $1 million to a certain Friedman for this purpose. Our military were eager to fight, asked to be told how serious it was, and were already going to create a plan for similar studies in the USSR. It soon became clear that Friedman, having captured a million dollars and his secretary, fled to South America.

In the 60s, a certain closed department of Petrov operated in Novosibirsk. This secret structure has been researching telepathy for quite some time. (The Ministry of Defense then really wanted to transmit an "unconventional" signal to a submarine.) When the results were required, a special commission headed by Boris Chirikov, having carefully studied the work of the department, did not find any achievements. The structure was liquidated but only six months later.

In the late 60s and 70s, the Vympel Central Research and Production Association and several regime research institutes undertook to develop and implement the ideas of R. Avramenko, who proposed to create a "plasma weapon", based on the fact that microwave radiation capable of changing the trajectory of a rocket in the atmosphere. The institutes of the military-industrial complex began grandiose work: they created unique test benches and even built a separate power plant for them. The idea cost about 1.5 billion rubles. There were no results. There were no prospects. And yet, in the mid-nineties, 1.8 billion rubles were allocated from the reserve fund of the Council of Ministers for the same project and it was planned to allocate another 20 billion.

In 1987, Academician Yevgeny Aleksandrov (at that time the deputy director for science of the State Optical Institute) received a top secret report from the Ministry of Defense Industry, which urgently needed a review. Some authors proposed a universal theory of discovery, on the basis of which they swore to create an infinitely fast carrier of nuclear weapons, a hyperdrive, a generator that increases yields, etc. The academician refused, but the academicians already had positive reviews of the report!

In the late 80s, Sergei Kapitsa and cosmonaut Alexei Leonov were asked to speak to management team armed forces of the Warsaw Pact countries. High officials were seated in the hall. The scientist shared his views on the development of science. And after him, the psychic Juna appeared before the military.

According to some reports, Juna was actively supported in Suslov's secretariat. One way or another, it was promoted by rather high party circles.

1988-1989 saw the heyday of the activities of the ISTC "Vent", created under the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology with the support of the Ministry of Defense (military unit 10003), the Ministry of Atomic Energy Industry and the Innovation Council under the chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers.

At the ISTC "Vent" they worked on "torsion" ("spinor") fields invisible and inaccessible to devices. Of course, no serious examinations were carried out. But only through the Ministry of Defense, the cost of "research" projects amounted to 23 million rubles (at that time - about 4 million 600 thousand dollars).

The chronicle of mystical, pseudo-scientific and other absurdities can be continued endlessly.

Our leadership consults psychics, Scientologists, believes in astrological forecasts, engages in the occult... And for “insulting the feelings of believers”, they have so far approved fines and terms of up to 5 years, but over time, apparently, as in some Islamic countries, deputies who do not decide anything will probably decide what is needed yet sentence those who disagree with this obscurantism to capital punishment.

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In 1989, a secret "psychic war" began between the West and the East, the true essence of which is still little known.

In the last years of perestroika, a group of psychics approached the USSR Ministry of Defense, who quite convincingly guaranteed assistance in solving many problems: searching for missing ships and aircraft, preventing various emergencies, treating seriously ill and seriously wounded soldiers. Unusual walkers were not dismissed. A thorough analysis of their proposals was carried out. As a result, the Chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Mikhail Moiseev, proposed the formation of a new department - military unit 10003. Colonel Alexei Savin was appointed commander, by his personal order, while he was assigned the position of general. The number of employees included the brightest and most talented military specialists with large-scale and extraordinary thinking. It is interesting that the almost mystical and "pseudo-scientific" parapsychology, with which it all began, occupied a considerable, but by no means the main part in the subject of military unit 10003.

Such an unusual decision was made, perhaps, because in the United States, under the auspices of the Pentagon and in close contact with the CIA, a group of outstanding scientists worked against the USSR at that time, solving the problems of using unusual human abilities in the interests of intelligence and the US Army as part of the Star gate."

It can be said that in December 1989, an almost fantastic battle between our and American specialists for priorities in the field of the subconscious began, which opened up the prospects for new types of battles, which in America were called "brain" or "psy-wars".

Initially, department 10003 was set to the highest level of secrecy. Savin received the right to report directly only to the Chief of the General Staff. Even the ministers of defense did not have detailed information about the activities of this unit - they just so cleverly organized its hierarchical subordination. The financing scheme for military unit 10003 was personally developed by the Minister of Finance of the USSR Valentin Pavlov, and in such a way that it worked smoothly until the end of 2003.

What has been done by its employees can be told for a long and exciting time. And all this is not fiction, but real facts, backed up by documents, although their work is perceived by many to this day as some kind of nonsense from the evil one.

Meanwhile, in the 1990s, there was a revolution in various areas psychology and philosophy. In particular, many secrets of phenomenal phenomena in the human psyche were clarified, and a unique method for revealing the extraordinary abilities of people, including in the field of parapsychology, was created.

Savin managed to develop a special technique and introduce into the troops, one might say, mass training of psychics. Nowhere else in the world did anything like this. After all, it is believed that the superpowers of a person are the lot of the elite! However, Aleksey Yuryevich was able to theoretically substantiate and prove in practice that any naturally normal person can discover and develop real superpowers without any problems.

As Savin recalls, in the early 1990s, it was psychic information about a possible nuclear explosion in the Glasgow area that was received. Information was cunningly brought to the British. Strange as it may seem, they believed, checked, and indeed, literally at the last moment, they were able to prevent a very serious man-made and environmental catastrophe for themselves and all of Western Europe. The explosion, as it turned out, could have occurred at one of NATO's nuclear facilities.

Specialists of military unit 10003 actively worked throughout the entire counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. Moreover, they immediately identified and brought to supreme power that the conflict can be nipped in the bud and offered their own plan for overcoming the emerging crisis. Alas, the Supreme Commander ignored their recommendations. And here psychics were powerless.

In Chechnya, Savin's subordinates opened secret minefields of militants, determined the location of their secret command posts, and the direction of terrorist attacks. In general, military unit 10003 worked very well in Chechnya. This is confirmed by the fact that in 1997 the military unit, the former department of the General Staff, was transformed into a special department, that is, the status of the unit has increased significantly. Savin was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general, many employees were awarded military orders.

The range of tasks to be solved has expanded significantly. In its research, military unit 10003 came up with results that are truly transcendent for perception by the blinkered human mind. About a hundred academic institutes and various specialized research institutes were involved in the general work. However, at the end of 2003 it was concluded that the secret military unit fulfilled its tasks and should be eliminated.

Military unit 10003 existed for about fifteen years. The overseas project "Stargate" worked a little longer. The results of their activities are somewhat similar, in many ways they differ. But unites former leaders There is only one secret program: the time of wars, in their unanimous opinion, has passed on the planet. The world of the 21st century must be built not by force of arms, but by the force of unity in overcoming common problems that have gone beyond national borders and put the planet on the brink of its survival.

However, the saying is true here: when the devil gets old, he goes to the monastery. In addition, a person that is ours, that is American, is usually rich in hindsight. Veterans of psi-wars, of course, understand the danger of unauthorized intrusion into the human subconscious and try to reason with those who make decisions. However, having closed the intelligence direction of the Stargate program, the Pentagon, despite the negative position of very respectable scientists, sharply intensified work on the creation of technical psychotronic weapons, and made great progress overseas in this direction. Work on the creation of similar weapons is being carried out in the PRC, and no less successfully than in the United States. But Russia in this case once again acted as the initiator of unilateral disarmament, although, of course, there was no PR campaign on this issue.

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